In the few weeks that went by, Ron and Lavender were inseparable. Things between them were getting more serious and honestly, it was rather annoying to watch. Hermione wasn't having any of it much longer, so she isolated herself from him.
"Look, I can't help it if she's got her knickers in a twist. What Lav and I have, well, let's just say, there's no stopping it. It's chemical. Will it last? Who knows, really. Point is, I'm a free agent."
I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Ron and his stupidity. A free agent? Was he that blind and dumb to realize that Hermione was the one for him and not Lavender? The nerve of him to say that.
I offered to walk with Hermione to class, but she said that she wanted to be alone for the day. So I didn't bother her after that and just stayed with Harry and Ron for all of my classes. I sat with Hermione in class, though, but not a single word came from her mouth. She slid a note to me and I opened it.
Can you and Harry meet me in the library tonight?
I looked at her and nodded, writing something, then sending it back to her.
I'll tell him after class is over.
She looked at the note and nodded as well. Poor girl. I was going to kill Ron. He was being entirely stupid right now, hurting Hermione like that. Even Draco wouldn't do that to me, like the way I did it to him.
Merlin. I really did mess up this time.
"He's at perfect liberty to kiss whoever he likes. I really couldn't care less. Was I under the impression he and I would be attending Slughorn's Christmas party together? Yes. Now, given the circumstances, I've had to make other arrangements."
Hermione was venting to Harry and I as she was placing books back to their rightful places. We followed her through the aisles as she continued talking about Ron and him doing whatever he wanted to do.
"Have you made other arrangements?" Harry asked her.
"Yes. Why?"
"I just thought, seeing as neither of us can go with who we'd really like to, we should go together, as friends," Harry suggested.
"Why didn't I think of that?" she said to herself.
"Who are you going with?" I questioned.
"Um, it's a surprise. Anyway, it's you two we've got to worry about. You can't just take anyone." Hermione moved so that her back was facing someone at a desk far away from us. "See that girl over there? That's Romilda Vane. Apparently, she's trying to smuggle Harry a love potion."
"Oh, Merlin," I said.
Harry was staring at her, but Hermione snapped him out of his trance. "Hey! She's only interested in you because she thinks you're the Chosen One."
"But I am the Chosen One," he pointed out, grinning.
"So am I, you idiot!" I hissed.
His grin went away when Hermione whacked his head with a rolled up newspaper. "Okay, sorry. Um...kidding. But just relax, Hermione. I'll ask someone I like. Someone cool."
"Sorry, bro, but you can't take me. I already have a date," I joked with him.
He rolled his eyes in response.
"Who are you going with, Max? You can't take Ginny," Hermione reminded me.
"I know that, but that doesn't mean we can't go together secretly. Trust me, we talked about this already. We've got everything planned out. Ginny is going with Dean, since they're friends now, and I'm going with Blaise."
"Zabini? Why him, Max? He's in Slytherin, one of Malfoy's best mates. Plus, he's probably a Death Eater, too!"
"Don't freak out, Harry. We're not going to be seen together at the party. I've got this under control."
Harry sighed in defeat. "Alright."
It was almost time for Slughorn's Christmas party and almost time to go back to the Burrow for the holidays as well. The day after the party was when I would leave Hogwarts with Harry, Ron, and Ginny. Hermione was planning to stay with her parents, so none of us would be seeing her.
I walked into the Great Hall and to the Gryffindor table for breakfast, sitting next to Harry. My plate was full of fruit and toast and some juice in my cup. Harry and Hermione looked at me sadly.
"Max, do you have a dress for tonight?" Hermione asked.
"I think I'm just gonna borrow one of Ginny's dresses," I told her.
"You should've gone with me to Hogsmeade to look for one," she pointed out.
"I had a bunch of homework, Hermione." It was true. I had to get it done before this party.
"Excuse me?" Nigel came up to us and looked at me. "Package for Maxine Potter."
