'He was carving me. Marking me. I whimpered as blood dripped down my neck. 'Mine,' he said.
A threat and a promise.'
-Jill Criswell, Beasts of the Frozen Sun
Olga wrung her hands in desperation, as she stood in front of her hut, gazing at the commotion outside.
The entire village was rife with tension at the tragic abduction of their chieftain's daughter; and Olga herself, couldn't help feeling guilty for unknowingly playing a part in it.
"You need to come inside, Olga. You need some rest."
Kane's worried voice, reached her for the umpteenth time. She knew he was concerned for her; he had been the same ever since they got the news.
"You have to be reasonable, my love. It was not your fault."
Kane's reassuring arms, wrapped around her.
"No, Kane. It was. I should have stopped her from strolling there in such a state; I should have made her understand the risks of the situation."
Behind her, her husband sighed resignedly.
"And what good would it have done? When has she ever listened to someone? We all know how stubborn Rayna was."
Olga twirled to face him; her face was eloquent of her horror.
"Is! She is alive."
Kane was immediately regretful of his mistake, as he tried placating his distressed wife.
"Of course, she is alive. You know I did not mean to say that. But Olga... we have to prepare ourselves for the worst. It has been days. There is no news yet."
Olga snapped her challenging gaze to his.
"How can we just resign ourselves to that? Have you not heard of what those barbarians do? Rayna must be feeling so alone. Oh, poor her! She is with child, Kane! She shouldn't be subjected to such horrors."
Kane held her sobbing form in his arms, rubbing a soothing hand over her back.
"She will be alright, my love. You have to take care of yourself, at least for the sake of our child. Our men are leaving for the capital today. I myself, will be going along with them. The chieftain is sick with worry. He will not stop until he finds her."
Olga sniffled, before looking up with an expectant face.
"Are you? Then, you must bring her back, Kane. You must."
He wiped at the tears flowing down her cheek, as he smiled earnestly.
"We will, I promise."
"Are the men ready?"
Edgar clenched his jaw, in an effort to control his anger. Time was slipping in front of his eyes, and he could do nothing.
He did not know the state his daughter was in. He didn't even know if she was alive, or dead- a condition he wasn't ready to consider.
The mere possibility of her pain, caused an unbearable ache in his heart. His darling daughter, the apple of his eyes, was out amongst beasts. There was no telling of the horrors she might be facing.
Each second of the day, his heart bled at the thought of her suffering. But he had to stay strong; for the sake of his daughter and his grandchild, he had to preserve his strength.
Those bastards took his daughter, failing to realize what she meant to him. And now he will fight tooth and nails, to rescue her, no matter the cost.
His gaze spun to his son-in-law, who stood overseeing the small retinue that was leaving the village.
A familiar doubt arose in his mind, as he witnessed the impassiveness of Gillian's expression. For a man who had witnessed the abduction of his wife and unborn child, right before his eyes, he was far too relaxed.
Edgar had expected him to be boiling with rage, instead of being so composed. Hence, he found his uncanny dispassion jarring. How could the man, who had professed to loving his daughter, be so at ease in this situation?
He had to be mad with worry. Perhaps, his calm exterior was simply a mask hiding his tumultuous emotions...
Even when he had brought that girl's battered body to the village, Gillian had been tight-lipped about Rayna.
It seemed almost like he was too busy worrying for her, to remember his own wife.
But Edgar did not allow the cruel thought to take root.
There was no chance of that.
Gillian loved Rayna. Their unborn child was a testimony to that.
"We have sent a convoy in advance, Chieftain. They will alert us of whatever difficulties might lie ahead."
Gillian's words disrupted Edgar's thoughts. He gave him a firm nod, focusing his concentration back on the situation that lay ahead.
"Good. Then we will leave at once. I suppose our warriors are ready for an offensive."
Gillian's eyes were devoid of any emotion, as he replied,
"Yes. We have them ready for any such situation."
Edgar took a deep breath, while scrunching his eyes against the pain that he felt.
"I- she has to be safe, Gillian. She, and my grandchild...they have to be safe. If they hurt even a hair on my daughter, I will burn this entire Kingdom to the ground."
Edgar opened his eyes to see a flash of emotion cross the man's face; and immediately reprimanded himself for thinking so poorly of him.
Of course, he was distressed!
If Gillian's pain wasn't apparent, then that was simply his own way of coping.
He had known him for years now- raised him like his own son. He knew Gillian seldom showed his emotions. He had always been a quiet man.
Oh, how must he be hurting...
A sudden wave of realization hit Edgar and he kept a comforting hand on Gillian's shoulder, causing the man to glance at him with surprise.
