Her Snuggles
Leon sits in a booth with Mattie and Kailee at Mystic Grill.
"Leon. Do you understand why I allow you to date my big sister?"
"Because I'm your best friend and you love me?"
"Because you are my perfect prank test subject."
"...Why do I even bother?"
Kailee giggles. "I love you, Leo!"
"Thanks, Lee. You treat me a lot better than your sister does."
"Can we go back to me? Thank you. Now, this date must be perfect. My sister deserves the best of everything! So tell us, what are your ideas for this date?"
"One idea was to Netflix and chill."
"Well then how about a picnic?"
"Romantic but not good enough."
"Bake a cake together, then I'll write the words on-"
"Do you not understand how big a moment this is for the two of you?! Why are so dumb?! And where are my damn tacos?!"
"Hey, you know the only person who can insult me is my mother! And language, there's a child present! Kailee, don't grow up to be like your sister."
Kailee giggles. "Don't worry, I promise!"
"Yeah, we'll see about that. But I'm pretty sure I know who she will take after. My baby sister is a force to be reckoned with. Now getting back to the main subject. Leon, I gave you my blessing to date my sister. But if you want my blessing for when you two get married-"
"I only need Mr. and Mrs. Parker's blessing for marriage-"
"Not in our family. When you date a Morningstar, you have to get the entire family's blessing. That's just how it works."
"Kailee, do you agree with this?"
"Yes but you already have my permission to marry my big sister. Our whole family loves you, you've been able to withstand Mattie's pranks and you make the best candy apples! Oh and you're the best hugger!"
Leon chuckles. "Thanks, kiddo."
"Don't get to happy because you don't have my permission yet. You have to work for it. And when the marriage topic does come up in the future, I will be the first person you come to, understand?"
"...I can't win with you..."
"Ooh, I have an idea!" Kailee raises her hand. "But I expect a hug in return, Leo!"
"Since you treat me a lot better than Mattie does, you get two hugs." He ruffles her hair. "Now what's your idea?"
Charlotte finishes getting ready for her date and just as she opens the door, she sees Kailee standing there with her arms stretched.
"Wait! Big sis, you can't go out yet!"
"And why not, Lee?" Charlotte crouches down to her younger sister's height.
"Because the preparations aren't completed yet!"
"What are you guys up to?"
"Don't know what you mean. Did I mention that you look very pretty?"
"That's very sweet of you, my baby sister." Charlotte lightly pinches Kailee's cheek. "Now I'm ready and my date will be here soon. So I have to go downstairs-"
"No! I cannot let you leave this room!" Kailee shakes her head.
Charlotte picks Kailee up, spins around and places her down, then hurries downstairs.
"You're gonna do me like that, big sis?!"
Kailee follows after her and they run in on an unexpected sight...
"What are you guys doing?!"
Charles, Mattie and Kaleb are in the kitchen, all of them covered in flour and chocolate frosting.
"Sis, it's not what it looks like!"
"Oh, really?! Because it looks like you're having a food fight without me! Wait... Are you guys making chocolate cake?!"
"Uh..." Kaleb and Mattie look to Charles for help.
"Did we mention how beautiful you look, my twin?"
"Big bro is right, sis. Leo won't be able to keep his eyes off of you!" Kaleb grins.
"Thank you but stop trying to change the subject. What are you guys up to, Charlie?"
A knock on the door interrupts them and Kailee goes to answer it quickly.
"Hey, Lee. Is Charlotte ready?"
Kailee rushes back over to Charlotte, grabs her hand and pulls her over to Leon.
"Take her, we're sick of her!" Kailee pushes Charlotte into Leon's arms. "And you guys be back by eleven p.m. sharp!" She closes the door, only to open it back up slightly. "Love you, big sis. Have fun on your date!" She giggles before closing the door.
Charlotte gives Leon a confused look to which he shrugs.
"Damn, we almost got caught!" Mattie groans.
"Language! There's a child present." Charles points at Kailee.
"Wow! It's so beautiful!" Charlotte beams.
"Yeah... It is." Leon gazes at Charlotte with a loving expression.
Nearby, her siblings are spying on them while hiding in the bushes.
"Why would I want to watch my own twin sister smushing faces with her boyfriend?!"
"Shut up, Charles! We have to make sure this night goes perfectly!"
"These ridiculous disguises! Anyone would recognize us! I swear Aunt Ariel's influence rubbed off on you!"
"...How did I get dragged into this?" Kaleb whines.
"You have the responsibly of carrying the cake, Kal. And I have to make sure that you don't eat it." Kailee whispers to him.
"Whatever. Now where's the damn binoculars?"
"Watch your mouth, Mattie! Kailee is right there!"
Charlotte ad Leon slow dance under the gazebo, while gazing into each other's eyes.
"You know we could have done Netflix and chill, right?"
"Yeah but Mattie wasn't having it. She said that you deserve the best of everything, which you do and this date had to be perfect."
"Oh? What are you and my siblings up too?" She asks with a raised eyebrow.
He notices a flashing light, realizing that as a signal and leads her over to the picnic table where a chocolate cake lies.
"Ooh, chocolate cake!" She squeals. "...Wait."
On the cake it says, "Charlotte Eleanor Forbes-Parker. Will you be my girlfriend?"
She looks back at him and gives him a bright smile.
"...I would love to be, my snuggles."
The now official couple laughs and he pulls her into a hug.
"Oh, so that were my siblings were doing."
"Yeah, it was Kailee's idea that this is how I ask you. She thought it was creative and you do love to bake. So your siblings would work on the cake while I brought you here."
"...Are they here right now?" She asks with a smirk.
"Guys! If you're out there, I love you!"
"We love you too!"
She giggles. "So now that we're officially boyfriend and girlfriend, how about for our next date we just cuddle and watch Netflix?"
He nods and she brings him in for a kiss.
Cute little oneshot dedicated to another otp of the series! Hope you all enjoyed!
What did you like most about it? Let me say, I'm like writing about Leon and Mattie's friendship! And just how adorable is Kailee?😂
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