Chapter One
I immediately let out a groan as I hear my alarm beeping at 7 in the morning telling me to wake up and get ready for the first day of school. I start patting down my nightstand with my eyes still closed, looking for the alarm to turn it off.
"Shut up already!" I say, groaning once more and slowly opening my eyes seeing as I can't find the annoying beeping alarm. My eyes are now completely open and I'm wide awake looking towards my nightstand and finally find the alarm. I say as I turn it off and get up from bed, walking towards the bathroom.
"Adrianna, get up or you'll be late for school!" Sam yells from downstairs. "I promised mom I'd take care of you and Daniel while she was gone so hurry up, loser!"
"God, calm down Samuelito! Stop acting like I'm still a kid." I yell back at my 23 year old brother who is acting like he's 20years older than me when he's actually just 5years older. See, I don't mean to brag but my mom is a successful business woman. Ok maybe I do mean to brag but come on, don't tell me you wouldn't brag either of you're mom was one of the most successful business woman in your country.
Not waiting for Sam to reply, I walk into the bathroom and start stripping off my clothes to get in the shower. I quickly take a shower and no need to wash my hair since I washed it last night. After being done with the shower, I get out and wrap a towel around my body. I walk to my room and stand in front of my closet, staring at it for minutes.
"Ugh, I really should have gone shopping with Dana." I shake my head at myself and quickly pick my outfit out which consists of light blue bleached ripped jean shorts and a white crop top with a dark blue-ish jacket on and black high heel tight boots. After finishing getting dressed, I quickly brush my dark brown wavy hair. I have a natural tan skin because of the fact that I'm Latina, and usually I don't need to put on much makeup because my skin is pretty clean.
"Adrianna! Seriously, hurry the fuck up!" My brother shouts from downstairs.
"I'm coming!" I shout back while quickly applying mascara on my eyelashes before putting lipstick.
"See, I'm here. I'm not going to be late!" I roll my eyes as I walk downstairs towards the kitchen and grab an apple as I sit down at the table.
"No, you're ok. But I'm not, I'll be late for work so don't even think about sitting down at the table." Sam says, his back facing me while he prepares our little brother's lunch.
"Pfft, I was even going to sit down. Chill." I say quickly getting up from the chair. "You got lunch money for me?" I ask, taking a bite from my apple.
"Yeah, it's on the counter. Take it and get Daniel in the car while I finish up his lunch." He says, sliding his car keys on the counter towards me.
I nod even though he can't see me and take the keys and the money putting it in my back pocket. I walk towards the door and call out for my 5years old brother Daniel who's watching tv in the living room.
"Grab your backpack, Danny." I tell him once he walks toward me. He nods and takes his backpack and so do I. I take his hand and walk out the door towards the car, opening the door and buckling Daniel in. I get in the passenger sit and put on my seatbelt, taking out my phone to text Dana my best friend and tell her I'll be at school soon.
"Alright, let's go." Sam lets a breath out as he gets in the driver's side and starts pulling out of the driveway while putting his seatbelt on.
"Hey Addy, you remember my childhood friend Christian Adams? He sent me a email saying he's back in town. I heard he's a teacher or something." Sam says, before parking and we both say bye to Daniel, watching him walk out of the car towards his school.
"If I remember Christian Adams? Sounds familiar." I mumble looking out the window. If I remember him? Of course I do, he was my childhood crush until he went away to study. "So where does he teach?" I ask him hopeful he says at my school.
But let's be honest, that's not possible. It'd be too good to be true, and those kind of things only happen in books and movies. We're talking about my life, where nothing exciting happens.
"That I don't know, I didn't ask him. He probably teaches at elementary or something." Sam shrugs, while driving.
"Yeah, probably." I sigh, and unbuckle my seatbelt as we approach my school. "Thanks Sammy, See you later."
"No problem, sis. Yeah see you later." He says, nodding and waving his hand as I get out of the car and close the door.
"Hey you, ready for senior year?" Dana practically shouts in my ear jumping out of nowhere next to me which causes me jump.
"God, you scared me Dana!" I say, and softly laugh with her. "But yes indeed, ready and excited!"
"Oops sorry but I'm just really excited! Come on, let's go get our schedule." She says, pulling me by my arm towards the main office to get our schedule.
After getting our schedule, we start comparing our schedule while walking towards our lockers. I scan through my schedule and read every teacher name, hoping to see his name. But of course not, like I said that only happens in movies and books.
"Looks like there are no new teachers, still the same old boring ones." Dana pouts while going through her schedule.
"Well at least we have French and biology together?" I offer, laughing at her pout. "Anyway, I start with English so I'll see you later, Dana."
"See you later, addy." She says, smiling and we both start walking towards our classes.
The bell rings indicating it's lunch time, everyone starts packing their biology books including me as fast as possible to get out of this boring class. As I walk out, I spot my best friend waiting for me leaning against the wall and next to her, her boyfriend is standing next to her with some other people behind him. We're not exactly popular, I mean I don't think of myself as popular it's more like we hangout with the cool kids, because well Dana is dating one of the football team players.
"Hey Adrianna, how are you?" Dana's boyfriend Zach, asks me while holding her by her waist. Dana smiles at me and waves her hand at me. We all walk to the cafeteria and sit at our table after buying our lunch.
"How were your first classes?" Dana asks me, sitting at my right and next to hers was Zach.
"Extremely boring and it's only the beginning." I whine, and take a bite of my sandwhich.
"I feel you, but it's our last year we can do this." Dana says, patting my back and laughing. I can't help both smile and laugh along with her, nodding. I feel someone sitting to my left and I look up to see Noah, the quarterback star player of our school who is also Zach's best friend.
Not going to lie, I do find him extremely attractive with his brown hair and hazel eyes, and nice jaw, and that beautiful smile-
"Oh wow, thank you you think all of that about me?" Noah interrupts my thoughts, smiling and placing his tray of food on the table.
"Oh God, did I say all of that out loud?" I squeal earning some odd looks from people around us.
"Indeed, you did." He chuckles and takes a bite of his apples while I blush like crazy. "But hey, don't worry I think you're pretty cute with your long wavy brown hair and pretty smile." He says, winking at me which causes me to blush harder and look down my food.
"Have you heard about the new teacher, guys?" Noah says to us, while eating his apple. New teacher? What but I thought there were no new teachers?
"Right, apparently there was a mistake with the schedule but there's a new French teacher." Zach says, placing his arm around Dana who smiles up at him.
"Really? What's his name?" I ask, with a little hope and pushing my tray of food away from me.
"You're not going to eat? You should really eat, Adri." Noah says, looking down at my food.
"Noah, eating two sandwiches isn't enough?" I raises an eyebrow at him while pointing the the two wraps of paper. Yes, I eat fast and a lot I know I know. "But tell me, what's his name? The new teacher, what's his name?" I repeat and watch Zach take the muffin and apple I left of my tray to eat it.
"Something like Mr. White or Mr. Grey or something like that.." Zach shrugs, taking a bite of my apple.
"Oh." Is all I say and look at my fingers, while playing with them. I sigh, why do I keep thinking that out of all the schools in town he'll be here. Even if he was, it'd still be impossible for me to get him. Plus, it's been a long time and he's grown up and might've changed.
The school bell rings to let us know it's time to get to class. Yay, more boring classes with boring teachers and Mr. Colour last name, his name sounds boring. Well I gotta get to P.e now. I get up and wave by to Dana and Zach.
"Wait, I'm coming with you I have p.e too." Noah says walking up to me and waving bye to the others. I smile and start walking to class with him.
At least I have Noah in p.e with me. Pretty boring morning, let's see how the afternoon goes.
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