The last rays of dusk showered upon the streets of Vancouver once again. Shadows slowly began to creep onto streets, buildings and people. By adding a layer of dark shade and a shade gloomier to those who are already. Each step became more difficult for Angeline as if gravity threatened to trip him at any moment. The alcohol swung in his stomach like a pendulum of an old clock, painful and never ending. Finally exhausted from the pain, he leaned back against the alley, feeling tired from body to soul. There's nothing I can do, it's all over. He thought. He felt like crying, but there was just this hole of emptiness inside him; A hole that took away his hope, his joy, even his tears...the calming began to kick in, voices spun in his head like a 'Merry go around'. The world was vibrating for Angeline, as if each and every particle had free will to jump out of their cell and run around like criminals on the loose. Then the world began to spin, as if gravity choose to quit its job and screw everyone else in the world over. Then the headache kicked in, it was like a growing tumor, within moments it grew so large, he felt was going to explode from the pure size. Then out of instinct, he faced the nearest trash can and emptied out his stomach. He repeated the process several more times, until there was nothing to empty in his stomach. Slowly he turned away from the trash can and slumped to the ground from exhaustion and dizziness. Then out from the dim light, he saw a trio of figures approaching him, all 3 can be stereotyped as the typical street Junkies that are up to no good. They said something to amongst themselves, then one of them walked up to him bent down and said something; Angeline didn't catch a single word, nor did he bother to. Whatever they are going to do to me, I am already done...he closed his eyes, leaving fate with absolute control over his life.
70km/h...80km/h...90km/h...Mr. Di looked at his speedometer. He was 40km/h over the speed limit but he couldn't care less. He was driving a silver Lamborghini, that was easily worth a million dollars; and several times he almost ran into other cars, which he didn't even blink an eye towards in response. It wasn't the rush of adrenaline he was looking for; it was just his way of releasing his stress. He was furious, he was angry, he was tempered. But there was not a single drop of sweat, all the turning of the wheel, the timing of the gas was all coordinated and controlled better than the average driver on their best day. But something inside Mr. Di just nagged at him, it was just this shock. This wasn't part of his plan, now his entire business was going to be jeopardized, all because of one man's death, and he still had no idea who was behind all this. The more he thought, the more frustrated he grew. Then out of completely rage, he hulled to a complete stop by the road and climbed out of the car. Sighed, and took out a pack of cigarettes, took one out, lit it, and scanned his surroundings for a moment. It was the typical downtown eastside kind of neighborhood, grey shady buildings, and people pushing carts, lying on streets, huddling in corners...none of this stuff was new to him, he seems images of this place on the web and has been warned many times by the director of Vancouver ministry of health about the current state of the area, and never come here unless you have to. The smell, the odd looks, none of these things bothered him. Soon he became blended in as part of the background, dull and uninteresting. After finishing his cigarette, he let it drop to the ground, then ground it with the heel of his shoe. He began to turn around then paused as he caught a glimpse of something from the reflection of the mirror. And that moment he forgot everything else; and stared straight at the scene. Impossible...he muttered. The sight was like seeing a diamond lying in amidst of a mountain heap of coal, a beautiful flower in a wasteland. It made him wanted to protect it, without thinking about further consequences, he began walking towards her, then his walk broke into a jog. By the time he got there for a closer look, the first thing he knew was that he underestimated her. He found himself utterly speechless. But after looking around and analyzing the situation; she, perhaps the most beautiful women he meet in his life and a trio of local Junkies that meant her no good without thinking, he grabbed the extended hand of one of the Junkies, pulled him towards his body and rammed his elbow at the Junkie's face with full force. The first Junkie fell to the ground, dazed by the impact. The other two Junkies looked at each other for a moment, then one of them pulled out a knife; another one smashed the bottle in his hand and came charging at him right afterwards. Without batting an eye, Mr. Di raised his feet and caught the charging one straight in the stomach, knocking him straight back into wall and didn't get up again. The last Junkie made a desperate charge, like a dying animal making a break from the hunters set up; Mr. Di side stepped and put a foot forward just in time, causing the last Junkie to trip and fall. The last Junkie scrambled away like a rat, which he had no intention of going after. Instead he simply just snorted and turned his attention back to what he came for in the first place. She smelled of alcohol and vomit, yet still manage to look like god's little angel; ever so peaceful when asleep. He felt slightly disappointed, but this is what he came for in the first place and he didn't exactly trust the streets around here. In the end he decided, she has to be safe at least, and the only place he could think of, was his place.
