Andi I heard someone call from downstairs. I bolted up from my spot on my bed and ran down the steps only to trip on the last one causing me to tumble into the unfortunate person at the bottom.
"Sorry" I said standing up dusting myself off not yet looking up.
"It's okay Ands." I heard the familiar voice say with a chuckle.
I squeezed my eyes shut in hopes that it wasn't a dream. I slowly started to unclench my eyelids and fully open my eyes to see the beautiful person that stood before me. My best friend.
"You're real" I said poking his face.
"Yes I'm real" he said smiling at me and engulfed me in a hug.
"What are you doing here?" I asked as tears started to fall down my face.
"Well. You remember when I asked if you would go to prom if I went with you?" Vic said with a cheeky smile.
"Yes." I shakily said.
"Well would you like to accompany me to your prom?" He said chuckling.
"We don't have tickets" I told him.
"Yes we do" he said pulling two slips of paper out his back pocket.
"I don't have a dress either" I told him with a serious tone.
"Yes you do!" He said grabbing a seafoam colored dress from the living room.
"Oh my god Vic! It's beautiful!" I said as tears formed in my eyes.
"Well let's speed things up and get you ready" my mom said popping out of the living room causing me to get frightened.
"What the fuck! I thought you were at the store" I said trying to even on my breath.
"No I went and picked Vic up from the bus stop." She stated and glared at me for swearing.
"You rode the bus all the way here from San Diego?" I looked at Vic.
"No, just from the airport" he said giving me a re-assuring smile.
"Mother! Why did you not pick him up from the airport!" I said a bit upset at the fact he had to ride the bus.
"I would have but he said this way I could act like I was going to the store but pick him up instead." She retaliated.
"Okay. Well I'm going to get ready" I said taking the dress from Vic's hands then quickly giving him a hug and kiss on the cheek.
"VIC" I screamed then heard the sound of someone running up the steps and into my room.
"What. What's wrong? Are you hurt?" He question worriedly
"No, I can't get the zipper up" I said blushing.
"Oh" he said gently turning me so my back was facing him then slowly pulled the zipper up.
"Thanks" I told him once he was done.
"You look beautiful" he said smiling at me.
"Why thank you" I said with a blush.
"Finish getting ready I wanna leave soon." He stated.
"Okay well you go get ready while I finish up" I told him smiling and pushing him out of my room.
I plugged in my curling iron and let that heat up while I did a light coat of make up. Once that was done I curled my hair letting it fall down my back. I didn't really know how I should put my hair up so I left it down.
I grabbed a pair of cute sandals from my closet that would match my dress because there was no way in hell that I would wear heals.
I walked out of my bedroom and down the hall to the hall to my moms room knocking on the door.
"Come in" she called.
"Do I look okay?" I asked doing a little twirl.
"Beautiful" she mumbled.
"Thanks. Is Vic ready yet? OOOO what does he have planned???" I begged my mom.
"Can't tell you, and he is in the living room." She stated quickly grabbing her phone for what I'm assuming will be used for pictures which caused me to groan.
"Vic" I said walking into the living room to see him stood in front of the fireplace looking at the pictures that lined the mantle. A lot of them were of me as a baby and random pictures throughout the years of my childhood.
"Oh god" I groaned as I eyed one picture in particular. It was me as a baby sat in the bath with a big smile on my face.
"It's cute" he said walking up behind me putting his arms around my waist kissing my cheek.
"It isn't oh my god. I forgot she had that one out" I sighed.
"Pictures" my mom shouted as she positioned Vic and I along one of the walls of the living room.
"Ms. Mayfair, we need to get going." Vic said laughing at my mom and her attempts at getting more pictures of us which only resulted in me burying my face in Vic's chest.
"Let's go" Vic said tapping my back as he whispered in my ear.
"Bye love you don't have too much fun" my mom said with a wink.
"Oh my god mother! Ew!" I said quickly closing the front door.
"Sorry" I said turning and looking at Vic.
"It's alright" he said smiling at me.
"Soo, how are we getting there?? I don't have a car." I told him.
"Your mom said we could use hers." Vic said smiling and jingling the car Keys.
"Okay. So where are we going?" I asked him curiously.
"Out to eat. An no I'm not telling you but I know you'll love this place" he said galantine at me as he pulled up to the stop sign.
"You are no fun Mr. Fuentes" I said playfully and crossed my arms.
"I am plenty of of Miss. Mayfair!"
"Oh my god Vic! I love this place!" I said happily as he opened my door for me.
"I know you do" he said with a knowing smile.
We were currently at this Italian restaurant that I absolutely love but don't get to go to often.
"Thank you so much" I told him as he took my hand in his.
