'...When I set my mind on something I am a force to be reckoned with. Today I will be gravity - subtle, but powerful and undeniable.'
Ellen Hopkins, Tilt
“That dishonourable man! One day he is here, asking for my forgiveness; and the next day, there comes this.”
Lynette smiled sadly as she pressed the pitcher into her father’s greased hands.
“Come now, father. It has been more than a month. How long are you going to dwell over this?”
He huffed annoyingly, taking a huge gulp of the water she had handed him. The workshop was stifling with the heat from the furnace; the hissing of melting iron filled the small hut.
“You are too innocent, Lyn. I know you are hurting. I am your father, after all. What I do not understand, is how he can so blatantly saunter around, acting like a model warrior… I reckon, the chieftain is not yet aware of the marriage proposal, Gillian laid before you.”
Lynette preferred to stay quiet.
She knew that her father was still irked by how Gillian had suddenly decided to marry Rayna; but she couldn’t tell him what he had disclosed to her- that he had lain with the other woman, in a drunken stupor; a mistake, that they both were now paying the prize for.
Although, in his case, not so much; for, just the other day, the chieftain had made the exuberant announcement of the child that his daughter was soon to bear.
A child sired by Gillian.
Lynette had tried her best, not to let the news affect her; but even after all the false hopes she had sown in her heart- the hope that she will eventually be able to forget Gillian, the news had left her broken.
The thought of another woman, carrying his child in her womb- a child that they were supposed to have- caused an insurmountable pain in her heart.
But she could not show that pain; especially when her father was so affected by the news.
“Leon! Are you there?”
The loud cry of one of the men, rang from outside the workshop, bringing Lynette out of her thoughts.
A burly head soon peaked through the doorway, with an impatient gaze directed at her father.
“The chieftain asks for the new batch. When will they be ready? The royal plunderers are marching west.”
She looked on with a confused expression, as her father’s face lost its pallor. He wiped his shaking hands against his soiled tunic.
“Tell the chieftain, it’ll be ready by dawn.”
The man’s head disappeared just as fast, not awaiting another conformation.
Her father directed his flustered face at her, handing her a large phial.
Rayna struggled to hold herself still as some liquid sloshed inside the vessel.
“Look at me, acting like a fool! There is imminent danger landing at our doorsteps, and here I am, thinking about that deceitful man. Enough of him. You take this oil to the hut. Store it somewhere safe.”
Lynette frowned at her father’s peculiar behaviour.
“But, why? We have enough oil to light the torches at night, father.”
Leon rubbed his overgrown beard, as he went back to polishing the cooled blades.
“Do as I say, child. Now, go.”
Lynette knew he would not be answering any of her questions; she chose to make her way out of the workshop, precariously balancing the phial against her waist.
It was just before she had reached the entrance of her hut, that she heard Gillian’s voice.
The proximity of the arena from where she stood, added to the loud baritone of the men, made it impossible for her to shield her ears against the words.
“Stop it, Kane!”
Her feet stilled just outside her door; her ears perched towards the direction of the sound, coming from just behind the hut.
“Oh, stop pretending to act aloof, Gillian! We all know you are excited. Hell, I would be surprised, if you weren’t. I understand if you are nervous. I was too, when Olga told me the first time. But then, you soon realise, that there is nothing better than becoming a father, my friend! You must shower all your love on your wife now! Keep her as happy as you can.”
Lynette’s heart thumped against her chest. An agony, like no other, pierced through her.
She could hear no reply from Gillian; but she did not have to.
He had to be ecstatic.
Why wouldn’t he be?
He was going to become a father…
She decided that she could not have any place in his heart now. With a decisive sigh, she rushed inside the hut, with the sound of raucous laughter echoing behind her.
“You really shouldn’t be here right now, Rayna.”
Rayna ignored the worried tone of her companion, as she bent down to pick another flower from the thistle.
She winced when an unsuspecting thorn pricked the tip of her finger, causing a small drop of blood to ooze out.
Olga rushed to her with a concerned expression,
“See, I told you! These meadows are not safe. There are wild animals in the surrounding forests; and it is much too far away from our village. What if something were to happen?”
Rayna kept up a serene front, as she sucked at the end of her finger.
“You worry too much, Olga. I told you before- we will be fine. The wildflowers smell delicious here. I love their fragrance in my home. My son seems to like it too.”
She gave a fond stroke to the slight roundness of her stomach.
Keeping the flower as a part of the assortment of the basket in her hand, she turned towards the path leading down the small hill.
“The fresh air will do good for our children, Olga. You do not have to come with me, from the next time.
I can see, it is getting more difficult for you to move around.”
Olga shuffled behind her with small steps, keeping a cautious hand on her expanding midsection.
