Sneaking out pt 1
This is the day I told Dad he doesn't have to call Brandt to babysit me since I'll be staying at Grant's house and Jace will be staying with Luther's wife when he goes out for a mission in italy for 8 weeks."remember get 8 hours of sleep,don't drink to much soda,and don't talk to strangers ok" "ok dad" "and you know packed a gun right" "mmhhmm" I took dad's gun,mom's gun and the gun dad gave me. "Bye sweetie" 'Ethan kissed the top of his daughter's head and left not knowing that she slipped a note into his bag saying
To dad
Hey it's me Cameron I just wanna say thanks for being the best dad ever.While you were gone I went to Barcelona to look for mom with Matt and Grant.And I left Jace with Luther's wife because I don't want him to be involved with this.I know that me and Jace fight 24/7 but he's still my little brother.And if I don't make it out alive don't blame yourself,mom,Grant,or Matt I wanted to do this and I brought them to tag along and if mom is really dead I'll tell him that you miss him.
Your kid
'She dialed her friends with anticipation'
Camera:dad's gone
Now we wait for Jace:Treesicle
Shit we're actually doing this:MatPat
Heh if this goes right it'll be an intresting week- 'ding dong' oh Luther's wife must be here. 'She ran down stairs to be greeted by Luther's wife. "hi Cami where's Jace?" "He's down the hall" let's just hope dad doesn't stop me and Jace doesn't know. I walked into our shared room and walked to his side to see him play my playstation 3 "Dude pack your shit your going to Luther's house" "SERIOUSLY WHY CAN'T I STAY WITH ARCHIE! " 'She could tell he wanted to have a sleepover with Archie but the remains of the syndicate could come after them after they got a new leader "Naw Jace besides you can bring the Xbox but DON'T! bring my PS 3" that thing was like a baby to me Jace you already FUCKING KNOW! 'Jace packed his stuff and grabbed mom's Xbox downstairs' "JACE WAIT!"' she screamed to her brother "WHAT IS IT" "Take dis nigga" I gave him his letter and it read
To my Little bro Jace
Hey kiddo it's me Cam I know you're asking why I gave you this. Well it's because I'm going to barcelona to look for mom. Don't go looking for me I don't want you to get tangled up in this mess. And if I die can you take care of dad for me and also my PS 3 goes to Grant and if he's dead Matt and if both are dead then Archie gets it you can have mom's Xbox.
Your sis Cams
"Thanks" 'he said with an emotionless voice and then he left left'.Ok time to pack for my shit 'she went into her room to serch for her blue duffle bag and shoved her clothes,her guns ,and a few knives in there along with bandages and disinfectant' "that should do" 'and as she closed the bag she looked at the picture frame in her room it was when she was 10 and Jace was 5 they were in New Zealand with mom and dad and they decided to take a selfie and frame it.She took out her phone and took a picture of it and when to go get her powerbank and her charger' good thing I charge my power bank everynight 'and she unplugged the charger from the powerbank and unplugged the charger from the socket and shoved it into her duffle bag then closing it again.They set up a meeting place at the park near their houses
Camera:Matt did you bring the laptop
Camera:and did you bring the stealth shoes
Yes I brought the ballet shoes:Treesicle
Camera: no no no stealth shoes
Fine stealth shoes:Treesicle
Camera:good I'm already at the park where are you guys
"Behind ya bitch" 'Grant whispered in her ears "HOLY SHIT!!" 'She screamed at them surprised. "HAHAHAHHAHAHHA LOL YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN YOUR FACE HAHAHAHHA!" 'Grant laughed out' "my god you should've seen your face you were all like Aaahhh it was so funny" 'Matt laughed out'. 'She slapped both their faces and said "whatever lets just go" they ordered a cab and started their journey to barcelona.
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