My eyebrows raised in shock and confusion, but I reluctantly took the quill out of his hand, signed my name, and took the box from him. I smiled at him. "Thank you, Nigel." He walked away as I opened up the package and widened my eyes in shock. "It's a dress," I exclaimed.
"But who bought it?" Harry asked.
"No idea," I answered. "There's no note in here."
I was lying. I saw the note. When Harry and Hermione went back to talking, I quickly took the note out of the box and opened it.
Thought I owed you for being a jerk to you. I hope you can forgive me.
I looked up to the Slytherin table and saw him. We locked eyes but showed no emotion towards each other. I didn't know what reaction I should've shown to him. To show him that I was thankful for the dress, but at the same time, I was still mad at him for what he did.
I bet he felt the same way.
Merlin, it was like déjà vu all over again.
"Max! Hurry up! The party is supposed to start soon!"
"Harry, stop rushing me! I'm almost done!"
I was putting the last touches of my makeup on and checking to see if I looked okay in the mirror. My hair was on the side, all curly and wavy and in place. It was a gold dress with sequins on it that came down to my knees. The dress was so beautiful. It wasn't my exact size, but I used my wand to alter it so it would fit me.
Since the dress was strapless, my shoulders were going to be cold the entire evening. I smoothed my dress out and took a deep breath, exiting out of the bathroom and going down to the Gryffindor Common Room.
I thought I knocked the breath out of Harry, my own brother. Because he was stunned when he saw me descending down the stairs. His mouth was open wide, stunned at my appearance.
"Max, you look beautiful," he said.
"Harry, stop lying. You don't have to say that just because I'm your twin," I chucked, walking up to him.
"I'm being serious. You look like a million Galleons."
I laughed. "Thank you, Harry. You look handsome as well."
He slightly blushed. "Thanks. We better get going. We don't want to be late."
I nodded in agreement. "Right. Let's go."
We headed down to meet Luna and Blaise. Harry and Luna went ahead of us while Blaise and I stayed back for a bit. He shot me one of his smirks and I rolled my eyes at him in return.
"You look nice," he commented.
I hesitated before replying. "Thank you. You cleaned up nice, too. I'm surprised you're familiar with the idea of cleanliness."
He chuckled. "All Slytherins are familiar with it. I hope you know that. Why do you think Draco does it?"
"To impress all the ladies, I bet."
"I think he's after one person in particular."
"Who, Pansy Parkinson and her slutty self?"
"No. I was talking about you."
I felt a tug at my heart when he said that. We started walking to the party, seeing everyone chatting and laughing at one another. The atmosphere in the room was enthusiastic and filled with decorations and mistletoe. I spotted Hermione with Cormac, Harry with Luna, and Ginny with Dean.
"Care to save me a kiss under the mistletoe?" Blaise joked in a low voice in my ear.
"One can only wish, Zabini," I replied, hitting his arm.
He laughed.
As I was searching for Ginny, Slughorn pulled Harry and I for a picture. Before Harry and I could run off again, Snape stopped us.
"Professor Dumbledore would like me to give you two a message that he wishes you two your best and enjoy your holidays. You see, he will be traveling for the holidays, and he will not return until the term resumes."
"Traveling? Traveling where?" Harry inquired.
Snape just stared at us for a moment, then walked away from us.
"That was odd," he stated.
I spotted Ginny by the punch bowl and practically ran over there to her. She flashed a smile at me.
"Finally! I was waiting for you to notice me. You look amazing, by the way."
"Me? Look at yourself, Ginny Weasley. You are rocking that dress."
The redhead giggled. "Thanks. I just try to work with what I got."
I smirked, letting my eyes go around the room. That was when I saw him. Draco Malfoy was shooting a death glare right at us. Of course, he came right over to us.
"What do you want, Malfoy?" Ginny asked him in a rude tone.
"Shut it, Weasley. I didn't come over here to talk to you," he replied coldly. "I came to see your girlfriend."
"As if I want to see you," I snapped.
"You and I both know that we need to talk," he retorted.
"Hey! What are you doing here, my boy?" Slughorn called him out in front of the entire party.
