Its been 6 months
Six months since they took him away
You may be wondering who I am. Well let me tell you my name. My name is Cameron Dunn-Hunt and the sleeping in the bed behind me is my little brother Jace and if your wondering why were in a dark room with me hair tied into a messy bun and three cups of coffee next to me and why I'm on my computer and what I'm doing well let me tell you a story.
"Hi sweetie your name's Cameron" the baby's me this is when I was born the man who told me my name is my dad Ethan Hunt. And the other man in the hospital bed is my mom Benji Dunn. And fast forward a bit and I'm in kindergarten and I meet my life long bestfriends Grant and Matthew Patrick.Grant always had a question and Matthew always wants to get to the truth. We met at lunch and we've been friends ever since even until now and we're 13 they come over sometimes and mom always had snacks for us.And then time skip back to when I was 10 I was having a pretty good time with Grant and Matt and then there were these men in suits who attacked us but I was taking taek won doe so I was able to get my friends to a closet and after a few moments dad went to the closet to get us and that's when the truth came out I always thought that mom was a computer technitian and dad was a police officer but turns out they're IMF agents. Grant and Matt thought it was cool but personally
I THOUGHT IT WAS SUPER COOL.And that's just a base of my past and you must be wondering who was taken away well it was mom. Dad was pretty upset about it I don't think I've ever heard him cry. The IMF labeled my mom as dead. And that was 6 months ago. And I've been trying to find my mom's exact loca-
'Bing bing' 'voice recording from unknown'
'Cameron clicked on the voice recording'
"Cameron sweetie it's mom"
"I don't have much time but here are the coordinates to find me I know that you are trying to find me so please tell your father I love you ,your father,and Jace so much" 'end of recording'
Mom....I have to go find him 'Cameron quickly texted Grant and Matt
Camera:guys I need your help
Why it's like 3 in the morning:Treesicle
Camera:I know where my mom is
Camera:nope I've got the coordinates
Camera:now I need your help
What is it:MatPat
Camera:Matt I need you to hack into the building
Camera:trust me you can
Camera:trust me remember the shit I told you to write down
Camera:that's the shit you need to know to hack into a building
How do you know this shit:Treesicle
Camera:Parents taught me and Grant I need you to go with me
WHY ME:Treesicle
Camera:Because you have martial arts exp and you also know how to use a gun
Camera:we shall execute this next week and matt here are the coordinates
Camera:we shall plan this at my house on tuesday ok
Sounds like a plan:Treesicle
Camera:ok g'night guys
Heh time to get some sleep 'she went over to her side of the room and slept forming plans in her head'
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