Chapter 2
Nash seems to be decent compare to what I thought he would be. I felt something strange for that country boy. I know that I like guys but Nash is probably straight. I don't think he would even like me. The bell rings and I got out of my chair when someone tripped me.
"Need a hand, Little buddy," I heard Nash deep voice. My heart rate sky rocketed.
"Thanks, Nash" I said, taking his hand. I dusted myself off.
"Anytime. How about you have lunch with me and my crew?" Nash offered.
"How can I pass up that offer?" I said, walking with him to lunch.
"So, what was it like at your old school?" Nash asked, taking out his phone.
"It was big, lunches was okay, lot of kids and clicks," I said, sounding like my normal self.
"Yeah, I bet," Nash said, texting someone back.
"So, do you guy ride horses and stuff?" I asked jokingly. I could tell Nash knew I was joking.
"Yeah all the time. It's the fastest way to catch bandits and robbers," He chuckled.
"Yo, Nash. Whoa, what with the city boy?" another kid asked.
"He's not that bad, Huston. He's gonna sit with us," Nash said. I set my tray down on the table and looked at the food. It smelled good. I took a bite.
"This is amazing," I said excitedly. I took another bite.
"Man, I never thought anyone could be happy to eat a hamburger," Someone said.
"Um... Sebastian, are you okay?" Nash asked. I swallowed the food.
"Yeah, I'm good. I just never tasted something so good," I smiled.
"Dude it's just a hamburger," I heard Dallas said. I looked at him confused.
"Wait, you never had a hamburger before," Nash gasped. I shook my head.
"My parents keep me on a strict diet. So, this is my first time eating something unhealthy," I said, putting my headed down.
"Don't worry about it. It was surprising for us but I'm glad you like it though," Nash smiled. I looked up and smiled. I couldn't help it. He was just so nice.
'Damn this city boy is just so cute. What am I saying I'm straight. My parents would kill me.' I thought.
"Yo, city kid, wanna come to a country party later?" Nick asked.
"Thanks for the offer but have to decline," Sebastian said. I was happy he did.
"How about you, Nash?" Nick asked me.
"Can't, I'm pretty busy during the week," I said, finishing my chocolate milk.
"Come on Nash. It's been awhile since we have a party with you in it," Nick whined.
"Sorry man, I have chores to do," I said, getting up and leaving the table to clear my tray.
"How about this weekend?" Nick yelled. I walked back to the table.
"I don't know depends if my dad needs me," I said, sitting back down at the table.
"Dude, you got to live a little more," Dallas said.
"Yeah, Yeah, yeah," I said annoyed.
"I think your friends are right, Nash," Sebastian agreed.
"Wow, I feel out numbered," I said, leaning on my arm. I was trying to stay awake.
"Nash, are you okay?" Sebastian asked, looking at me with concern.
"Yeah, just tried," I reply.
"Why are you tried?" He asked.
"I got chores to do at 5 in the morning," I said, closing my eyes for a bit. The bell rings and I got up slowly. I walked into study hall with Sebastian following behind me. I walked in and sat in my normal seat and laid my head on my arms. I could feel someone staring at me. I lifted my head to see Sebastian staring.
"Do you need something, Seb," I asked. I saw him blushing.
"No," He said, turning away from me. I felt a little disappointed.
"Hey Seb, can you wake me up ten minutes before the bell?" I asked, the blond hair kid sitting in front of me.
"Yeah, sure, Nash," He said, turning back to his computer. I closed my eyes and dozed off.
Nash asked me to wake him up ten minutes before the bell. I took out my computer and hooked it up to the Wi-Fi. I went to messages, then to groups. I opened it up and saw my friends talking something about me.
LD: Yeah, I heard he moved to the country.
NT: Yeah but he didn't want to leave.
STS: Well anyways. He such a loser now hanging with those country people.
'I can't believe this. Is this how they are when I'm not around. I hope Nash wasn't like them,' I thought. I turn to face Nash and saw how peaceful he slept. He stirred awake.
"City, what's the matter?" He asked in a concerning voice. 'Crap' I thought.
"Yeah, just reading some messages," I lied.
"Are you sure, Seb?" He asked, leaning closer.
"Yep," I said, closing my laptop.
"Okay, friend," He said, sitting back down on his seat.
"Wait, we're friends?" I asked.
"Yeah, we became friends this morning," Nash said, smiled at me.
