Ordinary Ever After
Three different voices were calling for her. Two out of annoyance and one out of excitement.
A young girl of seventeen strode up to her stepsister on their front lawn. Ella was scrubbing the fountain her stepmother demanded be in tip top shape constantly due to it being the first thing visitors would see upon arrival.
Zera's dark brown hair gleamed in the sunlight and her smile was just as bright. Her light brown skin didn't have a single spot of dirt on her and her hands were soft as she reached out for her best friend.
Ella was a different story. She was pale, dirt scattered across her face, and her hands calloused from work. She still brushed a stringy strand of brown hair out of her eyes as she rubbed harder on the stone fountain, and grinned at Zera. She took her hand and stood up.
"What is it, Zera?"
"Well Mother wants you, but I was wondering if you wanted any help."
Ella wiped some mud off her face, only to dirty her sleeve. "Zera, it's fine. I got this. It's not your job."
"ELLA!" A shrill shriek called from the house.
Zera tore the rag from Ella's hand. "You'd better take care of the witch before she unveils her rage on the entire kingdom. I'll take care of the fountain."
Ella opened her mouth to argue, but it snapped shut at her stepsister's knowing looking.
"Wish me luck." Ella mumbled.
"Good luck!" Zera called after her as Ella hiked up her skirt and ran inside. She stepped into the parlor where her stepmother was waiting.
"Finally, girl. Could you get an slower?" Marabeth sneered. She was a woman who could have once been considered beautiful, but age and malice had left her appearing wrinkled and harsh. Streaks of gray clung to her silky black hair, which was pulled into a tight bun.
"How can I help you, Madam?" Ella gritted her teeth.
"Have a seat, Ella." Marabeth gestured to the chair across from her.
Ella sat, eying her stepmother wearily. She rarely treated with enough respect as to be asked to sit at the same table as Marabeth.
"As you know, your twentieth birthday is over a week away." The older woman began in a drawl. "Which your father's will has expressed quite clearly that that is when you will inherit the estate and the majority of his money. I wish to know what you intend to do with all of this."
Ella smoothed out her skirt, straightening up. "I plan, with the help of Zera, to continue maintaining the estate. We plan on turning it into an orphanage for the abandoned children of the kingdom."
Marabeth pursed her lips. "You plan on turning our home into an orphanage?"
"Well yeah. I know there are a lot of kids who have no where to go and we have plenty of space! I'm sure with a few architectural tweaks-"
"The manor is already a masterpiece. It already stands as one of Anwen's most gorgeous estates. Are you sure you wish to risk damaging it?" Marabeth huffed.
Ella's green eyes narrowed. "I'm sure the house will be fine. It's probably more important that we give the kids somewhere to go."
Marabeth glared, but asked no further questions on the subject. "I see. And Zera will be aiding you in this?"
"Yes, it was partially her idea." Ella answered. "You and Hera are welcome to remain here as long as you aid in the care of the children and the estate." She didn't add 'And follow my rules' but Marabeth heard that anyway.
"Hera and I certainly don't need your pity. And I have no desire in taking care of orphans."
"Yes, I'm not surprised." Ella gritted her teeth. "You made that quite clear to me growing up."
"Well perhaps it would be better if I continued to maintain the estate. After all it appears just as regal as ever and it's in good hands." Marabeth stated.
Ella glared. "Well that is not what my father intended. The will strictly states that I inherit it on my twentieth birthday no matter what."
"Unless I catch you in an illegal act." Marabeth growled. "If it is discovered that you have done something unsavory than by Anwen's laws the estate passes to me."
Ella stood up, placing her hands on the table with a thud. She loomed over her stepmother now.
"Which I would never do. I'm a good citizen and I have never done anything wrong in the eyes of the law. Why would the ten days between now and my birthday be any different?" Ella scoffed.
"And if I was falsely accused," Ella tossed a wave of brown hair over her shoulder. "Anwen's laws state that I have until the will's release date to prove my innocence or resolve the crime. So if you have any schemes up your sleeve I recommend you take the high road and librate them or else you'll be the one in trouble."
Marabeth bit her lip as she glared, her hollow hazel eyes wrinkling. Her hand twitches with a desire to slap Ella.