"Nothing will happen to her, my son. I know you are blaming yourself for not being able to save her from those bastards, but you have to stop. What has happened, has happened.
You could have done nothing. But you can rest assured; we will bring her back. Her, and your child. You, yourself, are going for her rescue. Prince Algar will have hell to pay."
Edgar saw Gillian's jaw tighten, before he nodded his head shortly. His inability to meet his eyes, was a clear indication of his agony- something he clearly wasn't comfortable in showing others.
But to Edgar- a man who was suffering just as much as him- Gillian's pain was apparent.
But it won't be for long. They will save her.
And as he rode his horse through the dense forests that day, he willed his prayer to reach his daughter and provide her the strength to persevere.
'We are coming to save you, Rayna. Stay strong till then, my daughter.'
Rayna splashed the water on her face, trying to wash away the dreadful memory of what she had to do to keep herself alive.
She knew the horror had not yet abated. She was in no manner, free of that monster; for, she herself, had offered her soul to the devil.
This was her hell, and she had to live in it.
She had to force a smile on her face and bear every torture that he unleashed on her.
It was either that, or accepting her own end.
She sat bathing herself, in a small servant's quarter. The prince had arguably been too disgusted by her filthy appearance, curtesy of the days of ruthless travel that his men had subjected her to.
In his own words, he wanted her to make herself presentable for him.
That bloody bastard!
If she hadn't been so desperate, she would not have hesitated in teaching him just the lesson he needed.
After enjoying her ministrations to his heart's delight, he had proceeded to humiliate her further.
And since she was stuck here, at his mercy, she had no other choice but to stand still as he hurled insults at her.
She remembered his slightly dazed eyes, when he had looked at her after riding down the wave of passion. His cheeks had been flushed with pleasure; and yet, his eyes mocked her.
He hadn't touched her at all.
She was still on her knees, wiping the filth off of her mouth, when he spoke,
"I must say you have aroused a slight interest in me. I might just give you another chance. But that will have to wait. I cannot bear to lay hands on you in your horrendous state. I will have my maids ready a bath for you. Go and get cleaned up. I will summon you when I want. But don't take this as a victory. I can change my mind whenever I want."
The hell he would!
Not even the heavens would make him change his mind now.
Rayna knew how to read a man's eyes. And the Prince's eyes had been clear as he left her in that antechamber- he will be coming back.
He was not going to hand her over to his men now; not after he already got a taste of what he could be missing if he did that. She knew she was safe- for now.
There was no telling of what might happen tomorrow. But in this place, she had to take every step cautiously. Each sunrise, was to be hailed as a victory- for herself, as well as for her son.
And since their lives now depended upon the whims of a boy Prince, she will have to make sure to keep him smitten.
One small mistake could cause him to lose his interest in her, and that will be the end of her life.
Hence, she made sure to clean herself thoroughly, removing days' worth of dirt and grime from her skin. The scaredy maid that had accompanied her here, was off to bring some soap- much at Rayna's behest.
She tried not to remember the humiliation she had felt that day. She vowed to make him pay for every tear she had shed.
She wouldn't let his words inflict any damage on her dignity; she would instead, use them as her own weapons.
He wanted to own her, didn't he?
Well, she would let him live in the illusion that he had succeeded. And then, when he least suspected it, she will pull the rug beneath his feet.
Rayna shuddered against the cold, as she rubbed her skin till it was red. When she reached her stomach, her expression softened, and she stroked the area warmly.
"You have to stay strong, little tiger...Your mother is doing everything she can to protect you. You just have to live, my son. Just live."
Something was wrong with him. Something very wrong, indeed.
When had he ever been so affected by a mere woman? Never.
And that was precisely why this new development was worrisome.
Algar did not need any distraction. He already had enough to deal with.
But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get those enchanting eyes off his mind.
Who was she? And how was she able to affect him thus?
He let out a sigh of frustration as he paced the length of his chamber. The memory of her delectable body, bent before him, sent ripples of pleasure through his body.
The way her mouth had enveloped his member, it almost seemed like it was made for him.
He stopped abruptly when he felt a stir in his groin, causing him to curse viciously under his breath.
How could a simple memory excite him like this?
Already, those wretched ministers ridiculed him for his age, proclaiming his inability to rule; and now, he was acting just like a uncontrollable boy.
If they knew about his present predicament, they will have all the more reason to declare him unfit for the throne.
He couldn't let that woman affect him like this. He had to remain clearheaded and determined- that was how a King was supposed to act; not impulsive and unduly excited over a small episode.
