Pathetically perfect
"Have you got any experience with handling cars? The man said.
Chuuya liked his appreance, blond unkempt hair that was tied into a braid, he had a cool Jean jacket on, with all sorts of sown army pieces on it. He wore sunglasses too, despite being inside.
"Not professionally."
"Oh?" He leant forward "then how?"
"I've fixed up my sisters car from time to time, checked the engine, tightened screws. I've also helped my boyfriends dad with his car, as well as a few neighbours. Was also a errand boy for some mechanics," Chuuya rambled, he felt a bit narcissistic doing this, even though this is what interviews are for.
The man looked intrigued, Chuuya was accustomed his grin already, he never seemed to stop smiling "when was this?" He asked, juggling a rubix cube in his hand.
"When I was about sxiteen or seventeen."
He whistled "pretty young to know how to handle that type of stuff but-" he stopped his juggling and turned towards Chuuya, looking over the top of his sunglasses, "I'm not one to discriminate."
He stood up and stretched with a groan "if you can figure out the problem with this customers car, I'll hire you."
Chuuya shot out of his seat "really?!"
"Sure, come on!" He cheered.
It was a nice car, a black Audi, Chuuya instatly knew it was an A4. It seemed ancient compared to some of the technological cars that roamed the streets now, but there was something humble and cosy about it. She'd been loved that was for sure.
That was somehting new cars missed, the homey feeling, now it just felt like you were an airplane pilot, using it for trips and nothing more.
Confident and determined Chuuya placed his hand out, "keys?" The boss threw him the keys and Chuuya unlocked the car, sitting at the steering wheel; for a second he had the impulse to look for the on button. Right, he thought, automatics weren't a thing when this car was created, as if the gear stick wasn't testament to that.
Sliding the key into the ignition, the car immediately tunred on. So it wasn't a starting up problem, then a ding was heard and Chuuya looked towards the small pixilated screen.
Low oil pressure.
Chuuya got up from the drivers seat, he lifted up the hood of the car and inspected the motor, it appeared to be fine.
His first impulse was to say that, as the indicator indicated, there wasn't enough oil in the tank but that was too simple... he was being tested, surely they wouldn't give him something as simple as that?
He then remebered the conversation he had with Dazai before he left to come here.
"You've always trusted your gut more and nine times out of ten you've always been right. Don't second guess yourself, pretend it's Kyoyo's car and I'm there droning on about another fucked up book I read."
"What was that one you talked to me about in senior year, when I was fixing up Kyoyo's car again? Handman's tale? Handy-"
"Handmaids tale."
"That one was gross."
"Gross but so good. Anyway my point is, don't over think it, leave that for me and do what feels right. That's how you get jobs. By believing in yourself, the people who are impressed by you will come by eventually."
So Chuuya ignored going to check the oil level.
It was risky, if there isn't enough oil going to the motor, it will overheat and eventually explode, but... this was far too simple, even for a newbie.
"I need to take the pump out of the engine."
"The pump?"
The man walked over, seemingly amused and handed Chuuya everything he needed, "how long will you need?"
"Fourty minutes at most."
So the man left Chuuya to his own devices. He slid his headphones in, placing his phone on the side and got to work, he was meticulously careful but still relaxed enough as he hummed and sang away at his songs.
Finally after half an hour, the pump had been removed and he raised it to the sunlight filtering out of the garage area.
He smiled victoriously.
The pump was broken.
He brought it down to eye level, examining it further, the tube connecting it to the motor had broken, that meant there was oil but not enough of it was being pumped to the motor and in turn, the car.
The man came back, he looked at Chuuya, his face briefly dropping from a smile into a look of suprise before finally a smirk.
"Well fuck me sideways with a gear stick, you've figured it out!" He shouted out happily.
Chuuya laughed both from the saying and from his well earned hard work and win.
"If you get a new pump and install it, eveything should be working fine."
The boss leaned in, hands on his hips, "How did you figure out that it wasn't the oil level?"
"It's too simple. Oil pressure can be fixed easily by adding more oil, no driver is stupid enough to get the alert and not put in any extra oil they're carrying with them so... it must have been something else. And this was it. A broken pump."
The man clapped him on the shoulder "hired!" He cheered with a grin.
Chuuya's eyes sparkled, he'd never have thought he'd been happy to get a job, usually people complained. Dazai wasn't one of them anymore he worked in an environment he liked but Higuchi always complained about her McDonald's shift.
