Juliet's POV
"Hello girlfriend," Skye said gently gave me a kiss on the cheek, "I love you."
"I love you too," I said and took her hand. She really is the prettiest girl in the world. We standing by the back of the stage, where less people were likely to see us. This was a benefit show for orphanages in the Sacramento area. All Time Low, Fall Out Boy, and Gerard Way were going to be preforming.
"Jay!" Joey said and rushed over to the side of the stage we were.
"So, are you two a thing now?" Joey asked us, gesturing to our hands. I nodded. I had told Joey that I liked Skye the day after the Christmas party. I knew he would be happy for me. Skye told me not to tell anyone, but Joey is my best friend.
Dani popped up behind us, "Hi guys!" We immediately dropped hands.
She chuckled, "Don't worry, it's fine. I think you're cute together. Wait, this is supposed to be a secret, right?"
"Um, yeah, that would be nice," I said.
"Okay! That's fine! Also, Alex wants you guys backstage."
"Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year!" Alex sang as jumped around onstage. He could really get the crowd excited. But I still had to stay backstage because apparently it wasn't "safe" in the crowds. But Gerard let Joey go around by himself! He was a little too overprotective sometimes.
By the time All Time Low finished their set, it was 11:56. Gerard took the stage once again and started singing.
What's the worst that I can say?
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight...
The ball dropped. It was a new year.
And I'll make sure that this one is better than the one before
"Just shove it in there. All of it. Don't leave anything behind," Alex directed me as I put my bags in the storage space on the tour bus
"Dude, don't say it that way," Dani said, "That makes it sound like a weird porno."
Alex jokingly covered my ears, "Dani, shhh, there are children here."
"I'm 14!" I protested, "I'm not a child!"
"You are too a child," Alex said, "You're the youngest person here. Skye and Joey are both 15. You're a little fetus."
"I am not a fetus!"
"No arguing!" Flyzik barked and climbed into his bunk.
Alex rolled his eyes, "Fuck off Flyzik."
I went over to the window that was opposite of the bunks. I liked how the raindrops dripped down the glass.
"'Hey, Jay, do you want a quick photography lesson?" Dani asked me.
Alex's POV
Dani is pretty. She's really, really, pretty. But it's not just her looks that appeal to me, it's her personality. She has so much confidence and she's not afraid to show it. That's so sexy.
"Here we are!" The driver yelled as we pulled up to the venue. We were in Las Vegas for a week-long music festival. Gerard was also going to be preforming. He brought Joey along also. We unloaded the equipment and the buses drove off to put our stuff in the hotel where we were going to be staying.
"Can I go in the crowd this time?" Jay asked me, "It looks fun. I wanna see what the fans see. Pleeeease?"
"Okay, fine," I relented, "But bring Joey and Skye with you and stay near the barrier where I can keep an eye you. And don't let yourself be trampled by the ravenous herd."
"Alex, we have a problem," Flyzik said, "We've only got one merch guy."
"Fuck!" I swore, "Jack was supposed to get the merch guys! He had one job! One job! Where the fuck are we supposed to get people on this short of a notice?" It occurred to me that Jay was still standing in front of me.
"Um, Jay, can I ask you a favor?"
"But I wanted to watch you guys preform! I was really looking forward to this," She said sadly.
"I know, I know," I told her, "You can watch us tomorrow. It's just for one day. I'll look around and find some other guys for the rest of the tour. I just need you to help me and do this one small favor, okay?"
"Fine. I'll do it."
I ruffled her hair quickly, "Thank you sweetheart. It's just for a day, I promise."
Jay rolled her eyes, "Sweetheart. Do I look like a sweetheart to you?"
Juliet's POV
"Here's your job," Josh, the merch guy, said to me, "See how the shirts have numbers? Like the blue Future Hearts one is number 7. Ask the kid what number they want and the size, then get the money. Tax doesn't matter. All shirts are 20 bucks, CDs are 10, and bracelets are 5. Does that sound simple enough?" I nodded.
"Okay, good. Some other tips: Don't answer personal questions, If someone asks where the band members are your answer is 'I have no idea', you are only a lowly merch guy so you don't take notes/gifts/messages for the band, and their meet and greet is at 3 and only people with pre-purchased meet and greets can get in there. No fucking exceptions. Also, water stations are set up all around the venue and the first aid is near the main gate."
"Okay. Thanks Josh," I said. I wasn't exactly looking forward to spending the next 8 hours in a merch booth under the hot sun, but I had to do it for Alex.
"No problem, kid. Are you ready? They're about to open the gates. Prepare yourself for the mob. Just stay calm and never let them see the fear behind your eyes."
"I'm ready."
