Chapter 3
It has been many years now and Coal had not seen Amethyst since then but she had been planning her revenge all of these years and on this day she would be exacting her revenge. Over the years she had been practising moving her clawed digits without being close to her I fired them up out of the hole in the ceiling and made it move around like a spider feeling her connection with her detached appendage she made it move away from the cave and moved through the area before making it stand on the warp pad. It hurt to be that far away but she moved her digits when she heard shouts mentally she could sense that it was Pearl, Garnet and she could sense Rose Quarts knowing she had their attention she warped back to the cave with them following her. She heard the warp pad above her, her clawed fingers running towards the hole and leaping in landing on the floor a few feet away from her. She looked up and saw her fingers but just as they ran towards her to connect back to her 'hand' she saw Pearl, Garnet and what surprised her was a 14 year old boy with them but instead of landing painfully he floated down reminding her of a certain gem she used to know. She could feel a wave of anger through her cracked gem pieces as she saw Garnet grab her clawed fingers and holding it tightly. Coal flinched in pain but she admitted to herself that when she saw Garnet and Pearl's fear it made her happy but she frowned when she saw confusion in their eyes as well. The young boy walked forward to Pearl and Garnet.
"Guys what is that?" They looked at each other but to Coal's amazement Garnet just threw her hand away.
"Nothing, Steven come one" Anger was now flooding her body as she let out a dark chuckle before walking forward herself.
"Is that all I am to you guys now? Nothing!" She stepped into the light making them all gasp and they even jumped when her hand sprung to life and snapped back to it's place. Pearl stood up more braver.
"C-Coal? We all thought you died" She chuckled.
"I did! But my the other Coals brought me back." She looked to her chest and placed a hand on the cracked pieces and sighed sadly. "But at a cost" Her eyes went to the boy and Pearl and Garnet seemed more protective. This made her confused when she saw a flash of pink she looked closer and saw Rose Quartz's gem making Coal growl in anger. "ROSE QUARTZ!" Her clawed fingers extended to become sharper claws and she could feel her face beginning to crack with black tar lightly dripping out of the cracks. She saw Pearl and Garnet summon their weapons but the boy raised his hands in surrender.
"Wait! I'm not Rose she's my mum!" Coal growled in anger mixtures of emotions confusing her.
"Well then Rose's son. Where's Rose?!" He lifted his shirt slightly.
"Um, my names Steven and she's kinda me I guess" Coal sighed in irritation at the worst lie she had heard.
"Well then 'Steven' I guess your gonna have to take the blame for what your mother did" He looked scared.
"W-what did she do?" Coal could feel the anger rising even more.
"What do you mean what did she do?! She's the reason I'm like this!" They all gasped. "But enough talking I've been waiting for years to get my revenge and now I will" She extended her claws and she could feel a rush of energy, she then charged towards Steven but just as she got close a large pink bubble surrounded him making her fly back. She landed on her face scrapping across the floor she growled and glared at Steven who looked terrified just as she stood up Garnet and Pearl stood in front of Steven she laughed slightly as they charged Coal dodged their hits and placed her fingers together and spun them around like drills she then fired them at the two hitting her targets of Pearl and Garnet she made sure that they were pinned into the wall, then let go of them and watched as they fell to the floor. She then looked to Steven and fired her fingers at him wrapping one hand around him and bringing him towards her, she then spun her other fingers around like a deadly blade. "Now I can finally get my revenge!" She tried to slice him when the bubble appeared again this time she just threw him back. But as she looked up she saw Pearl's spear flying towards me in one instant a piece of her gem was thrown back making her release a static poof. Pearl and Garnet stood panting glad that the fight was over, when suddenly Coals shards formed the electricity and the pieces formed my body but as she stood up Garnet ran to her punching her into a wall. Coal was panting and fell to her knees she looked down at her hands. She tried to stand back up but she could feel her energy was at it's lowest it could be. Coal saw a pair of pink sandals in front of her, she looked up and she couldn't help but feel scared she flinched her eyes closed when his hand went towards her but nothing came she looked up and saw he had his hand outstretched towards her and was smiling calmly at her.
"Look I don't know what my mum did but I want to help" She could feel different emotions some wanting to trust him but some still wanting to kill him but she sighed and placed her broken fingers around his hand and weakly stood up. Coal followed him and Pearl and Garnet outside to a warp pad she felt her gem and looked around but she suddenly felt a hand hold onto one of her fingers making her look down and saw Steven smiling up at her and started walking to the warp pad she tentatively followed him and stood on the pad. They arrived to the temple and she looked around taking in all of the sights she missed this place so much despite the temple now being what seemed to be a small house when a door opened Coal gasped as she saw Amethyst. She was still small but she had long hair and she was now in a ripped white shirt and black legging like clothes when she saw Coal she smiled and ran to her.
"How did you get here?" She yelled as she hugged Coal making her smile happily and hugged her back.
"Let's just say your friends found me" Pearl stood forward.
"Amethyst you know Coal?" Amethyst smiled and replied.
"Yeah she helped me out when I fell into the caves" Pearl now glared.
"And you didn't think to tell us?" Coal stood forward now.
"I didn't want her to tell you after all she was shocked enough at my appearance I didn't want her to get scared that I knew her friends" Steven saw that Pearl and Coal were glaring at each other when he said.
"Hey Coal why don't I show you where you'll be sleeping" He then lead her to a sofa whilst the other gems went to their rooms when they were all gone Coal turned to him saying.
"So do you wanna hear it?" He looked at her confused.
"Hear what?"
"How your mother turned me into this?"
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