"Thank you! Uhh..."
"Albatross. Don't call me boss, never quite liked that. And don't be like Pianoman, he sometimes calls me Albaboss and he doesn't even work here!" Albatross complained with a stomp of his foot.
Chuuya laughed and looked up at him. The moment had been funny but... "Alright. I'll keep that in mind..." he paused and stared at the pump "when can I start?" His words came out rushed and enthusiastic, Albatross couldn't help but bellow out a laugh.
"Soon as the pump comes in! I'll get you fixing this car and your first pay check," Albatross winked and Chuuya could only grin.
"I got it! Osamu I got the job!" Chuuya cheered as he kicked open Dazai's apartment door.
He heard fumbling and the sound of wheels sliding against the floor, Dazai came into view at the bedroom door way, still sitting on the desk chair.
Chuuya jumped in the air and did a dance "I got it! I got the job! I'm gonna be a mechanic~!" He sing-sang and Dazai too sprinted out of his chair to encase his boyfriend in a congratulatory hug.
"I told you, you could do it!" Dazai squeezed him tightly "I'm so proud of you!" He pulled away from the hug and held onto Chuuya's arms, pulling him in for a kiss on the forhead a then pulling him back to gaze at his face, "Tell me how you got it."
So they walked back to the bedroom; Dazai sat back on his desk chair and Chuuya took his seat on the edge of the bed. He explained everything, Dazai wasn't really into cars, wasn't allowed in one after he almost crashed both Chuuya and Oda when he was trying to learn.
They would have let him off, if he only just started but... he'd been practing for seven months by then.
And they couldn't get noticed either, they were practicing illegally, being only sixteen. It was a wonder Oda even let them.
But even though he didn't understand much, he nodded and listened and gasped like he was watching a drama.
Once finished with his anecdote, Dazai got up and bent over, kissing Chuuya on the forhead again, while brushing some of Chuuya's gorgeous red hair out of his face and behind his ear.
"I knew you could do it," he whispered softly.
Chuuya smiled up at him and kissed the side of his hand, "I knew I could do it too."
Morning sun filtered in through the shut, dark red curatins, an irritating alarm ringing over and over again. Chuuya groaned as he begrudgingly turned around, his arm slinging off the bed, like a corpse. And into someones hair, it was enough to make the sleepiness shoot out of Chuuya. He rolled to the side and peered towards the floor "Tachihara? Why the fuck are you looking under my bed?"
The other redhead didn't even look at Chuuuy and continued to pull old bottles of wine out from under the bed, unearthing all the problems Chuuya had, "I didn't relaise how much you drank," he said blunt as ever, Chuuya sighed, this was Tachihara, he knew he wasn't saying it maliciously, he couldn't help but smile- briefly.
Annoyance took over after that.
"Oi-" He swung his hand forward, whacking Chuuya in the head again and Chuuya hit him back, "Why are you looking under my bed at ten in the morning?!"
"I'm-" he grunted as he shuffled further "looking for-" he then bumped his head on the inside of Chuuya's bed "Ow- Aha! There's one!" he then raised himself onto his knees, holdign up a small brown object that Chuuya had to squint his tired eyes to see.
"A cork?" he asked, his face contouring to look at Tachihara with both disgut and disbelief.
The other nodded and stood up, dusting off his dark jeans "Yep! I told Gin to shut up or I'd throw a cork at her and guess what?!" Tachiahara waited for Chuuya to respond but quite obviously he wasn't going to" she didn't! So here I am."
Chuuya frowned at him "so you're snooping through my room... to get a cork... to throw it at Gin?"
Tachiahara nodded at him enthusiastically, like a child who'd done something wrong but wasn't aware of it. Chuuay sighed and got up out of bed, stretching a littel "fine. I'm not gonna question the type of arguments the two of you have," he spoke, voice coming out strangked from his stretching. He then lowered his arms and dragged his hands down his face.
"You should probably clean under your bed," Tachihara said while he pointed too it and looked at him gently, the atmosphere changed from one of annoyance to one of understanding "I'll help you," Tachihara added "Just give me a time."
Chuuya grinned and shook his head "I think I can handle it on my own," he went to punch Chuuya lightly in the bicpes "but I'll need a big strong man to carry the bottles to the trash," he said with a joking purr and a flutter of his eyelashes.
Tachihara rolled his eyes and slid his hands around Chuuya's biceps as the smaller crossed his arms with a laugh, "I'm seeing and feeling some muscle. I'm sure you can handle it."
