Chapter 5
Nash and I decided to leave the mall and walked around the city before meeting up with my mom.
"So, what do you want to see in my old life," I asked Nash.
"Hmm... Maybe the school. I really don't know," Nash said, looking around in amusement. I couldn't help but smile.
"Okay, to my old school it is," I said, making my way across the cross walk. We walked down a couple blocks and at the entrance of the high school. I remember all of my classes that I would be going to if I was still going here.
"Wow I'm impress," Nash said, letting out a whistle.
"Yep the home of the knights," I said proudly.
"Yep, now your are a mighty hunter," Nash said, wrapping his arms around my shoulders.
"Yeah," I said, looking up at Nash.
"Look it's the traitor," I heard some high pitch squeal. Nash and I looked towards the girls.
"Friends of yours," Nash asked. I shook my head. Nash dragged me off to somewhere else.
"Nash, we should head back," I said. Nash nodded and we started to walk back towards the mall.
"SEBASTIAN!" I heard someone screamed. I looked back to see Maya, "BUNNY BOY, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" She asked.
"Seb," Nash asked questioningly.
"Umm... I will explain later but we need to go now," I said, starting to run, grabbing a hold of Nash's hand.
Seb and I was walking back to the mall when some girl started to scream at us. It was more towards Sebastian. I looked at him and he said he will tell me later. I nodded. Seb started to run while he grabbed my hand. After five short minutes we made it back to the parking lot.
"Sooo... who was that?" I asked.
"A fan girl," He said, looking over his shoulder to see if she was there.
"Just a fan girl?" I asked.
"A psycho one,"Seb said, catching his breath.
"Figures," I said, walking over to a bench.
"Yeah, I get crazy stalker girls and a handsome looking cowboy," Sebastian said.
"Yeah, funny," I said, rolling my eyes. We saw Mrs. Vice show up in the car. I opened the door for Seb and then got in after him.
"So, how was your first day at the mall?" She asked.
"Okay, I guess," I said, looking back at Seb then to her.
"That good, " She said, pulling out of the parking lot and started to drive home. While on the way home, I towards Seb and saw him sleeping. I looked out the window until I felt something on my shoulder. I looked back and saw City was sleeping with his head on my shoulder. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.
~Time skip~
We just got to my house. I told them thanks and they pulled out of my drive way. I walked into my house. I saw my ma and pa was sitting at the table playing poker.
"Did you have fun today?" my mother asked.
"Yeah, loads of fun," I said, making my way to the fridge.
"So, what's in the bag?" My father asked.
"Um... Some boots and a new shirt," I said, getting out the milk.
"That's nice dear," My mom said, chuckling. I rolled my eyes and head to my room. I heard my father cussing from down the hall. I got change into my night clothes and went to my bed. I close my eyes and City filled my thought and dreams.
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