~ FaceTime call~
"Vic" I mumbled looking at the screen.
"What beautiful" he asked.
"I miss you" I said for the thousandth time this call.
"I know. We will be together again soon I promise. You'll finish school soon and then I want to take you somewhere to celebrate." Vic smiled.
"Will you be at my graduation?" I asked curiously. We never really talked about any of this till now. Schools ending soon. I have no idea what I want to do with my life, if I should go to college or straight to work.
"Of course baby, wouldn't miss it for the world" he said.
"Hey An-" my mom said walking into my room.
"Oh hey Vic" she said looking at the screen.
"I'll ask you later." Mom said walking out.
"Well...." I said awkwardly. I always hate it when someone walks in when I'm on the phone or FaceTiming someone. It makes me feel like they are a spy trying to get into my personal business.
"Andi" Vic said snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Huh what?" I said looking at him.
"I was talkin to you." He said laughing.
"Oh sorry. What do ya need?" I asked.
"Well I was wondering. Who do you like more.... Me or Kellin?" He asked in a serious tone.
"Kellic. I can't choose so both!" I said just as serious.
"Ummmm...." Vic said with wide eyes.
"I'm just kidding baby. You for sure. I can kiss you. Katelynne would kill me if I kissed Kellin" I laughed.
"That is true." Vic said laughing along.
"Hey mom just called me for lunch..... I'm bringing you with me." I told Vic unplugging my computer and started to carry it down the steps.
"Don't fall, I can't catch you this time" I've said laughing.
"Haha. So funny" I said my voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Hello Vic, I see you are joining us for lunch?" My mom giggled.
"Yes. He is." I told her setting Vic down in front of me.
"Here" mom said handing me half a sandwich knowing I'm not going to eat much.
"Thanks" I told her smiling and taking a bite of food.
"That's all your eating?" Vic questioned me with a concerned look on his face.
"Yeah. My meds make me not eat a whole lot" I told him with a smile.
"But don't worry my mom makes me eat" I added.
"Okay good. As long as you eat." Vic said.
"Goodnight beautiful" I heard Vic mumble as my eyes fluttered closed and I drifted to sleep.
Dedicated to JohnnieLover for all the band gifs and saying "sleeping with Kellin" reminds her of me. Baha
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