"Don't worry, Horace. I'll escort him out," Snape stepped in, not taking his eyes off of Draco.
He took another good look at me before turning his head towards Snape. "Certainly, Professor." The blond boy stormed out of the party with Snape following behind him. For some reason, I couldn't take my eyes off of Draco when he left the room.
"I know you like him," she said. "You should be with him."
I sighed, nodding my head. "Yeah. Besides, I'm pretty sure Harry has a thing for you."
She chuckled. "Go. I think we're done here." She gave me one last smile and left me.
Once I saw Harry leave the party, I followed him. We heard them stop and they started talking about Draco being chosen for something.
"Maybe I did hex that Bell girl. Maybe I didn't. What's it to you?"
"I swore to protect you!" We heard Snape hiss. "I made the Unbreakable Vow!"
"I don't need protection! I was chosen for this! Out of all others, me! I won't fail him."
"You're afraid, Draco. You attempt to conceal it, but it's obvious. Let me assist you."
"No! I was chosen! This is my moment!"
Harry was right. I was right. He was a Death Eater. But I still wanted to talk to him even more now.
Once I knew that Snape was gone, Harry leaned against the wall. I told him that I was going back to the Gryffindor Tower to go to bed and he nodded. Of course, I wasn't going back. I was going to find Draco and confront him about these past few months. I was at the point where our argument was finally eating me alive. It was now or never to finally talk to him to his face about it.
"Looking for you," I said truthfully.
He nodded. "Well, you and both know that we need to discuss what's been happening these past few months. I think it's time that we settle this once and for all."
"I was just curious," he said. "We need to talk, you know. You and both know that we need to discuss what's been happening these past few months. I think it's time that we settle this once and for all."
I said nothing.
He walked towards me, his face filled with sadness almost. "I didn't want things to be like this. I was excited about our first date as well. And then--"
"And then you cursed Katie Bell," I finished for him.
"Are you trying to make me feel bad about what I did?"
"You should feel bad!"
"I didn't mean to curse her, Max! The necklace wasn't meant for her to open!"
"Then why did you do it, then, huh? Tell me why you gave her the package!"
"I-I can't tell you," he whispered against my face. "Believe me, I really wish I could tell you, but I can't."
He was so close to me, it was almost taking my breath away. I started to breathe heavily. "Do you miss me?"
"More than anything," he answered truthfully.
"Then why did you let me go?" He hesitated. "Why, Draco?"
"Because I..." He trailed off.
"What?" I asked.
Then he kissed me.
I missed his lips. Draco Malfoy was kissing me, and I was liking it. I kissed him back, putting my arms around his neck. He planted his hands around my waist, pulling me closer to him. We kissed for a minute and then he pulled away, his face just inches away from mine.
"My room," was all he said. I nodded.
He took my hand and led me all the way to his bedroom in the Slytherin Dungeons. While the walk was long, I felt my heart speed up the more steps we took.
Draco closed the door, locked it, placed a Silencing Charm around the room, and then ran up to me and slammed his lips against mine again. His hands roamed around my body, landing at my zipper.
"Merlin, I've missed this," I blurted out loud, kicking off my shoes.
"Can I--"
"Yes. Yes, Draco, just take it off."
It didn't take long for my dress to slide off of me. I started kissing his neck, then he placed me on the bed, getting on top as he began to ravish me.
"So does this mean we're friends again?" Draco asked me at three o'clock in the morning as we laid in his bed.
I couldn't help but laugh at his question. "Friends don't shag."
He chuckled in response. "I guess you're right." He draped his arm over my head. "But our friendship is very interesting, really."
I smiled as I cuddled up against his bare chest, sighing in content, I looked at him. "You know, when we weren't speaking to each other, I was waiting for you to come up to me and say something to me. You never even shot a glance at me, not once."
"I did, actually," he said, stroking my messy hair. "Whenever I saw you walk in, I waited until you were occupied to look at you. I waited for you to look back at me, just a small glance, really."
"Why didn't you come talk to me?"
