'I don't like it, but my hands are tied.
I just want you to know this: if I ever get the chance to betray you, I will. If the opportunity arises to pay you back, I'll take it.
You'll never be able to trust me.'
-Darren Shan, A Living Nightmare
His insides were on fire.
The pain was excruciating.
His throat was burning, making it difficult to let out any sound.
But he was alive. He had to be; for, how else could he still feel such pain?
Algar creaked his lids open, squinting at the sudden brightness.
He was in his own chamber.
That was a relief.
A soft familiar fragrance hung in the air, and he was pleasantly surprised to find Rayna, asleep with her hands splayed gently over his arm.
He itched to see her face, hidden under the veil of her silken tresses. His pain dulled all of a sudden, replaced by a sense of fulfilment, and yearning.
She must be uncomfortable in that position.
She sat on a low stool beside the bed, with her face resting on the sheets. He could see her squirming every few minutes. With the size of her belly, there was no way she could be relaxed in that posture.
Oh, Rayna…
In the seconds after being poisoned, he had had a strange revelation.
He cared more about this woman- his wife, than he did about himself.
That was fairly odd for someone who had learnt to only care for his own wellbeing.
He knew how selfish people could be. In this world, one could only hope to think for the best for one’s own self. But in the moment, he should have been the most selfish, he was worrying for another.
She had been the first thought on his mind, the second he had coughed blood.
What would happen to her, if he died?
The traitors who went so far to poison their own King, would surely not leave any possibility of failure.
Algar had heard of entire royal families being assassinated by their own men; and in all such cases, there was one thing that remained constant- those men never left anyone alive. Even a single member could pose as a huge threat to the usurpers in future.
It was never just the King who was assassinated, it was his entire family. And for Algar, he grasped with a start, the only family he had left was Rayna. She was his wife- his queen.
And as far as the people knew, the mother of his unborn child; a child who would grow up to be a Prince. That was enough of a threat to these people.
They would never have let her live, if he died.
Algar shuddered involuntarily at the thought of Rayna’s lifeless body lying on the cold floor. Or her frame, brutalised beyond recognition, as she suffered a fate worse than death.
No. He couldn't let that happen.
He derived some reprieve from the fact that he had already tasked Walder with the appropriate measures beforehand. He could only hope for the man to get it done fast.
Another sharp pain hit his torso, causing him to clutch his sides and bite down his tongue.
Those scoundrels!
Algar felt the sting of the poison slowly advancing along his veins. He knew what it meant; knew that the poison was still spreading.
They mustn’t have found a cure still. That left a very high possibility of his death.
To think he finally had all that he wanted, only to lose it so soon…
“Your Highness!”
The alarmed whisper, pulled his gaze towards the gate, where Walder stood with the palace physician.
Algar motioned for them to remain quiet, wincing against the ache.
Walder’s face registered Rayna’s presence, and he nodded shortly, motioning for the physician to standby, while he softly made his way to the other side of the bed.
Algar noticed the morose expression on the man’s face, and realised exactly what he dreaded.
He signalled Walder to bend down to his face, before speaking, barely being able to get the words out of his mouth,
“You could not find a cure, could you?”
He could hardly recognise his own voice, hoarse beyond measure.
The older man’s eyes drooped in shame. Casting a quick glance at the asleep woman, he spoke in a rushed whisper,
“We are trying our best, Your Highness. I am sure we will find it. T-The physician says it is a very unusual poison. He just has to determine its nature.”
Algar did not show his disappointment.
They were all useless in the end.
He wanted to laugh at the absurdity. Here he was- on the brink of death, and these worthless imbeciles couldn’t even find a way to cure him.
At least Walder was loyal to him. That was the only reason he had trusted him with such an important task.
Clearing his throat again, he continued in a softer voice,
“And did you find the culprit?”
Walder looked at the terrified physician, who was still rooted to his spot at the doorway, and gestured for him to leave.
After the hasty departure of the man, he bent closer to Algar.
