Even more fluff
Imma do a massive overhaul of this fluff for a writing project.
Then imma actually turn it into a book
Nifa was once again leading the four, this time on a long mountain ridge, dipping ocaisonally between the mountains it was made up of. He glanced back to Fanta, who was trying not to look down and several shades paler than normal, Celebi, who was trying to converse with Charcoal, and Charcoal, who was about as talkative as a dead branch. celebi, of course, would not give up, chattering about things from the state of the weather to the lineage of legends to the fact that she had once met an eevee that held his ears in the same way fanta did, one ear crooked, the other straight, and theorizing that fanta might be related to that eevee. nifa turned back, to be stopped by the tip of a long, jet black blade pressing into his neck. attached to that blade was one of the few remaining absols in sinnoh. "Nifa the thief, have you come to make amends?" The absol asked. "Actually, i've come to ask for sanctuary." Nifa said. The absol laughed, and then cut off abruptly, stepping back. "You're serious." He said. "I assume you have your own twisted reasons?" Nifa shook his head. "I made enemies with your enemies." He said. "And i fear we are being hunted." By this point, the others had realized what was going on. Fanta and Charcoal had taken positions on either side of Nifa, and Celebi floated above, all ready for trouble. "You keep distasteful company, legend." The absol said, glancing up at Celebi. "I do?" Celebi said, faking puzzlement. "A reformed theif, an eevee learning to survive in our world, and a vulpix to mentor him?" The absol laughed again. "I will take you to our home, and i will vouch for you, Nifa, because i know that you saved Omen before fleeing. But be warned, we are not the tribe we once were. Even the eve's are uneasy around outsiders." The absol turned, beconing, and the four followed him. "So you must be Sight?" Nifa asked. Sight replied. "Aye, that is my name." Fanta heard rustling nearby, and he took a half step to see what it was. It was nearly the last half step of his life.
A Flareon pounced on him, digging her claws into his shoulder, snarling. "You are not welcome her." And opening her mouth to deliver a blast of heat. Sight opened his mout to snap at her, but before he could, Charcoal had barreled into the flareon, grappling with the larger opponent. The rolled to the side, and a majestic glaceon stepped out, looking distainfully at the fighting pair. Fanta got up, wincing as he put weight on his bellding leg, and glancing over to see the flareon manage to pin Charcoal down. Fanta leather, landing on the flareons back and digging his claws into her mane. "Stop!" Sight shouted. The flareon paused, and then violently shook herself, throwing Fanta off, and then stepping away from Charcoal. The absol and flareon had a heated argument, most of which Fanta and Charcoal ignored. Charcoal was still snarling at the flareon. "We're alright, Coal, you don't need to look like you want to throw her off of a cliff." Fanta said. "No one touches you." Charcoal said, having evidently ignored Fanta. "No one." Fanta shook his head. "That's sweet and all, but seriously, we're done fighting. Don't go looking for enemies." Charcoal turned to stare at Fanta. "She attacked you." Charcoal said. "I didn't have to look for any enemies, i already have one." Fanta rolled his eyes as the flareon left, followed by Charcoal's glare. "I apologize for Blaze." Sight said. "She is not the trusting type." They once again began following the absol, until they came to the entrance of a cave. But as it turned out, it was the entrance to a massive caven, with depictions of every legend. And in the center of all of this, sat a small, unadorned absol, staring across a lake that divided the cave in two. "Omen, i have brought you four travelers that ask for shelter. One claims that they have made enemies with the fanatics." Sight bowed, and exited the cavern. The other absol was still, not making any inclination she cared about or realized the four had entered the cave. Nifa spoke first. "Omen, is that you?" He asked.