But all the reasoning did little to dispel the bulge that still strained his trousers. He had had several women to please him over the years, but none had affected him like this strange woman.
They were all spectacular at their tasks; but behind their seductions, lay an unmistakable hesitation and fear... A stark wariness of his motivations.
They were all afraid of him.
And he knew why.
He knew the people resented him for overthrowing his father's rule so callously. They cursed him for treating the old King so poorply, and for killing his dissenters recklessly. But Algar did not have any other choice.
The people didn't understand his predicament. They knew not of the bad blood between him and his father.
They were unaware of his father's animosity towards him- his own son.
Algar had never truly loved his father. He had tried to, but it had been hard when the King loved his Kingdom more than his own son.
He was the ideal ruler for his subjects. They hailed him for ushering in an era of peace and harmony. But in his own son's life, he remained a distant presence- too busy caring for the people of his Kingdom, to have time to care for his own son.
And over the years, Algar had accepted that truth.
He had even begun to value the same thing as his father.
The kingdom was now more important to him that his own father.
And he was ready to do anything to accomplish his goal.
The time for his father's rule had ended. It was now his turn.
And he wasn't going to let a woman from some distant clan ruin his dreams.
But that was proving to be difficult with every passing second. Time seemed to be testing his resolution.
The moment he had seen those dark eyes, he had been enchanted.
He could have easily sent her to death; he should have done just that. But he had been unable to get the words out of his mouth.
He saw in her eyes what he had seen in many others- surprise and doubt, doubtless the result of his young age. She must have expected someone older.
He knew she thought him to be a fool. She thought she could manipulate him. It was as apparent as the love she carried for her child.
Despite knowing all this, Algar had let her live.
He would be fooling himself if he said it was because of the information she carried. He could have gotten that information from anywhere.
In fact, he didn't even need it.
Those dogs he had sent to her village, had been useless. But that simple fact was not going to stop him from attacking her clan.
He could easily annihilate her entire village, if he so desired. But he wasn't going to do that.
That would be too easy. He will instead wait for them to come to him; something which would seemingly be sooner than he had expected.
Thus, for now, he will let her think she has won. He will let her savor that false victory, while he tries to decipher the reason behind his inability to resist this woman's pull.
The idea elicited a light chuckle from him, breaching the silence.
Yes, that would be a good game.
He recalled the flare of offense that had flashed in her eyes, when he had commanded her to clean herself up. What she didn't know, was that he had been on the brink of losing his restraint.
Distancing himself from her was imperative. He couldn't let her enjoy the knowledge of her influence on him.
He couldn't let her know that her coy smile, fearless gaze and soft lips, had been too difficult for him to resist. He had never known a woman, so uninhabited and full of surety and confidence.
Her eyes had challenged him to resist her- like she knew he would lose; and that was what he faced- a colossal loss, one he didn't regret.
Every fibre of his being had wanted nothing more, than to pin her down on the floor and ravage her body. He had been dying to conquer her spirit, till the last vestiges of her fierceness was snuffed out.
And hence, he had used that flimsy excuse.
He had pretended to be disgusted by her dirty self, deftly hiding his arousal.
In reality, she had looked nothing short of a goddess- a bruised and beaten, but still ravishing goddess. The scars and dirt, seemed to accentuate her unbendable spirit; everything about her was irresistible.
He had never meant to send her to his men. The second he saw her, he knew he would keep her for himself. There was no chance of letting another man lay his hands on her.
The simple discovery of the child in her womb, had been enough to make him itch with envy.
There was a man out there- a man who had already had a taste of this remarkable woman. But he soon intended to purge that man's memory out of her senses.
She had vowed to make him forget about any other woman...and he was gladly going to return the favor.
"Your highness."
A sudden knock at his door, distracted Algar from the memory of the black-eyed beauty.
He straightened himself, schooling his expressions.
"What is it?"
Walder, the only man he trusted in this den of traitors, entered the room. His wrinkled forehead, was further marred by a distressed frown.
"Yes, Walder?"
"I have got some news, You Highness... You sentenced our men to death?"
Algar raised a disinterested eyebrow.
"Yes, I believe I did. They failed at what I sent them to do. Though, I am sure I do not need to justify my actions to you."
Walder paled at his words.
"O-Of course not, Your Highness. You did the right thing. I just...I heard they brought a prisoner with them- a woman?"
Algar took a deep breath, feigning nonchalance as he replied,
"Yes. They told me it she is the chieftain's daughter."
Walder's surprised gasp sounded from beside him.
"Chieftain Edgar's daughter? He has a very strong hold over the northern lands. This could be very beneficial for us. But... are you sure it is true? That girl might be lying to escape this situation."
