twenty-eight : the vampire chew toy club
"I'll be back later, okay?" Embry said. "I promise, I'll at least check in. I bet Sam's gonna keep us super busy."
"I'll see you later." Claudia hated the way the words left a bitter taste in her mouth. "I love you, Embry, so much." He smiled lightly, ducking down to kiss her. She savored the warmth of his lips against hers, and his hand on the back of her neck, knowing it would be a long time before she'd feel it again.
"Love you too, C." He pecked her lips one last time before jogging down the stairs and into the woods. Claudia turned back into the house, getting dressed and packing a small bag. She picked up the note she'd written while Embry was in the shower, placing it on the front stairs as she left. With a final glance back at the house, she moved into the woods to phase. Her run to the Cullen house felt normal, if not nerve-wracking, until she was nearing the boarder of the Cullen's lands. Like usual, things had been silent save for her own thoughts, but another thought popped into her head. It was only one at first, but it quickly became nearly overwhelming. Three different voices, all distinct, all familiar.
Claudia? Jake's voice was clearest. Is that you?
Of course it's her. This was Leah.
Hi Claudia! Seth's excited thoughts filled her mind. Are you joining Jake's pack, too?
This isn't a pack. Jake insisted. And it's not mine.
What's going on? Claudia finally managed to ask, feeling like she could almost see through their eyes. They were all running.
Right, you haven't been in a pack before. Seth nodded.
Not a pack. Jake grumbled. But I guess this is pretty strange for you, since it's your first time sharing thoughts like this. The trio of wolves emerged from the trees in front of her, and she could see herself through their eyes.
Like it or not, O fearless leader, but it looks like we're a pack of four now. Leah snorted. Welcome to the vampire chew toy club, Claudia.
This is what being in a pack is like? Claudia breathed. Jeez, this sucks. Are thoughts always so loud?
Unfortunately. Jake huffed. Fine, whatever, we're a stupid pack now. You two should jump back on patrols. Claudia, let's go back to the house and talk. I'm sure you've gotta talk to the Cullen's, too? Claudia nodded. Seth and Leah were off, and Claudia followed Jake back to the house. They moved apart to phase, and met up in front of the house.
"God, I hate being a wolf now." She plopped down on the stairs and he followed suit. "It used to be so quiet and peaceful, now I'm gonna have to listen to you three all the time."
"Why are you here?" Jake asked. "Like, how did you know we were here?"
"Embry told me last night." She explained. "When he told me about Sam's plan to kill everyone I...I knew I had to come out. Then he said that you and Seth had formed your own pack. I figured it'd all be the same as before, like with Sam, but I guess not." She shrugged. "Maybe I was always meant to be in your pack, Jake."
"This isn't a pack." He crossed his arms over his chest. "I didn't want it to be, anyway. It wouldn't have been if Seth hadn't followed me out here. And of course, stupid Leah just had to follow Seth so now I'm stuck with her, too." He huffed. "I just...I don't wanna be an Alpha, I just want to be me. This sucks."
"Well sorry for making your life harder." She frowned. "I wouldn't have joined if I had a choice."
"No, you''re fine." He sighed. "Sorry, I just...I didn't want this, you know? It's all so new, I don't know how Sam did it."
"Fuck Sam." Her words made him raise his eyebrows. "It doesn't matter what Sam was doing, Jake. You were always meant to be Alpha anyway, weren't you? So who cares how Sam acts as Alpha. Just do what you think is best, it'll all work out."
"You think so?" He asked, and she nodded. "Thanks, Claudia." He smiled lightly. "It's's good to see you again. I know I haven't been the most fun to be around since I got back."
"It's good to have you back, Jake." She punched his arm lightly. "I hate myself for it, but I did actually miss you." He laughed.
"Yeah, I missed you too."
Man, this is so weird. Claudia sighed. I hate to imagine what the guys would think on a day-to-day basis. Bleh.