"Because I was scared that if I made a wrong move then everything would be ruined. Our friendship, I mean." He sighed. "Then there was you and the Weasley girl..."
"Yes, and it was just a phase." I paused, taking his hand in mine. "I missed you."
"I missed you, too, Max," he responded.
"I need to go back. Harry and the others will worry. Besides, I'm going to be staying with Ron and Ginny for the holidays."
"Can't you just stay for the night? You can sneak out in the morning."
"It is morning, Draco," I pointed out, giggling at him.
He pulled my body onto his, holding me close to him. "Don't leave."
"I have to go," was my response.
"Just one more hour. Please, Max. I'm not ready for you to go just yet."
To be honest, I wasn't ready to go, either. I really did miss this feeling, this passion, this security that Draco gave me. Reality could wait just a little bit longer for me to return.
"Okay, but one more hour. I'm serious."
He smiled, genuinely smiled at me. The blond boy gave me a peck on the lips, not letting go of me. "You remember when I sent you that note back in third year?" he asked me out of nowhere.
"The day Snape was teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts?" I asked. He nodded. "Yeah, I remember. Why?"
Draco sighed, pausing for a moment. "I did some extra reading and learned about Occlumency. I know it's difficult, but I had some help from Snape and I tried it out on you, just to see if I could do it. Of course, you've got an easy mind to read. After I sent you that note, I tried avoiding you. I wanted to stop being mean to you, but believe me, it was hard."
"Why are you telling me this, Draco?"
"I felt bad about it. I didn't realize what you were going through, especially what my father put you through. I'm sorry."
I turned around on the bed and faced him. "Well, if we're apologizing now, I'm sorry about almost hurting you last year." I paused, sighing. "We have a lot to be sorry for, I think."
"It's okay. We both do, but it's all in the past now." He gave me a kiss on the lips and laid in bed, looking up at the ceiling.
Four o'clock came by quicker than we expected. I got up to put my dress back on. Draco was staring up at the ceiling, not moving except with the occasional blinking of his eyes. I sighed, picking up my shoes and walking up to him and looking down at him. His eyebrows went up as I gently touched his cheek, caressing it with my thumb. I didn't want to leave him, but I had to.
"I'll see you soon, okay?" He nodded, then sitting up to kiss me one more time.
We pulled away and gazed into each other's eyes. He stared into my green eyes and I stared into his grey ones. The grey ones that I truly adored. Our touch lingered on when I started walking away from him. Our hands finally dropped down when I was at the door. I looked at him one last time before leaving his room and shutting the door behind me.
I kept replaying our intimate moment as I walked down the corridors and staircases. I saw his lips, his hands, the way he touched me. I could hear his voice in my ears, the way he was soft towards me. I wanted to hold onto it for as long as I could.
When I got to the Gryffindor Tower, I was resisting the urge to go back to Draco. The feeling of his body being next to mine just made me feel safe when I was with him. I entered the Gryffindor Common Room, finding Harry asleep on the couch. It had to be a habit for him, sitting by the fire this late at night. He probably had a feeling that I wasn't upstairs in my bed like I told him before we parted ways. This was the first time he stayed up and then fell asleep.
I chuckled slightly at my sleeping twin, shaking my head as well. I crept upstairs quietly so that I wouldn't wake him up. I went into my dorm, taking off my dress and putting on an old shirt and some shorts that I found lying around on my bed. When I wrapped myself in my blanket and placed my head on my soft pillow, I reached my hands up to my flustered lips, reminiscing what just happened a few hours ago. I slept with Draco Malfoy again.
Now all was forgiven between me and him.
A/N: YES! So no more Minny. I'm pretty sure everyone is happy about that, lol.
Just a quick note that I will explain the whole thing about Max not seeing Draco's mark on his arm at the end of the story. It's more like an assumption Max makes, but it's technically explained then.
Okay, sooo what did you think of this chapter? Like? Love? What do you think will happen next?
Comment, vote, and be happy that I brought Drax back. BYE FOR NOW! :) You know you love me.
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