Chapter 6
Clay P.O.V (again because I can!)
I took my usual spot next to my mom, sitting on the grass. "Hi mom. I'm sorry I haven't been around for a couple weeks. Emmy says hi, she misses you. She is good. She still has a huge crush on Bradly, but she's in denial and Bradley is such a bonehead he can barely string a sentence together when he is around her. Sometimes I want to smack him. I just wish he would take his fifty pound, old style boom box to her house, crank up 'skullcrusher mountain' outside her window and keep his mouth shut so he doesn't blow it!" I laughed and reclined in the grass next to my mom. "I won my last fight, on a technicality, but I still won. I still imagine Franky's face when I fight...I know you...I know you don't like that, but...I suppose it's better than hitting Franky. Dad told me, before I can over, Franky and Amanda are coming tomorrow. I'm not sure how long they are staying for. I miss Amanda." I stated bluntly.
"Franky is still a dick, and I don't miss him at all. Are you sure he is your son? He kind of looks like dad, but he is a total..." I bit back the curse threatening to roll off my tongue. Mom never approved of cursing. I was silent for a while, my hands behind my head, staring at the blue sky. "I'm nervous to see him again." I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "I, I really can't stand him, but I guess I'm more worried about Max. Oh I didn't tell you about Max!!"
I sat up quickly. I couldn't believe I forgot to tell her! I told her about Jill of course, but I never had anything to tell about Max.
"Well he is..." I laughed again. "He is so small, like five-four... he is really nice. I really like him. I'm afraid he is going to be buried under six feet of snow and I won't be able to find him and dig him out. I'm worried Franky is going to do to him what he does to me. Is it super creepy and overbearing if I want to protect him?...well it won't be the first creepy thing I've done." I said, embarrassed.
I laid back down next to the grave, trying to think of something else to tell her. Franky always scoffed at me for still coming to talk to her. I was pretty sure he hadn't been to visit since the funeral. She had died when I was ten, of cancer.
I rolled on my side to the other grave next to me; Emmy's mother. She had died when Emmy was seven. "Emmy said she visited yesterday, but she is doing good. She looks just like you, you know. She really misses you." I rolled back onto my back. "I wish you guys were here!" I said exasperatedly.
I sighed heavily. I had been doing this since I was seven. Emmy and I used to come down here I had been visiting this graveyard at least twice a month, for ten years. If that didn't make me sound crazy, I'm not sure what did.
"Oh you guys..." I sighed heavily, looking at the marble headstones. Maybe I will just lay here until Franky leaves.
(Max P.O.V.)
"Penelope, hi baby. What's up." I said brightly taking the phone that Emmy handed me. Emmy had been at the house when I got up, but I had no idea where Claton was.
~"yeah, hi."~ Penelope said shortly. That was really cold coming from her, it was weird.
"Are you alright?"
~" I, I don't think so."~ She said cautiously. ~"I, well. Max."~ she continued as though searching for the words. ~"I think perhaps we should see other people."~
My heart plummeted. Please let it be because I was a jerk or too far away, please.
~"it's not you, it's me. You are so great Max, you really are, but I just. I thought I was okay with you, well you know, being half gay or whatever. But, ever since you moved, I just...I don't know, I have a weird feeling, but I can't do this anymore, and I'm so sorry Max."~ she paused, obviously holding her breath. ~"please say something."~
What did she want me to say?! It wasn't the worst break up I had been through, but seriously? Maybe she should have thought more about me being 'half gay' before she strung me along for six months. What did she really think I was doing up here though? She was okay with me until I moved? Whatever...I could feel the angry bitterness gnawing at my stomach.
"It's alright Penelope, I understand. I'm sorry you feel this way. I never ment to make you uncomfortable." Oh God I could hear the hollow tone of my own voice. "I have to go, my mom is calling, take care Penelope." The was an outright lie because I was alone in the living room and my mother was at work.
I hung up and set the phone down carefully, resisting the urge to throw it. What was wrong with me?!?! Seriously? Is my disregard to gender really that repulsive? Stupid people!!!!!! I threw myself face down into the couch, burying my face in a pillow. My body felt heavy, the weight of my own misery crushing me.
"Max?" I lifted my head at the soft voice. Emmy was peering at me, her pretty head tilted to one side. "What's wrong?"