They're all just as if not more annoying in their heads than as humans, I swear. Leah rolled her eyes. And 90% of the time, Embry's thinking about you.
Wait really? Claudia's eyes widened, and Leah barked a laugh.
No shit, he's obsessed with you. Leah shook her head lightly. Come on, even you could— Seth's howl interrupted them. His thoughts were going a mile a minute as he began to panic.
Incoming, from Sam's pack! Claudia was able to make out. Leah was off in a flash, and Claudia was struggling to keep up with her. Leah howled as well, then Claudia felt Jake phase.
What is it? His thoughts shouted.
Incoming, at least three. Seth explained.
Did they split up? Jake asked.
I'm running the line back to Seth at the speed of light. Leah said. So far, no other point of attack.
Seth do not challenge them, wait for me. Jake ordered, and he took off as well.
They're slowing. Ugh, it's so off not being able to hear them. Seth huffed. I think...
What? Jake asked quickly.
I think they stopped. Then, they all felt someone phasing. Leah finally reached Seth.
Got your back, bro. She said as she skidded to a stop. Claudia soon entered the small clearing where the Clearwater's were, stopping on Seth's other side.
They're coming, slowly walking this way. Seth explained, and Jake dug in more, his speed increasing. Four. Three wolves, one man. Jake finally reached them and Seth fell in line to his right, Leah grudgingly moving to his left.
So now I rank under Seth. She grumbled.
First come, first served. Seth's thoughts were smug. 'Sides, you were never an Alpha's third. Still an upgrade.
Under my baby brother's not an upgrade. Leah huffed.
Shh! Jake shushed them. I don't care where you stand, shut up and get ready. Jared came out of the trees first, with Paul, Quil and Brady in their wolf forms behind him. Weird that Sam would send Brady over Embry. Jake thought.
A diversion? Leah asked. Jake imagined Sam, Embry and Collin making a move, but he figured it wouldn't be likely. Sam wasn't that stupid. Want me to check? Leah asked. I can run the line and be back in two minutes.
Should I warn the Cullen's? Seth asked.
What if the point is to divide us? Jake asked. No, the Cullen's already know somethings up. They're ready in case something goes down at the house.
Sam didn't send Embry because he knew I'd be here. Claudia thought dryly. Of course he wouldn't send my imprint, or my little brother. Even if he didn't think I was part of the pack, he would think I was at the house. No way he's attacking now, he's not that stupid.
True. Jake nodded lightly. Jared and the three others were staring at the four, waiting. Jared eventually cleared his throat, stepping forward.
"White flag of truce Jake, we're just here to talk." He said.
Think it's true? Seth asked.
Makes sense, but... Jake trailed off.
Yeah. Leah agreed. But.
Maybe we can use this our advantage. Claudia said. Get Quil on our side too. Our cousin, our best friend. Sam had to send him because he couldn't send the other two. We might be able to use this, Jake.
"It would be easier to talk if I could hear you, too." Jared said. Jake didn't phase, so Jared signed. "Okay, I guess I'll just talk then. Jake, we want you to come back." Quil whined softly. "You've torn our family apart, it's not meant to be this way." Jake wasn't exactly happy with Jared's word choice-blaming Sam for his split, not himself. "We know that you feel...strongly about the situation with the Cullen's. We know that's a problem, but this is an overreaction."
Overreaction? Seth let out a low growl. And attacking our allies without warning isn't?
Seth, you ever heard of a poker face? Jake sighed. Cool it.
"Sam is willing to take this slowly, Jake." Jared continued. "He's calmed down, talked to the other Elders. They've decided that immediate action is in no one's best interest at this point."
Translation: they've already lost the element of surprise. Leah thought bitterly.
"Billy and Sue agree with you, Jake." Jared said. "That we can wait for Bella to be...separated from the problem. Killing her isn't something any of us feel comfortable with." Jake let out a low snarl, and Leah side eyed him. Jared raised his hands in surrender. "Easy, Jake, you know what I mean. The point is, we're going to have to wait and reassess the situation. Decide later if there's a problem with the...thing."
