"That'll be $172.43."
"I'll be using a credit card," Lilith replied as she placed the card into the slot of the pin machine.
She had managed to steal Emerson's credit card and was buying an abundant amount of food. She took amusement in him frantically looking for it and wouldn't dare tell him he could just cancel that card.
As soon as the transaction was finished, Lilith left the supermarket carrying four bags full of snacks. As she made her way back onto campus, she saw August on his bike heading in her direction.
He stopped beside her and laughed. "Where did you get the money for all that?"
"Scholarships." Lilith shrugged as she looked to the side and smiled. "Here take a bag," she offered.
August shook his head. "No, no I'm fine."
"I insist."
Lilith knew that August had financial struggles back home. He was barely able to even afford to study at Brown, working two jobs.
Lilith tied one bag onto his handlebar and said, "I'll see you later, I have to meet Esme and Jess at the library."
August smiled warmly. "Thanks, Lilith."
She smiled back, knowing that Emerson's suffering benefited others was the highlight of her day.
Lilith found Jess and Esme sitting at a table covered in papers and notebooks. Their eyes brightened as they saw Lilith walk into the library with bags full of food.
"Did you rob a grocery store?" Jess asked as Lilith handed her the bags.
Lilith laughed. "Of course not! I just thought it would be a good idea to have snacks while we studied."
Esme took out a bag of bbq chips and opened it.
"Definitely a good idea," she said with a mouthful of chips. The three of them spent a couple of hours studying world history.
Jess checked the time on her phone and panicked, "Fuck! Esme our class is about to start! We're gonna be late again and I do not want to hear Professor White's annoying talk about how intolerant he is toward students who are late to his class."
"Ugh, you're right."
They both began to pack everything away as Lilith said her farewells when suddenly, Esme remembered something.
"What's wrong?" Lilith inquired.
Esme held onto a book as she said, "Lilith, can you do me a huge favor?"
Lilith was hesitant. "What is it?"
"Can you please go give this book back to Daniel? He lent it to me the other day and told me he needs it back right away. I kinda forgot though."
Lilith would rather do anything than go look for Daniel, Emerson's best friend. She also hated going into the boy's dormitory. Lilith thought for a moment.
Esme took Lilith's hand and pleaded, "Pretty please? I'll owe you."
Lilith reluctantly agreed. "Fine, but only because it's you."
Esme sang, "Thank youuu," as she made her way out of the library.
Lilith wanted, so badly, to throw the book away. She ultimately decided to go through with giving the book back to Daniel and made her way to his dorm room.
A girl going into the boy's dormitory all alone was somewhat nerve-racking. Lilith knew not all boys were like Emerson, but the majority were. Especially boys with nothing to lose.
As soon as she made her way onto the third floor of the building, she had felt a certain uneasiness. It was the same feeling she had when she found Emerson cheating on her. There was no one around. She heard music blasting from a dorm room on the far end of the hall, the same dorm room Daniel resided in.
Something was not right.
The closer she got the louder the music boomed. Her thoughts were scattered and she felt as though she was going to vomit.
Lilith now stood in front of the door. She could hear the muffled music coming through from the other side. She stared intently at the door handle with wide eyes and began to slowly reach for it. Lilith placed her hand on the knob and began to turn it ever so slowly. Opening the door, music poured out onto her as it was no longer muffled.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
She stood there speechless as she found Daniel masturbating to porn on his computer screen.
"Oh my fucking God Lilith!" Daniel yelled as he tried pulling up his pants. "Get the fuck out!"
It had seemed that Daniel had forgotten to close the door. However, Lilith wanted anything but to leave. She had something else in mind. She suddenly felt a surge of anger rising up from inside her. Lilith felt a familiar kind of itch that she wanted to scratch. Daniel had been facing away from Lilith on the other side of the wall the entire time as he struggled to pull himself together. Meanwhile, the music echoed all throughout the room, barely flooding out the sex noises coming from his monitor.
Lilith did him a favor and closed the door behind her, making sure this time it was locked. She placed the book she had been holding onto the entire time on a table beside the door. On that same table, she saw a soccer trophy and decided to pick it up and throw it at him. As he turned around in confusion, Lilith brought out her switchblade and launched herself at him.
Daniel quickly grabbed onto Lilith's arms as she tried to force herself onto him, knife near his face. He pushed her off of him and she fell onto the ground. Daniel shot up from his seat and went straight for the door. Before he could reach it, however, Lilith immediately stood up and stabbed him directly onto his back. Daniel screamed. But no matter how much he screamed or cried out, no one would come. The music was loud enough to cover it up. It was known to the boys on campus that whenever music was played loudly in someone's room, no one should enter. This worked to Lilith's advantage.
Lilith smiled as she ran the knife straight down his back. An immense amount of blood began to pour out from the huge gash she had made. He fell onto the floor and began to frantically spasm. Lilith threw her head back in laughter as she watched him begin to foam from the mouth. She then got on top of him and repeatedly dug her knife into his body. Stabbing, until no one could possibly make out what body part it was.
Lilith was elbow deep in Daniel's blood. She began smothering it onto her face as she smiled in satisfaction. She stood up and found a lighter sitting on one of the bedside tables. Lilith took the book she had originally brought and held it out in front of her as she lit it on fire.
Once it was inflamed, she threw the book onto the ground and calmly walked out of the room, making her way to the nearest empty bathroom. She hummed to herself the song that had been playing in Daniel's room as she washed away all the blood from her arms and face.
"FIRE!" Someone yelled into the bathroom.
The alarm began to screech and it seemed as though her plan had worked. There were people screaming and running, trying to get as far away from the fire as possible. Lilith calmly walked down the stairs with the crowd of people. She simply left the burning building with a malicious grin on her face.
Lilith's eyes widened as she stood there frozen.
Daniel slowly took the book from her hands and awkwardly said, "Thaaaankss."
Closing the door in front of her. Her eye twitched as she still stood frozen.
It had all been in her head.
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