“You are right. I really shouldn’t. I just do not find it safe for you to come here alone.”
Rayna stopped at the base of the hill, turning back to her with an amused smile,
“What will happen to me?”
Olga frowned disapprovingly.
“You shouldn’t take these things so lightly, Rayna. We should not be roaming about this far away from the settlement. It is very dangerous, especially for a woman in your delicate condition. The first few months are very crucial for the child. You know that the royal soldiers are conducting raids on the nearby clans. They might reach here any day now. Kane warned me to stock all the supplies. Everybody is doing that already. He says we might have to relocate- in case they decide to loot our belongings.
Hasn’t Gillian told you anything about it? They even have new weapons prepared, in case there is a strife.”
Rayna kept her face impassive as she heard her words.
She did not want to disclose to her companion, that Gillian seldom even looked her way, let alone talk to her about such vital matters.
But she had heard these things from her father, who had been constantly worrying about her health, ever since he came to be aware of her situation.
“Of course, I know that, Olga. But you’re forgetting one thing- this is my son.”
She cradled her stomach abdomen, lovingly.
“My little tiger. He is a warrior like his father. There is nothing that can hurt him. And if anyone tries doing that, they will have to face me first.”
Despite the confidence she had shown Olga, Rayna found herself worrying for her child.
It had been no more than a month ago, that she had believed herself incapable of loving someone, the way she loved Gillian.
But she had been proved wrong.
She loved her child. Her son- for, she could feel it was a boy; a boy, who would be just as courageous, and magnificent, as his father.
She loved him beyond measure; so much so, that she was ready to kill, and be killed for him.
No one will ever hurt her child.
He was the result of her years of yearning and love.
“You grow up, well, my little tiger. You grow well, and leave the rest to your mother.”
Rayna was taking in a deep inhale of the flowers she had collected that morning, when the thud of the door of her hut sounded.
She placed the basket back at the stool, and strolled over to her husband.
“I went to the meadow on the hill, today.”
Her words were met with his usual response- deafening silence.
She often told him this, to expect some reaction from him- any indication that he cared...
Gillian however, went about his usual task of relieving himself of the weight of his soiled clothes, as she stood staring at him.
“You stink.”
That elicited the raising of one of his brows.
“Bear with it. Or leave. Your choice.”
His clipped tone, caused Rayna to feel unusually irritated.
Her child had really rendered her more prone to emotional turmoils…
“Your son doesn’t like the smell.”
Gillian’s back remained turned to her as he replied nonchalantly,
“He isn’t my son.”
Rayna sighed in aggravation.
She just about stopped herself from stomping her feet, as she went to stand in front of him.
“When are you going to accept the truth? Or do you plan to remain this coward for longer? What sort of man refuses to acknowledge his own child?”
Gillian’s icy glare fell on her face.
“Exactly the sort of man, who was forced to lay with the woman he hates, without his knowledge; a man, who- a month later, learns from that same woman, that he is to get a reminder of that horrific experience, one he would have to face every single day.
And what more? Everybody expects him to be overjoyed about that.”
Rayna let out am irritant sigh.
“Oh, Gillian! How long are you going to remain stuck on that one incident? Stop acting so childishly!”
Gillian shook his head with disbelieving eyes.
“You are absolutely deranged; do you know that? I really pity that child, if it is going to have you as its mother.”
Rayna felt tears of frustration build in her eyes.
“His! He is a boy.”
Her words were met with an indifferent look from her husband, who chose to swish past her to lay down at his usual spot, on the rug, lying in the middle of the floor.
Rayna cast a longing look at his prostate figure, before adding in a gutsy voice,
“And you are his father too. I will do you the favour of hiding these unpleasant words from him, once he is born; so, you better mend your ways before that.”
His soft snores soon filled the hut, leaving her to wonder if he was indeed asleep,or simply pretending to be rid of her.
At last, she decided it did not matter. He was here. That was enough.
Sooner, rather than later, he will be charmed by the wonder that was their child.
Rayna lay down on the bed, curling to her side. She kept her gaze fixed at Gillian’s sleeping figure on the floor, as she gently rubbed her abdomen.
As the night matured, she hummed the lullaby she had often heard the women of her clan, sing to their children. She sung till she fell asleep-with a small smile playing on her lips.
“How do you feel about this?”
Olga glanced at the small kilt in her hands, and smiled quizzically.
“What is that for?”
Rayna carefully folded the garment, piling it atop other similar ones.
“It is for the child, when he is born. Hopefully, it will be spring by then. Although, I cannot say the same for you. You must have to prepare a lot for the little one in the winter itself.”
Olga sat down the chair in Ryan’s hut, with a groan.
