Chapter 22
Daisy wakes up on Magnus's bed and holds her head to come back to her senses. In a faint voice from far away, she could hear Penny's voice. Penny was calling her and instinctively Daisy stood up and with wobbly legs, starts walking towards Penny's voice.
Daisy stood at the top of the staircase and sees Penny calling for her while Asher and Christine try to calm her down.
"Daisy" screams Penny crying.
Daisy rushes down the stairs and was about to run towards Penny when a strong arm wraps around her waist, stopping her from reaching Penny.
"Penny" calls Daisy in an hourse voice. She watches as Penny is carried away.
Daisy struggles to let loose of the strong arm and turns to see Magnus glaring at her.
"Penny" whispers Daisy.
"She won't live here anymore," says Magnus.
"No," says Daisy and tries to fight Magnus to let her go. Finally when she hears "Daisy save me" she bites Magnus's arm and pushes him away.
Daisy runs to the entrance and fights to take Penny from Asher. But she falls to the ground when Christine slaps her hard.
"I can't wait for Magnus to get rid of the garbage in his house," says Christine.
Daisy stands up and was about to reach Daisy again when Asher says "I'll keep her safe from Raffaele"
Daisy stops and looks at Asher with wide eyes.
"Penny is safe in our mansion which has high-end security for me, the ex-chief of police, and the CEO of a very large criminal law firm. No one can dare breach our security" explains Asher which calms Daisy. She looks at Penny and then back at Asher and says "take me with you"
"If you come with us, then you can't call your lover to do god knows what," says Christine.
"Sit in the car Christine" warns Asher and Christine still glaring at Daisy taking a seat in the car. Asher looks at Daisy and says "Magnus has something to discuss with you, after that, I promise I'll unite you both myself"
"Promise?" Asks Penny in Asher's arms, crying.
"I promise," says Asher who places his hand on Daisy's cheek and says "be strong. I know you are strong"
Asher leaves with Penny and crying Daisy behind.
"Hey, whore. Boss wants you in his room" says Aiden.
Daisy was crying and passed Aiden who comments "he is pissed at you. Raffaele sent him the video of you fucking him on boss's bed"
Daisy enters the room and sees Magnus looking at the bed.
"What do you want Daisy?" Asks Magnus not looking at her.
"Penny" whispers Daisy.
"Are you here cause Raffaele sent you here to kidnap Penny and sell her like meat?" Asks Magnus.
"No," says Daisy walking close to him.
"Then what? Why are you here?" Asks Magnus.
"Penny and... And. I love you," says Daisy, and Magnus bust out laughing.
"If you loved me, you wouldn't be sucking his dick in our room," says Magnus.
"I am sorry, he... He made me. He said he will hurt Penny" says Daisy.
"So anyone who says they will hurt Penny, you will suck their dick?" Asks Magnus and Daisy shake her head no.
"I love you" whispers Daisy.
"People fight for their love. I am ready to fight for the love of my child, my parents. I was ready to fight for you. But you cheated on me. I can't fight for someone who I can't trust to be faithful to me" says Magnus and removes a lighter from his pocket.
"I love you, Daisy. I knew about you and love you. I knew you were nothing but a broken doll and I loved you but yet you are nothing but a girl who is spineless and has no fight left in her. I can't risk my child's life in your hands or believe you love me" says Magnus and lights the lighter.
"I wanted a girl who I can trust to fall in love with. I love you and in return, I am betrayed" says Magnus and lights the edge of the bedspread on his bed. The cotton cloth instantly caught fire and in minutes the whole bed catches fire.
"You love me, Daisy?" Asks Magnus.
"Yes," says Daisy scared to see fire.
"Do you love me enough to die for me?" Asks Magnus. Daisy was hesitant to say yes and seeing her hesitation he asks "do you love penny enough to die for her?"
Daisy nods and Magnus says "jump in the fire for her. If you make it, you get to see Penny one last time"
Daisy was stunned at what Magnus said but if it cost her life to see Penny one more time, then be it. She looks at the flames warming the room and slowly consuming everything in its way. Without another thought, she walks close to the fire and was ready to jump. But she was stopped by Magnus who says "you dare to die but not save yourself or Penny?"
Daisy looks at Magnus for a few seconds and then she sees his eyes soften.
"I love you, Daisy. I love you enough to accept everything about you except seeing you with any other man" says Magnus.
"I love only you," says Daisy and hugs him.
Magnus carries Daisy out of his room and the firefighters rush into his room to put off the fire.
"You turned the fire arms off? I had call them seeing the fire" says Aiden.
"Hmmm," says Magnus and continues to carry Daisy to his study, passing Aiden.
Magnus places Daisy on his desk and sits on his chair in front of her. He places his hands on her thighs and says "you don't need to do anything Raffaele says. He lied to you and said you are married. Legally you are not. You are free Daisy. You need to choose what you want"
Daisy took a minute to understand and cry over Raffaele's lies. She then says "I want Penny. Please. I feel safe with her"
"You need to realize she is a child and can't protect you," says Magnus.