"Narrow minded people." I grumbled. She raised her eyebrows, sympathy flooding her face. It looked as though she knew exactly what was wrong despite my cryptic answer. Unfortunatly I didn't feel like discussing my latest failed attempt at love.
Feeling very childish, but not caring in the slightest, I got up and quickly tramped up the stairs and into my shared room. Thankfully Emmy didn't follow me and I collapsed on my bed. I just needed a few short hours to feel depressed.
My few short hours were interrupted a while later when Clayton wandered in, looking almost as put out at me. He tossed himself on the mattress across from me, one arm over his face. I couldn't help but notice a faint purple and black bruise flowering in his cheek. That haven't been there yesterday.
The silence swirled between us, practically tangible in the heavy atmosphere. It was hard to focus on my own depression when my curiosity was peeked. Why was Clayton feeling low?
Clayton rolled over, his arm lazily rolling limply to the mattress. "Stop being sad, it's distracting me from brooding about my asshole brother." Clayton said, the smallest traces of a smile on his mouth.
Well that answered my question. I couldn't help but smile, but it must have looked pretty sorry because Clayton sat up frowning at me. Maybe it was just because I was feeling sad and rejected, but Clay was looking really good today.
His hair was still in his trade mark cocks comb, but wilder, a few stray pieces falling onto his forehead. His jeans were worn, but fitted nicely around his sculpted ass. The deep red of his flannel shirt made the green of his eyes stand out vividly. I didn't like plaid, but plaid never looked better then when enclosing the muscular form that lay across the room.
...Maybe Penelope had a point, perhaps I couldn't have been faithful to her. I suppose though, who would pick the salad over the dessert. I felt a light blush steal its way across my cheeks.
"Penelope broke up with me." I said softly. It stung saying it out loud. Somehow it made it more real.
"What a bitch." Clayton said dispassionately." What the hell is wrong with her anyways?" He said, just as softly as I spoke. "She obviously doesn't know a good thing when she sees it or is one of those people who can't stand to be happy."
I gave a sad laugh. Yet, somehow I felt better. It was nice to know somebody didn't think there was something wrong with me.
Emmy cautiously put her head in the room. She had obviously been eavesdropping. "You suck at comforting people." He said to Clayton, who laughed rubbing his eyes with he heel of his hands.
"Oh bite me Emmy." He said. She stuck her tongue out at him.
"Let's do something happy, you two are bumming me out."
"And I suck at comforting people." Calyton said, exasperated.
"Well you do. Lets watch a scary movie. Like "It" or "the Conjuring" Don't be kill joys. Think of it this way," Emmy said when neither of us moved. "The stupid girlfriend and the asshole brother usually get killed in scary movies.
Can't argue with that logic. Clayton was pursing his lips, looking seriously tempted. He hopped up and without warning snatched me off my bed and hoisted me over his shoulder.
The whole world flipped upside down and I felt my face heat up again. I never realized how tall Clyaton was, until I was six feet off of the ground that is.
"H -hey?! What the hell Clayton!" I spluttered stupidly, but I didn't struggle. With my luck Clay would drop me.
"I refuse to be subjected to scary movie therapy alone." He said firmly. Well, there wasn't exactly much I could do about it, he was carrying me bodily with an absurd ease that made me feel really scrawny, well, more scrawny than I was originally, I suppose.
The next day came to quick for Clayton, it was obvious. He was surly and quiet, glaring at nothing in particular, then what he had been dreading walked through the door, dressed in a thick winter jacket.
"Wow who is that fat asshole? Oh it's the Clay fairy. I almost didn't recognize you. I think you have gotten even bigger since the last time I saw you and all your chins." Without so much as a preliminary hello Franky swaggared into the kitchen with a duffle bag and instantly began berating Clayton.
Damn...what a tool! I haven't even gotten a proper look at the guy and I already didn't like him.
Franky looked a lot like Roy except with a short trim gotee and longer, shoulder length hair. He was tall like Clayton, but lanky and thin too the point of almost appearing sickly.
"Franky!" A sharp disapproving yelled from the door made me turn. A girl with short spikey black hair and rosey cheeks bustled into the kitchen and out of the cold after Franky. "Be nice!" She implored.
That must be Amanda... were her and Franky really suppose to be twins. I guess they had the same eyes and nose, but not much else.
