In their Los Angeles home, Clarissa sits across from Bonnie and her new boyfriend in the living room. Clarissa stares him down, making him feel nervous. Bonnie pats his hand in reassurance.
"So this is him..." Clarissa gives a smug smirk. "He's cute."
"DID YOU JUST CALL HIM CUTE?!" Kai shrieks from upstairs.
Bonnie's boyfriend gives her a confused look while has an amused expression.
"LOVE YOU TOO!" Clarissa clears her throat. "Sorry about that interruption. Now back to what we were doing."
"Clary, please. Can you not-"
"Bon Bon, be quiet... Now Thomas, what are you intentions with my best friend?"
"Well... I love her and... I, uh..."
"Do I frighten you?"
"Blue, it's obvious that you're lying..." Bonnie whispers to him.
"Thomas... Bonnie informed me that she told you everything about her life. So do you understand why I had her bring you here?"
"She wanted to introduce me to her family and friends..."
"You didn't tell him?" Clarissa asks with a raised eyebrow.
"Wasn't my secret to tell."
Clarissa gives her a small smile. "Appreciated... Thomas. Since you know of what happened to Bonnie's parents and grandmother, I took it as my responsibility to make sure she ends up with the right man. My Bon Bon deserves everything, so if you're going to be with her... Can you handle what I'm about to test you on?"
"I can handle whatever you throw at me."
"...Okay... You see, I do go by Clarissa Forbes but... I do have another name."
"...What would that be?"
"...Clarissa Morningstar."
Blue flames surrounded Clarissa and Miliani appears. After Miliani growls at Thomas, he screams and jumps behind the couch.
"What the hell is that?!"
"Huh, you did better than Kol. He tried to take the next plane back home to Paris.
"This is Miliani, she's my hellhound. Good girl." Clarissa pats Miliani's head affectionally. "You see, I'm actually the devil's daughter." She tells him, revealing her glowing red eyes for a moment.
He looks at Bonnie with a shocked expression.
"She's serious?"
"You do see the hellhound, right?"
"...Cookie, you're friends with the actual devil?"
"And his daughter. I can call my dad here if you like to meet-"
"No! Just you is enough! Bonnie, why didn't you tell me?!"
"Like I said, it wasn't my secret to tell."
"Plus I'm glad she didn't. Seeing your reaction is giving me utter joy."
"She's so evil." He whispers to Bonnie.
"She is the devil's daughter." She whispers back to him.
"Now you see that it's different with me... I'm not allowing just any man to be with her. She's been enough. Out of all of us, she was always the one who got hurt and lost the most... If you so much hurt her, I will drag you to the pits of Hell myself and you'll be a snack for my precious Miliani. Do you understand?"
He nods quickly.
"Now on to the test-"
"That wasn't the test?!"
"Hell no. Are you a fast runner?"
"...Yes... Why?"
Clarissa grins. "That's very fortunate for you."
"Clarissa, please don't-"
" have a new friend to play with." Miliani barks as Thomas' eyes widened. "I suggest you start running. My girl's bite is worse than her bark."
Miliani barks even more and he immediately runs out of the living room, with her chasing after him.
"Did you really have to do all that?"
"Yes. If he wants my approval, he needs to prove that he's worthy. Besides Miliani won't bite him...unless he pisses her off." Clarissa giggles hearing Thomas' screams. "Oh, it's so much fun being scary!"
"...I pray for your children's future wives and husbands."
"You do that. Now if he passes this test, I'll let him off the hook of the second test and he can have my blessing for the day he does marry you."
Bonnie smiles and goes to sit next to Clarissa, giving her a hug.
"I love you, Clary."
"Love you too, Bon Bon."
As the women continue to hug, they hear Thomas scream again causing them to laugh.
Jesses Williams as Thomas King
Born: Late 1980s/Age: Early 40s
Blue (by Bonnie)
Species: Human
Love Interest: Bonnie Bennett (wife)
Wanted to introduce Thomas and get some Bonnie moments in since she really hasn't been included in the story. Hope you all enjoyed!
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