Chapter Four : Mother
I stared at the clock hanging up on the lobby wall, pacing back and forth. I'm anxious about two things mainly.
1. That maybe Ayani won't come back.
2. That someone else will be here before her.
It's only been ten minutes since she left, I shouldn't be freaking out like this. I... I need to be independent.
I breathed in and out slowly and tried to calm myself down.
That's better... I feel a bit more relaxed now -
I think my eyes might've just bulged out of their sockets.
I fell to the ground and started shaking.
W-What was...
I looked to see a tall woman with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes... Huffing and panting like a wild animal.
Did she just come back from exercising? Maybe she was training for a boxing Championship like in Rocky. I don't think gray sweatpants would work for her though...
"Silky blonde hair, causal yet moe outfit, innocent expression, pouted lips, I think I'm gonna die! " she shouted.
Is she having a neverous breakdown? Shouting out random words could be considered a symptom. Wait, she said she's gonna die!
"Please... Don't... Die. What's... Wrong? "
Oh no. My shyness is acting up again.
"SO MOE! " she shouted and blood spurted from her nose.
Oh no, she's really going to die!
After wiping up the blood with a handkerchief she fished out of her pocket, she turned to look at me again.
"I apologize for the blood. I just can't control myself sometimes. My name is Nobara Yukino-Kouji. You're new here aren't you? " Nobara said.
"Umm... Well... Y-Yes. " I said and looked at the ground neverously.
Why can't I talk to her like I talk to Ayani! Maybe it was the sudden outburst of bodily fluids. But I've never gotten queasy at the sight of blood before.
"I'm a member of the SS just like your agent Ayani."
"A-Are you... A genetic... Throwback like me? "
She nodded yes.
I thought of a question that I was planning to ask Ayani but, since she's a normal human, I thought it would be awkward to ask her. Maybe Nobara won't mind.
"I know... This is a... Weird question, but... Is it possible to... Be normal like others? " I said.
Her easygoing attitude turned serious and she put a hand on my shoulder.
"I heard from Ayani. You've been isolated from the world for a very long time. Strangely though, I think you have the best chance of being normal. But it'd advise against that. I mean, normal is kinda boring don't you think? " Nobara said.
Boring... I don't know. I've apparently never experienced normal. I just want to do things like in the movies. I want to go to a party, and expose government conspiracies, and go hang gliding in the Grand Canyon in America. But I guess those aren't exactly boring... So they're not normal? Maybe there is no real normal. Maybe I'm just... A little different from different.
My eyes lit up at this new revelation.
"T-Thank you Nobara-chan!" I said as loud as I could.
Her face were completely red and blood began come out of her nose again.
"Maniac.... " she said and fell to the ground.
"N-Nobara? Are you... Sick? "
If she keeps losing blood like this, she'll develop anemia.
"I'm okay. " she said and sat up and wiped off the blood like it was nothing.
"Your name is Suu, right? " she said.
I nodded yes.
She smiled.
"I hope we become great friends! (with benefits, hehehe...)"
What does friends with benefits mean? Extra best friends?
"Yes, let's be... Friends... With benefits. " I said.
"Wow, I didn't think you'd accept so easily. Anyways, I've gotta go and organize my room before Sorinozuka gets back. See you later, Suu-chan! " Nobara said and got up and ran off.
Wow... I've gained another friend. I didn't even try. And she even said she wanted to be friends with benefits! I still wonder what the benefits are though, maybe I should've asked...
I relaxed into my chair with a smile.
That wasn't so bad.
I thought that if I met someone before Ayani came back, they would take me back to my parents home. I thought they'd make fun of my skinny frame or something like that. Now I think I was overreacting a little bit.
Nobara was really nice to me.
I stared at the clock and sighed.
I wonder though... Will the next person be as nice as Nobara?
I heard a clanking noise outside and flinched.
A truck maybe? It sounds like a vehicle.
Maybe I should go outside and check. But wait, Ayani said.... Well, nothing about going outside.
I stood up and walked over to the front doors and slowly opened them with hesitation enveloping my hands.
Come on, Suu. Doors won't hurt you. Well, unless you run into one. Or get hit with one. Or... I'll just stop here.
The doors opened completely to reveal a beautiful sunny day and a moving van parked beside Ayakashi Hall. Movers were moving boxes of items out of the van and were headed for the door. I quickly stepped out of their way and looked at my feet neverously.
They're so tall...
I noticed someone shorter than the movers standing beside the van.
I can't see who it is because of the movers in the way though, so I move to the side again and walk towards the person.