Their conversation ended after that, with Tachihara leaving to go and exact his revenge on Gin and Chuuya opting to go and fianlly get the opportunity to brush his teeth. Before that though, Chuuay went to send a morning text to Dazai.
They didnt sleep together every night, wanting to establish some independce and time awaay from eachother, they were already attached too one another before their relationship and they didnt want it to get worse or concerning, they still had their lives outside of eachother (Though Chuuay was working on stabilising himself again). Dazai would go out with other people while Chuuya stayed inside or sometimes Chuuya would go out and Dazai would stay inside and sometimes amongst all that, they met in the middle. Going out on dates.
Not to mention that Chuuya did quite enjoy sleeping by hismelf, it was heart-warming and satisfying for him to get into bed, no tears no alcohol and just drift into sleep.
Today wasn't a full day, with school finished and their last essays handed in, the only thing they needed to do was some reading here and there and enjoy the time off until next year started in April. Chuuya was planning to go too the library for some studying, at least until twelve. Dazai was supposed to be waiting for him outside so they could go somewhere and eat together, a coffee date, if you will.
Chuuya wasn't working until Sunday, that was is schedule, Monday, Thursday and Sunday, he liked the routine of it all, something Chuuya didn't know he enjoyed while in High School in. He liked having something he needed to do, in which he couldn't push away or ignore. He liked working and earning his own money. He'd been working for two weeks now and he hadn't told Kyoyo about he and Dazai dating or the fact he'd gotten a job. Only their friends knew.
It was odd. Once, Kyoyo would have known everything about him.
Either way, their family was going to find out today after their date.
Chuuya put some clothes on, a mixtrure of all the one things friends had gotten him.
Once in clothes and happy with the look and the comfort, he wandered to the kitchen, where he took the smoothie Tahcihara had left out for him. It was an agreement they had, sometimes Chuuya couldn't stomach any food in the morning, so Tahcihara, who drank smoothies every morning, suggested that when Chuuya couldn't stomach any food, he could drink a smoothie, at least then he'd get some nutrients in his body to fuel him until he eventually did want food.
Which he did. His stomach was starting to ask for food again.
So, Tachihara made two times the amount he usually did and they both had their fair shair of smoothies in morning.
He took the smoothie and poured it into a flask then grabbed a waterbottle, which he stuffed into his backpack and left.
The library was quiet, quieter than usual, probably because it was the holiday and early in the morning. He sat at his usual seat, the one where he could see the stone people tripped on.
Strange, how he used to sit here to escape whatever parts of his living hell that he could: his mind, his ex, his best friend, the alcohol. And now he was sitting here, back turned away from that stone because he no longer needed the reminder. Now he would walk out of this glass building and be greeted with a smile of utmost joy.
Time went by fast when Chuuay was studying, he hadn't hated it in High School but he did find unbelievably boring, unless he was doing actively challenging things. He didn't like learning maths but he enjoyed figuring out the problems when he finally understood the formula and revelled in naming himself a genius. Now, however, sititng in the library, reading and annotating and writing notes, seemed less like a chore.
Before he even knew it, his phone buzzed and when he glanced at the screen he read 'Mackerel with the heart emoji that had bandages wrapped around it. He then got up from his seat and packed his things away going to leave until the librarian called out to him "You off Chuuya dear?" She asked her voice sachrine and kind.
Chuuya turned and nodded enthusiastically, "Yeah, going to grab a bite with Dazai."
"Glad to hear it sweetie, have a lovely day. Tell me how it goes next time."
Chuuya smiled and waved at her "Of course."
He could see Dazai as he descended the stairs, he kept glancing out the window to look at him instead of watching where he was stepping, he'd nearly fell down the stairs a couple of times.
His boyfriend looked gorgeous -as always- black tailored trousers, white button up shirt, with half of it tucked in and the other not, his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows (Chuuya couldn't help but melt when he saw the lack of bandages and the scars on show. He was also wearing his new circular glasses, sitting perched on his nose. Turns out writing on a computer for hours does end up making you short sighted.
Chuuya had to stop and stare for a while, Dazai staring at his phone screen through his glasses, eyes concentrated. He shuffled, moving his weight onto his left leg while tugging his book bag higher onto his right shoulder, like a balancing act. Once comfortable, he slid the hand without his phone into his pocket. God, he was so hadnsome, he looked like a ceo, a boss of some sort of comapny or organisation.
