⟶ alistair ( 💸 )
( read in dark mode preferably )
(gaelic, means defending men)
(german, means experienced advisor)
(derived from welsh aur meaning "gold")
hails from a minor elyrian house of eurig, he is related to the kings mother on the marital side hence why he did not inherit the queens surname
twenty-five ( 25 )
february 10th ( aquarius)
( he/him )
vocally heterosexual,
very extremely closet bisexual ( internalised homophobia you betcha boss )
idk, lets go with 175-180cm? ( 5'9 yeah? )
jude law ( wilde 1997 )
❝ oh my apologies, now, would you mind explaining to me who the hell you think you are. ❞
majority of his personality is essentially work focused, on first meeting that all he really seems to be. speak for the kingdom, think for the kingdom praise the kingdom praise your superiors. but then again, if you were born into such a cut throat world and such a nationalistic environment wouldn't you be the same? that is the best way to assure your own survival, no? and he is anything if not self-preserving. he's very composed and serious when he's working, acting and speaking more like a statues than anything else, cool expression and a steely gaze. and just like most statues, he always stands tall, he knows his worth. it's almost like a first instance for him upon meeting someone, he assigns them a work, assessed them and judges them accordingly off their introduction. because of that, it's no surprise that he doesn't consider the other council members his friends, he doesn't consider anyone a friend really per say. he simply is painfully away that they'd all probably stab him in the back if he let them, if given the chance. he plans to never give anyone the chance. with his unwavering ambition and the fact he can easily drive himself into a state of unrelenting persistent, it's quite obvious he doesn't even have time for friends if he ever wants them. he naturally just gives off an air of unmatched confident, intelligent, he clearly thinks he's better than most people.
though, outside of public view, in any informal environment people will be pleasantly surprised at how quickly his usual demeanour can shift. when he wants to, or if he has had a drink of two he practically sheds any mature aura that surrounds him. though across all states he obviously keeps his arrogant, almost smug attributes, he become slightly more laid back, likely stemming from his self-assurance. he will laugh at crude jokes, fresh a smile and throw a cheeky snark right back in relation. not childish per say, but definitely not the usual flawless professional attitude he carries in front of prying eyes. to say he is good at pretending nothing ever happened and lying when confronted would be a horrible understatement. as long as he's comfortable around you, you will find him to be quite friendly, not falling into any defensive attitude as easily as he usually though. if not, the usual impersonal indifference will overrule anything else, but that's to be expected, no?
intellectual conversation lands you a good listener, any emotional conversation leads to a deflection or a completely dismissal. he's not entirely the expressing type, unless he is making a impudent comment. he's quite uncompromising on his views, always sticking to his core purpose, that being of course his kingdom. any question of such a thing will lead to a temperamental outbreak if in public, a breeze almost aloof reaction if isolated. but that of course is understandable given the kingdoms political landscape. of course if in the eyes of anyone else he won't hesitate to degrade someone who shows disrespect, but if isolated? he doesn't have any reason to lash out and potentially create enemies. he doesn't like being disagreed and disrespect sure, but it's not as if he's looking to start a fight and give someone more reason to not hesitate and kill him, best to leave it alone.
yeah, he's a mess. as bad as it is, he is a more sympathetic figure, it's a weakness of his one that has turned him into a turmoil mess more than once, he hated it, he hated himself for it. he doesn't become attached easily per say, and obsessed isn't the right word, he simply likes messing with people if that makes sense. especially people he ought to respect such as other council members, or people of the same social standing as him. you're either better then him, or below him and honestly there aren't many people be considers to be better them him, and certainly no equals. yet even with that, he can't help but come to pity people, especially those he comes to realise have no understanding of who they are or what their purpose is. if you have no purpose, no driving factor or motivation then.. what does that leave you with?
sometimes his thoughts really go off on a tangent all on their own, his mind moves to fast for his own good in all honesty.
he joined the kings council not long ago, just after lord marsei died, in all honestly it's something he's always wanted since he was young. he was obviously well educated, to the point he likes to think he could have any job he desired. he likes helping people and he figured that by being the kings economic advisor he could persuade the king to be smarter about the kingdoms currency. not only in benefit for his own people and the nobility but even the lower bottom dwellers, not that he'd ever dealt admit that. no one else seems to care about them, he doesn't want to be the odd one out and actually speak up for them. best to leave that alone and simply try to subtly assist. he knows he's relatively young for a council member since it seems several of the council members bit the dust not long ago and needed to be replaced, he'd halt to take up that position. no experience but what does that matter? he was raised properly, he had the manners, the eduction, even the understanding of people, in all senses he was practically trained for suck a life of politics and social gathers. that's all a kingdom council really is if you break it down in his eyes: a room of sad old bastards trying desperately to keep the kingdom afloat, seize land for their kingdom, win over the king and gain as much as they can in the process. splendid.
— the witch hunts.
ah this is a difficult one, because of course he knows magic is bad. yet people such as the queen who is in possession of magic is agreeable. in his eyes as petty as it is he simply doesn't like the idea of any lowlife holding such power, he doesn't like knowing there are people better than him in all honestly. mainly due to his competitive nature he doesn't even bat an eye at the cruelty, though he supposes in some ways he can sympathise with them... they didn't ask for it right? but no doubt they love it, they love knowing their strength, how could they not? doesn't everyone want that? the desire for power. so yes... difficult, in all honesty he'd rather ignore it you know? distract himself with someone else and never mention it. unless someone else brings it up, in which case he'll blindly agree with whatever they're saying. not his place to start a fight, no need for any controversial conversation. he's only here in service to their great kingdom.
— sexism.
he doesn't believe women to be equal to men to put it likely, mainly due to the way and family he was raised in. though he believes females are more than simple breeding tools, he won't openly admit so. but, he won't publicly degrade a woman unless she is of a lesser standing to him and she truly deserves to be taught a lesson: i.e. talking back. they can think, feel, their ideas might even be good at times, but to him that doesn't change the fact that whatever they can do, men can do twice as much to a better standard.
— homophobia.
oh boy, yeah: homophobia. even though internally he's found himself staring at men before, doesn't mean anything he's not gay okay. he won't hesitate to openly show disgust at the idea of men bedding other men, it's unnatural in all senses, and besides what's the point? you can't marry the same sex, you can't have children with the same sex, it's a pointless chase for pleasure which makes no sense when clearly you can get the exact same thing from a women. it's also easier with a woman, their soft and beautiful you know? yeah women.
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