The absol chuckled. "Aye, it is me." Omen said, turning, to reveal something none of them, even celebi in all her years, had ever seen. Omen's horn had been snapped of near where it met her skull. "I have seen much." Omen said, ignoring their stares. "Enough to know that you four will play an important roll in what is to come." Nifa glanced at the other three, shrugging. "Does that mean we can find shelter here?" Charcoal asked when Nifa didn't speak. "You will, if you cam do what i ask." Omen said. Nifa cursed. "What do you want done?" Fanta asked, the only one who wasn't entirely unhappy. "There is a tunnel, southwest of here, that is filled with evolutionary stones. Bring back a water, thunder, and fire stone." Omen said. "And why can't you do this yourself?" Nifa asked. "Because the tunnel conects with an active lava flow that flares up ever few minutes. To dangerous to risk an absol." Omen said. "But not to dangerous for a quadruplet of outsiders." Nifa said. "Fine. We'll do it." Charcoal glared at the absol, but turned and walked out of the cave, alone until Fanta caught up with her. "You were staring at that absol." Charcoal said. Fanta paused, and then said. "Wait, are you displeased with me because i was politely making eye contact with someone i don't want to piss off?" Charcoal wassilent for a few moments, and then said. "No." Fanta gave a short laugh and then said. "Aww, you were! That's adorable." Fanta returned her glare with a grin. "You were worried it'd be love at first sight, and then we'd go galavanting into the sunset without you." Fanta laughed. "I promise not do do any galavanting into the sunset without you." He finished. Charcoal shook her head, and didn't reply as Nifa and Celebi caught up with them. "Come on, we need to get to the cave before sun down." Nifa said, taking the lead. Charcoal, who had managed to recover from her woulds even with constant travel, picked up the pace, passing Nifa. Fanta, who didn't care who was leading, as long as he could keep pace with Charcoal, caught up.
"There's a ranger at the front." Nifa said. "No, really? I thought the person with a capture stylus and goggles was an ice cream saleswoman." Charcoal snapped back, irritable after losing a race to the grovyle. "Quiet." Celebi said, surprising everyone. "Here's hiw this is going to work. Fanta, Charcoal, you go in, find what we're here for, and get out. Nifa and i will distract the ranger." Everyone stared at her for a minute, and then nodded. "Alright, i'll go out first. If it comes to blows, Fanta, Charcoal, just keep going." Nifa said. Fanta nodded, glancing to the dark hole in the ground that Omen had called a cave. Nifa jumped out of the brush, and Fanta and Charcoal dashed for the cave. There were already snarls and blows between the rangers four pokemon, Nifa, and Celebi. Fanta and Charcoal dived into the shaft like tunnel, following it deeper and deeper into the ground, until they could see a distant red glow, and crystals intermingled with evolutionary stones. "Found a fire stone." Fanta said, beginning to dig. "I'll find the thunder-" Charcoal was cut off by a dull roar, and Fanta turned to sww the warm glow now a ball of fire hurtling towards them. Fanta dug frantically, finally pulling out the firestone and throwing it to Charcoal. She was to stunned to realize what he had done. She was wrapped in a veil of glowing energy, and when that dissapated, in her place was a ninetails. Now evolved, and strong enough to absorb the fire that would durround her soon, she could survive the fireball hurtlig towards the pair. The eevee who had sacraficed, he thought at least, his life for Charcoal, not so much. The flames overtook them, blasting them back out the way they had came, hundreds of feet into the air. And back on the ground, Nifa and Celebi saw them start to fall. "No." Nifa said, knowing neither of them could survive have survived that much fire as they were. He saw the ninetails falling, and assumed what Fanta had done, and realized that one of them would survive. "Save them." The ranger ordered.
