Trained assasin
12 years after the incident...
I swished through the air, using my grappling hook arrow to swing from building to building. Landing in the rafters of a shopping mall, I stop and listen for telltale noises of people walking in the mall below. There are some, but not as many. Good. That means the mall is probably going to close soon. Jumping down to the ground, I walk casually into the mall, heading straight for the toilets.
" Dear customers, the mall is closing in half an hour. Please finish up your shopping and leave the premises. Thank you for your kind attention." An announcement came from the overhead speaker. I groaned. Great. That meant more time to kill in this toilet. My stomach growled. I hadn't eaten since three days ago. Waiting was agony, as I ignored my stomach's pleas to get food into it.
" Dear customers, the mall is closing in five minutes. Please finish up your shopping and leave the premises. Thank you for your kind cooperation." Finally! I jumped up from my temporary seat on the top of the toilet cover and strapped my quiver full of a selection of arrows to my back and slid my gun into my holster on the side of my black belt. Obviously I was dressed in a full combat outfit, duh. What spy would go on a mission, and get caught just because she was caught by the CCTV cameras? I pulled on my black mask fashioned out of black cloth. Grabbing my two katanas, I slid them smoothly into my sheaths. Then I came out from the dimly lit toilet and started searching for a good hiding spot to wait for the last checks to be over. They always did a check in the toilets to make sure that no one was in them before closing down. My keen eyes were peeled as I searched for a distant hiding place. I see better from a distance, after all. Spotting a window ledge, I climbed onto the toilet seat and jumped right onto it, hanging slightly out and waiting for the last minute checks to be made.
About a minute later, a lady did indeed come back into the toilet to check for anyone hiding there. Satisfied, she walked out towards the main office. A few minutes later, I heard the shutters of the mall being closed and locked. Good. Time to act.
Running out of my hiding place, I stuck to the shadows, their darkness shading me from any CCTV cameras. Spotting a bakery, I rushed over, finally ready to satisfy my stomach's pleas for food. Grabbing my lock picking set from my pocket, I made quick work of the cheap lock and ran inside, pilfering goodies to eat. Getting a bite of a jam bun, I ran out of the store with a plastic bag in my hands, heading straight for the clothes shop. What? A girl needs her clothes too, right? Picking the lock once more, I went inside, grabbing a plastic bag from the counter. Pulling a few items off the racks, I checked them first in the mirror to check that they fit, then stuffed it into the plastic bag. Heading to the counter again, I grabbed a few dollars from the counter, just enough to pay for a meal.
Running back to the toilets, I climbed back onto the ledge and looked down at the twenty meter drop down to freedom. Eh. YOLO, right? I curled myself up in a ball and jumped. Rolling when I landed, I started climbing up the bricks, using sheer arm strength to pull me up the building. At the top, I used the grappling hook arrow to shoot to another building and disappeared back into the horizon.
I woke up from my position behind one of the cleaner dumpsters and stretched. Looking around, I decided that it was safe enough to go to a nearby cafe to grab breakfast. I pulled my hair up into a high ponytail and changed. Heading out, wearing one of my new clothes, a sunhat and a pair of shades, I hit the pavement walking. What can I say? I have to disguise myself properly, don't I?
Sitting down to a plate of waffle and syrup and a cup of coffee, I propped a newspaper up over my face and pretended to read while all the time looking around keenly at my surroundings.
Just then, I spotted two big and burly men walking into the cafe. Instantly, my instincts were on high alert. What were they doing here? They looked like they belonged in a group of thugs instead of in a cafe. I grabbed my bow, hidden under my clothes, and a few other arrows, ditching the rest. The men started walking towards me. Well, I'm dead. Sliding slowly out from my table, I walked slowly towards the door. Immediately, they started to tail me. Amateurs. I thought. You don't follow people immediately if you're tailing them. I walked towards the door, my hand inside my coat, fingering my weapons.
" Hands up! Don't move!" A guy said, taking a gun out of his pocket. My grip tightened on my bow and gun. The quiet, relaxing cafe suddenly turned into a chaotic mess of screams and people scrambling to hide from the man with a gun. At this, the other man also took out a gun and pointed it at me. I groaned and ran out of the cafe. Looking around, the street was deserted so there wasn't much chance of blending in. Sighing, I turned to my only other option: the fire escape. I knew that breaking it open by force would set off the fire alarm, but there was no time for stealth. I broke open the fire escape and heard the alarm go off inside the building, sending the people into screams and shouts as they fought to get out of the building. The men were surrounded by them and slowed down through the crowd. I smirked and vaulted quickly and silently up to the roof. Not that there was any point. I had already blown my cover but I was hoping that I could create a new one. I walked to the edge of the building, my red ponytail swinging wildly. The people were filing out of the building, ignoring the shop owner's cries to ' exit in an orderly fashion'. I removed my bow and arrows from their cover under my coat. Ditching the cheap cover onto the ground, I grabbed a knife out of my belt and sliced it beyond recognition.
Hearing a noise behind me, I froze. Turning slowly around, I spotted the two men who were chasing me just now. They, too, had ditched their coat, leaving their big muscles exposed. I groaned and strapped my quiver onto my back. Grabbing an arrow and loading my bow, I pointed it at one of them.
" Move or I'll shoot!" I said, disguising my voice into a thick Russian one. The man who was free from the glare of the edge of my arrow, scoffed.
" You really think I care about him?" The man asked, his thick accent, undoubtedly Russian, made it obvious that he was not joking. Without a second thought, I shot the arrow and, without waiting to see if it hit its mark, notched another arrow and let it fly. Instantly, both men were on the floor, groaning and clutching their impaled eyes. My gun was grabbed from its holster as I shot a man, leaving the other squirming man on the ground, terrified.
" I won't ask a second time: Which organization are you from?" I asked. The man grinned, showing a yellowed set of teeth. He bit down on something hard and immediately started foaming at the mouth.
" Hail...Hydra," he said, before turning limp. I dropped him on the floor and started to search him for an identity card, but there was none. There was only a tattoo on one of his arms: a serpentine or something. Wiping him of my fingerprints, I grabbed my bloodied arrows out from their eye sockets and placed it into my quiver. I wiped my spare gun down. I placed it into one of the guy's hands and placed it so that it would look like a murder scene. I grabbed my bow and other gun and slid it into my holster. Police sirens were heard. I looked down. Police cars were arriving at a rapid speed. I grabbed my grappling hook arrow and grappled away.
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