"Detective Decker, wait! Why are you arresting my father?"
"That's what I would like to know as well."
"Because you're interfering with a police investigation. You've broken, I can't even count how many laws. And you pissed me off."
"Right, I can get out of these, you know?"
"He can."
He hands her the cuffs.
"Grandpa, will I get my own set of handcuffs when I'm older?"
Lucifer nearly chokes on his candy and stares at Kailee with a bewildered expression.
"Sweetie, why would you think that?!"
"Mattie has her own set. Uncle Kol and uncle Enzo were fighting over who was the favorite uncle, so Mattie handcuffed them together and left them trapped in the clock tower.
"...I need to have a talk with your sister, she's corrupting this innocent mind of yours."
She giggles. "But I am the devil's granddaughter!"
He chuckles and lightly pinches her cheek. "That you are."
"...How'd you do that?"
He sighs. "Come on, we're wasting time. We should be out there solving a homicide and punishing those responsible."
""We"? You're insane. I'm taking you in, get in the car."
"No, that's boring. Not to mention pointless. Come on, we'll help you. It'll be fun."
"How could you two possibly help me?"
"We have a certain skill set. We can be very persuasive with people and tend to see that others cannot."
"So you guys are psychic or something?"
"No, we can't read people's minds. We're not Jedi. People just like to tell us things."
"Hmm, just-just tell you things? Just confess their sins, just like that?"
"No, not their sins. We have no power over people's sins. We would get a bad rap for that. We have the ability to draw out people's forbidden desires. The more simple the human, the easier it is. The more complex, the more challenging and exciting, really. But no, the actual sins, the sins are on you people."
Clarissa facepalms and shakes her head.
"You people?" He nods and she decides to indulge him. "...I got it. I got it! The name? The whole Lucifer? And desire's like your superpower."
"More like a gift from God really." Chloe just stares at him with her expressionless face. "Okay, look. Clary, would you like to demonstrate... Where did you get that corndog from?!"
"I was hungry! So while you two were bickering, I got me this corndog and just sat back and enjoyed the show."
"That's why you were quiet this entire time? Also, that doesn't explain where you got it from! And what are your obsession with those things?! I swear you're just like your mother!"
"Not my fault I inherited mom's corndog obsession."
Chloe has an amused expression watching the father-daughter duo bicker.
"So dad, you do your thing. I would like to continue enjoying the show."
He rolls his eyes and turns back to Chloe. "Tell me, detective. What do you desire more than anything else in this life?"
"This is it? This is your big trick?" She sighs and has a mesmerized look. "I guess, when I was a little girl, I...always wanted to be a cop like my daddy so that one day I could help people and...be taken seriously...when I say shut up and get in the damn car."
Lucifer's smirk and Clarissa's jaw drops as well as her corndog. "My corndog!"
"...You're not like a Jedi or something, are you?"
"Get in the car."
"Wait!" He grabs Clarissa shoulders and moves her to stand in front of Chloe. "Clary, you try!"
"Why?! We have the same powers, it's clear it won't work! The bigger issue is my corndog!"
"I'll get you another one! Now try!"
"...Detective Decker... What do you desire?"
"...For your father to get in the car."
"...Dad... It didn't work... It didn't work!" She mutters to him.
"Don't worry, sweetheart. I'm going to find out why." He mutters back to her. "Hold on, we know something that you don't!"
"Really? What's that?"
"Won't say unless you take us with you on this. Please, come on. We got to 2Vile, didn't we?"
"Why do you two care so much about this? About Delilah?"
Clarissa sighs. "...Delilah...was a close friend of mine. And...not that long ago...she finally managed to pull herself together after a life of drugs... Just when she was about to get a fresh start...this happens... It's not fair. Maybe if I hadn't shown up in her life, she still be alive."
"Okay, fine... But Lucifer, if this little clue of yours doesn't pan out", holds up the cuffs, "I'm putting these back on, and they're gonna stay on."
"Is that a promise?" He asks smiling.
Lucifer sits in the backseat while Clarissa sits up front with Chloe. Chloe notices Lucifer grinning at her.
"Is there something you need?"
"...I knew I recognized you."
"Right. You've seen my boobies. It's exciting. What are you twelve?"