"You're awake," said a cool young voice.
Angeline's world slowly began to blink into sight, as he found himself staring at the dark ceiling above that was blended by rays of luminous light from the outside. Still dizzy from the alcohol, but feeling much more in control, Angeline turned to the owner of the voice and asked:
"Where am I?"
The figure of the voice belonged to a tall lean Asian man who appeared to be in his early twenties, black hair, brown eyes and wearing a formal suit from top to bottom. But there was this sense of aura that surrounded him that made him seem different; it was an aura of power, not one of fear, but rather one of respect. Almost Immdidealty Angeline snapped out of the dizziness and gave him his full attention.
"Safe." The man paused, "In my building of course."
"Why am I here?"
The young man paused a moment at the question for a brief moment then positioned himself in a couch that was diagonally across from Angeline.
"My lady, you..." He paused as he searched for the right word, "...fell asleep on the street and I personally would never trust those streets, so I brought you to my place."
"Thank you...who are you?"
"You can call me June, don't worry I am the owner of this building, and I can assure you nothing will happen to you as long you are inside."
"June..." Angeline rolled the name on his tongue several more times before he continued again:
"What time is it now?"
"Exactly midnight, also would you care to join dinner with me my lady?"
Angeline stared at him for a moment trying to figure out the true intention behind June inscrutable mask. But his expression investigation was rudely interrupted by his stomach; which made his face turn red at once.
"Un..." Angeline lowered her head humbly.
"Come with me." June turned and walked away; Angeline followed up tip toeing.
June lead him to a small square wooden table, where all the dinning instruments had been perfectly laid out along with the food sitting in the middle still hot and steamy.
"Are you fine with Chinese cuisine?" June turned and asked; before putting a hand on one of the chairs.
"Sure..." Angeline replied not so surely. June pulled out the chair for him and gestured in a gentleman way for him to sit down; Angeline thanked him politely and took his seat without another word. Once they were both seated, they stared at each other quietly for a moment, neither of the two made a move for the chopsticks, in the end June decided to speak up:
"Don't worry it's not poisoned." June said with a joking smile.
Angeline was silent as a tomb.
"If I wanted to kidnap you I would have already done so, the food is safe." He cracked a smile; Angeline was forced to crack a small smile.
"Have you ever had dumplings before?"
"I...I tried it once in an Asian fast food restaurant..." Angeline said as he stared at dumplings wearily, unaffected by its aroma that makes normal people mouth water.
"Then I am sorry to say this, there is no comparison between the fast food restaurant dumplings then these dumplings here. All these dumplings here are made by my own personal chef and he makes the most original and best dumplings there is in the world. You first." June politely gestured.
Trying to be rude or look dumb, Angeline straightened his chop sticks and stabbed at one of the dumplings. Just as he was about to take a bite out of the dumpling June spoke up;
"Here." June pushed a small plate forward. "You should tip it in vinegar first." He suggested. Not seeing what harm or odds what it could do to him, Angeline slowly dumped his dumpling into the vinegar then slowly lifted the dumpling into his mouth again.
"How is it?" June asked with a hint of doubt.
The first chemical reaction inside Angeline body was his body telling him: This stuff is great! This is probably what taking drugs feel like! Angeline felt her entire world brighten up and all the burden and worries seem to be gone for just a moment, even if it was for just a brief the moment, the relief he felt was indiscernible by words.
"You're...crying?" June gulped, he even looked panicked a little.
June watched with anxiety as Angeline gulped down the remnant of his dumplings; after he finished gulping down the remnant of his dumplings, his eyes from glistening with tears, which from June point of view only made him want to protect him more.
"No...it's just..." Angeline tried wiping away the flooding tears, but the tears just kept on coming.
"I never had anything so good in my entire life!" Angeline began to smile, it was a smile of happiness, a type of innocent smile that will everyone want to protect, the kind that brighten up someone's day and brings hope into the world and gives people the impression; that the world isn't so bad after all.
"I am very glad you like it. Have more if you like. I can tell my chef to make more right now." June clasped his hands in a pleased way.
"No it's alright; I just remembered I am still on a diet." Angeline laughed again but I wasn't the same kind of laughter anymore, but to June, just the sight of Angeline laughing made him laugh to, not the kind of evil sinister laugh, but rather a small tiny little laugh coming straight from the heart.