"Hera has been screeching for you all morning. She needs you to pick up her dress from Alessia. While you're at it pick up Zera's too."
"I didn't think Zera had ordered one." Ella stated.
"She didn't. I find it ludicrous that she doesn't want to attend the Solstice Festival. She doesn't know what she's talking about. How else is she going to gain the prince's affection if not by going? Or at least meeting her sister's future husband if she herself cannot woo him. I swear I raised her better than that." Marabeth waved her hand, distraught at her daughter's opinions.
"So you're not giving her a choice?" Ella hissed.
"Her mother knows best. I certainly didn't ask your opinion. I only pray that you don't ruin with your risky business strategy of ruining a perfectly fine manor with children. Well anyway, hop to it. When you get back I have more chores for you to complete." Marabeth leaned back in her chair. Ella wanted to kick out the legs from underneath her. She didn't. That wouldn't make her look good. Besides it was far too petty.
"My mother said what?" Zera huffed.
"She apparently has the delusion that you're going to go to every single night of the festival and meet the prince, despite the fact that you have already made it clear to her that you have no interest in attending." Ella explained.
Zera stomped her foot on the cobblestone as they walked to the dress shop. "She never listens. For once could it be about what I want? She doesn't care."
"She thinks she's doing what's best for you. Although she seems to forget that her wants aren't your needs." Ella growled.
"That's it. That's my mother." Zera sighed. "Do we need anything besides the dresses?"
"Uh I believe Marabeth was planning on making me return to town for bread, but she was only going to tell me after I returned home." Ella rolled her eyes.
"Okay well then how about I go to the baker and you pick up the dresses and we'll meet back at home. That'll simplify everything." Zera pulled coins from her pockets, dropping some into Ella's hand. "Mother probably prepaid for them, but just in case."
"Sounds like a plan." Ella smiled as she watched her stepsister dash into Harrison's Bakery.
The dress shop was more full than she expected, which was probably do to the fact that it was party season. Women were scattered around, getting fitted, and trying on ball gowns. The only thing that really stuck out inside the shop was an awkward young man with dark hair. He appeared to be waiting for someone to finish
"Rosella, are you here to pick up the dresses for Madam Marabeth?" A blonde and beautiful young woman behind the counter of the dress shop asked. She was Alessia Kendise, the owner of the shop and a rather sweet woman according to everyone in town.
"Yeah Marabeth said that she ordered two dresses for the festival?" Ella stated.
"Uh well..." Alessia frowned. "Actually she ordered eight. I think she ordered them back in February. I just finished the last of them yesterday."
"Eight?" Ella exclaimed. "I'm going to kill her." She mumbled.
Alessia snorted before ducking behind the counter. She reappeared with eight thin boxes, which she thrust into Ella's arms. Her green eyes barely were able to peer over the containers.
"Uh any payment for these?" Ella asked, struggling to balance the boxes under her nose.
"Marabeth paid in advance, so you're good to go. If you can slap Marabeth for me though I'd appreciate it." Alessia joked.
Ella laughed. "I wish I could."
She turned around carefully. The young man from earlier jumped in front of her. She clumsily fumbled with the boxes as she tried to avoid running into him. Ella blew a brown strand of hair out of her eyes as she resisted the urge to glare at the man.
He looked to be in his late teens, early twenties with a boyishly attractive face, dark hair, and bright blue eyes. Certainly handsome, by Ella's standards, but she didn't figure that that mattered. He caught his breath, wincing at his own actions.
"I'm so sorry! I was just going to ask if you needed any help. But um you seem really capable- Not that you appeared unprepared! I mean you're really smooth with not dropping those boxes. Ah I'm sorry." He stammered.
"Stop talking." Ella commanded. He nodded. "It's fine. Really no problem. Now if you'll excuse me..."
She stepped left at the same time he attempted to get out of her way. They went to the same side. Realizing his mistake he moved right, only to have Ella move right too.
"You know what? Let me just help you with those. I wouldn't want you to drop them on my behalf." The young man offered, holding out his arms.
"It's quite alright. I uh got it." She shifted her weight.
"It would make the trip to your house much less of a trial."
"I try not to bring home strangers, especially not strange men even if they are rather handsome." Ella teased.