All throughout dinner Vic was being very affectionate holding my hand, staring at me, telling me how beautiful I was. It was weird but I liked it. I've not admitted this to anyone yet but I really do like him.
"May I have this dance?" Vic asked holding his hand out to me helping me stand up.
"Yes you may" I said giggling.
"So who would've thought that this would have actually happened?" I told Vic as we danced. His arms resting on my hips and mine around his neck.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"Ya know. You being here, with me at prom. If you wouldn't have taken me I wouldn't have gone."
"Because I would've been by myself. That would've been lame." I told him truthfully.
"Yeah well I am here so it's not lame now is it?" He asked me.
"Nope it's perfect." I said with a soft smile.
"Alright can we please have Vic Fuentes to the stage" I heard my principal say and then I looked at Vic with a confused face. But his only response was pulling me up close to the stage and telling me to stay there.
I soon saw Vic appear and thank my principal.
"Okay, so I don't know any of you but I got permission to play a song with my band." He said as the curtains opened behind him and I saw Mike which I knew what his brother on the drums and his two friends who's names I didn't know.
"Hit guys" Vic said taking the guitar from one of his friends and putting it on.
"This is Yeah Boy And Doll Face" Vic said just as they started playing.
"Were you honest when you said,
"I could never leave your bed",
Wake me up and let me know you're alive
And will you fall in love again?
Is the scent slowly spreading?
I've been answering machines all night
And are the doctors dancing in
While the ambulances sing?
Another boy without a sharper knife...
The moment that's where I
Kill the conversation, wrap this up
With a knife that loves to feel
How do you know how deep to go before it's real?
(Take me home)
Can I even complicate your breathing?
I guess I'm just your average boy
This is me with a knife in the back
And a grip on the grass
It's cold and I don't want to be here
I guess I'm never comfortable or situational
Are we losing or beginning
To try a new life without you?
The moment that's where I
Kill the conversation, wrap this up
With a lie that I'm enjoying every minute with myself
And she could make hell feel just like home
So I'm never leaving her alone
But if your lightning lips aren't mine
Then I don't know the awkward stranger to my right
(But she's crying)
I only need one hand to drive
When you're with me
You are my getaway
Oh, no!
And don't you ever feel alone? And don't you wish you were home?
Cut the lust tonight; all right, all right
Tell me why my little Mona Lisa told a lie, lie, lie, lie
Do you want me? Do you want to let me know that you're okay?
A diamond gold ring customized to cut your circulation
But I couldn't let you go; no, I'd never let you go my dear
So keep talking 'cause I love to hear your voice
(Love to hear your voice, love to hear your...)
Voice again"
"We are Pierce The Veil. I hope you enjoyed" Vic said then jumped off stage and stood next to me.
"So what did you think?" He asked cheekily.
"Absolutely amazing and perfect like you" I said letting the last part slip out.
"You think I'm perfect?" Vic asked a little shocked.
"Yeah" I said looking down with a blush.
"So I have a question for you. Follow me" Vic said grabbing my hand and pulled me backstage where it was quieter.
"Yes" I questioned.
"Okay don't freak out. But..... I was wondering if you would maybe be my girlfriend?" Vic said with hope filled eyes.
"Yes." I said placing my hands on his cheeks and pulling his face to meet mine and passionately kissed him.
"Perfect" he muttered against my lips as he pulled away.
"Let's get off here." Vic said pulling me out of the gym and started heading towards the little park across the road from the school.
Vic looked both ways and started walking across the road while I stayed back taking my shoes off as they were starting to hurt my feet as the straps were a little tight. I saw a blinding light speeding down the road and then Vic being hit as the person swerved and hit a tree. I ran up to Vic as I had my phone in hand calling 911.
"I'm sorry miss but Mr. Fuentes didn't survive and died on impact" the paramedic said in a soft sorrow filled tone.
"We have a pulse" I heard someone scream as they pushed Vic into the ambulance!
"Vic" I screamed trying to be released from the paramedics grip.
"Let me go!" I cried.
"Ma'am. Are you riding with him?" She asked and my eyes immediately shot to Mike. He looked at me with a knowing face and nodded.
"Yes hold on I need to tell his brother something." I said rising over to him.
"Here are the keys to my moms car. Take it and follow the ambulance. And tell a police officer or something to get pick my mom up please. I'm so sorry Mike" I told him hugging him quickly and ran to the ambulance and got in the back watching one of the police officers shut the door and us drive away.
Im back bitches! I hope you enjoy this alternate ending! Normally my sequels don't do as well so I hope this one will prove me wrong. Xx :) thanks floweerrfowler for the cover. You are amazing Hoebag. ❤️❤️
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