~ Third Person P.O.V ~
I'm not givin' y'all all the juicy details . . . ya filthy animals . . .
Izuku pulled his coat closer to his body, briskly walking down the driveway of the Aizawa residence. White, puffs of smoke emitting from his mouth from the bitter air circulating around him-- to say it was cold that night would be an understatement. He was freezing his ass off.
Quickly making his way up the stone steps, he inserts his key into the door-- walking in and slamming it shut with a huff. It was silent in the house, which was an aberration from the usual shouting, clamoring, or meowing coming from Midnight. Hanging his coat up on the rack his emerald eyes scan over his surroundings; coming up empty-handed on seeing anyone there. Making his way up the stairs, faint, pitter-patter of water echoing through the deserted halls-- leading towards Hitoshi's room.
The door to his room, as well as his bathroom, were both ajar; signaling they were most likely the only two in the house. Good. Strolling into the elder's room, he closes the door behind himself, eyes scavenging around the premises. Drawing in one last deep breath, the freckled male walks into the steam-filled bathroom.
Hitoshi's blurred silhouette from behind the shower's sliding doors was the first thing that caught Izuku's eye. Water from the showerhead pouring downwards and resonating throughout the room. Hopping on the counter silently, Izuku bites the inside of his cheek-- debating on what to do.
Does he just wait for him to get out?
Spring the question on him then?
. . . Does he get in with him?
No, he would wait . . . that seemed like his best option. It'd give him time to think things through, seeing as though the trip over here clearly wasn't enough time for him. What was he going to do? Just say 'Hey, boyfriend who I've been dating for almost two months-- wanna have sex now?'
Does he even want to have sex?
Izuku didn't hear it when the sliding door opened, or when the showerhead turned off-- however, what he did hear was the loud, deafening scream coming from the purple-haired man.
"Jesus fucking Christ Izuku! You scared the living shit out of me," Hitoshi heaved a weighted sigh, placing a hand over his heart. "Uhm, not that I'm really complaining here babe but what're you doing in here?"
Flushing a prominent scarlet hue, Izuku averts his eyes onto the floor-- for it had become quite apparent to him that Hitoshi was only sporting a loosely fitted towel around his waist. He shouldn't be embarrassed by this . . . they're dating for fuck's sake! Slowly, he allows his eyes to travel back up from the tiled flooring, landing on the semi-naked man before him.
"We've never had sex," Izuku stated blankly, just ripping the bandaid off.
"No, really? You're joking with me, right?" Hitoshi replied, sarcasm rolling fluidly off his tongue just as the water droplets did his body.
Giving the elder a stern look, Izuku crosses his arms while straightening out his back. "C'mon Toshi-- I just . . . it suddenly occurred to me that you most likely used to do that kind of stuff a lot before we started dating. And then I realized that since we haven't done anything that you might feel like you're missing out,"
Taken aback by the younger's words, Hitoshi presses his lips into a firm line. Lavender eyes peering at Izuku, the boy who never fails to bring a smile to his lips, or pull a laugh from his belly . . . dare I say, the boy he loves?
"I-- Izuku I'm not going to try and pressure you into something you're clearly not ready for," Hitoshi hummed, taking a seat next to the smaller male on the counter. "So don't worry about it, okay?" He whispered, pushing a few ringlets out of his face.
Clasping his hand over Hitoshi's before he pulled it away from his cheek, Izuku stares him dead in the eyes. "But that's the thing Toshi . . . you're the first and only person I've ever felt this kind of way for-- I wouldn't mind if it was you."
Breath hitching in the base of his throat and heat pooling in his stomach, Hitoshi raises one bushy eyebrow. "Are you positive?" He questioned lowly, swallowing thickly.
Wasting no time at all, Hitoshi connects their lips into a feverish kiss-- cupping the sides of Izuku's face tenderly. One arm locking around the younger's waist and hoisting him off the counter, Izuku almost instantly wrapping his limbs around Hitoshi's waist and neck; as he carried them off into his room.
Softly lowering Izuku down onto the bed, Hitoshi lifts the boy's shirt up, peppering his chest and the flat surface of his stomach with kisses. "Are you absolutely sure?" He asked huskily one last time.
Grabbing the elder by his, still damp, hair he pulls him upwards to place a chaste kiss on his lips. "I'm sure,"
And with that confirmation, Hitoshi descends lower and lower.
- - - - - - - - -
Hitoshi ran his fingers through Izuku's matted down curls, fingernails lightly scathing his scalp in circular motions as the college student slept soundly. The younger's head tucked securely under Hitoshi's chin, arms wrapped lightly around his middle. It was semi-dark in the room, the moon barely just rising over the horizon-- lucent shining behind the drapes.
A light smile tugging the corners of Hitoshi's mouth upwards as his mind flooded with memories from their previous activities. Tonight just might be . . . the best night he'd ever had. It really made him realize that he had eyes for Izuku and only Izuku. Just the mere thought of being this close to anyone who wasn't Izuku didn't appeal to him anymore.
Just as he was about to close his eyes faint, muffled noises resonated from downstairs-- eyes widening, and pulse-quickening; Hitoshi scrambles out of bed. Careful not to wake the sleeping Izuku beside him.
Slipping into a fresh pair of boxers and sweatpants, Hitoshi makes his way downstairs; and to his horror finds Eri sitting on the couch. Munching away on a bag of chips as she seemed to be engrossed by the TV.
"Hey Hito," Eri hummed, never straying her eyes away from the screen-- which was playing an old western movie.
"Hey Eri," Hitoshi said slowly, "How long have you been here? Dad said you had piano and violin lessons."
"I just got back like thirty minutes ago, the driver dropped me off." She explained, sparing him a quick glance.
Heaving a controlled sigh, Hitoshi makes his way over to the couch hesitantly. Eyes boring into the little girl as she continued to watch TV and much away on her chips. "You haven't gone upstairs have you?" He asked casually, watching her intently.
"Mmm nope,"
Taking a sigh of relief, Hitoshi ruffles her snowy hair before walking over to the kitchen. uJst as he was about to reach the door-
"But that doesn't mean I didn't hear you two . . . ya nasty,"
Hello Cricket Cultists!!
I gave you guys your semi-smut, but that's it. Time for the angst overload. Hehehe *Continues to laugh in author*
Until we meet again!!!
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