'Their hands clasped between them, he whispered into her ear,
"I claim you, too.'
-Sarah J. Maas, Heir of Fire
Rayna ran her hands through her hair.
She allowed it to flow down her back; opting for a virginal look for tonight. The soft fabric of her dress fluttered about her, hinting at her curves as she moved.
She looked perfectly ready for what she was about to do tonight.
She was just admiring herself in the small brass mirror, when the door to her hut opened with a soft creak. A visibly uneasy Olga made her way inside.
"Have you brought what I asked of you?"
The woman nodded her head and retrieved the small bundle she had tucked inside her sleeve.
Rayna smiled as she took it from her extended hand. Turning the bundle carefully, she unwrapped the fabric, revealing a small vial.
She gave a quick glance at Olga,
"Did you have any difficulties? What did you tell the healer?"
Olga's face turned a shade darker.
"I-I told her I needed it for my husband."
Rayna smirked, surprised at her quick thinking.
The healer of their clan had been with them for as long as Rayna could remember. She was an old woman with a striking knowledge about herbs.
What Rayna needed for tonight, could not be found anywhere else. But that was where the problem arose; for, the healer was steadfast about the use of her remedies. Considering the nature of this particular concoction, the old woman would never have conceded to give it to Rayna.
"You really are learning to be wiser."
Olga's expression relaxed at the praise.
"But what are you planning to do with it? You know this is for-"
Rayna interrupted her words with a firm look.
"I know what it is for. You do not need to worry, Olga. You do your part; leave the rest to me. "
"Oh, Rayna! My beautiful daughter!"
Rayna approached her father with a beaming smile.
She could see he was in a joyful mood and instantly felt more assured of her plan; as her father played an instrumental part in it.
Chieftain Edgar stepped away from the other men he was with, and held Rayna by her shoulders.
"You look positively radiant tonight. I fear someone will whisk you away from me."
Rayna shook her head in mirth.
"No one will dare do that. They know my father."
Edgar's laugh rang through the warm night air. When he looked at her again, Rayna could not miss the lines of worry etched on his kind face.
"But soon, my daughter... the time will come when I will have to give you to another.
How am I supposed to find someone worthy of you? Who can possibly match up to my Rayna?"
Rayna found this as the perfect opportunity to lay the first foundation of her dream.
She cast a demure look at the opposite end of the arena.
She had no difficulty in spotting Gillian near one of the bonfires. He was deep in conversation with one of the other warriors, oblivious of the turn of events that she had planned for him.
"I am not sure about that, father. Our clan does have some able warriors..."
Rayna let her voice trail suggestively.
Her father did not miss the glance she had cast Gillian's way; and she rejoiced at the understanding that dawned on his face.
However, along with that understanding, came the one thing she had feared the most- hesitation.
Her father had never refused her of anything.
She was the center of his world. And she had always boasted of that status. But there was one more person who had carved a special spot in her father's heart- Gillian.
For years, she had avoided being jealous of her father's appreciation for another person. For him, Gillian wasn't just the most priced warrior of their clan; he was the son he had never had.
Though he had never shown it outright, her father deeply cared for him.
Gillian too, carried an immense respect for her father.
To an extent, he even felt indebted to him. It was her father who had made sure to provide that young, lost boy with everything he could ever ask for.
He gave him a reason to live again. And though his reserved nature prevented him from showcasing his emotions, Rayna was well aware of the extent of his affection for Edgar.
This, was what she had feared.
If it were any other man she had wanted to marry, her father would not have hesitated in fixing up the match. For, although the laws of their land decreed a marriage union as a sacred bond between two people- a bond that have to enter willingly, there were not many who would refuse a marriage proposal to the Chieftain's daughter.
But since it was Gillian, he was bound to be inclined to know his intent.
Rayna knew her father would be asking Gillian for an agreement before marrying her off to him.
And she could not let that happen. Gillian would never agree to marry her. For now.
Hence, at the moment, she was simply intending to get the idea past her father.
If he was aware of her affections for Gillian, then what she was about to do, would come as less of a shock.
"I did not know you had your heart set on our fiercest warrior!"
Rayna fixed her entreating eyes to her father's.
"Oh father! But I do!"
Her father smiled softly, placing a gentle finger on her chin.
"You know I would be the happiest man, if you and Gillian decided to get married. But I have to know his will too. I will ask him the first thing in the morn; if he agrees, I will gladly bless your union."
