Chapter Thirteen
"Fifth year"
Lenora POV:
After unwrapping the chains from the gate and entering the labyrinth, the two of us walked cautiously through the winding maze.
My emerald eyes scanned the path before us, pulling my Hufflepuff robes closer to my cold body. "You seem to know a lot about all of this."
"All of what?" The Legilimens asked in confusion.
"The labyrinth, this dream world, everything about this situation." I clarified, slightly suspicious of my new friend. "How do you know all this stuff?"
"As I said before, I come from a long line of Dreamwalkers. My dad told me about the different kinds of labyrinths and how to enter into someone's unconscious." The brunette explained with a simple shrug. "He trained me as much as he could about Dreamwalking, before he died."
"Oh, Harry... I'm so sorry." I told him, a sympathetic smile on my face. "If you don't mind me asking, how did he... you know...."
"Die?" Harry finished my sentence, shoving his hands in his trouser pockets. I sheepishly nodded, hoping that I wasn't being rude. "He died when I was fourteen.We were Dreamwalking and he was training me, while he helped someone fight this dream demon that had taken the form of a Banshee. The earplugs, that the person he was helping had conjured up for the lot of us, his had fallen out."
"The dream demon/ banshee thing had seen that his ears weren't protected anymore and let out this super loud scream. He tried to block it out by covering his ears, but it didn't work. My dad fell to his knees, before the bleeding started. Blood was coming out of his ears and eyes, as the dream demon just kept screaming."
"I didn't know what to do and I was so scared that I just froze. I couldn't move, I couldn't cry out to him. I just stood there like a useless coward." The young Dreamwalker spat bitterly, shame and loss radiating from his eyes. "I should have done something, I should have saved him, but I didn't!"
"I just stood there like a weak, helpless, stupid child!" He exclaimed angrily, his voice rising as he kicked the dirt path before him.
"Harry, that wasn't your fault." I tried to comfort the young man, as the two of us turned a corner. "You were just a child, you were scared–."
"Exactly! I was too scared and too weak, and I can't be like that again! I can't let my fear make me freeze up like that!" The Bennet boy interrupted with a frustrated shout.
"Fear is normal, Harry." I told him as calmly as I could. "Feeling afraid is normal, it's healthy."
"My mum says that ' if you're not afraid sometimes, then you ain't human'." I quoted, trying to imitate my mother's American accent. "However, my father has this philosophy, as he likes to call it. He says that 'worrying means that you suffer twice'. Says that fear and worry is natural, but it's whether or not you let them control you, that is the important bit."
"Your parents are really smart, aren't they?" Harry asked, as he seemed to calm down little by little.
"Yeah, they're brilliant." I stated with a laugh and a nod of my head. "Michael and I got lucky in the parent department, mum and dad are pretty great."
The teenage Legilimens opened his mouth to speak, but quickly closed it when we came across a large dragon.
The humongous creature was covered in scales that were various shades of blue and grey. It was much larger than the other dragons that I'd encountered in the past. From what I could tell, the beast was female.
Despite her intimidating size, I wasn't as afraid as I should have been. The creature's stern and guarded appearance, which was an effect of the cold and wary gaze that she gave us, did not deceive me. Despite her steely gaze, it was what I had seen behind her brilliant amber eyes, that told me everything.
Behind the dragon's eyes, centuries of pain and loss echoed in her golden irises. But the pain and suffering wasn't all that lingered there. I also saw a gentle soul and a kind heart that despite the many times it had been broken, still yearned to help others. Upon these deductions, I made a decision that most would find very stupid.
I approached the large creature with sympathetic eyes and a kind smile.
"Hello there." I addressed the dragoness, bowing respectfully to her and saying. "My name is Lenora Scamander."
"I know that you have seen more pain and loss than any creature in any world should have to bare." I told her, my voice cracking as my heart broke for the poor creature. "And I am so, so sorry."
"My friend and I did not come to harm you or to cause you more pain, and we will not do so now or in the future." I continued, tears pooling in my green eyes. "We simply ask for passage through the door that you guard. All we want is to escape the labyrinth."
"I know that you've seen horrible things and have been hurt in so many unspeakable ways, that it would be disrespectful to try and imagine what you've been through." I started, before continuing with a small, but warm, smile. "But I can also see in your eyes that you're a kind and gentle soul."
The dragoness peered down at me with a curious and calculating stare, but said nothing. So, I continued to speak. "All that I ask of you is to look into my eyes, into my mind and into my heart, and decide for yourself what kind of person you believe that I am."
A tense silence filled the air as I waited for the large creature to reply, hoping that my assumption about what she was had been correct, and that she could actually respond.
"My name is Seradoria Chaiondin. I am a dragon empress of the Alhodin Creed, Protector of the Daiholduin, and Guardian of History's Magical Warriors." The blue dragon empress stated, confirming my hunch. "I know who you are, Lenora Scamander, and who you will be."
"You have a kind heart and a good head on your shoulders, Little One." She continued with what looked like a motherly smile, before it faded and became a solemn frown. "But you trust too easily, my child, and that could one day become your undoing."
My brow furrowed in confusion at Seradoria's vague words, which were now reeling in my mind. I was about to question what she meant, when she shook her head and told me. "I cannot reveal to you anymore, but heed my warning, Lenora Scamander. Take care of whom you trust or you and the ones you love most will perish."
"Be on your way, little ones, but be vigilant. For the obstacles that await you on your journey through the labyrinth, are not as kind as I." Without another word, she stepped to the side of the clearing and made room for us to pass. The wooden door swung open slowly as we gazed upon it.
"Thank you, Seradoria." I told the dragon empress, respectfully bowing my head in thanks. "For your kindness and your warnings. I wish you the best."
"Good luck, little warriors." The large blue creature responded and returned the nod, before becoming cryptic once more. "You will need it for what is to come."
Deciding not to question it, Harry and I bid our farewells to her, before going through the door. The entrance that we'd just passed through disappeared and was replaced with a large stone wall.
"Well, I suppose there's no going back now." I muttered, before Harry and I started walking through the foggy maze once again.
Hey, you guys! So, just a quick fyi, Harry Bennet is played by Matt Smith aka this dude if by some reason you don't know who that is⬇️⬇️⬇️
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