Algar had already considered that possibility.
She might just be a common woman, lying to them. But as he recalled the courage she had showcased before him, his answer was clear.
She had to be Chieftain Edgar's daughter. That exemplary fearlessness did not come to just anyone.
"She is not lying. I have reasons to believe her."
Walder nodded thoughtfully.
"If that is the case, then we have to be vigilant. If she is indeed the Chieftain's daughter, then he must be on his way here. We have to be prepared for a confrontation."
Algar faced him with a displeased glare.
"Do you think we need to prepare ourselves for the sake of a handful of men? Let them come."
Wlader hesitated for a moment, before continuing,
"And what about the woman, Your Highness? What do you propose we do with her?"
Algar smirked as his mind delved into the many possibilities of the things he wanted to do to her.
A primal instinct in him, compelled him to tame her fierceness; to own her and to rule her.
"Leave that to me, Wlader. You need not concern yourself with her."
"Very well, Your Highness. However, there was something else I wanted to enquire...are you going to visit your father today?"
Algar's mood darkened at his question. He had to visit his ailing father once a day, to keep up the pretense of being a concerned son.
Today, however, he did not feel like doing that. Suddenly, the prospect of losing himself in a pair of alluring eyes, seemed much more desirable.
"No, Walder. I think I wouldn't be able to do that today. I have a certain someone to deal with."
Rayna had just pulled the flimsy robe over her body, when the door to the quarters opened without any warning.
A spark of fear went up her spine, as she readied herself to fight off any potential enemy.
The maid who had accompanied her here, had already left after handing her the soap and the robe, and she was all alone.
If it were any of the soldiers, she was doomed. Her body ached with exhaustion and bruises, and she knew she did not have enough strength to defend herself.
"Always ready to fight, aren't you?"
Her shoulders relaxed a little, when she saw the Prince enter the tiny quarter.
"Your Highness."
Rayna composed her expressions, trying her best to sound alluring and pleased.
He stood before her in absolute silence, running his heated gaze across the length of her figure.
She was instantly aware of the damp cloth, sticking to her naked body. She knew it did little to safeguard her modesty, but resisted the urge to wrap her arms around herself, even when she wanted to do nothing more than that.
A tense silence stretched between them, as his eyes continued their stroll.
"You clean up pretty well. It is good to see some semblance of civility on you. This might just help your cause in persuading me to let you live."
Rayna stifled her scoff, choosing to smile bashfully instead.
"I am glad I could become presentable enough for you, Your Highness."
He remained standing for another moment, before moving towards the small cot in the corner of the room.
Rayna tried not to squirm on her feet, as she held his perplexing gaze.
The air around her seemed charged with a strange emotion.
She could feel the heat of her blood, as it flowed through her veins, even though, her skin shivered with cold.
"I thought you were going to summon me to you, Your Highness."
Algar smiled at her words, his relaxed exterior disguising all his thoughts. Instead of answering her question, he leaned forward and motioned to her robe.
"Undress yourself."
Rayna stopped short of gaping at his demand.
She was dying to unleash the entirety of her rage on him.
How dare he say that to her?
No one had ever seen her in her naked state- not even her own husband, at least not this way...
Then she recalled her perilous condition, and knew she did not have much of a choice in the matter.
"What are you waiting for? You have pledged yourself to me, haven't you? Or are you already scared?"
His words incited a wave of vengeance through her. She concealed her emotions, and lowered her eyes in pretend shyness.
"No, Your Highness. I am just a bit shy."
An amused chuckle escaped his lips.
"You weren't that shy a few hours back. Now, do not make me wait; disrobe."
Rayna held her breath as she slowly pulled the robe down her body, all the while keeping her eyes on his face.
She knew he wanted to humiliate her. But he could only do that if she allowed it to happen- which she never would.
The robe hit the floor with a soft thud, and she saw his throat move. She witnessed the proof of her effect om him when she looked down to his lap.
In another second, he was up on his feet, and pushing her against the cold wall.
His breath fell upon her face, and his hands mercilessly held her wrists against the wall.
She felt her heart thrumming in her chest, as her bare breasts pressed against his chest.
"I am going to fuck you, woman. I will fuck you till you forget how to breath. After I am done with you, you will know who owns you."
A cold shiver ran along the length of Rayna's spine.
She was not going to let him hurt her son.
Before he could touch his lips to hers, she kissed him with all the force she could manage. It was a bruising kiss, meant to hurt him; the only way she could unleash her anger.
When she pulled back, he was looking at her with a dazed expression, caught in surprise by her sudden act.