"You still haven't told me what your name is." June said.
"Most people call me Angeline; you can just call me Angel."
"Angel...you remind of an angel." June smiled warm heartedly.
"Which part of me reminds you of an angel?" she asked.
Angeline's face grew hot for a moment; she looked down at her dress repeating the same words again over and over again in his head.
"Are you alright?" June asked casually.
"Yes, I am totally fine. Thank you for asking."
"No problem. So I was wondering is your family here?"
"No..." Angeline looked away at once, the color drained from her at once. June could clearly this was a touchy subject, so he quickly moved on;
"Have you always been in Canada?"
"Not until recently...you can say I am bit of a traveler and I been around the world for the past few years. About a year ago I decide to settle in at White Rock."
"I have been to White Rock before, nice quiet place. I have thought about going there once I retire."
"Then I have some advice for you."
"Sure, I am all ears."
"Don't go to White Rock beach, it's mostly for tourists. Go to Crescent Beach that one is more for the locals. Also the view is better."
"I will defiantly be sure taking your advice on that." June smiled then walked up to a shelf and grabbed to wine glasses then walked over to a mini bar and grabbed a bottle of wine in the other.
"This particular type of wine is good for diets." He said as he set down the glasses and the bottle on the table.
"I guess I will have just the one cup." Angeline said with a polite smile.
June carefully poured all the way through for both glasses before setting down the bottle.
"To the world, for this magical day." June toasted. After they clinked their glasses, they took a small gulp of the glass then met eyes with each other.
"Alright you got me. On the count of 3 let's empty the glass together." June said.
"Fine...I will try..." Angeline said hazily, but June paid it less attention as he started counting down with his fingers. On the count mark of zero, June chugged down his entire glass, leaving Angeline with no choice but to also drink the entire glass. Angeline took a deep breath in, as she began to chug down her glass. By the time she finished chugging her glass, she began to feel the world vibrating, not in a painful way but just a nauseating way.
"I know it might be quite odd for you to hear this right now..." June began to rub the back of his neck, his fully on him.
"But from the moment when I first saw you...I knew there was something about you."
Despite all the alcohol he had in one day he was still able to make out June words as clear as day.
"And it was only till few minutes ago when we were laughing and chatting, I knew you were like none of the other women, who just wanted to please me for the sake of my money. But no, you were different from all the other women, you were something else entirely! You were nothing like any other women I meet, and I can say this safely: you are truly the most extraordinary women I have ever met." By the time June finished his confession his face was only inches impart away from Angeline's.
Angeline, who was truly speechless from his confession. Pulled away from his chair at once and stood at 'safe' distance. After minutes of silent and thinking through the meaning behind the message, Angeline finally decided to speak up instead of jumping out the building like any reasonable person at that moment.
June was a little taken back, but he managed to recover lightning quick from his retaliation.
"I know this is a too crazy to ask, but would you marry me...never mind that's a bit too quick. So for now...would you be my girlfriend?"
Gears began to toss and flaunter in Angeline mind, in the end he was able to regain a sliver of logic, and just enough to give the single one word rational answer:
Time seems to freeze for June, seconds passed, seconds turned into minutes. Nothing moved. After what seemed like forever June finally was able to lips slightly. His slips turned all the way from cheerful smile into a wicked scythe, harvesting the very tension from the air everyone moment, to the point there is no more air to breathe. Angeline stared at him as he took out a cell phone and dialed a number, and said something. About a minute later a servant came through the door with his head bowed at a respectable height.
"Liu-Bao, please attend this woman to her room, and if she asks for anything see to her needs immediately. And pose two guards at her doors at all times." June waved his hand in dismissal, as his head servant began heading towards Angeline direction.
"What is the meaning of this? Tell your servant to back away at once...or else I will call the police!"
"Listen to me." June voice was as cold and hard as ice, whatever cheerfulness he had back there was now all left to freeze in the coldness of his voice and Angeline backed up unconsciously one step from just on hearing the tone.
"You had our chance, and you had your choice. I want nothing to do with you right now. And I also have another little news to tell you." June stood up from his chair and began walking towards Angeline slowly, like a vulture approaching a carcass; in Angeline mind the kind polite June was gone, replaced by his darker qualities, deceitfulness, coldness and anger.
"I will still give you more time to think about the offer, but until you thought this whole thing through. You are not leaving this building, and when I mean not leaving, I meant never."
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