(˵ ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°˵)ノ⌒♡*:・。.Ten
Lilith went to bury the gun deep into the forest the following day. As soon as she got back to her dorm, Lilith took out her journal. "MARGRET: Slow? Substance abuser. Short purple hair. Loud and obnoxious.
Losing my senses... failed to silently kill her. Used gun. Silencer. Did not hesitate to kill." Lilith placed the journal back under her mattress and sat there until nightfall. It was as if her mind had become a black hole, no light would be able to escape from it ever again. For the next couple of days, Lilith did not sleep nor eat. She was simply too thrilled for what came next.
The grand finale.
Lilith's hand continuously shook as she tried to keep her excitement under control. She hadn't seen any of her friends since the death of Margret. There were rumors that the cause of her death had been a drug overdose. Obviously, the authorities had yet to release the fact that she had actually been shot in the head. They assumed it'd be best if the students had less to worry about. Lilith would spend the next couple of days writing down in her journal how she would conduct Emerson's murder.
Emerson. The person at fault. He was what fueled Lilith's rage. Seeing his face in agony was all she would ever dream of now. Her graduation was only a few weeks away, but unfortunately for Lilith, graduating was the last thing on her mind. She had to finish what she started.
The plan was simple. Lilith would somehow manage to get Emerson alone. Once his guard was down, she would strike him in his heart, making sure to murder him as slowly and painfully as possible.
The only person Lilith would agree to see was Emerson. She needed to act as if there was nothing going on outside of their little bubble. Lilith had heard rumors that he had hooked up with a freshman a few days ago. She would feel the pitying stares every time she'd walk somewhere on campus. None of it mattered to her. Lilith had only one thing on her mind. Time was beginning to run out.
As Lilith walked alone in an empty hallway on the ground floor of the science lab to grab some equipment, she spotted Emerson staring at the vending machine. He was alone. She looked behind her, making sure no one was there. Beside Lilith was the utility room.
It was time.
Suddenly, she began to run in Emerson's direction.
"EMERSON! EMERSON HURRY!" She cried out to him.
He turned in shock. "Lilith? What's wrong?! What's going on?!"
"We have to hide! There's a lockdown going on, the murderer is on campus!"
"Oh fuck! Where do we hide?!"
Lilith quickly pretended to look around. She pointed at the utility room. "Let's hide in there, hurry!"
Without another word, both of them opened the door and ran inside. Out of breath, Lilith locked the door immediately behind her. Emerson turned and took a seat on a single chair in the corner of the room.
"Holy shit, I can't believe they're actually here!"
"I know, I'm scared."
Lilith looked at her surroundings. There were boxes full of random science tools near one of the electrical outlets. On the other side of the wall was a small rectangular window. She walked towards the boxes and looked inside of each one.
"What're you looking for?"
Lilith smiled to herself as she was exhilarated at what she found. "I'm looking for a weapon, in case the murderer finds us."
"Good thinking," Emerson praised Lilith.
He stood up and walked toward the door, placing his ear against it. Emerson was completely oblivious. Lilith watched him with a careful eye. She took out a scalpel from the box and brought out her switchblade. Lilith took the scalpel and aimed it at Emerson while his back was turned to her. She threw it as if it were a dart and it stabbed straight into Emerson's shoulder.
He yelled, "Fuck!"
He turned back to Lilith, surprised.
"W-why did you d-do that?"
Lilith smiled. "Why did you cheat on me?"
Emerson's eyes nearly bulged out their sockets. He immediately turned and attempted to open the door, forgetting that Lilith had locked it. Before he could figure out how to open it, Lilith sprinted at him and stabbed the switchblade into his side. She jammed it so hard into him that she felt his ribs crack. Emerson cried out in pain and Lilith pulled out the blade only to stab it in the same place again. She pulled it out once more and Emerson fell to the ground.
Shivering in pain, Emerson held onto his wound, attempting to stop the blood from flowing out.
Lilith laughed. "Life is pain. You only have to know when to stop crying about it."
