Chapter 16
Aiden was about to drive into Raffaele's mansion but stops when he feels a cold metal behind his neck.
"How about we don't meet Raffaele for now and first discuss business with Magnus," says Asher hiding in the backseat.
"You don't understand," says Aiden.
"Let's all understand, shall we. Now turn this damn car around" says Asher pushing the gun against Aiden's neck.
Aiden, Daisy, and Asher return to Magnus's house where Magnus was waiting for them.
Aiden looks at the corner and sees Genelia with tears in her eyes.
"Explain" commands Magnus.
"I have worked for Raffaele and I know how crazy he is. You may be blind over some nice pussy but I am not. Raffaele will not hesitate to finish your whole family once he comes to know SHE is here. I was just returning her to him after I warn her to not tell him where she was" says Aiden.
Magnus walks close to Aiden and says "I'll give you one more chance to tell me the truth"
Aiden knew there was no point lying so he says "Raffaele has kept a good 5 million dollar reward on her. You were sending her away anyway so I thought I would cash some dough"
"You didn't care what he would do to her?" Asks Asher.
"Do you care what your son is or will do to any girl he brings in this house? What is he doing with this girl, a married girl every night?" Says Aiden and looks at Magnus and continues "you are no different from Raffaele. You both want to fill your hunger on the preys you hunt. She is just an easy prey"
"Get out of my house. Whatever I owe you for your services, I'll clear it" says Magnus.
"I saved your daughter. Wanna put a price on that?" Says Aiden.
"I did. I am leaving you to walk out of my house alive" says Magnus.
"Fuck you. You got no balls to fight Raffaele. Send her back to that crazy psychopath before he kills you all" says Aiden and looks at Daisy "you will be responsible for all their deaths"
Aiden then looks at Genelia and says "sorry I knocked you up. Stay safe"
"Aiden please, don't leave me like this" cries Genelia.
"Sorry love, you were fun but the fun ends here," says Aiden and leaves a crying Genelia behind.
Magnus notices a black maid's shoe behind the huge pillar. Someone was listening to their conversation.
"Son of bitch. Fucking took a bullet for his daughter. Fought so many men. God I want to kill someone" says Aiden talking to himself while packing his things.
"Hey," says a maid walking into Aiden's room.
"What?" Asks Aiden irritated.
"So, she Raffaele's wife?" Asks the maid.
Aiden looks at the maid and asks "why would you care?"
"Just curious," says the maid.
"You are Lily, aren't you? You work for Raffaele?" Asks Aiden walking toward Lily.
"A little, yeah. I can put a good word for you to him and we can share the reward too" says Lily.
"You been passing information to Raffaele?" Asks Aiden.
"Just little notes and papers," says, Lily.
Aiden smirks and says "let's go meet Raffaele"
Raffaele was looking down at Lily more like her dead body. Her body was delivered to his mansion with a note which read 'you are going down, boss'
"Aiden has always been a smart boy. You make enemies with the wrong people, Raff. You shouldn't have killed his sister and made him go against us and join Magnus." says Salvador.
"She was hot and I was only making love. Whore couldn't even take some lovemaking. Not my fault she died" says Raffaele still looking at how peaceful Lily looked dead.
"Now what? Magnus now knows you set a spy in his house" says Salvador.
"I don't give a fuck what that Magnus bitch thinks. All I want to know is what information this maid had which got her killed" says Raffaele.
"What do you think she knew?" Asks Salvador.
"Something important. I have other ways to get information" says Raffaele.
"How?" Asks Salvador.
"I'll go ask him," says Raffaele and smiles.
Raffaele walks into Magnus's office and finds him in a meeting with his mother Christine, the head of the board of directors.
"Security" shouts Christine.
"It's ok mom. It's the last time he will visit us" says Magnus.
"Really, why? And where is daddy?" Asks Raffaele.
"I am sending you a restraining order. If you come close to me, my family, or my home, you will be put behind bars" says Magnus and walks close to Raffaele and continues "one time you get caught, I promise I will make it impossible for you to get out of prison"
"You don't threaten me. I can shoot you right here and kill you" says Raffaele.
"You can kill me but cannot get away with it. I can make your life difficult even if I die" says Magnus and looks up at all the CCTV cameras.
"I miss the old days when there were no cameras to use as evidence. Anyway, I don't enjoy seeing you either. I just want to know why you killed the girl I sent to your house to spy on you?" Asks Raffaele like it was nothing.
"I didn't kill anyone but bodies will fall if anyone comes close to my house" warns Magnus.
"Ooooo.... I am scared. What treasure do you have hidden there you don't want anyone to know? It's ok if you don't want to tell, I'll find it" says Raffaele and leaves the office.
"Explain" demands Christine.
"Ask Dad" is all Magnus says.
Christine was furious once she knew what was happening and who Daisy was. She storms into Magnus's house and pulls Daisy out of Penny's room.