"So is the, uh...is the movie why you've got such a chip on your shoulder?"
"Uh, it's low on the list of things I have to live down, I guess."
"Right. Attractive female cops struggling to be taken seriously in a man's man's world. That it?"
"Yeah, something like that."
Clarissa rolls her eyes and snickers. "Please, they're threatened. You're smart and have notable instincts. They can't stand the fact of a woman getting ahead of them.
"She's right. Ignore them, trust yourself. Take the lead."
Chloe gives the father-daughter duo a surprised look. She soon receives a call and answers it. "Detective Decker... All right, text it to me. Thanks."
"What's that?" Lucifer asks leaning forward.
She sighs. "What you were saying stands up. There's a Penny Lane who sees a Dr. Linda Martin in Beverly Hills."
"Excellent, we'll clear our schedule."
"May I ask...what did my father do to you when you first met?"
"...He asked if we met before. He could have sworn he'd seen me naked and if we had sex."
"Dad!" She looks back at him with wide eyes.
"What? I was curious!"
"Want me to beat him up? I'm willing to sacrifice my corndog here."
Chloe chuckles. "You'd beat him up with a corndog?"
"She's done it before and it wasn't a pretty sight! And by the way, may I ask why I'm sitting in the backseat like I'm a criminal while my daughter gets to sit in the front?"
"Because I like her and unlike you, she hasn't gotten on my nerves."
"See dad? Isn't it good I took so much after mom?"
"Little devil." Lucifer mutters.
Chloe receives another call and answers it. "Hello. What? You're kidding me. Is she okay? ...Oh, of course he's not there. Thanks." She hangs up. "We got to pick a pit stop."
"What? No, absolutely not."
"My kid got into a fight. I got to pick her up."
"Oh, a mother yourself as well?"
"You have a kid?"
"Kids, actually. Four of them. Two boys, two girls. My oldest are twins and four years old. My third child is three and the youngest is two. I was also a surrogate mother to my nieces."
"Wow, that must be tough."
"It's not too bad but it is a challenge."
"Yes, my daughter knows how her mother and I felt when having to deal with her. And she was an only child. My grandchildren cause more ruckus than she did."
"Dad...I'm still holding this corndog."
"Look, can't your daughter get home herself?"
"Dad, can mine get home themselves?!"
"...You really want me to answer that?"
"She's seven."
"Look, we're not here to help you run errands. We're here to help you solve a homicide."
"Dad, stop being rude! It's okay, detective. Pick up your child."
Chloe smiles at her. "Thank you. And you can call me Chloe."
Shortly after, Chloe pulls up in front of the school.
"Wait here."
"With pleasure, I despise children."
"Excuse you?!"
"Not you and my grandchildren, sweetheart!"
Chloe frowns at Lucifer and looks back at Clarissa. "I'm sorry for what you have to put up with."
"Thank you, that means a lot."
Chloe gets out of the car and heads into the school. The father-daughter duo also get out. Clarissa stretches and before Lucifer can begin to smoke, he spots an attractive woman and begins to follow her. When Clarissa realizes, she rushes after him.
"Dad, don't you dare! Now is not the time for that!"
When unable to find her, he sits in the lobby and pulls out his lighter, attempting to smoke once again.
"I don't think you're allowed to smoke in here." A small child sitting next to him, tells him.
"Oh dear, what will become of me?"
Clarissa finally catches up and takes the lighter from him. "Trying to smoke in a school, with all these children around? Do I need to knock some sense into you?!" She speaks in a hushed tone.
"Your mother already tried that, sweetheart."
The child giggles. "My mother is a police officer. She could arrest you."
Clarissa smiles and crouches down to the child's level. "So you're Chloe Decker's daughter?"
"You know my mom?"
Clarissa smacks his arm. "I'm Clarissa. This is my dad, Lucifer."
"Like the devil?!" She asks in a hushed tone.
He grins. "Exactly."
"My name is Beatrice but everyone calls me Trixie."
"My favorite aunt!" Kailee claps excitedly.
"I could never forget how she would cling Clary and me."
"...Doesn't she still do that?"
"...Ah, you're right."
"...That's a hooker's name."
"Dad, she's a child!"
"What's a hooker?"
"Ask your mother... Why are you in trouble?"