For a wild second, Nifa thought she was talking to him, but then he saw the Flygon and Altaria shoot off towards the two falling pokemon. They did indeed carch both of them. The flygon dropped, none to gently, the snarling ball of white-orange fur that was the newly evolved Charcoal, and the altaria placed the burnt body of Fanta gently on the ground. Charcoal was at his side almost as soon as he was on the ground. He was barely recognizable as an eevee. All of his fur had been burnt off, and there were deep gouhes when he had been dashed against rocks and the woulds had been cauterized. His ears were gone, only a pair of ragged holes where they had been, and his eyelids, and eyes had been burned severly. The ranger threw another pokeball, this one a kirlia. The kirlia kneeled at Fanta's side, oblivious to the other three pokemon their, Celebi having joined them. "I need more power." The kirlia said, hopelessly. "This damage is too much for me alone." "Take mine." Charcoal said. Everyone turned to her, and the kirlia nodded. Charcoal was still glowing from the massive amount of fire she had absorbed, and kirlia used that power, slowly and cautiously at first, and then more quickly, until the scars were yougone from all but his eyes, though he still did not have ears or fur. "I cannot restore what the body cannot heal." The kirlia said. "He will live, i simply gave him the power to heal, but his eyes, and his ears, they cannot be fixed." "But he will live." Charcoal asked. "Yes, after a long while unconscious, maybe a week, he will awake." Nifa leaned back.The ranger cursed. "This was not how this was supposed to go." She said. Charcoal whiped to her. "What did you say?" she snapped, even though she knew the trainer would not understand. "Ninetails, this is my human ally." Omen said, jumping from one of the few trees nearby, Having watched the events thus far unfold. "Yeah, great." The ranger said. "Omen you need to make better introductions." Charcoal growled at them and Omen said. "Come, i have much to explain."
Fanta took a few unsteady steps, learning on Charcoal for support. Kira, the kirlia that had healed him, picked ger way across the ground. Omen watched from a tree, Celebi and Nifa standing at Fanta's goal, a rocky outcroping a few dozen feet away, and the ranger from before, Sara Goldern, standing near. Charcoal had accepted the trainer as a necessity, especially since it was one of her pokemon that had saved Fanta. Omen on the other hand, not so much. Charcoal had pinned most of the blame on her, at least partialy rightly so, and neither of them spoke more than momosylables to eachother. "I hate this, if my ears were actually normal, maybe not so much, but without them being blind sucks." Fanta said, putting another foot in front of the other. Charcoal had never realized how much she, or fanta, relied on their ears. Fanta could still, of course, hear, but not as well as any other pokemon. "We'll figure it out." Charcoal said. "Well, there might be a way to fix his ears." Kira said uncertainly. "And his eyes. But it's a long shot." Charcoal looked to her. "How?" She asked, stopping and nearly sending Fanta tumbling. Kira fiddled with something in the leaf woven sack that she carried with her, something for her to keep a few things of value, since she was leaving her trainer. She had made that decision not long after Fanta had awoken, telling her trainer, who had been resistant to her, and the zangoose that would join her, until Omen had threatened her. Long story short, Kira and her 'friend' Scar would join the bunch. Kira pulled a firestone out of her bag, fiddling with it. "You think evolution will heal him?" Charcoal asked. "Maybe?" Kira responded. "Probably not. Like ninty five to five odds." "What stone do you have?" Fanta asked. "Fire." Kira and Charcoal said at the same time. "I thought it'd be appropriate." Kira said. Fanta nodded, trying to turn to Kira and ending up falling on his side. "A little help?" Fanta asked, slowly rising as Charcoal helped him. "Here." Kira said, holding out the stone.
Charcoal took it in her mouth, placing it on Fanta's forehead, holding it their until Fanta was enveloped in the same light Charcoal had been. A few moments later, in the eevee's place, stood a blind, and still earless flareon. "Didn't work." Fanta said. "But this is so cool." Kira's head dropped, and she said. "Sorry, i thought it might work." Fanta shook is head, and lowerd himself until his now much larger and much poofier mane touched the ground, and then deciding the was a better way, stood, and lowered his head to the ground. "No, look." He said. "My whiskers are so much longer than they used to be. And with this mane, and tail, and a hell of a lot of practice, i should be able to get most of what i used to from sight from touch." Charcoal eyed him sceptically, but Scar, the zangoose who was staying with Kirs, and who had been standing on her other side, nodded. He tapped his eyepatch, apparently from an old costume he used to wear, now a part of his normal one-eyed look. "It will work." He said. "It is what i used to do." He poked one of his razor sharp claws into the ground, the other three clicking agains its pair. "Then we should start." Fanta said. "Just start walking towards my voice." Nifa said, backing away enough to be at the start ofa hill. "You're right there, right?" Fanta whispered to Charcoal. "Always." Charcoal replied, brushing his now fluffy and long tail with a pair of her own.