A blush spread bright red across the stranger's face. Ella almost felt bad at his embarrassment, but it was quite humorous to watch him open his mouth, but make no sound, like an awkward fish.
Alessia, busy helping a beautiful auburn haired girl, snorted. She was far too involved in Ella's conversation without being invited or participating herself. Ella rolled her eyes.
"Well I-" The young man cleared his throat, recovering from his embarrassment. "My name is Chase. If we are no longer strangers then will you allow me to aid you, if only to allow me to save face?"
Ella laughed. "Oh are you sure you won't be missed?"
"I have been looking for an opportunity to leave since I entered. And helping out a pretty girl seems to be a noble enough reason, right?" He grinned.
"Go on ahead!" The auburn haired girl shouted. "I'll be fine. Go on!"
"My sister," Chase explained.
"I suppose I'll allow it." Ella batted her lashes as she slid half of her dress boxes into his arms.
"I don't believe you offered your name." Chase spoke up as the strolled down the cobblestone streets, a early summer wind tussling their hair.
"I suppose you're right. I didn't. That would make us still strangers." Ella hummed, smirking.
"Unless I happened to over hear your conversation with Miss Alessia, or am I mistaken to believe that you are Rosella."
Ella blew a flyway strand as the wind attempted to block her vision with it. "No one knows me as Rosella. Alessia seems to think it's too pretty of a name not to use. She's one of few."
Chase laughed. "So what do they know you as?"
Ella huffed. "My enemies seem to prefer to taunt me with the title Cinderella. My friends think Ella soots me."
"You have enemies?" He raised an eyebrow.
Ella beamed. "You don't know me. I'm a very dangerous girl."
"How deceiving. You seem so pleasant."
"I'm a disappointment I know." Ella shrugged, sarcastically. "So you're name is Chase, right?"
"Yes..." He answered carefully, as if the answer itself was a question.
"It appears to be a common name then. Were your parents inspired by Prince Chasen?" Ella wondered. "Not that I'm judging. I was named after a duchess or something, myself..."
Chase stared at her, confusion and surprise mixed on his face. "Er... You could say that. Uh speaking of the prince, are you attending the Solstice Festival?"
Ella rolled her eyes. "That is certainly not my plan. I don't see the point in attending, it's more my stepsister's cup of tea. Besides my stepmother would never allow it on the off chance I interfere with Hera or Zera marrying royalty or something ludicrous."
"They plan on marrying royalty?" Chase sounded strangely interested.
"Well no. I mean Hera does, but she's pretty foolish. Zera has no interest in Marabeth's plans though."
The manor was beginning to come into view, as they took a twist in the now dirt road.
"And Marabeth is your stepmother I'm guessing?"
"Yeah and she's... less than pleasant. I'm sorry. I'm not sure why I'm telling you this. I just met you for peter's sake. I shouldn't be telling you my life story."
Chase gulped, mustering a grin. "Well I don't mind hearing."
Ella smiled quickly, before realizing what he meant, eying him carefully. She bit her lip.
"What?" Chase wondered, noticing her gaze.
"You're strange, you know."
Chase's shoulders suddenly tensed. He stiffly shrugged. "Uh yeah I know."
"I'm sorry. I've made you uncomfortable."
"You have a habit of that."
"Well yeah. But it's not a bad thing. You're strange, it's not a bad thing. You're instantly likable."
"Yeah and you're too honest." Chase rolled his eyes.
Ella looked away, choosing to stare at the woods to the left of her instead. "Sorry... I'll stop talking now."
Chase blushed. "No, no! Uh I like talking to you."
"You hardly know me."
"Yeah but I already like-"
"Oh we're here!" Ella exclaimed as soon as her manor came into sight.
"Oh... May I at least walk you to the door then?" Chase asked, sounding disappointed.
"You don't have to-"
"I'd like to." He grinned.
Ella almost found herself blushing as they strolled through the yard.
She nearly dropped the boxes in fright when she spotted her stepmother waiting at the door, with an extra nasty scowl on her face and her hands on her hips.
"Ella, what is this?" She sneered.
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Cinders and Slippers! Thanks for reading and let me know what you think!
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