All at once, there were people everywhere. Holy shit. I have never seen so many screaming fangirls. But I followed Josh's advice and stayed calm. As the day went on, all of the advice was really helpful. The general batshit crazy fans came in around the first hour that the venue was open, things slowed down after that. Around 1 there was barely anyone that came in.
"So, how about that weather?" I said to Josh.
He snorted, "Fucking hell, Jay. That's the best you could come up with?"
"Well," Josh said and leaned back in his chair, "It's hot. Really fucking hot. I want a beer. A cold beer. And some cheese fries."
I nodded, "I can relate. Cheese fries are good. And beer."
"You're 14. You haven't had beer yet."
"No," I said, "I had it a few times when I was with the gang."
"What the hell is the gang? Are you part of a cult?"
I quickly explained about my history. Like most people, he was really interested.
"Did you ever do drugs?" Was his first question.
I shook my head, "No. Well, they did sometimes. I didn't."
"Did you guys have like secret handshakes and stuff?"
"Not really. Sometimes there would be signals. Like one finger snap is the coast is clear, two is distract someone, and three is get the fuck out of there. Little stuff like that." I thought back to my days with them. I can't believe that at one point I thought that was the way to live. Here is so much better.
"I have food!" Joey proclaimed and brought over a few hot dogs and fries. Oh my God. Food.
"You guys sure are hungry," He remarked as Josh and I were stuffing our faces with fried unhealthy goodness.
"If you suffered like we did, you would be too," Josh said dryly, "You can go back to your air conditioned bus anytime you want, but we have to stay out here. In the hot sun."
"Well, I'm about to take away your misery. One of you, anyway. Jay, do you want to go watch All Time Low's set? Skye will be there.."
"Yes," I immediately said, "I mean, Josh are you sure you can hold this place down by yourself?"
"You can go," Josh said, "It's pretty slow right now. I'll be fine."
"It was like a time bob set into motion! Like we were destined to explode!" Alex sang. In the pit it was fucking crazy. People were jumping around and screaming. But I loved it. There was something about being in the middle of all those people that really gets my blood pumping. It's the coolest thing ever.
"Hey let's slow things down for a bit," Alex said after he finished Time-Bomb.
"Yeah," Jack said, "I'm like cumming from the excitement. Calm the fuck down, guys."
"Okay, a few months ago I made a big decision," Alex said, "I adopted a kid. If any of you were at the California Fall Out Boy concert then you already know this. For the rest of you, well here's the surprise I tweeted about. Her name is Jay, she's 14 years old, she likes blink-182 and American Horror story, and she's fucking awesome. Be nice to her and show her love, not hate. If you hurt her it's like hurting me. Don't do it. This next song is called Missing You."
Alex started the song. I felt Skye's lips press against my cheek and her hand intertwine with mine. My heart did that flippy over thing.
(A/N You guys know what I'm talking about)
"I love you," She whispered.
Alex's POV
"Let's get this fucking started!" Jack cheered as we got off the bus, "I want drinks. Let's go to the bar."
There was a general murmur of agreement among the crew.
"Are you coming?" I asked Dani.
"I'm 25," Dani said, "Of course I'm fucking coming."
"We're going to the bar," Jack shouted to Gerard, who was coming in behind us, "Do you want to come?" Gerard froze for minute.
"I'll look after the kids," He said quickly and herded all the under-21s up towards the elevators.
"I want to do shots," Dani suddenly said, "Who's with me?"
"SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS!" We chanted as the bartender slid glasses across the table. The vodka burned my throat as it went down, but it felt good. It felt really really good.
"How many was that?" I panted after swallowing what seemed like my millionth shot glass. It didn't even burn anymore. My vision was starting to get a little blurry. Everything seemed a lot louder than it did when we came here.
"That was 15," Zack said, "You and Dani are the only ones left."
I looked over at Dani, who was sitting beside me. Damn. She looked even better right now than she ever had before. I want her. I want her now. The bartender poured two more shots.
"This is it," He warned us, "No more."
"Shut it old man," Dani snapped. She raised her glass, "Alex, this shot is to you. You and your fucking hairy caterpillar eyebrows. Why do they exist? I don't don't know. Here's to you."
We clinked glasses and swallowed the last shot of the night. I feel so fucking happy right now. I could do anything. I can move a mountain, I can save the world, I am a superhero and no one can stop me.
Suddenly, I felt Dani's lips crash onto mine. I leaned deeper into the kiss.
Dani giggled and pulled away, "Not yet, Lexy. Patience."
Tonight is going to get a lot more interesting.
Looks like Alex is getting a little tipsy. Hmm....
While I was waiting for a certain person to update *cough* Tyler *cough* I wrote the next like 3 chapters so get ready for a chapter spam!!!
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