“I-I have a lead. We caught the maid who brought that wine to you. She has refused to say anything, even after all the torture…But I did manage to find that she used to work for Raquel’s family a few years back. So far, I think they all were together in this. Those men might be planning to overthrow you, and establish their own proxy rule.”
“Ah! I suspected so.”
Algar felt his bones throbbing with tiredness, but he had to continue; for the sake of his…family- he had to continue.
“You just focus your strength on your health for now, Your Highness.”
Algar paid little heed to his worried tone; he was already forcing his body to persevere well beyond its capacity. But he wasn’t sure how long he will be able to do that for.
“What about the court? Does everyone know?”
Walder nodded sombrely.
“They know you have been poisoned. It is my fault. I should have been more discrete; but I lost my composure when I saw you.
The maids and guards were soon alerted of your predicament. They were the ones who called the physician. But since then, I have stationed the guards at the entry of this section of the palace. Nobody has been sanctioned to enter this chamber. They all are waiting outside in the courtyard.
I have even prohibited all, but two maids from attending to you. Since you were unconscious, and the lady was already here, they were also dismissed. Only the physician and me, can see you at the moment.
I assure you, the situation outside is under control. The men only know that you were poisoned, but survived. They think you are recuperating. We still have time.”
Algar’s expression hardened upon hearing his words.
“They must have been disappointed to know that I survived. I really should have killed the whole lot of them.”
Walder’s eyes brimmed with emotion.
“I have failed you, Your Highness. I had vowed to protect you with my life, and I failed. Punish me for my impudence. Have my life.”
“Hush, old man….you will wake my wife.”
Seeing Walder’s subdued face, he continued in an impassive tone, trying to ignore the searing pain clawing at his viscera.
“Tch…Really, Walder? I suppose this isn’t a time for you to be sentimental. You will be no use to me, if I take your life. It will be better for you to be alive, and do what is required from you….
I realised something while I was lying here. There are very few people I value in my life, Walder. And though it irritates me to voice this, I believe you are one of those few people.”
Walder’s eyes watered, as he looked at him with an uninhabited devotion.
“I am honoured to be of service to you, Your Highness.”
Algar nodded his head, sighing as turned his face towards his wife. She stirred in her sleep, moaning as she shifted her position a little.
“And do you know who the other such person is? My wife. So, imagine my surprise, when I find her health neglected. She should be resting in her chamber in such condition. Instead, she is here, twisted miserably beside me. Why did you let her stay here?”
A flush rose to Walder’s cheeks.
“I tried to get her to leave, Your Highness. But she wouldn’t listen. She has not left your side for a single second, throughout the night… The lady seems to care a lot for you.”
Algar smiled wryly, not bothering to correct the man.
Care? Huh.
Rayna did not care for him.
He was not foolish enough to believe that.
Yes, she remained plaint to his advances; even swore her fealty to him, but the hate in her eyes was too apparent for him to ignore.
Rayna will never forgive him. He might even love her, but she will never begin to see him as anything other than her tormentor- as she should.
He had imprisoned her here against her will. And if he gets another chance with her, he would still do the same.
He did not regret one single thing. She was his. That was all that matters.
What she felt for him was not the issue here. She could hate him all her life, but she could never forget him. He will always have a place in her memories- good or bad.
She will never be able to cleanse his touch off of her skin. He had imprinted himself on her- inside her. Theirs was an eternal journey.
What more could he desire?
But this- her staying by his side, out of concern for his health, did not sit well with him.
There had to be another reason. And he will soon find out what.
“Did you manage to do what I asked?”
Algar’s breathing was laboured as he spoke, while a fine sheen of sweat covered his face.
“I-I did as you asked. The decree has been prepared…But, are you sure about this, Your Highness?”
“Surer than I have ever been. I should have done this much sooner. Now, Walder, listen closely to what I say…”
A murmur of hushed voices, tore through the haze of sleep clouding Rayna’s mind.
Added to that, a sharp prodding against her stomach, made her fully alert to her surroundings.