"Thanks and is that why you called me Seb," I asked. He nodded and laid his head down again. 'I couldn't believe this. I made a friend on the first day and I didn't even have to impress him.' I smiled. 'Nash could be my first really friend.' I thought. I looked down at the clock. 'I guess it's time' I though and I leaned down close to his ear "Nash, wake up," I said into his ear. He woke up and smiled.
"Wow that was a nice way to wake up," Nash yawned and stretch. His shirt lifted up were you can see his stomach. 'Oh my god. He has abs.' I thought trying not to blush.
"Mph," I said, crossing my arms.
"So, what was those messages on your computer?" He asked. I choke on my spit.
"What?" I asked, confused.
"If someone talking crap to one of my friends. I want to know even though we just met," Nash said, moving to a seat next to me.
"Just some old friends of mine," I said, looking at Nash.
"Well, they don't sound like friends to me," He said, sounding irritated.
"That's what it like in the city, Nash. People is being used or become the users," I sighed, "And I guess I was being used," I laid my headed on the desk.
"Yeah, that sucks," Nash said. I felt a hand on my back. I looked up and see Nash.
"Thanks," I smiled.
"Anytime, City," He smiled back. 'I think this guy is just have a heart of gold. I can't believe he sticks up for me.' I thought. The bell rings and headed off to the next class. I walked in and took a seat close to the door. I saw Nash walked in and took a seat behind me.
"Well come on up here, Sebastian," The teacher asked. I walked up and introduce myself. I heard the girls sighed and the guy grunts. I walked back to my seat and slouch down into my chair.
"You okay, Seb?" Nash whispered.
"Yeah, it just how they acted reminds me of my old school girls fall in love and guys hate me," I whispered.
"Well, I don't hate ya," Nash whispered.
"Thanks," I said, glance behind me.
"Yeah," He said. I looked to the front and was writing down notes. The bell rings for the final class of the day. I walked down the hall when someone threw me against the lockers.
"You think you're so smart. Don't you pretty boy," the guy growled.
"No. Now let go," I gasped.
"And if I don't," He asked, getting close to my face. I kicked him right in the stomach and started to run down the and right into someone else. I looked up and saw Nash.
"Oh thank god," I breathed.
"Seb, your class is the other way," Nash stated.
"I know," I said, trying to catch my breath.
"Then... wait is someone chasing you?" He asked.
"Yeah and I kicked him in the stomach," I added.
"Get back here, pretty boy. You're going to regret stepping foot in this school," the guy yelled.
"Crap, it's him," I said, getting ready to take off again.
"Hold on a minute, City," Nash said, grabbing my arm. He started to walked towards the other kid.
"Nash. What the hell are you doing with pretty boy?" He asked Nash and then looked at me angrily.
"He's my friend. Got a problem with that," Nash asked.
"Yeah," He said, moving closer to Nash.
"Well deal with it in another way then," Nash said, walking pass him and dragging me behind him. I felt someone pulling on my other arm. Nash must of notice because his head snapped towards the other guy.
"Darrel, let him go or I'll make you?" Nash growled. I was starting to get scared.
Darrel was getting angry more and more by the minute.
"I'm gonna teach this pretty boy a lesson," Darrel said, with a big grin on his face.
"I like to see you try," I smirked. Darrel came running towards me. I push Sebastian out of the way. Darrel tackled me to the ground. He started to swing punches at me. I punched him right in the gut. He fell to his side and cough but got right back and started swinging more punches. I was blocking and dodging them. I started throw punches.
"Nash," I heard someone cried but I kept the fight going. We have been fight for a good twenty minutes until a teacher came stomping towards us. They broke up the fight.
"What are you two doing?" He yelled.
"Stopping Darrel from kick the crap out of the new kid," I said, looking at Sebastian.
"Nash," Sebastian said, walking towards me.
"Is that true, Sebastian?" He asked.
"Yeah," Sebastian said, looking at me worriedly.
"Okay, Sebastian take him to the nurse's office. As for you Darrel, go to the principal's offices," He ordered. Sebastian nodded and slipped an arm under my shoulder.
I never saw a fist fight like that. I was scared that Nash was going to die.
"Nash, how are you feeling?" I asked him.
"Fine, just sore," He smiled weakly.
"What were you thinking?" I asked him.
"I don't know. I just wanna make sure you don't get harass by some of the boys around here," He said airy. We arrived at the nurse's office. I opened the door and set Nash on a chair.
"What happened?" The nurse asked, turning to face us.
"Fist fight," I said.
With who?" She asked, looking at Nash.
"Darrel," he mumbled.
"I knew one of these days, it was going to happened," She sighed.
"Yeah, I guess it was sooner than excepted, huh," Nash smiled. I started to headed towards the door.
