Chapter Four
After a few months, school was starting back up again. In most cases, it would be a rather dreadful thing but at least Alexander would finally have something to do with his life. He was undoubtedly losing control over himself but thanks to Mulligan, every time he was near rock bottom, he got helped back up again.
Sometimes it was the little things like when Hercules would remind him to get up today, or to change his clothes and take a shower. Sometimes it was Mulligan dragging Alex out of his room so he would eat.
Subsequently after Alexander's outburst of almost anger- though it was more of a fear of Mulligan beating him then pure anger- the bond between the two had grown. It was not exactly a father, son relationship per se, but it wasn't necessarily the way one would act near their best friend. It was more comfortable at this point. But despite this, school was starting back up again.
August ninth- to be exact.
August Ninth and Alexander Hamilton would finally be in his last year of high school. Sure he was there now, but by God he would say it had taken too long. Too much pain. The ridicules and the never ending torture day after day, night after night, from his abusers then from himself.
Alex was getting better.
That's what he was trying to convince himself anyway. Back to school shopping had been probably one of the best memories Alex had with Herc. They went to Walgreens- Yes, Walgreens, not Walmart- and had gotten a cart where Alex sat in the inside of the shopping cart with his legs hanging over the front of it.
It was more comfortable then it sounds.
Hamilton nearly fell out of the thing when they were taking the shopping cart back to Mulligans car to unload it, which would have lead in a terrible accident. It was so much fun.
Alex grabbed his bag and walked out of his room, after many failed attempts to make his hair somewhat decent. It looked fine, but he hated it anyway.
"Lookin' sharp, Alec. Want me to be like one of those cliche parents and take a picture of you smiling outside of the porch? Caption it, 'Alexander's fist day of second grade!'" Hercules asked, grinning and handing Alex his jacket and a juice box.
Alexander rolled his eyes in response. "You wanna make it look extremely sarcastic? Have me doing those stereotypical trend girl poses? Maybe I'll bit my lip," Alex joked, putting his bag down to put on his jacket.
"Maybe get a hand on the hip," Hercules said, smirking.
"Mhm, sister, work it!" Alex said, snickering.
"Flashback Mary," Mulligan said, walking back into the kitchen.
Alex snorted, clapping lightly. "I'm proud. I've got you watchin' some quality content. James Charles."
"Yeah, yeah. It's almost eight so you better hustle over on to school kid." Mulligan said.
"Can I get a goodbye kiss?" Hamilton laughed, starting to walk out the door.
"Wait, Alec!" Herc called.
Alex turned on his heel and looked to the kitchen.
"You took your pills?" Hercules asked.
"You ate dinner last night?"
"You were there Herc," Alex snickered.
"Phone, wallet, keys?" Mulligan asked.
"I'm fine. I gotta go to school now. I'll see ya later," Alex said, leaving.
Mulligan sighed heavily.
"They grow up so fast.."
Alexander walked onto campus and had to convince himself he'd do alright. His main goal was to just get through the day. Bonus points if he made friends. Triple bonus points if said friend didn't leave him behind the first chance they got. Maybe if he made friends with someone, they'd introduce him to their friend group and he'd have loads of friends.
Alexander sat on a bench, going through his phone; he had a phone now! School actually started at 8:20 and gates opened at 8:05 so that meant he'd sit on the bench doing nothing and pretending like he was texting his friends for the next fifteen minutes. Simple enough.
So that's exactly what he did and happily, it worked.
Not a single person talked to him or have him a second glance.
Alex was fitting in! That's what he wanted.
He heard a bell ring and he put his phone into his pocket and got up, going to class. Alex had asked a few people for directions and now was heading his way to his first period class. All Alex had to do was get through his senior year and he'd be done.
Well, not completely done, but done with high school. This was the homestretch. He walked into a class, seeing a teacher doing something with her computer and a bunch of classmates.
Alex slung his bag around a back of a chair and sat down. He listened to the teachers little into, talking about where she came from and even her dog at one point. Hamilton would be lying if he said he didn't smile a little at the sight of her baby golden retriever on the smart board.
The door opened and a kid walked in. Thirty minutes late.
"Yo, uh, is there a seatin' chart or something?" He asked.
"Do you have a pass, sir?" Mrs.Miller asked.
The boy held up a pink slip.
"Alright then. You can sit next to Jacobs. Jacobs, raise your hand."
Mrs.Miller said.
Jacobs did so and the boy sat in next to him. In front of Alex.
"Who's he..?" Alex asked the girl next to him.
She popped her bubble gum and shrugged.
"I think his name was John."
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