"Franky," Clayton said smiling in a very forced way. "Someone once told me that absence makes the heart grow fonder. That, over time. I would come to miss you...they were no good liers, because I still hate you!"
"Oh loving brothers!" Amanda sang happily grabbing Clayton and Franky into a hug. "You missed each other so much you are going to be nice and love each other, right." She said pointedly, a hidden threat underlying her sweet voice.
"I missed you Amanda. Clay said hugging her and planting a swift kiss on her cheek.
"Careful Amanda he might eat you, Free Willy looks kinda hungry. Actually you might be safe." Franky corrected himself when he met Clayton's cold glare. "You would need a penis before he tried to eat you. Speaking of which, how is your ex?" Franky asked in mock politeness.
"He sends his love and says anytime you're ready to come out of the closet you can borrow his glitter cannon." Clay replied snarkily.
"Boys get along. " Roy growled from the doorway. He was standing there with mama Jill, almost like a lifeguard, ready to spring in if things got bad.
"It will be a cold day in hell when that happens." Clayton muttered darkly.
Franky was looking livid after the stab at his sexuality. "I suppose you are the hell expert here, since that is where you will end up."
I felt my gut twist in anger and Mama Jill covered her moth with a shocked hand. Surprisingly Clay just smiled, making Franky scowl harder.
"God did say to love everybody." It was Franky's turn to smile. It was a cruel smile that twisted his face.
"Thou shall not butt fuck thy neighbors husband into thyn mattress."
"Oh course the twelfth commandment I almost forgot, but you skipped over number eleven: thou shall not be a shit head." Clayon said smoothly.
"You little faggot. " Franky breathed, crossing his arms over his weak chest. "You want a mouth full of fist?"
Clay laughed, a real laugh that mocked Franky with every note. "I will gladly bend you over backwards and shove your head up your own ass if you try! But, by the way to act, it's pretty apparent that is where your head spreads most of its time anyway."
Franky turned scarlet, but before he or Clayton could make good on their threats, Roy intervened. He grabbed them both by the hair and smacked their heads together sharply. "Knock it off!" He bellowed.
"Bone head!" Franky snarled at Clay, tears in his eyes as he rubbed his head.
"Yeah, that's called a skull, dipshit." Clay spat venomously, holding his forehead.
Roy looked imploringly around for help. Amanda quickly started a conversation with my mother and steered her out of the kitchen. She beckoned me to follow and I did so, gratefully.
I understood why Clayton didn't like his brother now.
"That creep! He hasn't been here twelve hours and I have a headache!" Clayton said savagely. It was almost dinner time. Clay and I were hiding from Franky, well I was hiding from Franky.
We met and shook hands before I got the hell out of dodge. I didn't want Franky to tear me down like he did Clayton. What was most unjust was how Franky picked on Clay. He focussed solely on the things Clay couldn't help. It was terrible to watch. How long had this been going on? Not even Roy and Amanda could get them to stop fighting.
Dinner that night was awkward and silent except for the clink of silverware and glasses, which seemed to make the silence all the worse. It didn't stay this way. It seemed Franky couldn't contain his snide remarks, even for one meal.
"Slow down Moby Dick, save some for the rest of us." How Franky and Clayton ended up on the same side of the table was beyond me, but they were and Clayton was not happy about it. He switched which hand his fork was in and seemed as if he was going to let Franky's comment slide. He was not.
Clayton's hand shot up to grab the back of Franky's head. He slammed it hard, once, onto the table top, up ending a few cups as well as the pepper. Just as quickly, he relinquished his grip on Franky, letting him slide off of his plate and to the floor, out cold.
"At least I eat my food." Clayton said pleasantly picking up Franky's barely touched plate and scraping the contents onto his own. "Now I don't have to watch you push your food only to go and throw up the three grains of rice you ate. May I be excused?" He asked dropping Franky's plate back to the table and standing up with his own.
Roy had his face in his hands. "Yes you may." He said sounding angry and defeated at the same time. Clay left the room.
"Oh God I can't do this. What am I going to do with them?" He asked. Mama Jill placed a hand on his shoulder. "Why do they do this to each other?"
"Come on dad, that's unfair. Clay didn't start this. Franky has been picking on him since he was little. It's what older siblings do." Amanda said wisely.
"Then why don't you pick on him?"