"You leave now" screams Christine.
"No, mama. Leave her" screams Penny and tries to push Christine away.
"Get out of my way Penny," says Christine and continues pulling Daisy out.
Penny holds Christine's hand and bites it. Christine immediately let Daisy go.
"You little brat," says Christine and slaps Penny.
Daisy saw blood and pushes Christine a little and hugs the crying Penny in her arms.
"You dare push me and your little brat bit me. You both need to be punished" says Christine and removes her belt.
Daisy covers Penny with her body and takes the hit on her back.
Penny cries and all Daisy did was protect her from any blow from the belt. Daisy took all the hits refusing to let Penny get hit.
"Christine" screams Asher and rushes into the house and pulls the belt away from her.
"They are disrespectful," says Christine.
"And you are a heartless bitch who can't love. For god sake Christine, they both are children" says Asher.
"What about our child. This girl is putting Magnus in grave danger and this little brat brought this girl into this house. This brat has caused nothing but pain to Magnus. I wish she died with her mother" says Christine.
"Mom" screams Magnus.
Magnus walks into the house and says "how many times have I told you to not say that"
"Am I lying? If this brat wouldn't be born. You would be happy with anyone you wanted. If she wasn't enough trouble already, she picked this trash from the street and put you in this danger. I say throw both out of this house" says Christine.
"For now, I want you to leave," says Magnus.
"I won't see my only child die," says Christine and walks out in anger.
Asher pats Magnus's back to take care and leaves behind Christine.
Magnus looks down at Daisy who was inspecting Penny for bruises.
"I am not hurt, you are" cries, Penny.
"I am ok" whispers Daisy and with shaky legs stands up and walks away, carrying Penny in her arms.
Magnus watches Daisy as her dress was torn from the back with belt marks clearly visible.
Magnus stood in the same place for a few minutes and then takes a step forward to check on Penny. He stands at the threshold of her room and sees Penny crying.
"Mama always says that. She says I should have died with mummy" cries Penny.
"She is wrong. You should live forever and ever" says Daisy.
"No one loves me. Daddy is busy. Genelia is busy. Papa is busy. Mama hates me" cries the little child.
"I love you," says Daisy.
"Really?" Asks Penny.
"Yes, if you stop crying, I'll tell you what I love about you," says Daisy wiping her tears.
"What?" Asks Penny trying to stop crying.
"I like your tiny nose," says Daisy and touches her nose with the tip of her finger.
"I like your pinky cheeks," says Daisy and wipes her tears.
"I like your smile," says Daisy and tickles her making her giggle.
"I love your heart, which gave me a place to stay," says Daisy.
"You stay in my heart?" Asks Penny.
"I think. And I love your hands which held mine and saved my life" says Daisy and places Penny's hands on her cheeks.
"I saved your life and will kill the monster that hurt you," says Penny.
"You are so brave. You are my hero" says Daisy and makes Penny laugh.
Magnus didn't want to interrupt their sweet time, so he walked away. He sat in his study for some time and after what felt like forever, he left his study to check on Penny. Like always, Daisy sat on the floor holding Penny's hand while Penny slept on the bed.
Magnus put his hand on Daisy's shoulder and signals her to come out. He holds her hand and walks into his room and then to his bathroom. He makes her stand in front of the bathroom sink with a huge mirror. She looks at herself and looks away unable to see herself. She sees Magnus beside her, picking something from the medicine cabinet.
Magnus stands behind her and looks at her through the mirror. He unzips her torn dress and lets it pool down on the floor. He opens a lotion bottle and takes the cold liquid in his hand. He very gently starts applying the lotion on her back and says "I was 6 when dad taught me how to make paper planes. Any paper I could find, I would try my new learnt skill on it. One day I found some very nice papers in the living room. I made so many paper planes and flew them out of the window"
Magnus looks up and sees Daisy smiling.
"Those papers were important documents of a very huge client. My mom was so angry that she didn't care I was an innocent child. She hit me with her belt so many times that the next thing I know is waking up in the hospital" says Magnus.
He holds Daisy's hand and takes her to bed. He makes her sleep on the bed and after removing his clothes except for his boxers, he gets in too. He holds her close and says "I was a stubborn child and as I grew I realized she only disciplined me. It's just that, her way was a little extreme. I adopted that way to discipline and made the women in my life obey me. Most chose death over being with me"
He looks at Daisy who was listening to him intensely.
"I wanted to break a girl to obey me and take care of Penny. I think I found one. You are broken just the way I want and you like Penny" says Magnus and continues "I am not returning you to anyone. You are mine now"
"Yours?" Asks Daisy.
"Yes, mine. I think I love you" says Magnus.
"Love?" Asks Daisy.
"Yeah, I am fucked up to love a broken doll. But I am in love with you and no force on earth will take you away from me" says Magnus.
"You, me, and Penny," say, Daisy.
"Yes," says Magnus and kisses her lips.
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