Pretty sure I'm gonna do a 2nd book for Ziam yayy And ALSO I'm going to write a Larry mpreg soon I'm so excited ugh
Picture above reminds me of Louis in this chapter 👌
Harry knocked on Liam's door before just entering without waiting for a reply. Harry tripped into the den- literally. All of the lights in the apartment were out and he'd shut the door behind him.
"Li? Are you going to murder me?" Harry whispered out, beginning to panic.
He jumped back and fell on his bum when the television suddenly turned on. Illuminated by the soft glow, Harry could make out Liam's curled-up form laying on the couch.
"Hey, Haz. Sorry, I just... You know how I am about silence."
"You need it to think," Harry replied immediately, sitting on his friend's couch and gripping his hand. Liam sat up, smiling weakly.
"I take it the Zayn thing didn't go as planned?" Harry guessed.
"I'd be bloody if it did," Liam replied, accent thick with sleep.
Harry, who was a purely sympathetic person, pulled Liam into a tight hug.
Liam was already fragile, what with his loss of Emma as a person and Ed as a friend. Both were important to him.
"Does Zayn know about Emma?" Harry asked suddenly.
Liam shivered at the sound of her name, but proceeded to answer.
"Yes. I was going to let you tell him, but you were a wreck at the hospital so I just told him about it all," Liam explained slowly, pulling away from his friend.
"What did Zayn say when you told him that you liked him?"
"He said he wasn't g-gay," Liam replied quietly.
Harry almost burst into flames, it seemed.
"What's wrong with being gay?!" He spat harshly, hands immediately covering his thighs.
Harry's had experience in being ashamed and disgusted with himself. Liam needed to know that it was okay to like guys and Zayn wasn't setting a good example.
"Nothing, Harry, nothing is wrong with it! I'm just... It's new to me, y'know? And I felt like it was useless to like Zayn... I thought... I thought he'd be willing... Louis says he doesn't let many around him. Zayn lets me sit in his studio after hours sometimes. And he came with me to Holmes Chapel. I don't know. I got my hopes up," Liam said, closing his eyes at his final words.
Harry was shaking now.
"Zayn's not worth it, Liam. If he said something like that, he certainly doesn't deserve you! You're an amazing person and I swear if Zayn causes you to get upset-"
"I resort to boxing when I'm upset. Not cutting," Liam interrupted quietly, placing his hand of Harry's, which was squeezing his thigh tightly. "Don't hurt yourself, Harry."
Harry slowly released the grip on his own thigh, knowing he most likely left bruises. He found he didn't mind much.
Louis stood on his toes, reaching up for the peanut butter. He was craving it very badly and stupid Harry with his stupid giraffe legs put the stupid peanut butter on the stupid top shelf. Stupid.
A normal person would give up, but Louis was not normal.
Louis pulled a chair out from under the table and pushed it up to the counter before climbing on it and reaching into the cabinet to wrap his dainty fingers around the peanut butter jar.
He cheered in success, hopping down and carrying his peanut butter into the living room to dip his Oreos in it. He didn't really think about it until he logged onto Twitter. A girl he went to high school with had posted a picture of herself in the mirror. She was skinny and pretty. Louis's stomach churned when he saw her flat stomach.
Slowly, he lifted up his own tee to reveal a bit of pudge- but all Louis saw was a chunk of fat. He dropped his cookie into the peanut butter at the thought of Harry touching a girl with a flat stomach.
Harry came home only two hours after he left. He felt like he needed to puke, but he knew he was just angry.
He expected to find Louis playing video games, but the small man wasn't in the sitting room. Harry peered into the open jar on the coffee table and spotted an Oreo in the peanut butter.
Harry chuckled at his boyfriend's adorable eating kinks and walked back into the bedroom. He was a but surprised to find Louis curled up on the bed, asleep.
Louis wasn't ever up for daytime naps unless he was feeling ill. Worryingly, Harry stepped froward and placed his hand on Louis's forehead. The lad was a bit warm, but not enough to carry a fever.
"Lou? Princess? Are you okay?" Harry whispered as he sat on the bed.
Louis grumbled something and opened his eyes. Harry stared at the older boy. His eyes were red-rimmed. Harry figured it was from sleep but he admitted something was going on.
"Yeah?" Louis spoke, voice cracking.
"Are you okay, princess?"
"Just fine," Louis whispered, curling his tiny hands around Harry's arm.
Harry smiled and toed off his shoes, climbing to lie with Louis.
"It's only four, love, are you sure you want to sleep?" Harry asked, pushing back Louis's light brown hair with a large hand.
"No. Just cuddles," Louis whispered in return, snuggling into Harry's chest.
"Yes, love?"
"Why did you choose me?"
Harry frowned a bit at the question. "What do you mean?"
"Of everyone you know, why did you choose me to love?"
"Why wouldn't I, Lou? You're perfect. My little princess," Harry mused, tightening his grip on his smaller boyfriend.
"You're rather cheesy, Styles."
"I'm mostly liked for my looks, Tommo. Have you seen me lately?"
Harry got smacked in the back of the head.
Thoughts of Zayn not wanting to be with Liam? Was Harry right to bring Emma into it?
Officially into Louis's plot! Have you got what it is? If not, tell me and I'll explain.
Favorite books? (not on Wattpad like real books you can actually buy and stuff lol)
I love books!! The Harry Potter series, the original Wizard of Oz, the original Peter Pan, and Coraline are some of my top favorites. I'm a nerd when it comes to reading.
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