If they had been in an office... well.. Chuuya had some ideas.
But not any time soon. They hadn't kissed yet, even after two weeks.
Shaking away the thoughts, he pushed the glass door open, Dazai immediately looked up as he heard the strange noise that some doors make when they opened, not quiet a creak but not quiet a whoosh sound either. The moment his eyes fell onto Chuuya he grinned and reached for Chuuya's hand, planting a kiss on it "Hello Mon amour," he greeted happily.
"Hello to you to, you cheeky bastard," Chuua didn't pull his hand away and instead used his other one to nudge Dazai in the shoulder bashfully, a laugh creeping up his throat.
Dazai dropped Chuuya's hand and sighed contently, "Anyway I'm starving, can we go and eat," Dazai turned to him doe eyes widening while he pouted, "I really want a toastie."
Chuuya let out a bretah of amusement and shook his head, not finding Dazai's puppy eyes very convincing, "you and your toasties," he chuckled "I hope we never go to England or that's going to be your entire menu while youre there. But yes, lets go, I kinda of want a red bean butter sandwhich."
While Dazai ordered, Chuuya sat at the tables outside, enjoying the warm spring air that caressed his cheeks like a mother would to a baby, soft petals rusteled the trees, pulling some petals off their branches. The sound of people chatting and children playing sprang around the air as warmly as the summer sun. People walked by, each with their own buiness. That had always been weird to Chuuya, how each perosn had their own life.
Eventually Dazai returned and placed the food and drinks onto the table, they didn't really speak to each other as they ate, other than when a long string of cheese connected Dazai and his taostie and he hummed happily "I love the cheese," he practically moaned with glee.
Chuuya brought his hand up to his mouth, trying his best not spit out all of his good as he laughed, "You have a problem."
Dazai swallowed his food downa and waved his toastie around as he spoke "Its not my fault the british have such bland yet heavenly food," he shurgged, "I tried an english brekafast and a sunday roast at Jane's house before and I ate two plates full. Atsushi thought there was something wrong with me."
Dazai blinked, "Austen?"
"Ohhhh," the Chuuya must have realised, "Oh god," Chuuya rolled his eyes and then gasped in realisation, "you have accesss to the british," he groaned.
"Well obviously, where am I gonna eat somehthing like Sunday roast in Japan?" He spoke with a frown and quirked an eyebrow.
Chuuya shrugged "I thought maybe you cooked it yourself."
"Yes," Dazai nodded and then pointed at his eyes, monolids, dark brown and doe-like, "because I definitely look British."
"Really?" Chuuya asked, playing a long "I hadn't noticed."
Their conversation could have continued probably but Dazai opted to continue eating, Chuuya leant forward and held out a napkin, wiping Dazai's mouth "You're eating like a pig, slow down, no ones going to steal your god damn toastie."
Dazai smiled, mouth full and Chuuya scrunched his nose in digust, fond disgust.
If that was even a thing.
"I can't believe we start again in a week," Dazai complained I don't want to go back, I've been enjoying the holiday."
"It'll be fine, summer will start before you can even relaise."
"That is very true, Life goes by quickly," Dazai looked at him with a smile "and we'll be living together by then too."
Chuuya looked away, unable to face Dazai and how warm he made him feel.
Breaking the news to Kyoyo and Oda (and Aya) wasn't that difficult, Oda had opened the door to Chuuya's house and for a moment both Chuuya and Dazai thought that maybe they'd ended up at the wrong house but no, Aya came running down the stairs, and Kyoyo poked her head out of the kitchen with a smile and a wave.
They sat down comfortably, Oda sat around the corner of the table and Kyoyo stood up, Aya had taken her seat next to her brother. She'd texted him a bunch of profanities less than two hours ago about how he'd taken her favourite t-shirt (which was actually just Chuuya's that she'd stolen a year ago) and now she was elated next to him and swinging her legs around like an innocent child.
Chuuya got a little emotional sitting here, he didn't look towards Dazai for that reason, he might cry if he did. Instead, he saw Kyoyo cross her arms as she sat leant against the counter, she was smiling, "I haven't seen you two at my kitchen table in a long time, I'm assuming you made up then?"
Dazai spluttered a little, Chuuya could see from his peripheral vision that Aya's eyes had a micehivous glint to them, he spoke before the young girl got any ideas "Yes, we did. That actually why we're here."
