The Arrival
Mumbo's Perspective-
"Welcome everyone!" I exclaimed happily as the guests started to file into my house.
Martyn walked down with me, both of us wearing our best suits.
"Tonight, is a night full of fun! You all will have a chance to win 13 million dollars!"
Everyone started clapping and I beamed at them.
"So, why don't we begin by having some drinks and talks with each other?"
I clapped my hands and a bunch of houseworkers appeared with trays of sparkling apple cider.
They began to hand the drinks out to the guests as I walked downstairs with Martyn to join everyone under the giant, shining chandelier.
Ren's Perspective-
"Oh, thanks." I said, smiling weakly as I took one of the drinks.
The woman nodded and walked over to a guy wearing a red dress and had light brown hair.
He was talking with a man with dirty blonde hair and a tux on.
I looked around and saw a girl with pink hair.
She looked incredibly nervous and somewhat lost.
We made eye contact, and she walked up to me.
"Excuse me." She said, "Do you know where Cleo and BigB are?"
"Er- who?" I asked, smiling nervously.
"A girl with curly ginger hair and a guy who's still wearing his blue sweater that has a cookie on it."
I chuckled and then bowed.
"Well, Ren Diggity Dog is at your service, and I shall help you find your friends my fair lady!"
She giggled.
"I'm Lizzie. And thank you, Ren." She said.
I nodded as I stood back up.
I then looked around and saw, through the crowd of people, a flash of blue.
Lizzie grabbed my arm, and we made our way through to see a girl with ginger hair and a pale green suit standing next to a guy with a blue sweater on, both talking to Mumbo.
"BigB! Cleo!" Lizzie ran over to hug her friends.
She then pulled me into the hug, and I laughed nervously.
"I lost sight of you guys, and I was so worried." She said, "But Ren helped me!"
"Yes, yes! That's great!" Mumbo smiled, "The whole point of this is to have fun! And the games require you to make alliances and friends. This is perfect!"
I smiled.
"So Ren's a part of our group?" The girl with ginger hair, who I assumed was Cleo, asked.
Lizzie looked at me and then nodded.
Scar's Perspective-
Joel looked around, a bit of disgust on his face.
"I don't know why I came here, this seems boring." He said.
"Oh come on, it's not that bad! It said that there would be games, it should be fun!"
"Should be. That doesn't mean it will be."
Scar shrugged and hummed as he looked at all the people.
"I wonder if we'll be able to make some new friends." Scar said.
Joel shrugged.
"How about we go talk to them?" Scar asked, motioning towards the guy in the red dress and the guy with dirty blonde hair.
Joel shrugged and they walked over to them.
"Hello there!" Scar smiled.
The two guys stopped their conversation to turn to Scar and Joel.
"Hello!" The guy with dirty blonde hair waved.
"I'm Scar! And this is Joel."
Joel nodded.
"I'm Jimmy, and my friend here is Grian!"
Scar and Grian made eye contact and Scar blushed.
"I like your dress." Scar complimented.
"O-oh, thank you!"
They continued talking, and eventually Mumbo announced that he was going to go see how the food preparation was going.
Most people had gone from the main room to explore the mansion, so Grian, Scar, Joel, and Jimmy were the last people there.
Eventually, they heard a scream and they jumped.
"Who- what was that?" Grian asked, looking around.
"I don't know, but we gotta check it out." Joel said, and he took off running down the hall.
The other guys nodded and followed.
Most everyone was in the hall, looking shocked.
Scar looked over everyone's heads and gasped.
Laying on the floor were two dead bodies.
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