She immediately straightened her body to a sitting position, her wired gaze shifting to the man lying before her.
How long had she been asleep?
This was ridiculous!
She should have been awake, and watchful. But the fatigue and stress had quickly taken a toll on her, and she found herself dozing off.
Before she could gather her senses, and address him, Algar was already speaking,
“You are awake. You should have slept comfortably in your bed.”
Rayna felt Walder’s inquisitive gaze upon her, as she flashed her worried eyes at him.
“Forget about me! I am not the one who was poisoned! How are you feeling? Are you in pain?”
Alagr’s amused smile, grated on her nerves; and she had to will herself to remain calm. She could not afford a mistake right now.
Algar turned to his aide, fixing him with a meaningful look, while completely ignoring Rayna’s question.
“You understood what I told you?”
Walder nodded his head solemnly.
“Then, you may leave me alone with my wife for now. Stay outside. I will call for you.”
With a tense bow, and a curiously perplexing look at Rayna, he hurried out of the chamber, closing the door softly behind him.
“Will you answer my question now?”
Rayna knew she was sounding too impatient, but she could not help it.
Hell! She was impatient!
Her future was hanging by a thread. And this man, was treating her concern so frivolously?
“You sound more angry, than concerned.”
Rayna hesitated, realising that he was right. In her agitation, she had let her cover slip.
But, why did he himself not sound angry about it?
Well…she might as well try to salvage the situation.
“That is because you have been careless with your health. You had me worried for your life.”
She kept her voice restrained.
Algar’s eyes, enigmatic in their reprisal, were fixed at her.
“You were worried- I can see that. But not for my life, dear wife- for yours.”
With her heart thudding against her chest, Rayna wondered for a second, if he somehow suspected her to be behind this poisoning.
He knew she had the motive.
Could he really…?
She raised her chin, keeping her tone cool as she spoke,
“Why will I be worried for my life? Do you perhaps suspect me for this?
Well, My King, I assure you that I have been nothing but loyal to you since the moment I entered this Palace. I was not the one behind this.”
To her astonishment, Algar chuckled at her reply, soon ending in a fit of torturous coughs.
Rayna tensely rubbed his back, begrudgingly aiding him.
It was only after his quivers had subsided, that he took in a deep, shuddering breath and looked at her with mirth.
“Of course, I know that. You are not the one who poisoned me.
You are too smart to leave any chances for your victim to be alive. If it were you, you would have made sure that I was dead.”
Rayna had to agree with him.
Whoever had tried to kill him, had done a sloppy job. If it were her, she would have ensured his death.
She would have been discovered as the culprit anyhow; it would be a shame to be executed for a crime that you couldn’t even see the end result of. Those men who did this, must be so disappointed right now…
“This was done by one of my ministers. Those cowards insist that I am too young and inexperienced to rule this Kingdom; and yet, they did not have the courage to face me like real men. You are much braver than those men, Rayna.”
Rayna was baffled by the strange words, finding a strange exhilaration at the knowledge that she might not have to pretend before him.
Feeling a sense of freedom, she hadn’t felt in a long time, she let the words flow uninhibited from her mouth,
“You’re right. I would have been much more careful.”
Algar’s face flashed with delight, lending some colour to his hollow, ashen cheeks.
“Ah! There is the spirit. I missed it.”
With a sigh of contentment, he turned his eyes to the ceiling.
“You would have killed me if you had a chance.”
Rayna did not flinch.
She did not care if he was having some divine intervention with his near-death experience. All she knew was that she finally had a chance to put off the mask she had been wearing tirelessly for months.
“But you did not. You did not kill me, even when you had a chance.”
He turned his face back to her. There were heavy drops of perspiration lining his forehead.
He must be in pain…
The thought gave her immense satisfaction.
“Of course, you’re not a fool. You know I am the only one who can ensure your safety in this place. My people will be loyal to me- not to you. For them, you are just an inconvenience. You are not so naïve, as to rest your fate in their hands.”