Oda riased an eyeborw "Is it really that special of an occasaion?"
Dazai gasped, hands coming to his mouth, afronted "Why Of course! Dont be so dismissive Odasaku he's my..." He was going to say best freind but then he realised that wasn't true anymore.
"Aha! I knew it!" Aya suddenly screamed, pointing her finger to the celing with a smug expression, damn her for beign as perceptive as Dazai. "I knew it! Felt it in my bones! Even uncle Bram said I was onto somehting!"
"Aya!" Chuuya glared at her "Keep it shut. Its our job."
"But you're taking forever, I wanna hear it."
"Yes, would you be so kind as to tell us what's going on?" Kyoyo asked, it sounded like she was angry but really she was impatient. Patience had never been a strong suit for the Nakahara's, the only person who exercised it well was Verlaine and he was barely here.
Chuuya then felt Dazai's hands squeeze his thigh and his head shot up from his lap to look at Dazai, a little shy, Dazai's hand then slipped forward to grab Chuuya's and then they brought their hands up to the table, no one really batted an eye, other than Oda, who then raised an eyebrow. Dazai then smiled and nudged Chuuya's shoulder "Come on," he smiled.
Chuuay shook his head in embarrassment, "You've been waiting for this longer than I have. You do the big reveal."
Dazai couldn't contain his contagious smile and soon enough his teeth flashed too, he turned to their family and did a wiggle of hapines "I'm pleased to inform you that after many many many many-"
"Okay Osamu, you dont have to drag it out this long," Chuuya chuckled.
"Chuuya and I are dating!"
Aya screamed the moment Dazai finished his sentce and she began to zoom and cheer around the kitchen table "They're dating! Samu and Chuuya are finally dating!" she squealed.
Kyoyo grinned and grabbed Oda by his shoulders, shaking him around "It's happened! Its happened!" she cheered happily, a break of character.
Oda shook his head and clapped Dazai on the back from the top of the table corner "about time," he congratulated and Dazai looked at him greatfully. "It's been a long time coming," Oda added and gave him a very rare grin. Dazai bounced in his seat slightly, he'd always loved praise from Odasaku.
"Oh my goodness, when did this happen? How?"
Both Dazai and Chuuya looked at each other then away "It's better you don't know how," they mumbled and then looked at eachother and laughed, it was a warm sight to see.
"ooo they definelty had really passionate lovely-dovey, smoochy sex," Aya snickered a waggle of her eyebrows.
Both Dazai and Chuuya reddened anad looked down at their laps "It was... ahem.. a sponetous thing..." Chuuya muttured.
"Yeah, we're taking it slow now," Dazai added, sheepishly.
"Really?" Kyoyo asked, just from the tone, you could tell she didn't quite belive it, and Chuuya shot up to defend them immediately.
"Yes! Since that night we haven't kissed on the lips once."
Even though Chuuya really wanted to, he'd been thinking about it more than usual but he didnt act on it, not yet. Maybe he was waiting for Dazai to do it, he wanted Dazai to kiss him desperately again, just as long as they didn't go as far again. He just wanted a warm kiss, he'd been too used to cold ones.
"Stop embarrassing them Aya and stop putting their private lives out on the table!" Kyoyo chastised and smiled "As your older sister I want to hear the details but-" she glared at Aya "Later, not around immature teeangers," she then placed her hands on her hips "Would you like to stay over for dinner and for the night?"
Chuuya and Dazai looked at each other, they'd ate already but it would take a while until the food was done and they hadn't slept in Chuuya's room for a very long time, together.
So they did.
They ate and laughed (actually, everyone was laughing at how giddy the couple was). Which was true, Chuuya had bent over to clean up their shoes and Dazai had walked straight into him and the two of them stumbled over their sorry's. Or when Chuuya completely missed where he wanted to sit on the couch and he sat straight on Dazai's hand, fingers tensing under his ass at suprise. They yelped and even Oda had to look away and stifle his cackle.
Dinner had been amazing, as it always was. You could eat at your favourite restaurant everyday, chomp down on you favourite fast food or cook for yourself but nothing compred to the food of home.
They chatted and during and after dinner, about school and life and the best part? Chuuya didn't needed to lie and Dazai didn't need to cover up for him.
Once dinner was over they ran upstaird and fought over the sink, pushing and shoving and splashing each other with water as they washed. The whole house was buzzing with their cackles and bickering, it was cosy to hear.