"You fucking bitch!" Emerson fervently shouted. "You wanna know the reason why I cheated on you? HUH?! It's because you wouldn't have goddamn sex with me!"
Lilith began to hysterically howl.
"Well," she got closer to him and calmly smiled, "now you'll never have sex again. You mongrel."
Without hesitating, she stabbed into his right hand. He screamed.
"I killed them."
Tears streamed down Emerson's face as he muttered, "Who?"
"The two girls you cheated on me with."
His eyes widened in realization. Nearly speechless, Emerson faintly whispered, "I... I didn't... believe her..."
Lilith stabbed his left hand and snickered. "Of course you didn't, you bastard."
He wept in agony. Agony. Emerson's face said it all. Lilith wanted this moment to last forever, but she had one last thing she had to do. She sat on top of him and he let out a cry as she placed all her weight down onto him. Lilith took the blade and held it with both hands out in front of her. She placed the sharp tip above Emerson's heart and proceeded to slowly press into his flesh.
He began to scream and struggled in pain. His movements didn't bother her, for it only made things worse for Emerson. Every movement he did was painful to him, so he stopped. Lilith felt as the blade penetrated deeper and deeper into his chest. She could feel when the blade finally reached his heart. Emerson pleaded and begged for her to stop. At this point, Lilith heard nothing.
She waited for what seemed like forever, taking in the moment. She smiled and finally plunged the blade deep into his heart and Emerson completely stopped breathing.
Lilith had reached euphoria. With her eyes closed, she tilted her head back and smiled up at the ceiling. For a second, she felt like heaven and Earth became one and the same. She could hear voices cheering her name in the distance. To Lilith and only Lilith, she was a hero.
Suddenly someone began to pound at the door. Lilith's head quickly whipped towards it.
"Hello?! Is everything alright in there?! I heard screaming!"
It was Becca.
Lilith hesitated for a moment. Then she began to yell for help.
"Yes, please! Help! I'm... I'm s-so afraid," she whimpered.
"Lilith? Is that you?! What's wrong?!"
She grinned. "S-someone has k-killed my boyfriend!"
"WHAT?! Oh my god! I'll be right back with some help! Stay there!"
As soon as Lilith heard Becca's footsteps move away from the door, she quickly got up and grabbed the chair Emerson had sat on and placed it under the window. She took one of the heavier items in one of the boxes and smashed the window open. Shards of glass fell below her. Lilith shook off all of the pieces on her. She took the switchblade and stabbed it into her shoulder and thigh. She wanted to make it seem as if she had fainted from shock and had barely woken up, only to find that her "beloved" boyfriend had been murdered.
Becca later found Lilith sobbing over Emerson's lifeless body. She and two other professors were mortified. Becca ran up to Lilith and held her in her arms. "It's alright now, everything's gonna be alright."
"Train departing to Boston, Massachusetts will be arriving in five minutes. Please stand behind the yellow line as you wait for its arrival. Thank you."
Lilith had been staring into nothingness as she stood waiting for the train back home. Spring Break had finally arrived and it was time for all the students to head home. News of Emerson's death had spread throughout campus quicker than lightning. An endless amount of people gave their condolences to Lilith, finding that this frail and heartbroken girl should be anywhere but there, on campus. The dean and faculty found it best to have Spring Break earlier than it was originally. They would take this time to thoroughly investigate what had happened.
As for Lilith, it seemed as though her story ended there when Emerson died. No one had suspected her of anything. Although, she was asked to be questioned as soon as Spring Break was over and she grudgingly agreed. Lilith buried the switchblade far away from where she had buried the gun and burned the journal in a campfire. Lilith was going home safely. She smiled to herself. Everything had worked out perfectly.
The train had arrived without her even realizing it. To Lilith, the train was absolutely marvelous. It was bright golden brown with black metal accents. She had never seen anything so beautiful before. Lilith's love for trains had sparked again at that moment, laying her eyes on something so breathlessly gorgeous. She slowly walked up to it and gazed at its intricacy. Letting out a sigh of contentment, she took a step forward.
Lilith was instantly killed by the oncoming train.
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