Chapter One
"The Fourth Year"
"Mum, Dad, I promise we'll be fine." I told our parents as we approached the train.
"Lenora, Love, you you not remember all of my stories from when I was attending Hogwarts?" My father said as he handed me my case. "It definitely doesn't help that you have my old case as well!"
"Dad, you know that I fixed the faulty latch months ago and I have no Nifflers or Obscurials to let loose in the school." I joked, sending my father a teasing grin.
"She's right, Newt." Mum told him with a small smile. "You know that she'll take care of the creatures and her brother without a problem."
"Yes, Darling, but might I remind you that they're both Scamander's. Something is bound to go wrong!"
"Well, maybe you should give her that thing you wanted her to have for luck." Mum hinted, nudging Dad slightly and averting her gaze to his jacket pocket.
Dad looked confused for a moment, before his eyes widened in realization. "Oh, right!"
He fumbled around in his jacket pocket for a bit, before pulling out a very familiar Bowtruckle.
"Pickett!" I gasped as Dad held out the little green creature to me. The stick like beast wrapped itself around my slim fingers as I gave my father a wide eyed expression. "Dad, are you sure? You haven't been without him in years!"
"There's no one else that I'd trust with him more." He told me with a warm smile, before placing a kiss on both Michael and I's heads. "Now on you hop, before the train leaves without you."
My brother and I gave our parents tight hugs before boarding the Hogwarts Express. We picked out an empty compartment and sat down. I sat on one side with my father's case tightly pressed to my side, while Michael sat on the other end with his book in hand.
Pickett stood on my shoulder and played with my strawberry blonde hair as the train started to leave the station. I pulled out my sketch pad and started to draw the Bowtruckle that sat upon my shoulder.
"What house do you think I'll be sorted into?" Michael asked me after a moment of silence.
I looked up from my drawing and pursed my lips as I thought about it. "Well, you're very smart and studious, so you could be sorted into Ravenclaw. But you're also very loyal and kind, so you could be a Hufflepuff like Dad and I."
"Are you talking about the Sorting?"
Michael and I looked over to the door of the compartment to find none other then the school's two biggest toe rags, James Potter and Sirius Black.
"What the hell do the two of you want?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and crossing my arms over my chest.
"Can't we visit our favorite Hufflepuff, Scamander?" Sirius asked in feign confusion.
"No." I stated bluntly, giving the long haired boy a blank look.
"Cranky today, are we, Norie?" Potter asked, plopping down on the seat next to me.
"I am now, Jamie." I scoffed, rolling my green eyes at the curly haired brunette. "Where's the tolerable half of your group?"
"Remus and Peter?" Sirius asked me as he sat down next to Michael. "They're getting some sweets from the trolley. Remus' run out of chocolate again."
"Ah, I see." I stated simply with a nod. "Will they be joining us soon? I want to find out how long I can manage without hexing the two of you."
"Do you really think that low of us, Love?" James asked placing a hand over his heart.
"Yes." I said before turning back to my sketchbook.
Sirius and James started talking about Quidditch for a bit before the other two fourth year boys joined us.
"Hello, Lenora." Remus greeted with a smile as he sat on the other side of James. "Wait, is Michael attending this year? I'm sure you mentioned it to me in your letters."
"Yeah, he's just starting out his first year." I replied with a warm smile.
"Wait, you two write each other?" Sirius asked curiously, sharing a confused look with James.
"Yeah, their Dad makes my potions for my furry little problem. We've known each other since we were ten." Remus explained.
"How did we not now about this?" James asked Sirius, both giving the teen wolf and I confused looks.
"Because you both are about as observant as a beheaded chicken." I scoffed, causing Michael, Remus, and Peter to laugh. Apparently Michael wasn't ignoring the conversation as much as I thought he was.
Sirius looked to be in deep thought, before speaking up. "Scamander, Do you think that you could help us with something that could help Remus?"
"Possibly, but it depends on what it is." I answer honestly with a shrug.
"Meet us in the girls lavatory on the second floor after the Sorting Feast. We'll explain more then." James told me, before quickly adding. "And bring that book on speciations that you have. The one on Animagi."
I gave a single nod of understanding, realizing what exactly they needed my help with.
Okay so I know that there's a MASSIVE fifty year time gap between Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them and the Marauders Era, but for the sake of the story let's just pretend that it's possible. Thanks.
I love ya to pieces, mi hermanas hermosa.
~Ally ♥️
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