004 The Date
July 08
Alex POV
I'm not sure I can do this. Why do the people I like have to leave or die or hate me? Why can't someone just help me out?
Even though I knew who he was, I was so interested in, well, him. I'm falling in love with a stranger, oh god. I need to chill. I took a sip of my Mountain Dew and walked down the street to Starbucks around the same time I did yesterday. He was there. Of course he was. He works everyday except the weekends.
He waved hi while he wiped a table then got my order. He smiled at me. Oh my god his smile.
When his shift ended at five, he sat down with me again. We talked like yesterday and I found that I knew practically everything about him already. I knew his address, phone number, work hours, common places he hangs out, where he went to school. It's all because I was a stupid kid who decided to live with his close teacher friend. Look what that stupid kid became. A monster who kills people. Well, actually I haven't yet.
When I got home, Samuel Seabury stopped by my room. My room doubled as my office space now. I was sitting at my dark wooden desk in one of the spinny chairs Jefferson bought for everyone.
"Hey, um Hamilton?" He spoke quietly.
I looked back, even though I knew who it was. "What?"
"Oh just wondering how things with John Laurens are going is all."
I smirked. John. Wait, he didn't know anything, right? What do you mean things?"
"Well it's just that you have two more days to do it. I'm just trying to help out. Honestly," he stepped all the way into the room, "I'm sorry for what I said yesterday. I want to get back on your good side."
"You were never on my good side. Very few people are."
I shifted. "Well thanks. Um things are fine."
"Okay." He nodded awkwardly and walked off. I could tell it wasn't him joking around. He seemed like an okay person. He's just lonely so he depends on King, maybe.
John POV
Oh my, that Alex guy, amirite??
A dot Ham, more like A hot damn, amirite??
I don't know that much about him and his life, but I feel like I know so much more. I mean he's talked to me about why he loves writing, how he graduated college early, why he likes straight up black coffee, and he says everything so well. The words he uses and the description embellishes his elegance and eloquence nicely. He's so passionate and opinionated and smart.
The first time I saw him, I noticed the bags under his eyes. I figured he's just tired. Then I looked into his dark brown eyes and I saw his emotion. His black hair was long and tied up into a ponytail. He was short. Adorable. And he wore a sweater. It was green. Like a turtle!
I'm falling in love with a stranger, oh god.
He mentioned something about his ex boyfriend? Was it James something? Madison?
Which means he likes guys? *fangirling walrus noises ahh*
(omfg John stOp)
At 7pm, I decided to text him again.
John: So you said you had an ex boyfriend or something?
I'm so stupid. That was the stupidest thing I could have said. He's not even going to respo-
Alex: Yeah why? Lol
Oh. Hah.
John: Jw
John: Ok I'm gonna ask u something heckin weird
John: Here we go
Alex: ??
John: Do u wanna like go out,,,, like a dAtE?
Alex: Wow commas.
Alex: Totally!
John: omgg really?
Alex: Hell yea
Alex said hell yea. Alex said hell yea. I'm going out with Alex. Because he said hell yeaAAHHH.
Alex POV
What the heck did you do?
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