Juwon ordered pizza as soon as his friends started arriving. Roman came in dressed in yellow shorts and red shirt. Juwon eyed his get up and sighed.
"Roman, they're ten and you definitely didn't have to be dressed like a rainbow to get their attention."
"I just hope to God they don't have a bad mouth like their father," he said then whispered, "I have change of clothes in my car, is it too late to get out of these?"
"It'd be best for you to wear something cooler."
"I'll be right back."
He pushed the box he was holding to Juwon then raced out of the house. Femi dropped in few minutes later and Juwon went up the stairs to get the boys.
"Your uncles are around," Juwon announced.
"J, do I look good in this?" Kenny was wearing a suit.
"You don't have to wear that."
"I look fine."
"Okay. Taye, switch off the TV," he told Taye who was playing video games with his other brother.
"J, I found a recipe online," Idowu started as soon as the TV went off.
"I ordered pizza already but you can save the recipe for tomorrow."
"Pizza? That's so boring."
"I know right, that's why I don't eat it."
"You don't eat it because you're allergic to everything," Idowu said and giggled.
"True that. Your uncles are waiting."
"I've got so much to show them, excuse me." Kenny walked past him and went downstairs.
"He's so extra." Taye rolled his eyes then followed suit.
Idowu bit his nails and asked, "Where's Gini?"
"Out with your aunt."
"I know, why isn't she back yet?"
"Probably because she's having so much fun."
"That's good. She never really does that."
"Noticed that. Wanna join the rest downstairs?"
"Sure, I hope they like us."
"Of course they will, you're likeable." Juwon rubbed his son's head and they went down the stairs together.
Gbenga had arrived when they got to the living room and he saw him hugging the boys. Idowu got pulled into a hug by Roman who was now wearing a less colourful outfit.
"They look like Jay so much, almost weird but still cute."
Juwon smiled at Roman's observation. Taye was touching and admiring Femi's beefy hand.
"I want to be big like you."
"Then eat your vegetables."
"I eat them, a lot. Gini likes giving us a scolding when we don't."
"A smart mother."
"There's pizza," Juwon said.
"Idowu likes to cook, uncle Femi."
"Really, is he any good?"
"He's so good."
"Come over here, ID," Femi beckoned.
Juwon smiled as his kids bonded with his friends. Kenny and Gbenga were bonding over styles of suit they preferred and Roman was cheesing badly as his eyes kept moving between the boys.
"You did so good," he said when he noticed Juwon staring at him.
"Gini did most of it if we're being honest."
"You're right, where's she?"
"Out with her sister."
"Is she avoiding us, bro?"
"Nah, coincidence, that's all."
"The married life suits you, I envy you, my friend."
"As you should."
"Be humble."
Juwon smirked. "What are you drinking?"
"I have beer."
"In front of the kids? What do you take me for? A savage?" Roman asked in surprise.
"Roman, they don't mind."
"Are you sure?" he asked cautiously.
"I'll have beer then."
Juwon went to the fridge and was getting the six pack when the triplets ambushed him.
"Can we take them to our rooms?" Idowu asked with a puppy face.
"Yes, you can and you don't have to make that face."
"Thanks, J."
They ran off towards the living room and Juwon smiled. They were crooks and he loved their guts. Juwon returned to an empty living room and went to his kids' room. His friends were in Idowu's room and Kenny was handing them game pads.
Juwon passed the beer to his friends and sat to watch them with the kids.
"I'm not taking pity on you guys, kids or not," Gbenga said.
"Be prepared to be humiliated," Juwon backed his kids as they started the car race.
Gbenga lost first and Juwon couldn't help himself from laughing as his car crashed.
"I should have seen that coming, talk smack and lose," he said.
"Snacks anyone?" Juwon asked.
"I want."
"Please, J."
Three hyperactive kids shouted back at him.
"Pizza coming right up."
"Gini doesn't like us eating in the bedroom," Idowu quickly said.
"Let's keep it a secret."
"Can I have chips then?"
"Sure, you can."
Gbenga went with him to the kitchen.
"You seem right at home with those kids."