"I still want Penny," says Daisy.
"And me?" Asks Magnus.
"I love you," says Daisy and climbs on him, straddling him. She hugs him and says "I want Penny and you"
"For that, you need to get stronger. Do you trust me?" Asks Magnus and Daisy nods.
"I am sending you away to rehab," says Magnus and tells her how she was a different person in the closet. And how everyone was afraid she would hurt Penny.
"I would never," says Daisy crying.
"I know. But you still need to go and get better for Penny and me" says Magnus and Daisy thinks for a minute and nods.
"You leave today," says Magnus, and Daisy nods again.
"We have a few hours before you leave and my room gets cleaned up. What do you want to do?" Asks Magnus.
"I want to erase his touch" whispers Daisy and bites her lower lip.
"I can help," says Magnus who takes her lower lip between his teeth and bites it for it to bleed. He makes a small cut on his thumb with the tip of the pen and smiles at Daisy. He runs his bleeding thumb on her bleeding lip and smears their blood over her lips. He pushes his bloody thumb into her mouth for her to suck. He was turned on by how Daisy closed her eyes and sucked his thumb like a lollipop. She opens her eyes when he pulls his thumb out. He moves his hand behind her neck and pulls her for a kiss. The kiss was urgent and demanding. The kiss was so intense, that Magnus could feel the warmth of her core on his thigh. She was turned on and now it was time to see if she was wet enough for him.
Magnus picks Daisy up and places her back on the desk. He stands up and asks "was he inside you?" And Daisy shakes her head no. Magnus splits her legs and says "I like being inside you" and kisses her lips, tasting their blood. He holds her close to him and as she was lost in his kiss, she didn't realize he had dropped his pants and entered her. He breaks the kiss and she falls back on the desk, arching her back enjoying his thick rod inside her. She was warm in every way Magnus liked. Warmed up to his behavior and warmed his dick enough to want her infinity times. Magnus pounds her roughly holding her waist, digging his nails deep. He wanted to leave marks and he was achieving his goal. He rips the top of her dress to see her breasts bouncing as he continues to pound her. Her arches back, her bouncing tits, her warm core is all Magnus wanted at this moment and Daisy was delivering with ease.
Magnus thrusts harder making the soft-spoken girl scream his name. He could see she was close so he rubs his thumb on her delicate bud making her dizzy after a mind-blowing release. Magnus finally spills and fills her making her bound to him.
Daisy had his dick inside her and their head on his shoulder. Magnus didn't want to separate them, so he lifts her off the desk and sits on his chair with her in his arms. He runs his finger at her naked back and says "fight and come back to us"
"Penny" whispers Daisy.
"And me," says Magnus and picks a Tiffany box from his desk drawer. He gives her and says "to remind you to come back"
Daisy opens the box and sees a small pendant with a chain. The pendant opens and Daisy sheds tears seeing Penny's picture.
"Penny," says Daisy running her finger on the small picture.
Magnus helps her wear it around her neck and says "come back" and kisses her lips.
Magnus finally had to remove himself from inside her to let her shower and change. The house was chaotic with the firefighters and maids cleaning the burnt items from Magnus's room. But all that didn't bother Magnus and he was ready to send Daisy away. He walks her to the car and she says "I love you"
"I love you too," says Magnus and kisses her one last time.
Daisy didn't want to leave but Magnus helps her get in the car and closes the door. He hands her a bottle of water and says "drink it"
Daisy obeys and takes a few sips. She was looking at Magnus and suddenly feels sleepy and falls on the seat. She was passed out and Magnus takes a step back. He nods an ok signal at the driver and the car drives away.
Magnus watches the car drive and after it was out of sight, he turns to get inside the house. He spots Genelia with concern on her face. She was heavily pregnant with her due date close. He tries to walk past her but stops when she asks "where did you send her?"
"None of your concerns," says Magnus.
"That was the same car that Raffaele's men drove on the night before. Where did you send her?" Asks Genelia crying.
"As I said non of your concern," says Magnus warning.
"She loves you and Penny" cries Genelia but Magnus ignores her and enters the house.
"I am leaving too," says Aiden.
"He may kill you," says Magnus.
"And you promised to give my child a good life after me," says Aiden.
"I will," says Magnus.
"It's do or die," says Aiden and laughs.
"Don't die and keep Daisy safe" says Magnus.
"You really love her and yet you send her away," says Aiden.
"She has to fight her fight and kill her monster. Only then she can be happy with me and sane to be close to Penny" says Magnus.
"What if she dies?" Asks Magnus.
"Hope she doesn't," says Magnus with a hard expression.
"Gonna say it, you are heartless," says Aiden.
"That's why I am the best lawyer in the country," says Magnus.
"So it is true, lawyers sell their soul to the devil," says Aiden.
"If sacrificing one girl to save thousands of minors getting sold in the black market by a monster like Raffaele makes me heartless. Then be it" says Magnus.
"You may lose Daisy man" says Aiden one last time.
"She has to come back" says Magnus a little guilty to have risked Daisy's life. The one girl he had finally fallen in love with.
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