He released one of her wrists and brought his hand over his mouth, wiping the drop of blood that had oozed after her assault.
He looked at his bloodied finger with a shocking awe.
Rayna took this as her chance.
"You can fuck me whichever way you want- afterwards. Please be mindful of my child right now. He has already had to deal with a lot."
Algar's stunned gaze fell on her face, his eyes widening with realization.
Rayna stiffened as his palm roamed down the valley of her breasts, to her exposed stomach, leaving a thin trail of blood on her skin. Her breath came out in puffs as he traced the tight roundness of her stomach.
"He lays here?"
Her heart lurched with a strange emotion when she heard his words.
Something about the way he had so easily acknowledged her son's existence, made her want to weep.
He was the only man to touch her with such intimacy.
He was the first man to feel her son. And she wanted him dead.
Rayna swallowed her tears, as she nodded her head.
She stood alert, seeing his jaw clench and the harsh edge of his brow. He looked intently at the spot where his hand lay, with eyes scrunched in concentration.
"What about his father?"
Rayna's defenses sprang up in response to his question. She felt his scrutinizing gaze, as he waited for her reply.
But what was she supposed to say?
What about her son's father?
Did he matter anymore?
She did not have to think for long. Looking at him straight in his eyes, she replied with an enticing smile,
"He doesn't matter."
Her answer warranted a satisfied smile from him.
He raised his hand higher, till it grazed the underside of her breast.
Rayna let out the breath she was holding, thinking the storm to have passed.
But she soon realized she was wrong, when he wrapped his fingers around her throat.
He brushed his lips to her mouth, biting her lips till broke the skin.
She tasted the coppery taste in her mouth and winced against the stinging sensation, causing him to moan approvingly as he licked at the bruise.
"I have pardoned your child, woman. But now, you are expecting too much from me. I will fuck you however I want. If you have any objections, you are free to voice them- or act them as you did just now. But remember this- if you displease me in any way, you may soon have to deal with a significantly less benevolent side of me- one you surely wouldn't like."
Rayna was smart enough to recognize- and concede- to the warning in his tone.
She knew when to stop pushing her luck.
The only choice left to her, was baring her vulnerability. Perhaps, he might be moved upon seeing her tears...
He was a man, after all.
Weren't a woman's tears supposed to tug at their hearts? Even if a little?
She had already compromised so much for her child.
What harm will a little more persuasion do?
"Please... be gentle."
She observed the slight surprise in his eyes, as he saw the well-orchestrated tears glazing her eyes.
That hint of hesitation, was enough for her.
She unleashed the entirety of her persuasion, looking at him with expectant eyes.
"Look, woma-"
She stopped him short with a breathless whisper.
"Rayna. My name is Rayna, Your Highness."
Algar's eyes darkened. His fingers loosened their grip and lay splayed on her chest.
"Rayna, I granted you your son's life. I will be a lair if I snatched him from you so soon. And a King's words are abiding."
Rayna knew she had won. This small victory was enough to make her ecstatic with happiness.
She pushed her body into his, finding his hard length pressed against her abdomen.
"You are too merciful, My King."
A tortured moan escaped Algar's lips, and he let out a loud curse.
"Ah! Fuck it!"
He swooped down to attack her mouth, devouring her like a beast. Wrapping his arms around her, he bounced her body up, causing her to wrap her legs around his waist.
Rayna tried to keep her doubts at bay. Her stomach churned with revulsion, as he tasted every inch of her body.
He soon rid himself of his clothes, and splayed her on the small cot, before resuming his actions.
Though his actions were ferocious, his touch was gentle near her midsection. She tried to seek some reprieve in the knowledge of her son's safety; all the while pushing back the hatred she felt for this boy.
As she looked up at his looming face, she was reminded of a different time, a different place- one where she was the one straddling the body of Gillian.
She wished she could have the luxury of laying down and letting him have his way. But she knew she could not lay still. She had to please the Prince; for if she gave him even a single reason to be rid of her, that would mean the death of her and her son.
So, she did just that.
She pleased him like one would please a lover- like she would have liked to please Gillian...
Author's Note-
Phew! Man, was this chapter long! 😅
Hello to all my wonderful readers!
What do you think of the chapter?
We are progressing with the story.
Gillian has no other choice than to go and search for Rayna, because of the Chieftain.
What do you think is going on in his head?
As for Prince Algar, you all finally have some insight on him.
What do you think is he thinking of doing?
Who will outsmart the other? Rayna, or Algar?
Will Rayna's stubbornness help her survive?
As for the typos, please help a sister in need and point them out!😁
Till the next time 👋
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