"Time turners and friends"
Dear Circi,
The School Board of Governors have come to a decision on how we should discipline the half-giant and his Hippogriff. Please tell Draco that he mustn't capitalise on his injuries and that I have received one too many letters about him having others do his homework for him.
We have come to a decision on executing the creature so that it will not do any more harm to another student, and the students at Hogwarts can sleep well, knowing they don't have to worry about being harmed in class as well as outside of class.
I understand your desire to come home, but the longer you stay away, the easier it will be to leave after Easter.
I will see you soon,
Draco laughed obnoxiously once he read the letter aloud, and looked pointedly across the hall. Circi looked up to find him sneering at Harry Potter and his friends. Scoffing and rolling her eyes, Circi snatched up the letter and moved down the bench, taking her dinner plate.
Despite changing her position in the room, she still found her eyes drawn to the reaction of the golden trio. The ginger boy had shoved Harry's shoulder so that they had their backs to them but the girl was still glaring daggers at Draco. She scared Circi, to be perfectly honest, but at the same time she was fascinating and had captured every aspect of Circi's attention. Two fingers snapped in front of Circi's face, dragging her back to reality.
Blinking and looking around dazedly, her eyes fall on Leslie, who she had unknowingly sidled up to.
"Anything interesting?" He smirked, looking over at the Gryffindor table.
"Who is that girl with Harry Potter?" His eyebrows raise, he struggled to believe she had no knowledge of the girl.
"You don't know? That's Hermione Granger, I thought you'd know about her considering Malfoy's track record with those three." She looked at him, confused as to how he would know anything about Potter's relationship with her brother before coming to Hogwarts but, of course, rumours spread and Leslie seemed to have caught up on most of them.
"That's Hermione Granger? But she's- she so-"
"Pretty." Leslie sits back, raising his eyebrows at her remark and nodding his head.
"That too, I suppose." The two glance between Draco and Hermione, watching as Draco continued to leer and pull faces at her while she clenched and unclenched her fist repetitively until the ginger boy spoke to her and rested his hand on top of hers. The tension in her shoulders faded, and she finally turned her focus away from Draco, who was relentless in getting their attention until a carrot flew through the air at him.
"Give it a rest, Malfoy!" Draco grunted, muttering obscenities at the girl who had thrown the carrot. She smiled when she noticed Circi and Leslie staring at her and moved away from her lonely space to sit across from them. "I heard you talking about Granger," she began, with a crooked smile and leaned forward, "did you know she's taking twelve classes this year?" Her eyes lit up at their interest, and she brushed her hair to sit on her shoulders to avoid it from touching her food.
"Is that even possible?" The girl shook her head, smiling at the confusion on their faces. Circi continued her questioning. "How is she doing it... and why?"
"I heard she's really smart!" Leslie perked up, dishing out his own gossip. Of course, this was old news.
"I've known her for three years now and, as smart as she is, there is no way she can be in two places at once. I've been trying to figure out how she's doing it since this year started. And guess what?" The two first years leaned forward. "I think she has a time turner." Leslie looked confused but Circi began laughing, covering her mouth to stifle the noise.
"What's a time turner?" He looked between the two girls, confused while Circi recomposed herself.
"That doesn't matter," Circi began, shaking her head, "there's no way she would be trusted with one if the school actually had one! It was great talking to you but you're really spewing nonsense now." The girl scowled, standing up and leaning over towards them.
"Isabell Leverett." She announced. "I'm right. I know I am, I'll prove it." Isabell walked away. Circi scrunched up her face, shaking her head as she lowered her voice and repeated 'I'll prove it' before laughing with Leslie, who then proceeded to ask, deadly serious:
"What's a time turner?"
Dear Draco,
I'm not talking to you right now because you're being annoying. No, I won't do your homework for you, I don't know anything about it and no, I won't write it out for you if you say what you want to say because I know you. You'll change your mind and use up all of your parchment because it has to look neat and then you'll use my parchment! My good parchment!
Stop being a baby and admit that your arm is better.
Not merry Christmas,
Your unfortunate sister, Circi.
Dear Circi,
I understand your frustration and I regret to inform you that you will be frustrated for another month or so. It's Madam Pince's word against my crying and complaining, besides, I quite enjoy not writing at the moment.
Oh, merry Christmas, when you're ready to talk again, I have a present for you that Father didn't want me to give you but he's not here to stop me, and he didn't send it. If you want it, you have to say the password which is as follows: 'Draco, my dearest darling brother, I am so sorry I have been mean to you recently. I love you so much and would like to help you with your homework, even if it means using my own parchment.' Oh! You also have to say it in the Great Hall when we are eating.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Your favourite brother, Draco.
As obnoxious as Circi and Draco are, I do love writing their interactions
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