"Because I'm the better half of the genes." Amanda replied proudly. "Franky got all the asshole genes when we spliced as a zygote."
Roy sighed and got up. He walked around the table and dragged the still unconscious Franky up and threw him over his shoulder, not unlike what Clayton had done to me, except far more impressive considering Franky was six foot tall and five years older. Mama Jill left to help Roy, so Amanda and I cleaned up.
"I'm really sorry about all this Max." She said smiling at me as she washed dishes. "They are always like this, but it still sucks. I hope you don't judge Clay too much based on this. You can judge Franky, he is a dick, but Clay is just being dickish in self defence. And before you ask, yes I did call my twin a dick and I am allows to because I do it with love and generous affection." She grinned happily.
I smiled back, not sure what to say. "We will be gone in a few days and you won't have to worry about Franky for maybe another year or so." Amanda continued pulling the sink plug and watching it drain. "But you will have to put up with me more often."
"Why is Franky, so..." I didn't know how it finish the sentence without also sounding like a total jerk.
"It's just his nature I suppose, he is not bad with most people, it's just Clay."
"Well that is kind of stupid." I muttered.
Amanda laughed. "Oh it is absolutely stupid. Thanks for helping clean up Max. Sleep well." She said walking with me up the stairs.
"Goodnight."I called as I opened the bedroom door. Clayton was lying face down on the mattress, the lights off. He obviously wasn't sleeping, but I figured it was best not to bother him. I changed and climbed into bed. It was kind of chilly, but I couldn't tell if it was colder than usual. I burrowed under the blankets, wishing I had left my sweater on.
"Sorry I'm such and ass." Clay said through the darkness.
"You're not an ass. You just don't get along with your brother." I mutter suddenly feeling very sleepy.
I didn't realize I had fallen asleep until I woke up. I was so cold. My entire body was shivering violently. The cold seemed to seep into my bones and I couldn't feel my hands. I felt frozen to my bed, my breath making a small misty cloud I could see by the moonlight streaming through the window. My teeth were chattering uncontrollably; I couldn't think properly, my brain was numb.
"C-Clayt-ton," I stammered, trying to sit up, but my limbs were to stiff with cold. I felt the covers get pulled back and if I thought I was cold before, how very wrong I was. I took a sharp intake of icy air that made my lungs sear as the true cold hit my body. Warm calloused hands grabbed me and scooped me up, carrying me across the room and tucking me under the covers of the other bed.
"Stay here and don't freeze to death, I'll be back in a bit." Clayton said dragging a scratchy wool hat over my head. The bed was so warm, was it even possible for a person to create this much heat? I watched Clay pull a sweater over his head and long johns on his legs, before leaving.
I heard him pound on a couple bedroom doors and saying something about the cold, but I was too cold to care. The residual heat from Clayton's body was dissipating, soon leaving me shivering again. I was suddenly wishing I had tried a little harder to eat all the French toast Roy stacked on my plate.
A loud cacophony of thuds and bangs sounded from the living room along with a short, violent stream of curses. A crackling soon followed and the faint smell of wood smoke. Only then did Clayton return. He stripped off the sweater and crawled under the blankets next to me.
"This isn't weird by the way." He said a little defensively. At the moment I couldn't have cared less if it was weird or not, Clayton was so warm. I rolled over and buried my face into his warm chest, nudging my knees between his. He wrapped and arm around me and the warmth made my skin tingle.
His breath hitched slightly when I placed my frozen hands on either side of his neck. It felt like my fingers were burning, but I could feel my fingers! I could feel his collar bone against my forehead as he pulled me tighter to him, I was still shivering. Thank the good Lord for big, hot blooded, mountain brats.
"Max," Clayton whispered, his hot breath ruffling my hair.
"There is six feet of snow outside." I whimperd into his thin shirt, a very manly whimper if I do say so myself. His shoulders shook as he laughed, but not unkindly." Go back to sleep." He whispered, shifting one more time so he was more effectively curled against me.
***hello beautiful people, if you are still reading this, which I hope you are! I promise I haven't forgot!!! Life kind of grabbed me by the balls and decided it would be fun to mess with me. I feel like such a bad person not updating for a whole month. Please find it in you hearts to forgive me!
Tell me what you think! Comment, vote, find a cuddle buddy! (Taking applications xD) hope you enjoy!!! \^~^/
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