Fanta awoke to a claw proding him. He started up, looking for some light, any light, and then setled for listening for whomever had poked him, as he remembered exactly why he couldn't see. "Up." The gruff voice of Scar whispered. "Omen's allowed us to leave." Fanta nodded, hitting his chin on the ground below, and stood, cautiously, but more confident than he had been two weeks before, when he had first woken up. He could walk now (more or less) without help, though hills still gave him trouble. Fanta made his way to where he thought the others where gathered. Kira glanced at him, Fanta standing at an odd angle, head pointed just to the left of the group, ears still ragged holes in his head, and felt a pang of guilt. "Don't be stupid." Scar said, in his usual tactful way, seeing her looking at Fanta."Nothing you could do." But he still nudged her with his shoulder, which for him was like giving a bear hug. "I know." Kira said. "I just wish i could've done something." "You did." Scar said. "You saved that scrawny eevee." Kira almost laughed, a small smile flickering across her face. Nifa turned to the whole of them, a sour expression on his face. "Celebi won't be coming with." He said. "She must see to a few of her duties. And i will acompany her." Charcoal grimaced, but nodded. Nifa sighed, and then continued. "So Omen had offered to send one of her own with us. Everyone, meet Blaze." And out from behind him stepped the same flareon that had attacked Fanta. "Yes, i know." Nifa said, staring into Charcoals snarl and deadly glare. "But she is an accomplished fighter, and you'll need more than Scar if you really want to make it in this world." "Excuse me? Hello, acomplished fighter right here." Charcoal said. Nifa gave her a disbeleiving smile, saying. "Keep going and maybe one day you will be. Now i will take my leave." Charcoal was still sputtering as Blaze sauntered over, grinning smugly. "Well, we meet again, eevee." She said to Fanta. "I hope your claws are as sharp as your tongue." Fanta said, unfased.
Blaze glared at him for a moment, before turning from them, and to the zangoose and kirlia that had been watching their interaction. "Who are these two runts?" She asked. Kira seemed taken back for a moment, but put her arm in front of Scar, who was ready to lunge for the flareon. "You volunteered for this because you want to find a suitable mate, and you fear there are none here, though you convinced yourself that you volunteered to protect your tribe." Kira said elegantly. "And you don't really dislike any of us, you just want to give that impression so that you donr become attached, which you fear, because you beleive that if you become attached to anyone, they will betray you. And you fear that you will never fall in love for that reason." Kira finished. Blaze was moving her mouth, though no sound came out, and Fanta was chuckling. Scar was the first to speak. "That was impressive." He said. "Don't do it to me." Blaze had resigned herself to dark grumblings, and the occasional curse. "Well, now that we can move on, lets get going." Fanta said. "Where, exactly, are we going?" Scar asked. "Sunnyshore, where we'll get a boat to the Hoenn region." Charcoal said. "That is by far the stupidest plan i have ever heard." Scar said. "Lets hurry up so i can say i told you so." Kira rolled her eyes, following Charcoal, who had taken the lead in Nifa's absence. "So, Blaze." Fanta said. "Don't even start." Blaze growled. "Just saying, there are a lot of eligible guys out there. What kind are you looking for?" Fanta asked. Blaze glared at him, but Kira answeres for her. "Someone tall, handsome, though that is not important. Someone sure of themselves, confident, and not as serious as she is." Blaze turned her glare on Kira, which was mainly ineffectual, seeing as she had a burly zangoose to glare back for her. "Ooooooh, now we're talking." Fanta said, giggling. "We have got to find you someone before we make it to Hoenn." Blaze sighed. "Why does the world hate me?" She asked. "Please. You'll thank us later" Fanta said.
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