Chapter 3
I woke up the same time this morning but I feel happy about it. It might have something to do with my feeling towards Sebastian. I hope I don't regret it. I won't tell my feeling for him until I know for sure that City likes me. I finished my chores sooner than expected. I got changed and waited for the bus. I got on and went to school. I walked into the school and notice Seb talking to Dallas.
"Morning, City. How was your first night here?" I asked, looking at him.
"It was too quiet for my taste but it was nice. So, how are you?" He asked, looking at me with concern.
"I'm good, just sore nothing else," I smiled and headed to my locker. I felt someone grabbed my arm.
"Nash cut the tough guy act for a minute," I hear Amy said. I saw Seb walking towards us.
"I'm tough and that's no act," I said, slamming my locker door. I walked off towards first hour class.
"Um... Nash are you okay. You seem a little tense," Sebastian asked.
"Yeah, just wish some people just mind their business," I said.
"Yeah, same here," Seb said, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Thanks. Seb what kind of people are you into? You don't have to answer if you don't want to," I asked, than trying to change my question.
"It's fine, I'm into guys. I just hope that won't ruin our friendship," He said, putting his head down.
"No, it's cool. I'm just confuse on my feelings that all," I said, smiling and then frowning.
"Oh, I can help if you want me to," Seb suggested.
"That would be awesome," I said smiling again.
"So tell me do you feel any attraction towards girls, guys, or both?" He asked.
"I still like girls but when I met a guy everything changed so I really don't know," I said, putting my head in my hands.
"So, that mean you like both genders," Seb smiled.
"Is that good or bad?" I asked, peeking from behind my hands.
"I think that's good but some people judge. I say just be who you are," He smiled at me. I blushed while smiling back.
"Nash, are you running a fever?" City asked. I shook my head. Sebastian place a hand on my forehead to make sure that I wasn't running a fever.
"Really?" Brittney said, crossing her arms.
"Yeah, got a problem with that," Seb said, standing up.
"City, just sit down," I said, grabbing his arms. He looked back at me and nodded. Seb sat back down and Brittney marches towards me.
"Nash, what the hell is going on with you? I thought you were going out with me?" She asked.
"You were going out with her?" City whispered.
"No," I whispered back, "I told you Brittney that we are not going out. Now leave me alone," I said getting pretty irritated. She looked pretty angry and move closer. She grabbed the collar of my shirt. Brittney pulled me closer to her lips and smashed her lips on to mine. I pushed her off and fell off my chair. I looked at Sebastian. He looked upset.
"Nash... ," Seb said, looking like he's going to cry. I got up and walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him.
"Shhh," I hush him. I felt him gripping his hands on my shirt. I smiled.
"Nash... why did she kiss you?" He asked me.
I sighed, "I don't know."
"Nash, who do you like?" City asked.
"Hmm good question. I don't like Brittney," I said.
"Seriously, Country. Who do you like?" He said, shooting his head up and looked at me with his beautiful blue eyes.
"I will tell you soon, trust me you will know," I said
"Okay," City said, "Oh Nash do you want to join me and my mom this weekend?" He asked.
"Umm... I can asked my parents if I could and I will let you," I said, giving him my phone number.
~Time skip to Saturday~
I can't believe my parents are letting me go with Sebastian to the city. I looked around in amazement. I can see tall building and other things. I feel really worried about what's going to happened.
"Nash, are you okay?" Seb asked.
"Yeah, I just never been in a big city before," I said shyly. Sebastian face lit up.
"You'll be fine, trust me," Seb said, putting his hands on my shoulders.
"I hope so," I mumble. I looked at Sebastian looking around the city. We are walking inside of building with many stores inside. Sebastian calls them malls. We walked in and I saw a lot of people. I tried to act causal.
"Nash, come on," Seb said, grabbing my arm and pulling me into a store. We went inside the store and Seb started to look around. I never see Sebastian smile like this. Maybe he was home sick. I was walking towards Sebastian when I bumped into someone.
"Sorry," I apologized and continue my way to Seb.
"What did you say man," The guy got angry and grabbed my shoulder
"I said I was sorry for running into you," I said brushing him off.
"You better be," He said, walking away. I turn to find Sebastian.
"Hey Seb, are all people that live here rude?" I asked, putting my hand on my shoulder.
"Not all but some. Are you okay?" He responded. Sebastian looked at me with concern.
"Yeah I just accidently ran into someone," I said.
"Okay, let's go to the next store," He said grabbing my hand. I held onto it like my life depends on it, "Nash, are you okay?" City asked. I nodded. We walked into the next store. I stayed pretty close to Sebastian until I got use to the people.
"Sebastian, Is that you?" I heard a high pitch squeal. Seb turn his head toward the noise.
"Lilly, how are you?" he asked, hugging the girl.
"I'm fine but who is this?" She asked Seb.
"This is Nash. My friend from my new school so I decided to take him with me to the city for the weekend," Seb said to the blonde.
"Cool," She said, looking at me, "Don't you find him cute?" She asked turning her attention to Sebastian.
"Um... Look at the time," He said pulling on my arm and dragging me out of the store.
"Seb, you good?" I asked. Seb stopped and look at the food court.
"No, I hate her and most kids at my school. I know you saw those messages on my computer screen on the first day," He said, taking a deep breath, "She was one of them," he said, shaking. I walked closer and wrapped my arms around him.
"It's alright. You don't have to worry about them anymore," I said softly into his ear.
"Let's get something to eat," Seb said, letting go of me.
"Yeah," I said, grabbing his wrist and headed to the food court. We grabbed our food and sat at a table.
"Nash, do you remember when I asked you if you like anyone?" Seb asked, putting down his coffee.
"Yeah, why?" I asked, setting mine down.
"Is it a guy or a girl?" He asked, messing with his straw.
"It's a guy," I said, putting a fries in my mouth.
"Really, who?" He asked sadly.
"You?" I mutter quietly. He looked at me in shock and then smile.
"Why didn't you say something sooner?" He asked.
"Well... you're new and I didn't know your feelings and-" I was cut off by Sebastian's lips on mine. This felt weird but in a good way.
"Your lips are softer than excepted," I smiled. Nash was in blushing mess. He looked so cute like this.
"Sebastian, long time no see," Alec said, sitting next to me. I looked at him.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"I want to see how you doing; since you around a whole lot of country people, that have zero fashion since," Alec said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
"Don't touch me. I'm with my boyfriend," I said, moving closer to Nash.
"Your boyfriend? Where is he?" Alec asked.
"I'm right here," Nash said, wrapping his arm around me.
"Oh my. So you did scope low to be with him," Alec said. I was getting angry.
"I think I leveled up. If I compare you and him? I would choose him in a heart beat," I said, grabbing Nash's hand walking out of the food court.
"Do you really mean that?" Nash whispered.
"Yes, I do," I said, gently kissing him.
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