~ Third Person P.O.V ~
Aizawa sat at his desk, back slouched over as he sifted through the mounds and mounds of paperwork. The raven haired man had been undergoing quite a deal of stress as of late, the stock market for Plus Ultra Industries was dwindling at unsettling speeds. And for once in his life he had no clue what to do about it.
Now the thing about Plus Ultra Industries is, it doesn't just focus on selling one product. Which is why it has been doing so well for the past two decades. They sell a variety of things, from cosmetics to clothing lines.
But recently a lot of the departments haven't been doing well. Less and less sales were being made in the departments and Aizawa had no clue why. He knew they needed something to keep the business going, something the consumers would want to buy. Yet he was drawing blanks on what that was. And of course, per usual, the board was no help whatsoever on the matter. They only suggested that they lower prices on certain products- which in the long run still wouldn't do any good. He needed something. . . anything to draw attention to his company once more. That's when it hit him-
Pulling out his phone he quickly dials a number in the key pad, waiting somewhat pateintly as the linie trilled on the other end.
"Hey Enji. . . I need to ask a favor,"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hitoshi groaned as his little sister bounded into his room, excitedly delivering the news she just heard. "Daddy's hosting a party tomorrow night!" Eri exclaimed, balling her hands up into tiny fists.
"Why? Dad hates parties. . ." Hitoshi scoffed, furrowing his bros into a tight pinch in the middle of his forehead.
"I know, but I overheard him in his study-" The snow haired girl started, only to be interrupted by her elder brother.
"You mean you eavesdropped on him."
Rolling her ruby eyes, Eri fights off the smile that threatens to taint her features. "Oh, never mind that- but apparently the company isn't doing so good. So he's going to have all his rich friends there as well as some investors there to pitch ideas and crap." She explained, "But it'll still be fun because we get to wear some fancy clothes and eat a bunch of food!"
"And let me guess, you want me to take you shopping?" Hitoshi asked monotonously, cocking an eyebrow at her.
"It's a possibility," She mumbled, "I want a new dress for the party! Pretty please big brother?"
The elder just stared at her, not looking as though he were going to budge anytime soon. That's when Eri remembered the trick Izuku taught her a few weeks ago. A large pout formed on her lips as she enlarged her eyes, batting her eyelashes a few times.
"Fine," Hitoshi groaned, dragging the word out. "But you're going to have to convince dad to let me out."
Eri smirked, a habit she picked up from the purple haired man, obviously, clearly she accepted the challenge as she skipped off to her father's study. Stopping when she got to the door, she took in a deep breath before quietly knocking.
"What?" Aizawa barked from the other side, prompting her to flinch at how loud his voice was- even from behind the closed door.
"It's me daddy. . . can I come in?" Eri asked, keeping her voice as light and mellifluous.
It was silent on the other side of the door for a little while, Eri waited patiently- knowing her father was still fairly stressed out. After a few more moments there was a mumbled 'Sure,' followed by a loud sigh. Eri pushed the door open, walking in and stand a few feet away from the desk with her hands behind her back.
"Uhm, I couldn't help but overhear about the party tomorrow night. . . and I was wondering if Toshi could take me shopping today daddy." She voiced, chewing the inside of her cheek as she twisted her torso from side to side.
Aizawa's dark eyes narrowed as he examined his daughter with a cold gaze, making her fidget and shrink back in discomfort. "Fine. But you'll have to wait until Mr. Midoriya gets here, his job is to keep an eye on your brother and that's exactly what he'll do."
"Okay, thank you daddy!" Eri beamed, fighting off the urge to run over to the man and hug him.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Izuku tiredly slugged his feet forward as he, Eri, and Hitoshi walked through the mall. He was dead tired, per usual, skin paler than usual and head of curls messy and unruly- there were a few onlookers who felt the need to stare at him. Which is to be expected seeing as though he was one, looking dead as hell, and two, he was with two celebrities.
One of which is a five year old.
"Ooh, look at that one can we get that one Tosh?!" Eri asked, jumping up and down and pointing to a dress that was displayed in the window. "Pretty please with sprinkles on top?!"
Rolling his eyes, Hitoshi nods his head as the three walk into the store- now starting to sift through the dresses on the racks looking for Eri's size. It was a flower lace at the top of the dress, pleated sleeveless, that moved down into a puffy green bottom. Embroidered crystals and glitter at the top where the green floral design was.
"What do you think Midoriya? Is it pretty?" Eri asked the teen, looking up at him with expectant eyes.
Izuku cracked a smile at her, kneeling down to her eye level and nodding his head. "I think it's very pretty Eri, besides green is my favorite color." He chuckled, ruffling her hair up a bit.
"Are you going to come to the party too?" She asked, tilting her head to the side and looking up at him. "It won't be fun if you're not there," Eri added, using her pout against him as she enlarged her eyes.
"Okay, now that's just cheating!" The freckled male exclaimed, eyeing the girl up and down with pursed lips. "I'll think about it," Izuku finally said, which was just enough to please the girl.
Hitoshi, who was at the front counter flirting with the cashier, came jogging back to the two- his phone in hand and outstretched to Izuku for him to take. "Here, my father wants to talk to you," He said.
Furrowing his eyebrows together, Izuku slowly takes the phone from the elder's hand- putting it to his ear. "H- Hello?"
"Ah, Mr. Midoriya. . . are you busy tomorrow?" Aizawa asked, leaning back in his chair and tapping his pen against his chin. "Doing anything important?"
"Uhm, well I have a few presentations due tomorrow that defines whether or not I pass a few classes. . . so yes." Izuku stammered, tucking his bottom lip in between his teeth.
There was a short pause on the other end, followed by a sigh from the black haired man. "Well as you know I'm hosting a party tomorrow evening, and it's pretty last minute. Therefore I have to make all sorts of preparations tonight and tomorrow, so I'm going to need to stay the night and help. "
"And before you open your mouth to object on the matter, I'll pay you double, triple if I have to. Give me the names of your professors and I'll sort out the issues with your presentations. . . I trust you have something decent to wear for the party?" Aizawa rushed, his voice sounding strained and tired.
Blinking a few times, Izuku nodded his head. "I- uh. . yes, yes I have something decent to wear."
And with that Aizawa hung up, leaving a very stunned Izuku standing there. "I literally have nothing 'decent' to wear!" Izuku whined.
Hello Cricket Cultists!!
So for starters I FUCKING HAVE 1K FOLLOWERS GUYS LIKE WHAT THE HELL??! Thank you guys so much I love all you! I might do a double update today just because of how happy I am so be on the look our for that.
And two, remember how I said this was going to be a slowburn? Well. . . about that. . . .
Until we meet again!!!
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