Rayna Grinned heartily and threw her hands around her father.
"Thank you so much father! I am sure Gillian would be just as delighted to know that you approve."
"May I have a word, Gillian?"
Rayna stated the question in the calmest of tones.
She had not initially wanted to do this.
She knew talking to Gillian would never lead her to her goal.
But something about the beauty of the night, the flowing laughter surrounding her and the fragrance of the spring breeze, caused her to reconsider.
She decided to give him a chance.
Maybe he would see reason.
She had been waiting for his company to disperse. But seeing him passing obscure, impatient glances at Lynette, who stood beside one of the tents with her scrawny companions, had sent Rayna's senses teetering to an edge.
To hell with waiting.
And hence, she had approached Gillian with a charming smile, and a tantalizing sway of her hips.
She saw the other men with him, give her an appreciative glance, only to lower their heads as soon as they noticed her looking.
Just the effect she had intended.
Only- not on the right person; for, Gillian seemed just as oblivious of her beauty, as he had always been.
She knew he was going to try to avoid a conversation with her- just like all the other times. But this time, he had little choice.
She had caught him at the most suitable moment. He could have no excuse. It was a celebratory feast.
There was no work to occupy him.
"Please, Gillian. Let us not hold you back from your beautiful company."
One of the men, whom Rayna recognized as her father's guards, spoke in a teasing tone.
Gillian looked painfully uncomfortable, but unable to say anything.
These men were loyal to the chieftain; and unlike him- loyal to Rayna too.
They had witnessed many instances of Rayna's encounters with Gillian in the arena, when she would come to see him practice. They weren't aware of Gillian's polite rebuttals, of course; but they certainly suspected a connection between the two.
"He is all yours, Rayna. We will take our leave."
Rayna smiled shyly at the man, thanking him with a flushed face.
Keep up the pretense, Rayna.
And in less than a second, she was left alone with Gillian, and his scowling face.
"Why the long face, Gillian? Were you expecting someone else?"
She saw his scowl deepen when she cast a sideways glance at Lynette, who was looking at them with an equal part confusion, and apprehension.
Look, all you want. You are not going to get him.
Rayna had to suppress the urge to give her a smug smile.
"What do you want?"
Gillian spat the words impatiently.
Rayna frowned as she looked at him.
His thick, black brows were scrunched, lending his eyes an almost feral look.
Her heart skipped a beat when she noticed the drop of mead that clung to his bottom lip.
How she wanted to lick it off him!
Her vivid fantasy was interrupted by his testy voice.
She gave him a languid smile, before trailing one of her fingers up the length of his arm.
How do you like this, Lynette?
"This is too crowded. I would prefer to talk someplace a little quieter."
His answer was just as she had expected.
"I do not have time for your antics."
She clasped his forearm, preventing his departure.
"Just a few moments. We do not want to create a ruckus."
She pointed towards the other end of the arena, to her father's curious gaze. In fact, majority of the people were now looking at them.
Gillian followed her line of sight, and stilled. After a short sigh, he gave her a curt nod of his head.
"Make it quick."
"You did not tell me how I look tonight."
Rayna leaned against the bark of the oak tree and twirled a lock of her hair.
They were standing outside the boundary of the arena, almost at the edge of the clearing. A dull glow of the lights from the torches reached them, allowing her to see Gillian's annoyed expression.
"I should have known. I am going back."
Her next words stopped him right in his tracks.
"Marry me."
Gillian turned to face her with an incredulous look in his eyes. He blinked a few times, as if expecting her to retract her words.
When it became clear to him that she won't do that, he finally spoke in perplexed whisper,
"What did you say?"
Rayna would have laughed at him, had it been any other time. Instead, she met his eyes with a firm look.
"You heard me. Marry me."
A guffaw broke out of his delectable mouth, startling Rayna momentarily.
He sobered soon enough, though.
"You have gone mad. How could you even say that?"
A pang of hurt passed through Rayna's heart.
She rose her chin in defiance.
"Why can't I? You are of age. You will soon be taking a wife. Who could be a better match for you? I am young, beautiful and fit to bear your children. Most of all, I am the chieftain's daughter. If you marry me, you will have more influence than ever."
Rayna strode to him with assured steps. Her feet touched his, as she looked up to his eyes.
His were merciless.