“Oh, you wouldn’t imagine! I have so many mittens, and quilts to prepare. Thankfully, there is still some time. And Kane has been wonderful! He just caught two rabbits yesterday; he managed to make a nice little blanket using their soft fur.”
Rayna tried not to resent Olga for having her husband’s help.
But it was proving to be harder with each passing day; though, it had only been a month since she disclosed the news to Gillian.
She often wondered what it would be like, if they prepared for the arrival of their child together…
“It really is a shame that the wretched Prince has decided this time to cause an unnecessary unrest.”
Rayna put the clothes in a small wooden chest, before turning to her. Olga continued,
“He doesn’t even know what he is doing. The soldiers loot the villages, leaving nothing- destroying armies, homes, livestock, grains…everything! They are even known to take prisoners.”
Rayna’s mouth filled with distaste at Olga’s terrified words.
“They take women and girls, Rayna! They say, they burn entire villages. And the poor children! The Prince has decided to bring the chieftains of all the clans to their knees.”
Rayna’s face twisted with disgust. She added with a sour voice,
“The Prince is a fool. Doesn’t he know that the chieftains have already sworn their loyalties to the crown? He is only hurting himself by doing this.”
The other woman sighed defeatedly.
“Kane says he does it to proclaim his strength. He told me that no one takes him seriously because he is too young. He just wants to instil fear amongst the people.”
Rayna scoffed dramatically.
“By throwing a temper tantrum? A really nice way, I must admit. I myself, am shivering with fear.”
She ended her sentence with a demeaning laugh.
A Prince- a boy Prince, trying to terrorise their most fearsome warriors… The idea was laughable!
“Nonetheless, it is good to be prepared. The warriors are all frequenting the workshop to overlook the preparations of the new weapons.”
Rayna stilled in her task of straightening from her chair, making Olga realise her mistake.
“The workshop?”
Olga nodded cautiously, noticing the sudden change in her demeanour.
An odd glint shone in Rayna’s eyes, as she smiled eerily.
“Is Gillian also going there?”
Olga’s sudden discomfort, was enough of an answer for Rayna.
“But they only meet Leon, Rayna! Lynette is never there. I asked Kane. He said she seldom visits the workshop now.”
Her words fell on deaf ears, as Rayna had already decided her next course of action.
She knew now, why her husband had been able to resist her charm this long; he even refused to claim his own son.
It was all because of that girl. She still had her eyes set on him.
“Leave her be, Rayna… You know she doesn’t stand a chance before you. Why bother thinking of her, when she is no threat to you or your marriage anymore? Kane told me that Gillian and her, never even meet!”
Olga’s compelling tone, caused Rayna to turn to her with a perplexed expression.
“Threat? Oh, no, Olga. You are highly mistaken! How can that mere girl be a threat to me?
That poor girl doesn’t even stand a chance against me.”
Rayna’s hand swatted at the moth, that had been fluttering about the vicinity of her chair, for the last few minutes.
Olga looked on- with horrified, gaping eyes, as she picked it up, and clipped its wings, leaving it squirming on the ground instead.
Stepping over the helpless creature, Rayna smiled coolly at her.
“You saw that, Olga? That is what that girl is for me. Not a threat, but a definite irritation. And my sensitive disposition these days, makes me really intolerable to such distractions. She just happens to be in my path, doing nothing; but proving to be an unnecessary distraction to my husband.
And I do not want to deal with this insignificant disturbance anymore. It is not good for my son.”
She moved out of the hut, to take a deep breath of the fresh evening air.
“I want to remain calm for the sake of my child. Now,"
She tuned back to a terrified Olga, with a saccharine smile,
“I think I would prefer to have that girl with me, when I go to collect my flowers in the morrow.”
Olga’s eyes widened animatedly.
“What? But, Rayna-”
“Olga. I told you, I am trying to remain calm for my child's sake. Now, you will go, and ask her to come to me, tomorrow morning. We will have some nice, personal chat. It has been long overdue, anyway.
And yes, you do not need to accompany us. Take some rest for one morning.”
Saying so, Rayna went back to taking a few more lungful’s of air, closing her eyes in bliss…
Author's Note-
Hello to all my wonderful readers!
So, Rayna has quickly grasped onto the responsibility of protecting her child (Mama Bear, much!?)
Gillian won't accept it, no matter what. And many if us do understand his reasons behind that...
The next chapter will have a confrontation between Rayna and Lynette. How do you think it will go?
Are you with Lynette or Rayna?
Last but not the least, wait for a soon-to-be-introduced new character!
(Next chapter will come on Monday/Tuesday.)
P. S. A petition for Gillian to please get back his bed!!!🛏📝
Till the next time👋
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