The silence only enveloped when they realised they'd have to get changed, there was the option of changing with their backs turned or in the bathroom, taking turns but they were dating, they were lovers, for gods sake they'd had sex! Been completley naked in front of each other- or in each other. Whatever!
So they sucked in a breath and got changed, their eyes would catch occasionally, Chuuya stared at Dazai's arms when he unbuttoned his shirt..
And when Chuuya had to take off his shirt and managed to get it over the top of his head, he saw Dazai staring at him, he hadn't noticed yet that he'd been caught, he was too busy taking in as much of Chuuya's body as he could.
Chuuya sucked in a breath and turned to Dazai, whose eyes widened and he looked away bashfully "sorry," he whispered, fiddling with his shirt nervously.
Chuuya stepped towards him "you can touch," he whispered, placing his hands on Dazai's chest "I'm your boyfreind, it's not off-limits," it felt too tender but nothing in Chuuya was telling him to back off.
"Are you sure?"
With a nod, Chuuya removed one of his hands from Dazai's chest, taking the brunets hand and placing it just above his hip, he sucked in a shaky breath when their bare skin contacted.
Dazai ran his hands up and down Chuuya's sides, impulsively pulling him closer, their lips didn't graze but they were close enough. "It feels good," Chuuya whispered, their eyes didn't break contact and for a moment Dazai's hands stilled with his breath.
"Yeah?" He asked tenderly as he massaged his boyfriends hips.
"Yeah," Chuuya replied breathlessly, closing his eyes, it was too much to see just how tenderly Dazai was looking at him, frankly he was a little embarrassed by it. They were so close- they could kiss right now- What if Chuuya just went for it?
"Could you try not to have sex when my room is next door?"
Both of them jolted and took a step back, turning to look at Aya who was standing there with her arms crossed, she was smiling but her eyes looked stern.
"We werent-!"
"Thats not!"
"No we-!"
They stuttered and spluttered and Aya burst into an evil cackle at their embarrassment.
"Relax~" she laughed "it's cute and anyway you guys said-" she held up her hands to do quotation marks "we're taking it slow."
"We are!" The shouted and Aya laughed like a witch.
"Anyway goodnight you two," she ran forward and gave them a hug, she didn't care that they were shirtless, "I love you guys."
They wrapped their arms around her "we love you too," they replied and she left after pulling them down to kiss them both on the cheeks, When she closed the door she shouted "I'm sending the pictures to your freinds by the way!"
They looked at each other and laughed quietly until Chuuya shouted, "fuck off!"
"Chuuya! Don't say that to your sister!" Kyoyo shouted from her own bedroom.
Dazai breathed out a laugh and then pulled the smaller straight into bed and they cuddled next to each other, the bed was a too small for the both of them, "You've grown too much," Chuuya muttured..
Dazia huffed sadly, "we're not seveteen anymore."
Chuuya sighed, wrapping his arms around Dazai's waist "no... we're not," there was a moment of silence "But I wouldn't want to be seventeen. If i was, I wouldn't get to kiss you."
He felt Dazai smile against the top of his head "yeah, me too."
The morning started comfortably, they got up, again at different times, Chuuya ate cereal with Aya, while watching some gameplay video, something about dead children and robots?
What a weird generation of kids.
Then Dazai had come downstairs and joined them, sipping on his coffee, while his eyelids dropped shut. It was a wonder Aya didn't say anything about what they got put to for Dazai to be so tired but it seemed she was merciful this morning.
Then the kitchen got bombarded by other almost-adults. Their freinds. Why the hell were freinds here?
"Right! Down to business!" Yosano shouted trimphantly as she burst into the kitchen with her entourage (their freinds).
"What the hell are you guys doing?" Chuuya asked, some of the milk from his mouth dribbling down his chin.
"So basically~" Yosano started before getting interrupted.
"Sigma needs Dazai over to his dorm to look over Dazai's writing, apparently one of his chapters feels like an outlier and as for Chuuya-" Atsushi too then got up.
"Aya and you are coming with us to do something fun!" Kenji gushed excitedly.
"So come on! You don't need too look stellar, we're going to the mall and then Dazai can meet us later," Kyouka smiled.
Aya, Dazai and Chuuya all looked at each other before sprinting to get changed. Dazai and Chuuya obviously had to wear these clothes from yesterday, so they looked the same.