"You being the chieftain's daughter is the only reason I have allowed this farce to go on for this long. Now, I will not have any more of this."
Rayna gaped at the animosity of his tone.
"You refuse?"
"Yes. I do."
He spun on his heels, and began moving back to the arena. Rayna swallowed the shame that bubbled through the column of her throat and channelled all the rage and anger she felt.
"Is it because of her? That Lynette? Do you plan to marry her instead?"
He was holding her by her arms in the very next instant.
Rayna shivered against the feel of his skin, hot on hers. This was the first time he had ever voluntarily touched her. And yet, it was all because of that girl.
"Do not take her name."
The possessiveness in Gillian's tone baffled Rayna. She lost all inhibition.
"Why? Why should I not take her name? You would rather marry a- a girl? She is nothing! She can't offer you anything! Who does she think she is, to snatch you from me?
You were mine, Gillian! You were mine since the moment I first saw you! We were children when I fell in love with you...Remember all those moments I came to meet you in the arena? All those times I devised new methods to spend time with you? How can she just come and ruin all that?"
Rayna gritted her teeth to prevent her desperation from showing.
Gillian looked at her apathetically.
"Love? Huh. Do you even know what love is? It is not about claiming stakes! It requires sacrifice and unconditional devotion- both of which are beyond your capability.
I was never yours.
What makes you think that you have some claim on me? I merely tolerated your actions due to my regard for the Chieftain. In truth, I hated them! I loathed to see your face, and that smug smile of yours. I cannot bear to stand your presence for another second.
And Lynette is more of a woman than you could ever be."
His words felt like a blow to Rayna's face. She steeled her spine and leaned her face closer to his.
Their breaths mingled in the space between them, acting like fuel to the fire they had built.
His grip on her arms had tightened. She was sure they will be leaving a bruise.
"What does that wench have that I don't? You say she is a woman? A woman fit to be the wife of a warrior as great as you? Then why hide her from me? Why are you intended on shielding that little flower from me? I'll tell you why! Because she is weak. She cannot stand before me, even if she wanted to."
Gillian's gaze threw daggers at her. Rayna wanted to ask him to release her arms, but she didn't. The pain seemed to grant her the strength to continue.
"I kept her away, not because she is weak. It was to prevent your poisonous intent from corroding her pure, angelic heart. She is everything you can never be, Rayna. She is kind, helpful and honest. She doesn't scheme, plot, cheat and snivel all the time. You on the other hand, stroll about like you own this place. You are the chieftain's daughter; not a King's. This is a clan. The people here are supposed to be your family, not subjects. You treat others like you are someone high and mighty. You act like their fates rest in your hands and trample all over them; expecting everyone to worship the ground You walk on.
You have to get off your high horse. There are things you cannot get. You have to learn to accept that. I was never yours, and I never will be."
Rayna staggered as he released his hold on her.
His words echoed in her mind, stifling her. But beyond that pain, lay nothing but a storm of rage and vehemence.
She had apparently failed to note the extent of his prejudice. However, now that she did, it gave her all the more reason to pursue what she wanted.
"What about now? I know about her now. Aren't you afraid that I'll try to malign her with my poisonous intent?"
Gillian's gaze was icy as he met her eyes.
"You wouldn't dare. I plan to ask the chieftain for permission to marry her, the first thing tomorrow. And if you dare to harm even a single hair on her head, you will have me to deal with. I will not care about your status.
I love Lynette. And a treacherous woman like you, one who devices such wanton tactics to seduce a man, would never be able to take her place."
Rayna stood still as Gillian made his way back to the arena, staring at his retreating back.
She forbade herself from crying.
She was a fool to think that she could get him to agree to marry her like this.
But her heart wanted to give him another chance to accept her love.
She had hoped that maybe she wouldn't need to carry out her plan.
But she was wrong.
Oh, so very wrong.
Wiping angrily at the unshed tears, Rayna took a shuddering breath to compose herself.
He called her a treacherous woman?
Well, now he'll be seeing her exactly how treacherous she could be.
Might as well prove his words right.
Author's Note-
Hello to all my wonderful readers!
The story has proceeded.
What do you think of the chapter?
Rayna is adamant to proceed with her plans.
What could she be planning?
Do you agree with Gillian's words?
Again, there is no specific update schedule for this story. I will try to upload the new chapters as I write them.
The story is fast-paced. So, it might feel a little rushed to some.
Till the next time👋
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