"See that girl over there?" She nods at a girl sitting across the way. "She was bullying me. She created a fake snapchat account and used it to make fun of me. So I kicked her in the no-no-touch square."
Lucifer is confused and Clarissa rolls her eyes. "She means", points to his crotch, "that, dad."
"Oh. Oh, I see. Well played." He gets up, walks over to the bully and sits besides her.
"What's he doing?"
"Using his special talent, Bay..." She says as she sits next to her. "Mind if I called you that?"
She smiles and shakes her head. "Nope! What do people call you?"
"Then...can I call you Issa?"
"Sure can. Since you stood up to that bully, how about I treat you to cake?"
"Can it be chocolate?!"
"We're on the same wavelength."
"Hello, mean girl... Did you know there's a special section in Hell reserved for bullies? So have fun."
Lucifer's eyes turn red, causing the girl to scream. Chloe comes out of the office.
"What did you do?"
"Oh... I think someone's just feeling a little guilty."
Chloe looks back at Trixie and Clarissa, whom both just shrug. Soon after they walk out of the school just as Dan Espinoza arrives.
"Hi, daddy."
"Hi, munchkin." He says as he ruffles her hair.
"Wow, shocker. You're late."
"Come on, give me a break." Clarissa stands behind Trixie and covers her ears, knowing her parents are about to fight. "I'm putting this case to bed."
"Right, like I'm not working on a case too. Oh yeah, the one you tried to steal from me."
"You mean the open and shut one. You did open and shut it, right?"
"I'm being diligent, Dan. It's a high-profile case."
"Exactly which is why you need to be smart about it."
"She is smart. You're the dimwit."
"And could you please not argue in front of the child?" Clarissa removes her hands from Trixie's ears.
Dan steps closer to Lucifer. "I don't know whether to laugh or to shoot you."
"Surprise me."
"Isn't he funny, daddy?"
"Hey, can you, uh, drop Trix's at my mom's? We got to go. Thank you. Trixella, give mommy a kiss." They kiss each other's cheeks. "I love you so much. Good job standing up to the mean girl."
"Thanks, mommy... What's a hooker?"
Chloe looks at Lucifer. "...Daddy will tell you."
"Issa, don't forget our cake date!" Trixie says as she holds up her pinky.
"Never." Clarissa locks pinky around Trixie's.
The parents smile at the two, then Trixie goes to hold Dan's hand as they take their leave.
"Bye, Lucifer! It was nice meeting you!"
"Hmm... I think she likes you both."
"Of course she does, what's not to like?"
The trio are sitting in the waiting room of the therapist's office.
"Was your offspring planned or a mistake?"
Clarissa facepalms. "Dad!"
"...Planned, sort of."
"Children are hideous little creatures. Terrible, taxing little burdens. Expect my little girl and her kids."
"...Oh, yours is fine."
"Is he at all aware of how dickish he sounds?"
"Nope. He's always been that way."
"Speaking of dicks, why was that ex-husband of yours pressuring you to close the case?"
"No reason."
"Yes, you are."
"...Did my father send you?"
The door opens and who steps out is Dr. Linda Martin. "Okay, detectives. I'll see you now."
The trio sit opposite of Linda. "I'd like to ask you a few questions about Delilah..."
Linda nods but she can't take her eyes off of Lucifer, she even takes a few glances at Clarissa.
He smiles. "You're thinking about it, aren't you?"
"Yes, I wouldn't recommended it. I'm liking walking heroin. And my daughter? She's engaged but I can understand. Look at her!"
"Do you three know each other?"
"No, but we know that look." Clarissa rolls her eyes.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Linda tries to snap out of it.
He turns to Chloe. "It's interesting that you don't look at me that way."
"What way?"
"With carnal fascination."
"That's cause it doesn't exist."
"She's not wrong, dad. Mom didn't look at you that way at first."
"True but she wasn't completely immune though. But with most women, I tend to appeal to the dark, mischievous heart within all of you. But you, detective...you seemly oddly immune to my charms... You're even immune to my daughter's abilities."
"Referring to them as "charms" I think, is a bit stretch. Truth be told, I find you repulsive. Like, on a chemical level. But Clarissa, I enjoy her company. I'm still considering her offer of watching her beat you up with a corndog."
