what i like about you
A/N HELLO YES THIS IS A PERSONAL IMAGINE FOR @svshibe ! Feel free to replace your name with hers. Sorry, Ella, I was having trouble with writing Arrow characters. I hope you still like this :)
"What is wrong with you lately?" you asked. Cisco had been acting so strange. He didn't make movie references, he didnt fanboy over meta humans... It was worrying you.
"I just...i've been feeling a little insecure lately, Ella..." he tucked his dark hair behind his ears.
You knew it wasnt like him to have a cut in confidence, but you didnt ask many questions.
"Hey," you made eye contact with him, "You are amazing. You see good in everyone, you wont let your friends get hurt...and when they do, you're there for them. for me.. the way you get excited over Barry's powers and other meta humans.... I love the way you come up with boss names for them. I love your smile, the way you laugh....I love YOU. I don't know what I ever did to deserve you." you gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek.
"Now, hold up, now...." he took your face in his hands and gently brushed your blonde hair from your face. You couldnt help but giggle at how long it took him to get it out of your face. You had more hair than he did, even though you found that hard to believe. "you, my little Ella, a-"
"Is that supposed to be a short joke?" you teased him to break the awkwardness. maybe it wasnt as awkward as you thought. maybe it was just you. but Cisco never seemed to mind. He usually fed off of your awkwardness to be more of the dork that he is. And you loved it.
"Ella, let me finish, please"
you laughed again. frak he's cute.
"you are wonderful. you're so smart. if we're being honest, sometimes you're smarter than me about things and it kinda bugs me. but then i get over it cause you make me laugh. I mean i LOVE the puns. a lot. I know you worry that some people dont enjoy them but i do."
"what can i say, they just come to me. Pun after another" you smirked.
Cisco laughed through his next statement. "see? this is what i mean." he looked into your blue eyes and couldnt help but smile the biggest youve seen in a while. it sent a shiver through your entire body. just because you loved to see him happy. he must have noticed, because he put his hoodie over yor shoulders. you couldnt handle how sweet he is.
"Youre a dork. Im not going to lie." he looked down at your pokemon tshirt and back up at you. "but that's so great. that's a huge reason why i love you. You let me geek out all the time and then i get to see you geek out. we're equally dorky and... I love you, Ella. And I want you to know it. I want everyone to know it."
You embraced him and closed your eyes. You were exactly where you're meant to be.
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