When I finally see who they are - I stop.
Long black hair, pretty eyes, short stature, emotion filled face, smirk.
Hmm... Insecure about many things, hides her true feelings with fake words, kind. That's the vibe I get from her.
She noticed me staring and turned around quickly.
"Who are you? " she said with a spiteful tone of voice.
"Umm... Well... Uhh... " I said, trying to find my words.
"I'm waiting. " she said and started tapping her foot impatiently.
What do I do? What do I say? How do people in movies greet one another? Let's see... Small talk! But she asked for my name. Well, technically just who I am... But that would take forever to go over, why would she ask me something like that?
"Hello? " she said.
I bowed deeply.
"My name... Suu! The weather... It's nice? I-I like rice balls. Umm... Hello. I'm sorry... " I said all at once.
I looked up and the girl looked very surprised. She quickly recovered her composure though and walked closer to me.
"I'm Ririchiyo Shirakiin. It's a pleasure to meet you, I suppose." she said.
Suppose? I'm confused.... Was it a pleasure to meet me or not?
"So, are you moving in as well? " Ririchiyo said.
I nodded my head yes and looked down at my toes.
Why did I come out here? All I'm doing is making a gigantic mess. This girl is probably feeling awkward in my presence. I just need to excuse myself from the situation and everything will be alright...
Back inside, away from the outside... Outside is dangerous... Scary... Inside....Inside...Inside-
"Hey! " Ririchiyo shouted and I snapped out of my haze.
"Are you okay... I mean it's not like I care, I just don't want you passing out on me, okay? " she said.
"I'm...Alright." I said,
"You don't look alright at all... Are you sick or something?" she said.
Suu, why are you trying to run away? Why do you want to leave? Come back inside. Come back, Suu. Come back...
I started to wobble a bit and instantly felt queasy.
"I... Want... To go back inside. " I said and turned around and ran back inside Ayakashi Hall.
I ran upstairs and up through the hallways, trying to find a bathroom or a closet or somewhere where nobody could find me.
Suu... What's the definition of misery? Suu... What's the answer?
I spotted a bathroom sign and opened the door and ran inside one of the stalls. Then, I slammed the door shut and curled up in a ball. M-My hands won't stop shaking...
I was outside... I made it out. But those memories came back to me. The memories of her... Mother.
5 years ago
I laid there on the floor silently and watched the clock on the wall slowly tick by.
What is the meaning of my existence? These walls... Will they ever go away?
I dug my fingernail into my arm and made a small cut. Out of the cut came a tiny trail of red warm blood. Sometimes, this liquid is the only proof I have that I'm still alive.
Using the blood as paint, I slowly drew a flower on the floor.
I don't have any crayons or paper so sometimes I'll just do this instead. I wish I had other colors besides red though...
I heard a creaking sound and instantly grabbed my blanket and wrapped it around me, covering my drawing on the ground.
A maid came in with a sheet of paper and a pen.
Oh, it's movie time.
I thought about some of the movies I had seen in yesterday's movie's previews.
I wrote, "The Girl Who Dreamed Of Lilies."
I knew it was a sad, dramatic kind of movie but I didn't care. The main heroine in the preview reminded me a lot of myself.
The maid took the pen and paper from me. She then bowed and left, locking the door behind her.
But in only 30 seconds, she had opened the door again and handed me a note.
I don't get notes that often...What do my parents want to tell me?
I opened it.
"Dear, Suu Takagara
It has come to my attention that you wish to leave your room. You've asked many times before but, what you did three days ago was unacceptable. Scratching a poor maid's face... Have you no decency? Your father and me did not raise you to be an animal. Now, back to your question. Suu, the world out there is horrible. It's teeming with capitalism, racism, poverty, bigotry, and many other nasty vile things. Who would want to live in a world like that? Me and your father love you. That's why we keep you inside your room. It's to protect you. Suu, why are you trying to run away? Why do you want to leave? That world... Don't tell me you want to be a part of it? You want to be a slut? A dirty little whore!? No? I didn't think so. Suu... What's the definition of misery? Suu... What's the answer? I'll tell you. It's when you're completely and utterly useless. And that's what you'll be if you try to escape again, okay? Pathetic. Alone. Ugly. And useless. But see, inside... You're wanted. You're needed here. Don't try to run out through your door again. I hate people who are useless. I'll kill you myself.
With love, Mother."
Am I now the definition of misery? Am I useless? Why was I needed there? Alone in my room. What use was there for doing that? Why?
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