⟶ mischa ( 👑 )
(russian, 'bee' & 'honey')
(hindi, term for 'queen')
(secret: it's irish, means 'sorrowful')
seventeen (17)
aug 12th ( Leo )
( she/her )
assumed heterosexual
assumed heterosexual
complicated relationship with THE BAD BOY aka @angelic-whore
about 164 - 165 ( 5'4 )
lucy boynton
❝ im skinny im winning
and all you bitches are ugly ❞
creative, it's a strange way to describe her but she approaches her life and particularly social problems like a puzzle. she's creative in the ways he comes up with solutions. that's the other big thing about her. she likes coming up with solutions to everything, she can't leave a problem alone, she must be involved in everything. every school situation, every relationship problem, every adjective of her family life. she involves herself with everything and almost feels more alive in the midst of a crisis than anything else.
she's a passionate individual, often coming across as burning and harsh. the richest meanest girl you'll ever meet. rich mean and dirty, that's the genuine impression most people get if they find themselves on her bad list. oh yes, she has a list and you certainly want to be on the right side of it. if you do manage to find yourself in her good books, you'll be pleased to find that she's actually quite the generous being. most people won't believe it, they'll view this generosity as a show of the goddesses good graces. but we'll, it's more then that. she has this sinking fear of abandonment, she believes that if she spends enough money she can buy them, keep their favour. it's more of the other way around, people think they need to constantly win the queens blessing, yet she is secretly pinning after others loyalty. deep down all she really wants is a real friends, that's where the generosity comes from.
there is constantly snarky sense of arrogance surrounding her, this self-cantered and inflexible attitude is her shining characteristic in the eyes of everyone else.
it's a facade, everything is a facade. It's an attention mechanism, a way for her to keep herself idolised one the eyes of everyone else. she needs it, she needs the fear and the attention. she can't stand being ignored and facing the reality of the world. she can't imaging living in a world that isn't a hierarchy, she needs to be the queen, that title is all she has, all she's ever had.
she grew up in the nicest mansion in town, at face value, her life is perfect. of course it is, given the fact both her parents work as top professionals in their respective lines of work. she was raised around perfection, lives a life of perfection, she is perfection. she has the most perfect hair, the nicest clothes, the most beautiful friends and the richest family. you'll never find her without some form of lipstick or lipgloss smacked onto her lips. everyone expects that she has no possible struggles, after all how could she?
yet underneath all that glam and sparkle, the perfect nails and stunning outfits: her life match's the meaning behind her last name perfectly, flawlessly even.
her mother has a drinking problem, her father seems to be more in love with his work. she only ever gets to talk to her father when he ventures behind his work office doors, when he's even in the country that is. her mother cheats, sleeps around, the whole rounds. she's walked in on her mother in one to many compromising situations to even be comfortable looking her in the eye anymore. she's quite certain she's a sex addict, oh well, none of her business. she's practically mentally dissociated herself completely from her family to the point sometimes it takes her a moment to remember that oh right, she's related to this woman. being on only child, makes sense that she'd choose to be a daddy's girl over her mummy's.
secrets wise, if anyone ever asks her what her deepest darkest secret is well... she doesn't have any okay? she's perfect. sure maybe she lost her virginity to the bad boy but no one knows! so it didn't happen, he's not gona tell anyone. as far as anyone knows she's pure and going to wait until marriage. so, since that didn't happen no dark secrets. and well, maybe one day in a fit of anger she fed her mother a few sleeping pills and then let her drink but it's fine! again, no one knows, and well her mums still alive and kicking so it doesn't matter at all.
— generous.
to those she cares about or respects she won't even hesitate the throw money at them, or at any problems that's arise. it's how she operates as the only way she really knows how to show affection because that's how her parents treated her.
— composed.
cool, calm and completely collected. it's how she was raised, again another complete habit that was practically trained into her whenever she was placed in a difficult situation, usually a confronting one. just as she dresses, she thinks the same way, composed.
— clever.
she's completely perfect at playing the dumb blond card, she loves playing innocent and faking the blank face every now and again. but when it comes down to it, she is actually quite observant, clever at dealing with people and coming to grips with their mind state.
— competitive.
that's all it is, every situation every time she's confronted, she'll turn it into spot. it's gives her a sense of accomplishment, and of course winning it always the biggest high she'll ever reach. it's better then any alcohol, she bet it's better then drugs (she's just assuming)
— arrogant.
this ones quite self explanatory, it's a trait she isn't exactly proud of, but she feels as if she can't help it anymore. being raised as an only child with the expectation, she did become quite full of herself through time, now the judgment come without thought.
— self centred.
again, a natural. even when in the situation that could drastically cause harm to others, she's only thinking about herself. as well with the approach to situation, who cares about the other people that get hurt? collateral damage is just that, not a person. only look out for number one on this world.
— people person.
as rude as she can be, she understands people she can adapt to them and once she figures out what they want she's very good at working her way into their life. she can play nice with those she needs to, flirt, tease, joke... it's just words.
— carful with words.
words are a weapon, growing up listening to her father on the phone and the way her mum could make her husband forgive her with a few tears and sweet sympathetic words, she understood the effect behaviour and carefully chosen words could have an effect on someone when needed.
— playing innocent.
big doe eyes, trembling bottom lip, flushed cheeks and the glossy light of tears in her eyes... yes she has the role down pat perfectly at this point. daddy's girl always gets what she wants after all, it's part of her dna, one of the many gifts of being born into her life.
— alcohol.
occasionally when she was young she stole a few slips from her mothers glass, as she reached her younger years she started stealing whole bottles whenever she was distressed or upset. It was a momentary dependency until she realised she was potentially funding into her mother, that was unacceptable.
— that certain type of person.
she's looking for a single person in the word other then her parents that don't fear her. she needs a real friend, she needs or maybe she simply wants someone to properly challenge her again. she's bored, or at least she thinks maybe that's what it is.
— her family.
as much as she finds herself cornered in some ways, as much as she can't stand her mothers cheating and finding the wine cellar often being stacked every other weekend, the fact her father's suitcase is always packed and ready to go at a single phone call.
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