"You say it's fascinating and yet I can see it disturbs you, doesn't it? Deeply."
Lucifer looks conflicted but Clarissa steps in.
"Dr. Martin, Delilah was having an affair with a wealthy guy. So we need the name."
"I'm sorry, I can't do that."
"...Dad... Should you or I?"
"You got this one, sweetheart."
"...Linda...tell me."
"I can't... I want to but I can't." She chuckles. "Ah, you're the devil!"
"Wrong. The devil is sitting right here, I'm his daughter. Now tell me."
"...Okay! It's Grey Cooper!"
"Grey Copper, the actor? The one whose married to Amanda-what's-her-chops?"
"Yeah, yeah."
"He's horrible! So square-jawed, so handsome, so vanilla. I'm really disappointed in Delilah. Clary, why did she have such terrible taste in the opposite sex?"
"Thank you, doctor. We'll be in touch. Let's go."
"Of course but since my daughter can't, I would never allow it anyway. I'll hold up the end of the bargain."
"Is he seriously talking about having sex with her? Now?"
"Dad, I will drag you out of this office by your ear."
"...We should get going."
They head downtown to a movie set and meet with Grey Cooper. The arrest him after finding evidence and getting to watch a fight between him and his bodyguard aka Amanda's lover. Now they are back at Lux. Clarissa sits at the bar with Kendra and Maze while Lucifer and Chloe sits in one of the booths.
"Mom, you shooting daggers at the cop isn't making her go away."
"Maybe if I get one of my actual daggers-"
"Mom! Don't they look cute?"
Maze gives her a disgusted look. "Who are you?"
"Your daughter."
Maze sighs. "...Baby Luci, what are you thinking about?"
"It's just... After I broke up with him, he sleeps with one of my best friends just to hurt me."
"Hey, you had a good reason to break up with him, okay? He chose to do those things and he knew that it would hurt you. If he really loved you, if he had put his pride away for a minute, he wouldn't had hurt you the first time.
"Mom's right, cuz." Kendra wraps her around Clarissa's shoulders. "Besides, he did you a favor. You found yourself someone better. A man who loves you and your kids more than anything. A man who looks at you like you're his entire world."
"My offer to torture and kill the guy still stands.
Clarissa giggles as her eyes well up. "I love you guys."
"We love you too."
"Yeah, yeah. I guess." Maze tries to hold back a smile.
"Sweetheart, we need to go!"
At the recording studio, the trio interrupt a band's recording session and confront Jimmy.
"Hello, Jimmy."
"How's the album sales doing?"
"What album?"
"Soundtrack to Time Will Tell which you produced. Whitney Houston hit the top ten for the album sales after her death. Michael Jackson hit the stratosphere. Not sure you'll achieve such heights having Delilah killed, but that sure is a boatload of royalty checks headed your way. Guess you really needed the cash, huh? Which is why you had pay the shooter with your watch."
"The watch that Delilah gave you... You disgust me."
Jimmy grabs one of the band boys and pulls out a gun. Chloe immediately pulls out her gun.
"Hey, Jimmy?"
"I made her and she ruined me. She humiliated me. She owes me."
"You're not God, Jimmy. You didn't make her. But you did destroy her and I'm going to punish you." Lucifer walks towards him.
"Back off, you freak! I mean it. I am not going to jail for that bitch. No chance."
"Listen to him. Lucifer, back off."
"I told you, I'm fine. I'm immortal."
When Lucifer gets closer, Jimmy is about to shoot him but Chloe gets the first shot. Jimmy drops to the floor.
"Why did you do that?!"
"He was gonna kill you."
"No, no, no, no. You just let him off to easy! He needs to pay! He needs to suffer! He needs to feel that pain, not escape it!"
"Dad, it's fine. We caught him, that's all that matters."
"No. it's not! He hurt you!"
"Lucifer. Where he's going, I'm sure the pain and punishment's coming."
"No, it's not! Because I'm here and-"
Two shots are fired, by Jimmy who is still alive. Chloe goes down.
"NO!" Clarissa screams.
The father-daughter duo hurry to her side. "Chloe."
Chloe gasps. "I don't want to die."
"I won't let you. Your father will just have to wait for you."
Three more shots are fired, two at Lucifer and one at Clarissa.