"Whoa, wait minute, there kid," The nurse called to me.
"What?" I asked.
"He going to need a ride home," She said, crossing her arms.
"I can ride the bu-"
"No, it would hurt a lot more then a car," She said, cutting off Nash.
"I don't know where he lives," I said, getting nervous.
"Then he will tell you," She said, walking over to me, "Now call your folks and tell them that a friend of yours is going to need a ride home," He ordered. I nodded. I pulled out my phone and called my mom.
"Hey, mom. Can you come to the school?" I asked her.
"Yeah, I'm actually on my way. Do you need something?" She asked.
"Yeah, I was wondering if we could take a friend home?" I asked, trying to keep my voice stable.
"Yeah of course," She said.
"Okay thanks, Mom bye," I said, hanging up the phone.
"She's cool with it and she is on her way," I said, sliding my phone back into my pocket.
"Okay good luck and no more fights, Nash," The nurse said, opening the door for us.
"Thanks," We both said, leaving the office. We walked out of the school. My mom came running towards us.
"What happened?" She asked, looking between Nash and me.
"Nash saved me from being beaten to death," I said, looking up at Nash.
"Anytime, City," He smiled. We walked over to my mom's car. She opened the door and help me get him in. We drove out of the school parking lot. Nash was giving direction to his house.
~25 minutes~ Nash~
We pulled into my drive way and all the way up to my house. Sebastian help me out of the car and up to my front door.
"Hey sweet... Oh my god, what happened?" My mother asked, placing her hands on my cheeks.
"I got in a fist fight," I said to my mother.
"With who?" She asked.
"Darrel," I said, leaning more on Sebastian.
"Nash," City said, looking at me with concern.
"I good, Little buddy," I smiled at him.
"So, this is the kid that where showing around?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips. I nodded. I heard a knock on the door. My mother went to see who's at the door.
"Hello, umm... can you tell my son, that we have to go soon," Sebastian's mom asked.
"Why don't you just come in? I still questioning them," My mom said, inventing Sebastian's mother in.
"I love what you did to your home," Sebastian's mother said, looking around the house, "You'll never see anything like this in the city," She stated.
"Really?" My mother cross her arms.
"Yeah," Sebastian's mother said, moving towards us.
"So, anyways. Darrel did this because of what?" My mom asked.
"He was after me. I kicked him in the gut when he pin me to the lockers, when I got free I ran and ended up running into Nash," Sebastian said, looking down at the floor.
"I knew that family was messed up but why did he pin you to the wall?" My mom asked.
"Because the girls in our class couldn't take their eyes off of him," I said, giving him a little nudge.
"That doesn't surprised me but he not really into girls," Sebastian mother said, crossing her arms and letting out sigh.
"What do you mean not into girls?" My mother asked.
"Never mind," Sebastian mother said, rolling her eyes.
"Alright. So what's your name anyways?" My mother asked.
"April. Yours?" April asked.
"Missy, nice to met ya, April," My mom said, looking at Sebastian's mother.
"It's nice to met you too, Missy," Sebastian's mother said, smiling at my mother. Sebastian and I looked at each other and then back to our mothers.
"This is going to be awhile," City said, looking at me.
"Yeah. Want to head to my room?" I asked Seb.
"Yeah, why not," He reply. We started to make our way towards my room. I opened the door and let Seb in first. I closed the door behind me and walked to my bed. I sat down on the bed and looked up at Sebastian. There something about him that I couldn't put my finger on.
"Seb, what did your mother mean that you're not into girls?" I asked, looking at him. I saw him blushing.
"I really don't want to talk about it and we just became friends, Nash. I don't think you will like me if you knew," he said, avoiding my gaze. I feel a little disappointed but I understand.
"Yeah, I don't want to pressure you into something that you're not comfortable with," I said, leaning on my wall.
"Okay," He said, looking around the room. I watched him carefully. I notice his mood change a lot from the being of the day to now. Sebastian seems more calm. I like seeing him like this then when I got into a fight with Darrel. I can hear Sebastian mother calling him. He left my room and waving bye to me. I waved back and my mom came in to check on me.
"What going on with you, Nash?" My mother asked.
"I don't know. I feel strange around him but a good strange," I said, looking up at my mom.
"I notice how you look at him. Nash if you like him you got to tell him," She said.
"I can't we just met to day," I said, looking at my mom.
"I know but you can't hold them in," She said, kissing the top of my head. She walked out my room. I let out a sigh and close my eyes and drifted off to sleep.
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