Twenty Four
Alec Pov
After school on Monday, John and I rode our bikes to his house. My pare- George and Martha knew I wouldn't be home until later because I told them this morning.
Laf made wolf whistles when I said it. I went inside with him and we sat on his couch watching Tv.
I heard footsteps going down the stairs and I turned around. I saw a man that looked a lot like John just a bit older and taller.
"Hey Jack. How was school?" He asked.
"It was okay." John replied, not looking away from the Tv.
"Hello." He said, acknowledging me. "H-hello." I said, my hand curling into a fist from anxiety.
"What's your name boy?" He asked, sitting down next to John.
Hamilton." I added.
He nodded.
The man got up and said, "I'll be making lunch. Would you like to stay, Alexander?" He asked.
"S-Sure." I choked.
He left the room and I whispered to John, "That's your dad?"
"Mhm. He's cool I guess." John replied.
I nodded and let my head rest on his shoulder.
He rubbed my back and man, I was enjoying it way too much.
"Have you told him yet?" I asked. "" He said.
"John you gotta tell him." I said, nuzzling into his chest.
"God I'm so fuckin gay for you." He muttered, starting to run his hands through my hair.
I sighed softly and dropped my shoulders, my hands clutching his shirt.
"I like being gay." I mumbled.
He laughed and said, "I thought you were bisexual?"
"Not anymore Johnny boy. You've changed my mind." I told him.
"Aww thanks." He said.
We sat in a comfortable silence with the only the Tv making noise.
"Boys?" John's dad said, walking in the room.
John and I almost instantly pulled away from each other and John forced out, "Mhm?"
"What were you two doing?" He asked.
Being super gay together.
"...watching Tv." John said.
That's when I noticed his father was wearing a cross.
Maybe he's not homophobic.
Please make him not homophobic.
"You should tell him." I muttered.
"Are you insane?!" John whisper shouted at me.
His dad cleared his throat.
I nudged John and gave him a look.
"Hey dad? C-could I tell you somethin?" John asked standing up.
I stood up with him.
His dad looked at him strangely.
"Dad, I'm gay." John choked.
His dad was silent for a moment.
"Y-you're Gay?" His dad asked.
John nodded.
I rubbed his back in attempt to get him to calm down.
"Oh my- Erm...that's...I can't believe you're...why are you? That's..what the fu-...
I'm glad you told me Son.
Come here." His dad said, holding his arms out.
John jogged over to his dad and gave him a hug. I saw John and his dad were both crying so I took that moment to excuse myself.
I picked my bike off his front yard and smiled to myself.
That could've gone a lot worse.
I remember what happened when I came out to my last foster family.
God it was awful.
And when the other really Catholic foster family found my pride stuff.
I'm really glad Johns dad accepts him.
I rode my bike down the road.
I heard a car loudly honk and a crash. saw two cars hit. One of them rapidly slide in my direction.
It hit the pole.
Then me.
I heard a snap and the car slowly stopped.
I laid on the floor.
I looked over to my arm.
It was very obviously broken.
I let a small yelp.
I'm in shock.
With my other hand, I fished in my pocket and found my phone.
(George and Martha gave it to me in case of an emergency. Well guess fucking what. thIS IS AN EMERGENCY!)
I called 911.
"911, What is your emergency?" An operator asked.
"H-help." I croaked.
"Are you alright sir? Where is your location and emergency?" She asked, her voice more concerned.
"C-car crash. Help. I-I was- 32nd street. Please." I said, tears slowly streaming down my face.
I knew I wasn't going to die.
My arm is just fucked up.
I'm okay.
I just have to wait for the ambulance to arrive.
I'm alright.
And that's the last thought I had before passing out.
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