So, this is mostly to state that if you get anything under a 40, I am not responsible for hurt feelings.
I DO NOT TAKE DOWN REVIEWS. Except for these 3 reasons:
1: You have revised it to the extent that you are certain it will gain at least 5-10 points. I will glance at it to ensure this is true.
2: You are going to publish the novel. I can respect that for PR reasons.
3: You delete the book and/or are re-publishing it
It takes time to write these reviews, and leaving reviews up helps potential requesters see what kind of review they are going to get. I can't just keep the 45+ point reviews up. It's not fair to me, or to others.
If you start to name-call or behave badly, that's fine. That's not a mark on my character. If anything, that makes me want to leave it up even more.
Also, the password for the form is your favorite breakfast food.
(For newbs: Passwords are things we sometimes ask for to ensure you read this when filling out the form. It's like the secret handshake before being let into a clubhouse)
That being said, these aren't going to be "harsh" reviews. There are plenty of others out there. One, in particular, that is excellent is Brutally Honest Reviews by calmingfire.
I understand it takes a lot of guts to submit your story to be publicly read. Especially if it doesn't go as you planned. I have been there myself! But think of it this way - it's already on Wattpad for the world to see. Wouldn't you rather be told where someone thinks it needs work, rather than leave it with errors? OR, on a different note, it will help you realize that you actually disagree with me and you end up defending your book. Either way, you grew as an author! Wattpad is a forum for growth.
Think of it more plainly - brushing your teeth. Imagine if someone were to sit next to you and judge your teeth brushing on a scale out of 50. If you get a 25 out of 50, your first reaction is probably, "Well who the hell does this person think they are?" But let's be honest...if someone judged your teeth brushing skills and gave you a %50, isn't it at least worth considering to revise your ability to clean your own teeth?
Criticism is meant to either build your pride, or it's meant to make you reconsider your work. What feelings you assign to criticism is your liability, not mine.
Alright, enough of that. Basically, if you're not happy, I am sorry but I can't do anything about that. I will not shy away from areas that need work. I have been in the creative field for over 10 years and positive criticism should never be cushioned for someone's emotion. That's not how we grow. That being said, I love to mention positive things so it won't be all negative. But if a dialogue or description ruins the story, I will point it out.
This is the final warning!
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