He microwaved the pizza before responding. "Been practicing for weeks. I want to be as awesome as possible."
"That's not realistic. I hated my dad during my teenage years, he was too strict and I was too wild."
"Let's hope they don't take after their uncle," Juwon said as he got chips.
"Pray they get my brain."
"Mine is fine," Juwon countered.
"Yes it is. You made millions literally from dust and now you got three beautiful kids, I'm proud of you."
"Are you going somewhere with this Gbenga, you rarely dish out compliments. What's up?" Juwon folded his arms and waited for the shoe to drop.
"Relationship problems," he groaned out.
"Ha! This is about Collins, I presume."
"Same one. He got a girlfriend."
"Which shouldn't be a problem since you told me yourself that he never said he was gay."
"He truly didn't but our relationship changed after we visited your hometown."
"Changed how?"
"He became more open, we used to kiss and all."
"No, we weren't there yet."
"He probably wasn't sure of his sexuality. He obviously likes you but I don't think he's gay."
"Not saying he is. I'm not trying to label him, I'm just saying we had a connection."
"Gbenga, have you tried going out on dates with other men?" Juwon started making dip for the chips as he waited for his friend's response.
"No, not for whatever reason you're thinking. It's mainly because I'm relocating, I'm going somewhere it's okay to be attracted to whomever I want to be attracted to."
"Somewhere safe..."
"Yea, bro. I don't belong here. I don't want to spend my life where I'm seen as an abomination."
Juwon felt sad for his friend. "I'm getting sentimental. Do your parents know about this?"
"I just told them I wanted to further my education."
"I'm going to miss you. Who's going to go toe to toe with Roman?"
Gbenga laughed.
"Let's join the rest," Juwon said and passed the dip bowl and chips to Gbenga.
"I'll tell the rest myself, don't say anything yet."
"Of course."
Femi was fake wrestling with the boys when they got to the bedroom and Roman was acting as the referee.
"Femi, if you break that bed frame you're getting a new one."
"Isn't it enough that your kids just beat the shit out of me?"
"No cursing, dude."
"Yes, daddy."
"I think it'd be safer for us to be in the living room. We can pick an action movie on box office or watch sport. Does that sound okay, boys?"
The kids shrugged and Juwon shooed everyone out of the bedroom. They settled for the movie, Terminator and his friends left before the movie ended.
Gini came in later in the evening and saw them all on the couch watching another movie.
"Time for bed, boys," she said after they circled her for kisses like puppies.
Juwon remained on the couch and watched the boys file out of the living room.
"How was your day?" he asked when she sat beside him.
"Great. We basically walked around the mall eating everything we could find."
"That sounds like fun. We spent the day with my friends playing video games and watching an action movie."
"Guess I wasn't the only one enjoying my day."
"Guess not. I missed you."
"I'm glad you did. I can make up for it now that I'm here."
"I like how that sounds." Juwon sat up. "Gini, do you really want more kids?"
"Woah, I didn't see that one coming."
"You didn't answer the question," he pointed out.
Juwon noticed Gini had been avoiding sex with him. It was contradicting and confusing since she was the one that wanted a baby. He knew it could only mean one thing and he wanted her to confirm it.
"I really don't know. Sometimes I do and other times I don't. I told Mama about it today and she asked why?"
"What do you really want? Search deep and answer, I think you know."
Gini took a few moments then spoke, "I love the kids so much and I want to experience a less stressful pregnancy but I'm scared I'm going to have triplets again or twins this time. I don't want that, J."
He rubbed her shoulder. "We could do it artificially."
"I don't want that either."
"So no more kids?"
"Yea, I think it was just baby fever."
"Let me know when it comes back. I want to make another baby with you but only when you're sure."
"As my husband wishes."
He dragged her to his laps and smiled when she helped get his shirt off his back.
"I see I got my lover back."
"Don't be smug about it, I'm trying to make it up to you." Gini kissed his neck then unzipped his fly.
"Yes, ma'am."
Author's Note.
Thank you for reading my book. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. If you enjoyed it, please take the time to vote the several chapters and provide feedback in the comment section.
Thanks a bunch.
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