Poppin' Champagne
Juliet's POV
"ALEX HAVE YOU SEEN MY HAIR BRUSH?" I yelled as I rummaged through my dresser drawers. I couldn't find it anywhere.
"DID YOU LOOK UNDER YOUR BED?" Alex shouted back.
"Fuck," I mumbled and checked. It was there, right beside a small mountain of empty chip bags.
"You need to clean your room," Alex said and came in, "And I want to know what's been happening to all of the chips and Pop-Tarts that have been disappearing lately."
"I have no idea what you're talking about," I said and quickly grabbed the Pop-Tart wrapper on my bed that I had forgotten to throw away.
"Oh, really? So, you wouldn't mind if I checked your closet?"
"Um, can you do that later? I want to get going so I can see Joey." I said, hoping that my stash could stay a secret for a little bit longer, "Also, can I dye my hair?"
"Sure," Alex said, "What color and where do you want it?"
"I was thinking turquoise for the color, and I want it in the back." Dying my hair was something I've been pondering over for a while since coming here. I want to change something up.
"That sounds good. We probably won't have to bleach yours since you're a pretty light blond already. You have really pretty hair, I hope you realize that. Anyway, ready to go?"
I nodded and ran the brush through my golden waves one more time. A lot of girls my age hate the way they look, but I'm totally happy with myself. Not in a self-conceited way, I've just accepted that this is who I am.
Not much later, we were at the theater. I grinned and looked over at Joey, I'm really excited. I haven't been to one of these since I was really little.
"Ready to go meet Piff?" Gerard asked us. Me and Joey nodded. We went around the back of the theater, where Gerard showed the security dude the tickets. He opened a door and there was Piff. He shook the "adult's" hands and then turned to us.
"Ah, you must be Joey!" He said and smiled.
"Yes," Joey managed to squeak out, "And this is my best friend, Jay."
"I'm your best friend?" I was genuinely surprised to hear that. I've never been anyone's friend before.
"Of course!" Joey said.
"Thanks for coming," Piff said and shook each of our hands.
Gerard handed Piff his iPhone, "I want a picture of all five of us together," He said and picked up Joey and put him on his shoulders in one swift movement.
"Please Jay," Alex whispered to me, "Just do it."
"No way," I whispered back.
"Please??" He begged, "Do it for me, do it for Joey."
"Okay," I agreed, "For Joey."
It felt different to be up at that high level. But I liked it. I high-fived Joey and Piff took the picture.
The show was so cool. I even got to go up on stage and sign a card, which Piff found in a can of dog food later. I want to go to more of these.
What the fuck is in the yard?
Alex was at the studio for the day, and I was home alone. I was just getting some ramen noodles when I saw an animal in the yard. It wasn't a squirrel or anything like that, it looked like a dog.
I cautiously went out the door to see what it was. The animal trotted up to me, it was a puppy. One of those sled-dog type dogs and he had one blue eye and one brown. It was really cute.
"Hi buddy," I said softly and knelt down so I could get a better look, "Where did you come from?" The puppy wagged it's tail and licked my fingers. It didn't have a collar or anything, so it was probably a stray. It needed a home.
I opened the door, "Do you want to come in?" I asked him. He came right into the house, I guess he was someone's pet once. He doesn't seem to be afraid of people. I put my bowl of noodles on the floor so he could he could have a good meal. He looked sort of skinny.
While the puppy was eating, I went over to the computer and looked up some information on dog breeds. I'm going to have to put up a pretty convincing argument to convince Alex to keep him. I found out that he was a Siberian Husky and he would grow up to be a large-ish sized dog, which is good because Jack and small dogs do not mix well.
After the noodles were finished, the puppy hopped up on the couch next to me and made himself comfortable. My heart melted. He's so adorable. Now he just needs a name...
The front door flew open, "I'm home!" Alex yelled and then saw me and the puppy on the couch.
"Juliet Gaskarth," He said seriously, "I am going to go out this door and then come back in. When I come back there will not be a dog."
I nodded, "Yes Alex."
"Good. I'm glad we understand each other."
He went out of the house and came back in.
"Jay, there's still a dog on my couch."
"I know," I said and picked him up and brought him over to Alex, "Isn't he adorable? He was wandering around in the yard this morning and I knew I had to rescue him before he got run over or something horrible like that. By the way, I fed him and named him Tré so there's no going back now."
"Sweetheart, Jay, we can't keep him. We're busy. We have tours. We don't have time for a dog. Besides, he came off the street. He might have rabies or something," Alex said.
"Hey! I came off the street. Does that mean I'm diseased too?"
Alex sighed, "No. Jay, you know what I mean. I'm sorry for breaking your heart, but we can't keep him. C'mon, get in the car. We need to get him to the shelter. If you really want a pet I'll get you a goldfish."
Tré looked up at me with his multicolored eyes. No. I can't give him back.
"Can he stay just for tonight? I promise I'll let him go tomorrow." If I've learned anything, it's that Alex is a caver. If I give this time he'll be more likely to say yes.
"Fine. Just for tonight. And he's going back first thing tomorrow morning. Do you understand me?"
I nodded vigorously, "Yes. I understand."
I kissed Tré's nose, "Welcome home," I whispered.
Alex's POV
I looked at the two of them sleeping. It was adorable, it really was. The dog had climbed up onto Jay's bed and was sleeping next to her. He's already latched onto her, I can't split them apart. Besides, I think she's responsible enough to care for her own pet. What did she name him? I think it's Tré.
This is going to be an interesting ride.
Hello precious flowers! I hope you guys like this update. Huskies are my favorite dog breed btw :D Next chapter we're going to get more into Jay's past, so be excited for that. As I'm writing this I'm listening to Pretty. Odd by Panic! At The Disco. Since the release of Emperor's New Clothes I've been listening to a lot of old P!ATD.
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