He noticed the reticent expression on her face, and continued with a dry voice,
“But you do wish you could kill me.”
“You are very observant, indeed. Wise, even.”
Rayna did not know where she had gotten this newfound courage from; but she intended to make full use of it.
She was tired of watching her steps around this boy; tired of agreeing to every twisted, perverse whim of his. This had to end someday. Maybe today was supposed to be that day, when he was too weak to harm her.
“You are being too courageous for your own good. I should advice you to be a bit cautious.”
Rayna scoffed.
“You worry too much, My King. This is not the time for you to focus on anything other than your health.”
Rayna had heard the physician earlier. They had yet to find the cure for him. He had only a few more hours, before his body succumbs to the poison.
“You’re right. I really am in a precarious condition right now, aren’t I? This must be so gratifying for you- seeing me like this?”
Rayna did not hesitate.
“Why do you ask me questions, you already know the answers to? This is too childish, even for you.”
She knew she had hit a nerve, when she saw the twitch of his jaw.
“I will forgive you this once. Although I will love to engage in this lovely little banter with you, we do not have time for this. For now, we have more pressing matters at our hands.”
Rayna heard the strain in his voice, and knew he was in pain.
“If you had killed me, my men would have had you executed. You would naturally be the first suspect. Of course, those maggots did not think I would survive.
If Walder hadn’t been there, my death was assured. But that’s where their plan failed. You knew anyone could have accused you, and you would have no means to defend yourself. Who would have listened to you anyway? Walder? He would have been killed if he objected.
This is not your land. These people are not loyal to you. To them- you are just a whore. Fortunately, their plan was met with an unexpected hurdle. Those beasts are eagerly awaiting the news of my death. And as soon as they get that, they will unleash their plans. Their first target is bound to be you- and our child.”
Rayan felt a shiver run through her skin.
She had suspected this already, but hearing him say that in such a chilling manner, made her starkly aware of the dangers lurking around her.
Her suspicion had been one of the main reasons for her to ask Walder to let her stay with Algar. She knew she would be safe as long as Algar was alive.
No matter how much his death would have satisfied her, she had to think of her son’s safety first. She knew that as soon as she left Algar’s side, she would be exposed to the dangers of this palace.
She pressed a protective hand against her womb. Her action did not go unnoticed by Algar, who looked at her hand with a bare longing.
“We have to act fast. I am going to tell you something, and you will listen to me very carefully.”
Rayna was genuinely confused by the worry in his eyes.
Why was he thinking about her safety, when his own life was in jeopardy? He knew he was on the brink of death. He had no reason to be concerned for her.
Yet, here he was.
What was this man?
She nodded her head, knowing that she had to trust him; she could trust him this time.
Seemingly satisfied by her answer, some of the tension left Algar’s face, and he continued in an austere tone,
“I have arranged for you to leave this place. Walder will escort you to your village, through a secret passage…away from the eyes of these people. You can trust him. It is not safe for you to stay here anymore. Not until it is certain that I will live.”
Rayna couldn’t believe her own ears. Leave?
He was letting her leave this hell?
She really couldn’t gauge his intention.
Was he testing her?
Did he want her to be thankful to him, for giving her the freedom she rightfully deserved- when he was the one who snatched it from her, in the first place?
Before she could fully comprehend his words, Algar continued,
“They have yet to find the cure. I am alive now, but I may not be alive for long. In such a case, you need to be among people who can protect you. And I cannot think of anyone other than your father. Walder is the only person I trust in this place. And he is too old to defend you.
If I-I die, they will come for you. You carrying my child, will be all the more reason for them to do so. They will want to eliminate any possible threat, including my bloodline.”
Rayna was too rattled to correct him- it is not your child!
“Once you reach your village, stay inconspicuous for a while. These traitors won’t attack you there. They have been ardently opposed to my raids on the clan villages. Their sole justification of taking over my Kingdom would be a promise for a better rule. They will never imperil their mission by attacking your village; not when they want the support of all the Chieftains. So, as long as you are there, no harm will come to you.”
