"So we said I love you last night" Vic said talking to someone.
"Haven't you guys said I love you before?" They asked.
"Yeah but over text and as friends. Mike this was the first time we said I love you in person and together" Vic stated. I started to move a little getting antsy and opened my eyes.
"Morning beautiful" Vic said looking down at me.
"How long did I sleep?" I questioned.
"3 hours" Vic replied causing me to groan and burry my face in his chest.
"You can go back to sleep" Vic said softly.
"No. It's okay. I think I'm going to write some." I told him as I got up moving from Vic's embrace and from under the warm blankets to the chair I was in last night.
"Do you think they have any extra blankets" I said rubbing my hands over my bare arms.
"Take the one off the end of the bed. I'm not using it" Vic said motioning to the blanket at his feet.
"Thanks" I told him hurriedly grabbing the blanket and wrapping myself in it as I sat down on the chair and started writing.
"So mom and dad are flying out here" Mike said breaking the silence.
"That's great now Ands can meet Ma and Papa." Vic said happily.
"N-no!" I stuttered out.
"What? Baby how come?" Vic asked confused and a little hurt.
"Vic I can't they will hate me!" I told him.
"Not they won't! I promise." Vic said soothingly grabbing my hand in his.
"Andi you need to calm down." Vic said noticing how bad I was shaking.
"I-I can't" I choked.
"Shhh, come here" Vic said motioning for me to move to the bed next to him.
"I can't Vic!" I said trying to move but instantly going back to the position I was in. Mike got up and moved me into the bed next to Vic.
"Baby I need you to calm down. Okay." Vic said.
"I'm trying" I told him.
"Good. Mike get her some water" Vic said to his little brother.
"I'm going to sing a bit of a song we are working on." Vic said softly.
"Can we lose our minds
And call it love for the last time?
My darling never rest
Until the darker gets
The best of all we had
Can the cold carry on?
When the light means nothing to you
Then no one would know
The sound of a ghost
And I might be perfect with you
But no one would know
So tell me, tell me"
Vic sang the song so softly it was calming.
"Thanks" I said letting the tears fall down my face.
"Ands, why are you crying?" Vic asked worried.
"Because you had to see that." I told him.
"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's okay. You are okay. Everything's perfect" Vic said doing just like Mike had said he does looking at the positives in a bad situation.
"I love you so much" I told him with a small chuckle.
"I love you so much too beautiful"
"Victor" I hear a women cry causing me to advert my eyes from my phone. I saw a short woman and man standing by Vic's bedside.
"Hey mama" Vic replied. These are his parents.
I couldn't meet them. Not like this. I look like shit, and wearing sweatpants and Vic's shirt doesn't help.
I quickly bolted out of Vic's room and started walking around the hospital halls. I found myself at the cafeteria, I've not eaten since last night so getting some food could do me some good I thought. That was until I realized I had no money. I sat at one of the empty tables and rested my head on my arms that were folded on the table.
"Andi. Why did you leave?" Mike asked confused.
"I can't face y'all parents not now and not looking like this" I told him.
"Okay what are you doing here?" He asked.
"Nothing just getting away" I told him.
"Come back, Vic wants you." Mike pleaded.
"Are your parents still here?" I asked him.
"Yes," he nodded.
"Then no." I said sternly.
"Andi seriously comeback. Vic is worried about you." Mike sighed.
Andi: I am in the cafeteria. I'm fine no need to worry. ❤️
"Now he doesn't have to. He knows where I am." I told Mike.
"Fine. You know where I'll be" Mike sighed and got up leaving.
Vikturd: Andi, come back please :(
Andi: I don't want to Vic.
Vikturd: please :( baby girl there is nothing to worry about. My parents are actually excited to meet you.
Andi: Vic I can't meet your parents looking like this! I look like shit and this outfit doesn't help and my hair is a mess.
Vikturd: you look adorable. Now come back please. I'll give you cuddles and kisses. I am also pouting, come back!
Andi: fine, I'm on my way back. I can't resist your cuddles and kisses. Or that pouty face. Love you. ❤️
Vikturd: love you too. ❤️
"Hey" I said walking into the room.
"Vic how did you get her back in here? Nothing I tried worked" Mike said shocked.
"He said I could have cuddles" I stated.
"And kisses and I told her I was pouting" Vic added with a smile.
"You're a dork!" I told Vic.
"Yes that is true." Vic said grabbing ahold of my hand.
"Mama, Papa. I would like you to meet Andi" Vic said to his parents.
"Hey" I said waving at them.
"Hello dear" Mrs. Fuentes said to me.
"Hey Mrs. Fuentes. How are you?" I asked her.
"Call me mama or mama Fuentes dear. And just a bit tired from the flight." She replied.
"My mom should be off work I can have her drive you to my house you guys can stay in one of the guest rooms." I said to them.
"Dear I couldn't burden your mother like that." She said shaking her head.
"I'm sure she wouldn't mind she's gone Tony and Jaime at the house with her" I told Vic's parents.
"Oh god I'm sure your mom would love a break from them." Mr. Fuentes said with a chuckle.
"She said it's been nice having people besides her and I in the house. I don't have friends so they are the first people over besides family in a long time. She'd love for y'all to stay." I told them as I text my mom letting her know.
"Well thank you so much dear." Mrs. Fuentes said with a warm smile.
"See that wasn't so bad." Vic told me as his parents Mike and my mom all left.
"No it wasn't I still wish they didn't have to meet me like this or under these circumstances Vic. Not the best first impression." I told him as I opened wattpad to see I had a tone of notifications and messages. I scrolled through a few and saw that it was people saying that they hoped Vic get better soon. I updated earlier and put a short authors note about what was going on and why I was late on posting.
"Babe everyone is saying they hope you feel better. I don't know if you've been on wattpad or not because you may have some messages too." I told him not looking up from the phone.
"No I haven't did you say what happened?" Vic asked taking my phone from my hands and scrolled through what people were saying.
"No just briefly touched on everything as I was apologizing for why I updated late" I told him locking my phone and snuggled into his side.
"It is getting late go to sleep baby girl." Vic said kissing the top of my head.
"Goodnight Vikturd"
"Night beautiful"
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