Old Friend
Warning: a bit of talk of suicide and cutting
Sorry it's taken a few days. I am about to start working on two new stories and one in going to be really sad, so I've been writing those chapters. I've been pretty depressed lately, but I promise the updates won't take this long. It's only been like four days, maybe five, but I try to update daily.
It's actually really crappy so... I'm sorry.
Harry's phone rang loudly throughout his childhood bedroom, causing him to wake up. Louis mumbled something in his sleep but didn't move.
Harry grabbed the device before answering it quickly. "Hello?"
"Harry? It's Ed."
"'Lo. It's seven in the morning, is something wrong?"
"No, I was just curious to know if you'd like to hang out today? Just us two?"
Harry's gaze shifted to the sleeping boy beside him. He didn't want to leave Louis.
"Only for breakfast and then the arcade. I swear," Ed added quickly, sensing Harry's hesitancy.
"Okay," Harry agreed with a sigh.
"Okay, I'll be there at nine."
Harry groaned and fell back on the mattress sleepily. Louis cuddled into him.
"Lou, I gotta get up and shower," Harry whined, nudging the smaller man.
"Why?" Louis asked hoarsely.
"I'm going out to breakfast and to the local arcade with Ed."
"Oh... Can I come?" Harry sighed and pressed a kiss to Louis's forehead.
"I think Ed and I should be alone for a bit to talk things out. The other lads are here to keep you company. I swear I won't be long."
Louis mumbled an agreement.
The ride to The Egg was silent. Ed and Harry were so awkward. Harry turned on Ed's radio and was relieved when Ed instantly started singing along with Sex by The 1975; this meant Harry could keep it on this station.
They arrived at the breakfast restaurant around 9:15 and sat at a small booth together. Harry missed having breakfast with Ed, Liam, and Emma before school. They'd always meet at the small donut shop next to the school building.
"I miss you," Harry blurted, staring down at the table.
He looked up to see Ed's reaction. The red head looked surprised and a little relieved.
"But you left me," Ed pointed out quietly.
"I left everyone and everything. Don't feel alone."
"You almost died."
Harry groaned. Why did people constantly point this out?
Almost. Key word.
"I didn't die."
"You cut, Harry."
"I still cut, Ed. I started back a few days ago," Harry whispered, playing with the salt shaker.
He was saved by the waitress who approached their table. She blushed when she saw the two handsome lads and immediately looked down at her silver flats.
"Welcome to The Egg, how may I help you?"
"Um, a coffee- two sugars, three creams- and a ham and cheese omelet, please," Ed mumbled.
"An orange juice and a blueberry pancake," Harry said softly, gazing at Ed, who was scratching his pale wrist.
The blushing waitress nodded and left.
"Funny how girls still fancy you so easily," Ed pointed out, chuckling to himself.
"Oh, Ed, you know she was staring at you."
"Doubt it. You're a looker," Ed spoke, smiling slightly, teasing his old friend.
Harry grinned for the first time since he'd left Manchester- besides being around Louis- before lowering his gaze to the table. He really had missed his friend.
"You cheated," Ed spoke as soon as Harry's name flashed across the screen ahead.
"How do you cheat at Dance Star?" Harry gawked, raising his eyebrows in amusement.
"You become Harry Styles."
The taller lad laughed, showing off his dimples. "I suppose you can do that if you tried hard enough."
"Trust me, mate, no one will try too hard to become you."
"Shove off," Harry chuckled.
Ed challenge Harry to another match. Ed lost.
"You fucking twat!" Ed grumbled, shaking his head.
"Mummy, what's a... A twat?" A small girl asked nearby.
Ed and Harry exchanged panicked looks before ducking behind a racing game machine, giggling like fools.
"You wanker, we're at a children's arcade," Harry gasped between his hysterical laughter.
Ed rolled his eyes, still grinning, and shoved his hand over Harry's mouth. "Shut your trap, Styles."
Harry didn't stop laughing.
They silently left their spot and headed out the door into the mall.
"Where would you like to go?" Ed asked.
"Honestly? To my Louis."
"You love him."
Harry scrunched his eyebrows together. He'd never used that word when describing his feelings towards Louis. He was fond of the boy, absolutely. But in love with him?
"I think it's too soon."
"Since when did love have a time limit?!" Ed asked, perplexed.
"It doesn't. I just don't want to freak him out," Harry mumbled, pointing towards a clothes store he rather liked. They headed inside.
"You do know that Louis is head over heels for you, correct?"
"Well... I'd hope so, considering I feel the same way. It's just that... Louis and I have a love-hate relationship. I can't mess shit up by getting all deep with him."
Harry and Ed exchanged looks.
"'All deep with him'," Ed repeated, snickering.
"You dirty-minded twit, I mean deep in a relationship!"
"You'd like to bang him."
"I'd like to make love to him."
Harry's eyes widened at his own words.
"I'd like to... To make love to Louis," Harry repeated, smiling softly.
"You will, then?"
"Not now, but one day."
Ed grinned happily, pulling a hat from a nearby rack and sliding it over his ginger hair.
"Your mum would be happy you found Louis."
"She would love him," Harry sighed, smile vanishing quickly from his face.
"C'mon, lover boy. Let's get you to your man."
Ed twisted his new hat in his hands as he watched Harry and Louis snog on the couch at Harry's childhood house.
"Why am I even here?" He grumbled.
"At least you don't live right next door. Wait until they start screwing. I'm moving somewhere new!" Niall complained.
Liam snickered lightly.
"At least he's communicating," Ed whispered to his old friend.
Liam nodded back in agreement, thankful Harry wasn't locked in his old bedroom.
"So, Harry," Zayn spoke.
Everyone stopped doing what they were doing to pay attention to the beautiful boy.
"Are you... Selling this house?"
"Oh... Uh, you'd have to ask Gemma. The house goes to her. I get half of what she makes from it."
"Wow, really?!" Louis gasped.
"Yeah... Maybe I'll get another job and start university..."
"That would be cool," Liam said.
"What if we started singing together?" Ed suggested slowly.
Harry scrunched his eyebrows. "You and I?"
"Yeah, you twat."
"Bug off! I just mean, like.... You're a better singer."
Ed rolled his eyes.
"You'd make a good singer. You like attention," Louis spoke quietly, gaining Harry's attention himself.
"So do you. More than I do!" Harry protested.
"Yeah, but I can't sing," Louis giggled.
"Harry!" Louis whined.
"Okay, Tomlinson, I'll think about it!"
"Awh, look at you, Styles, listening to me for once. Oh. I take that back. You always follow my advice."
Louis got shoved off the couch.
Awh... Next chapter is so cute im so excited to update
Should the house be sold?
Should Harry and Ed start singing together?
Or should Harry start university?
Actually, I'm letting you choose. How often do you get to choose how a story goes? I have a different plot for each one and I can't decide which to pick, so I'm letting you decide. (:
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