Was this a dream?
Was she really just fabricating her wishes into one fabulously-woven dream?
“Are you listening to me?”
Rayna nodded her head absently.
“Good. Now, as soon as the time is ripe, I need you to return here.”
The reality crashed down on her like a pile of bricks.
He wanted her to return to this place?
He looked displeased by her question.
“Why? Because my son will be the rightful heir to this throne- that’s why!
I will not let these mongrels snatch away all that I have earned!
My entire life, I have dreamt of being a king- the king. And now, this bloody plot has me lying crippled on the bed, helpless to protect my own woman, my own family. I will not give them the satisfaction of victory.”
Rayna sat still, while he heaved painfully, gritting his teeth in pain.
Walder rushed inside with an alarmed expression, the second he let out the cry.
“Your Highness?”
He passed a fleeting glance at the stunned expression of Rayna, before bowing to Algar.
“Give it to h-her.”
Walder pulled out a rolled piece of parchment, tucked carefully in his sleeve, and presented it to Rayna.
With shaking hands, she took it from him, and unfolded it to reveal its contents. The unmistakable glint of the royal stamp greeted her.
With an increasing alacrity, she read the contents.
This was utter madness!
“What is the meaning of this?”
Her voice was brittle, and she knew Algar could sense her unease.
“This is the decree pronouncing the title of my heir, of course. As long as you have this, my son will be able to lay claim to the throne.
Nobody will be able to question his legitimacy with this. Wait for him to come of age. Walder had already had his name sanctioned in my family’s name- Crown Prince Johan, the first of his name.
He will continue my legacy in my stead. He will grow up to be a formidable warrior, and take his father’s revenge.”
Over my dead body!
Rayna was not going to let this bastard make her son a pawn in his sinister plots.
This was her son he was talking about!
“Of course, it might not ever come to this. Do not be worried. I might just live, and come to take you back sooner than any of us could imagine. This is all just a mere precaution.”
That might just be a fate worse than death.
If she leaves, and he manages to survive….she will just kill herself before retuning to this place.
She would have given birth by then. Her people will take care of her son. He will be alive. She would have no reason to be tortured by this boy.
“I see you are quite surprised by my announcement. Do no worry, Rayna…With your love, I might just be able to survive.”
He looked intensely at her, before placing his palm over hers, against her womb.
His gaze was soft and regretful. There was even a hint of sadness there.
He could almost be mistaken for a human. Almost.
“Take care of my son. Tell him his father loved him dearly.”
Rayna’s mouth twisted in a snarl.
Oh, how she despised him!
He wanted to control her, even in his death.
But she could not do much right now.
Walder was going to take her away from this place. If she was lucky, she would be with her family soon.
Hopefully, this will be the last time she saw his face. He might be dead before dawn; he has to be dead.
She will never be able to forgive herself if she could not be honest for once.
With resolve in her gait, she bent low to his sickly face, and filled her eyes with contempt.
“You are mad. I will make him loathe your very existence.”
The bastard smirked.
“No, you won’t.”
Without removing his eyes from her, he addressed Walder,
“Take her. Now.”
Rayna knew she should not waste time on him. Her love for her son, exceeded her hatred for this man.
She had to be rational now.
With a cold gaze, she straightened her spine and moved towards Walder.
She did not bother casting another glance at the pathetic figure of the man lying on the bed; not even when she heard the convulsing sounds of his pain.
It only gave her the strength to continue.
And as she left that chamber, vowing to never return back, there was only one prayer in her mind-
“I will pray for your death, Algar.
Not a swift death, no. A painfully harrowing death.
I want you to die the most agonising death known to man. And then, may your rotted soul burn in hell, for eternity. This is my wish for you, my dear husband.”
Author's Note-
Hello to all my wonderful readers!
Rayna is leaving for home.
Yeyyy!! 😆
As for Algar, do you think he will survive and come back for her?
(I'm sure you can guess...)
P. S. Do help me out by pointing out the typos! 💕
Till the next time👋
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