Aya came out of her room with a beige skirt, and white flair crop top, with long sleeves that looked somewhat victorian-esk, hair tied back into a small ponytail with a few loose strands that were framed her face and a small white bow at the base of her ponytail.
Dazai whistled and gently nudged her with his hips "you look great!" He smiled, of course he would like it, her style was just a feminine version of his.
You could tell they were close freinds as they huddled on the pavement outside of Chuuya's house, none of them were dressed the same. Those were always the best freind groups, Dazai was smart and pristine, Chuuya was edgy and border-lining on emo, Akutgawa was straight up emo, Atsushi with a hoodie and baggy jeans, Kyouka with a white skirt and a backpack of a plushie bunny with a white cardigan that sat ontop of a pink floral t-shirt, kenji was bordering on farmer and grandad, Yosano in tight jeans and long purple cardigan.
The list went on, each one of them standing out from the other.
"Dazai can I come with you? I wanna see Sigma too," Atsushi asked, stepping forwards from next to Kunikida.
"Please, I think I'll need emotional support," he cried.
Chuuya laughed and they looked at each other as Atsushi stepped next to Dazai.
"You'll catch up with us later right?" The redhead asked, with a shuffle and smile, it was touching to see them hesitate to seperate.
Dazai nodded and stepped closer, looking down at him "hopefully if I can explain it well and help put it'll only take about an hour and we'll be on our way."
They then each other goodbye, and before they knew they pressed their lips together, they didn't react or say anything and simply turned away to start walking, nobody else moved as if they knew.
Almost cartoonishly the two of them turned around they took about two steps forward, looking at each other in shock, "did we just-?" Chuuya raised his hands to his lips and looked at Dazai who standing a little way away from him with a startled expression.
That expression soon turned into a frown "come on! I wanted out first kiss to be romantic!" He whined and threw himself back into Atsushi who scrambled to catch the damsel in distress with a panicked expression.
Chuuya burst out into content laughter to which Dazai's expression flattened and he couldn't help but giggle.
"That was the most Dazai and Chuuya thing I have ever seen," Akutagawa said with a shake of his head and small huff of amusement.
"Couldn't have put it better myself," Kunikida agreed.
"The most simple yet special," Ranpo added.
Dazai grabbed Chuuya by the arms, shaking him around like he was a snow globe, "we need to forget that one! That was pathetic!"
Chuuya shook his head and grinned, leaning up to capture his lips again, Dazai didn't reciprocate at first, clearly a little shocked.
"Pathetically perfect," Chuuya smiled widely, he liked how stupid all of this was. It was exactly how it should be, a kiss so natural neither of them even had to think about it. This was exactly what Chuuya had been missing the whole time.
Majority of Chuuya's days after that were, as he liked to describe, pathetically perfect. He went to school walking in and out of class with Dazai, hand in hand, they parted with kisses and smiles before parting ways.
Sometimes they attended a party or two, Christmas, Halloween, New year's. Whatever the occasion, they were always invited and ever the more popular.
Chuuya met his other co-workers, iceman, kind but cold in demeanour, a girl named Emi, who worked well with Chuuya. He met some of Albatross's freinds, lippman, a smart but amusing upcoming actor, Chuuya heard of him, he didn't question their friendship, one a mechanic and one a rising actor and a doctor, actually Chuuya forgot some of their names, they were in and out of the garage more often than not, but he did like them.
The nature of his relationship with Dazai had steadily changed too, their kisses had gotten longer, then came their hands that grapsed a little longer before bed, then their mouths parted outside of Chuuya's dorm when Dazai left him there for the night. Then they made out, on Dazai's couch, they weren't able to look at eachother for an hour or so after.
Until two hours later when they found their tongues entangled again against the kitchen counter.
And then a month later, Chuuya found Dazai on his knees while he sat at Dazai's desk trying to finish his essay, needless to say Chuuya didn't manage to write a single word, his hands were to busy tugging Dazai's hair.
It only took a one more month for them to unravel eachother in bed again.
It was a bi-weekly thing after that.
And it felt so right.
So healthy.
The way they would wake up next to each other, naked limbs tangled, they'd greet with a horrible morning breath kiss, that was also beautiful. But it never stopped at one kiss, it was three or four, or maybe more, no one had to know though.
They would laugh, and giggle like two hopelessly in love individuals because that's what they were, hopelessly in love.
Chuuya hoped their relationship would last for the rest of their lives and judging by Dazai's complete and utter loyalty and love for him, he didn't doubt it would.
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