~ Third Person P.O.V ~
Izuku rubbed his temples as he looked at a soaking wet Hitoshi, Eri, and Midnight on his mother's front porch. It was pouring rain outside, and the two - three counting the cat - were covered head to toe, or paw in Midnight's case, with rain. And what puzzled the college student, even more, was how they found his mother's house.
"Don't take this the wrong way," Izuku heaved sigh, "But what the hell are you guys doing here?"
"Jeez ZuZu, is that any way to treat two people who are freezing cold in the rain?" Eri countered, hopping out of her brother's arms and making her way into the house.
Resisting the compulsion to roll his green eyes, Izuku allows his boyfriend to walk through-- a light-lipped smile trespassing on the surface of his mouth. "Can I get an explanation now that you're inside?" He asked a low chuckle rumbling in his throat.
"Toshi was crying so we came here," Eri quipped from the living room, not missing a beat without giving her brother a chance to explain.
Narrowing his eyes, Hitoshi shakes out the droplets of water from his unruly lavender locks. "Have I mention how much I hate you?" He snarls at the little girl, albeit his tone was more comical than malicious.
"Nah, but you should do it more often," Eri retorted, throwing in a wink for good measure.
The green-eyed male rubs his temples whilst shutting his eyes, shaking his head as the two siblings continued to fire off smartass remarks at each other. "Hi-- remember me? The guy whose house you barged into soaking wet, mind giving me an explanation suitable enough to give my mother?" Izuku sassed, cocking an eyebrow.
Quickly scrambling into the living room, Hitoshi covers Eri's mouth-- precluding her from doing all the talking. "Long story short, me and my father got into an argument, I took Eri and we went to your dorm, you weren't there so we asked Todoroki where you were; he gave us this address."
"So you two just walked here in the rain?" Izuku half shouted half snorted, "Dumbasses,"
"Hey don't include me with my brother's idiocy--" The white-haired girl pouted, "-- If anything I was forced to come along."
"Sorry, dumbass," The small male corrected, giving his boyfriend a pointed look.
Before the three could discuss the matter any further, shuffling footfalls echoed through the hallway-- prompting their attention to go towards the source of the sound. Inko gazed at the newcomers with perplexes, questioning eyes; mouth twisted into a pout and eyebrows furrowed. However, as soon as she took in their drenched clothing and hair her . . . maternal instincts kicked in.
"My word, you two are soaked!" Inko exclaimed, "I'll go make you some tea and see if I can find some dry clothes,"
"Uhm, mother? Aren't you a bit curious as to who they are?" Izuku questioned slowly as his mom busied herself with making her way around their tiny kitchen.
Waving a dismissive hand around, Inko tutted under her breath. "We'll talk about that later, but for now get me a kettle,"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"So you're the infamous boyfriend I've heard jack-shit about," Inko intoned, nodding her head slowly as Hitoshi slowly sipped on his tea. "Awe ZuZu he's so cute!"
Opting to ignore his mother's exclamation at the end, Izuku refocused his attention onto the two siblings sitting in the living room-- a bathrobe currently adoring Hitoshi's body, and Eri wearing some of Izuku's old clothes from when he was a child. Their original clothing still going through a cycle in the dryer.
"Can I ask why you got into an argument with your dad?" He asked quietly, scooting back and resting his head on the elder's shoulder.
Hitoshi's body tensed as his orbs traveled elsewhere in the room, setting his cup down on the coffee table as his jacked hardened. Seeming to sense his unease on the subject, Inko raised her eyebrows at Eri-- nodding her head in the direction of the hallway.
"Want to see some of Izuku's old baby pictures?" The woman hummed, leading a now overly excited Eri down the hall.
The air between the two was tainted with a murky coat of grief, anger, and worry. Neither saying a word, yet both wanting nothing more than to let whatever words they were thinking fall from the tip of their tongues. Izuku knew whatever it was, it couldn't be good, yet his worry and curiosity overpowered his initial reaction to switching the subject.
"Hitoshi, what happened?" Izuku asked quietly, his finger cupping under the male's chin, forcing eye contact to be initiated.
"I . . ." Hitoshi heaved a weighted sigh, losing the internal war with himself and finally allowing whatever walls he built up around the ordeal to crumble. "When I was eight years old I got adopted, my real mother decided it'd be a good idea to have a Meth Lab in our garage-- one thing led to another and next thing I knew CPS was picking me up." He started, deciding to go at the very beginning.
"I was in foster care until I turned eight . . . I used to have two dads. My father, Shota Aizawa . . . and my other father, Hizashi Yamada-Aizawa. He died a few years ago, a drunk driver ran into his car-- of course, nobody ever knew about this . . . My father is the CEO of a multibillion-dollar company, if word got out he was gay--"
"-- That would be bad for business," Izuku finished, rubbing soothing circles into the elder's back.
Gritting his teeth, Hitoshi stifles a choked sob, fingers curling into his bare knees-- red claw marks being left in his wake. Without missing a beat, Izuku pulls the man into his chest, leaving a trail of feather-like kisses on his cheeks and forehead. Soothing, sweet, nothing's being whispered into Hitoshi's ear as he let all of his pent up emotions stream out. Izuku was able to piece the rest together for himself, knowing the two must have gotten into an argument about Hitoshi's other father.
In spite of feeling like a complete, and utter wreck at the moment-- Hitoshi couldn't help but feel a sense of security wash over him. Feeling safe, protected, understood . . . dare I say loved, in the arms of someone who cared for him. Because knowing that Izuku was there, holding him even at his worst moments; hell, even when he was wearing a bathrobe that was quite small for him-- he knew everything would be okay.
And the fact that Izuku was able to make him feel that way said a lot about how the two felt about one another.
Hello Cricket Cultists!!
Yes it is almost midnight where I am, your point?
First and foremost, let me just apologize-- I realize that my writing hasn't been up to it's full potential in these past few chapters. However, I plan on re-writing this book in the future, mainly to fill in a few plot holes I noticed, and plus . . . my writing. Just-- just my writing. I'm going to try my best to finish this book up this week, so thank you all for sticking by me through it all.
Also, for those of you who are still concerned about my mental health: Just know I'm doing better. I'm noticing that I've been having a lot of better days lately, and I can see myself rising above it. Thank you all for being there and supporting me as well!!
Until we meet again!!!
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