Thing. Claudia scoffed.
What a load of bullshit. Leah rolled her eyes.
You don't buy it? Jake asked.
I know what they're thinking, Jake. What Sam's thinking. They're betting in Bella dying anyway, and then they figure you'll be so mad...
I'll lead the attack myself. Jake's ears pressed against his head. Jake began to think of the possible future, if Bella was killed by the baby, how angry he would be. If he might actually play into Sam's plan.
I'll remind you that they're not our enemies, Jake. Seth whispered.
Yeah, I know you will. Jake said. Question is wether I'll listen to you or not.
"Jake?" Jared asked, and Jake sighed.
Leah, run a circuit and make sure we're right about Sam staying away. Jake said. Leah nodded, and was gone into the bushes in a flash. Claudia, get back to the house. If something is going down there, you can alert us.
You'll be way too out numbered Jake, I can't do that. She sighed, eyeing the others warily. If something happens to you...
We'll be fine, just go. Jake said. And tell Edward what's going down. She nodded, meeting eyes with Quil one more time before turning around and leaving. She felt Jake phase almost right away. She kept tabs though Seth, soon reaching the house. Edward was in the window. She thought about everything, before letting him see through Seth's mind with her. They watched as Leah returned, with no signs of an attack. Then, Jared tried to guilt trip Seth and Leah into coming back. It didn't work, so Jared switched focus.
"Where'd Claudia go?" Jared asked.
"Doesn't matter." Jake said almost immediately, obviously on the defensive.
"Well pass along a message, will you?" Jared said. "Tell her that Embry wants her to come home, and that he misses her a lot." Claudia let out a small whine.
Don't let him shake you, Claudia. Leah said. He's trying to trip you up.
Well it's working. Claudia breathed.
"Yeah, I'll be sure to pass that along." Jake nodded. Claudia wasn't too focused, but soon Jared left. Edward nodded to her before moving farther into the house.
I'm going to check on Bella. Claudia choked as she jogged back into the woods. She didn't bother waiting for Jake to give her permission before phasing, falling to her knees in the dirt and burying her face in her hands.
"Hey mom and dad." Claudia spoke, doing her best to keep a level voice. "Sorry I just kinda disappeared, you know how it is." She tried to laugh, but it didn't sound convincing. "Me and Alice are heading out to hunt for a while, I'm not sure when we'll be home. Going up to Alaska, you now? The Denali coven that I told you about invited us up. So uh, don't worry about me. I'm fine. I love you guys, and tell Collin I love him too." She hung up the phone, letting out a sigh.
Lying to her parents was never easy for Claudia, but especially now. She knew Collin wouldn't tell them anything going on, especially since they didn't need to be involved. She stared down at her cellphone, Embry's name highlighted. Taking a chance, she pressed call, and hoped that he was home. After a few rings, the phone was picked up.
"Claudia!" Embry's voice was ecstatic, and Claudia could've cried from hearing it.
"Embry, I'm so sorry." She breathed. "I should've told you my plans, I-"
"No, no it's better that you didn't." He interrupted. "Sam would've heard my thoughts and tried to stop you, you did the right the thing." He sighed after a few moments. "You're doing the right thing. All of you are. Sam was...way out of line for suggesting we just go and kill Bella like that, I..."
"Why didn't you come to the meeting yesterday?" She asked lightly. "Sam's orders?"
"Yeah." He sighed. "He says that he can't trust me not to join Jake's pack because of you. I mean, he's right, but still! And now, he's ordered me not to phase so I can't go running off. I bet it's also so I can't tell you what they're planning."
"How can he do that?" She frowned. "That's not fair at all, are you kidding me?"
"Alpha's orders, I don't have a choice." He sighed.
"Unless you left the pack..." She mumbled. "Do you have any ideas where the guys are?"
"Either patrolling or at Emily's, I dunno." He said. "Why?"
"Because I'm coming to get you."
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