"Just give me one second." Lucifer says while holding up one finger. He looks at Clarissa and turns back to Jimmy with an angry look. "YOU SHOT MY DAUGHTER AS WELL?!"
He gets up and walks over to Jimmy who still shoots at him. He takes the gun and throws it away, then grabs Jimmy by the neck and slams him up against the glass.
"Chloe, we'll be right back." She goes to stands behind Lucifer.
"Please don't kill me."
"Oh, Jimmy." He flips him around to face the shattered glass. "You're gonna wish that's all we did to you."
The reflection shows Lucifer's true face and Clarissa's eyes glowing red. Jimmy lets out a blood-curdling scream.
Chloe wakes up in the hospital with Lucifer hovering over her.
"Well, look whose back."
"How long have I've been out?"
He sighs. "Three years."
Lucifer is unable to keep up the act and begins to laugh.
"You're such an ass."
"Thank you."
"...He was firing at you...and Clarissa. Wait! Is she alright?! What about you?"
"We're fine. I told you, she and I are immortal."
She rolls her eyes and sighs. "What happened with Jimmy?"
"Jimmy? Jimmy got what he deserved."
"Well, I'm pretty sure I'd be dead if you two hadn't helped me so...thank you."
"Sorry, what was that last bit? I didn't quite get that."
"Thank you."
"You're welcome... Besides, you're too far interesting to let die."
"You saved my life because I'm interesting?"
"Wildly irritating as well, but yes. Also, there was a chance Clarissa would have pushed me off a roof."
She chuckles. "I like that girl... So what now?"
"Lucifer!" Trixie runs to him and hugs him. Clarissa and Kai walk in and smirk at the sight.
"Uh, yes. Hello, child. Um, just... Why don't you save some of this unpleasantness for your mother?" He lifts her up and places her next to Chloe.
"Grandpa!" The twins run up to Lucifer, Charles holds his right hand while Charlotte holds the left.
"Charles, Charlotte! My beautiful grandchildren! I've missed you both!"
"Missed you too! We made a new friend!" Charlotte points at Trixie.
"I like them, mommy." Trixie says as she hugs Chloe.
"Really? Well maybe we could have playdate for you guys sometime."
Before Clarissa can lead Kai outside the room, Chloe calls out to her. "Clarissa! Thank you."
"No need to thank me...but you're welcome."
The two smile at each other and the couple go to stand outside the room.
"Honey? I so feel it."
"Feel what?"
"The chemistry... Ship name? Deckerstar."
"Cute." He kisses her cheek. "Babe... What's our ship name?"
Her eyes widened. "Shoot! We need a ship name! Get to work on it!" (Referring to you readers!😂)
"Wow... You sure caused mommy and grandma a lot of grief."
Lucifer tickles Kailee. "Time for bed, little one." He kisses her forehead. "Good night."
"Good night, grandpa. But grandma will be coming here soon, right?"
"Yes, she will."
He gets up and turns off the light. When he leaves her room, he notices Clarissa standing next to the door.
"Love you, dad."
"Love you too, my little devil." He kisses her forehead and brings her into a hug. "...Let me guess. Ana?"
Clarissa pulls back from Lucifer and notices Kai behind them, crouched down and breathing heavily. "I swear that girl is going to kill me."
Clarissa giggles. "I have something to tell you both... I'm pregnant."
The amount of facepalming Clarissa did!😂
Now you know one of the things Klaus did to betray Clarissa. What else? You're going to have to wait to find out unless you can figure it out yourselves...
Just need some suggestions. Now Clarissa pretty much has the same abilities as Lucifer. But should she have at least one ability that he doesn't have? If so, what should it be?
And the next case flashback I do, Kai will be included! Lucifer, Chloe, Clarissa and Kai team...I'm ready for that!😂 But which case/episode should it be?
These are the child actors who play Clarissa and Kai's kids at a young age. These were the best I could find who would look similar to the current actors playing them in their teen/adult years.
Joel Dawson as Young Charles (Charles was 4 in the flashback!)
Kingston Foster as Young Charlotte (Lottie was 4 in the flashback!)
Violet McGraw as Young Matilda (didn't appear but was mentioned!)
Kue Lawrence as Young Kaleb (didn't appear but was mentioned!)
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