Paint You Wings
Juliet's POV
"My son sports," Alex whispered as he got out of the car.
"He does," Dani said and adjusted the beanie on her head, "We're watching his game tonight. Jay, where do we go?"
"Over here," I told them and led the way to soccer field. Jesse had joined the soccer team. Although no one else in the family played sports, we still were happy to support him.
"Jack just texted me. He said that he's here. We'll go find seats, Jay can you go get him? And are you sure you're going to be okay with the crowds?"
I nodded, "Yeah, I'll be fine. Just get a seat on the end." Crowds still made me very uncomfortable. Getting through the hallways at school took a lot of mental pep-talking. I don't know if I'll ever be able to go to another concert.
"Jay! My girl!" Jack gave me a big hug, "How's school been?"
"It's okay," I answered, "I made some friends, but I also discovered that I really hate Algebra."
Jack ruffled my hair, "Same. Where's your friends? I want to meet them."
"They play in the marching band," I told him, "Nicole plays the snare drum and Charlotte plays clarinet. Charlotte is really fangirly, so be prepared."
We easily found Alex and Dani in the bleachers. The players were just starting to jog out on the field. I looked for Jesse. He was at the center circle. The bright blond of his hair contrasted really well with the dark blue of his uniform and the sunset in the background matched well.
I tugged on Jack's sleeve, "Aesthetic."
He nodded and handed me his phone. I took a few pictures. I need to start remembering to bring my phone.
"Are there any clubs at school you can join?" Jack asked me, "Like isn't there a photography club or a school newspaper or something like that?"
I shook my head, "No not really. There's art club, but that's for the weird antisocial dorks."
"It's okay to be a dork," Jack told me, "Hell, I was the weirdest dorkiest kid in the whole school! But look where it got me. Don't be afraid, Jay. Always let your inner self shine through."
"Can I work with you?" I asked Dani, who was getting ready for her shift at Hot Topic.
"Why not?"
"Child labor laws," Dani told me, "Wait two more years."
"Dani, you have to take her to the mall," Alex said and looked up from his laptop, "She's meeting her friends there, remember? Then you're driving them home when your shift is over."
"Fuck," Jesse mumbled, "There's going to be a lot of girls in the house." He got up from the couch. "I'm gonna go outside for a minute."
"I found the cigarettes behind the couch." Alex told him. Jesse sat back down.
Alex tossed him a lollipop from the bowl on the kitchen counter, "C'mon Jess. You know better."
"Hey! I've been to this Hot Topic!" I said excitability as Dani unlocked the store, "Jack and the rest of the band took me here when here Alex first adopted me."
"Good for you," Dani said sarcastically, "Now help me restock the merch."
Dani handed me shirts and I was to put them in the appropriate section. I started getting really excited. I knew all of the bands now. I've come so far from where I used to be.
"Hey Dani!" A tall dude with bright green hair came into the store.
"Yo Parker!" Dani greeted him and they did a handshake.
"Who's the fetus?" Parker said and jerked a thumb towards me, "Oh, wait. That's Jay, isn't it? You and Alex's kid."
"We aren't married. Shut the fuck up," Dani gave him a shove, "And yes, that's Jay. Jay, this is Parker. He's a dumbass."
"Hi dumbass," I said and accepted the high five he offered, "I'm fuckface."
Parker laughed, "Hi fuckface."
"HIIII JAYYYYY!" I heard a familiar yell. I turned around. It was Charlotte, dragging with her Nicole. She gave me a quick hug, "I'm here! Oh my God, you look so cute! Also, look who we found for you."
A slightly flushed, but still totally adorable, Skye appeared from behind Nicole. She smiled and kissed my cheek, "Hi girlfriend."
"Hi," I said and hugged her, "I'm so glad to see you." I really was. God, I missed her so much.
"The blue haired one stalked me and insisted I come," Skye informed me.
"Hey!" Charlotte protested, "The blue haired one has a name!"
"Wait," I heard Parker say, "She's not only awesome, but gay? So am I! We can have a gay club. Dani, you have one awesome child."
"And there's the foot court that Jack and I got thrown out of!" I said and gestured towards the center section of the mall.
"Why did you get thrown out?" Nicole asked me.
"We had a food fight," I explained, "That was also the day that I met Joey."
"I wanna meet Joey!" Charlotte squealed, "He sounds adorable!"
"Nic, do you want the rest of these fries?" Charlotte said and pushed the rest of the paper bowl towards her. Nicole pushed it back, "No thanks. I already ate."
"You should eat," Charlotte pressed.
"No, Char, I'm fine. I promise."
"Okay," She said, "But you really should."
"Where are we going next?" Nicole changed the subject, "Are we ready to go back to Hot Topic? Dani said her shift was over at 2. It's 1:30 now."
We had agreed to save Hot Topic as our last stop. I had self control and didn't buy anything with the 40 dollars that I had saved up. I want some more shirts.
"Can we make a quick stop at the jewelry store?" Skye asked us, "I want to look around in there for a bit."
So we went to the jewelry store. Except for some small glittery charms, everything was really expensive.
"Do you have a heart charm on your bracelet?" Skye said and squeezed my hand. I shook my head, "Nope."
"Good, because that's what I want to get you."
Skye let go of my hand as we walked up to the counter where the salesperson was. The salesperson looked at us with a confused yet horrified look on her face.
"I'm sorry, but I can't serve you." She said.
"Uh, why not?" I asked. What the fuck is her problem?
"You two were holding hands," She pointed at us, "I don't support your ways."
Instantly, Charlotte came rushing over. I was filled with a mix of gratitude and fear.
"Their ways?" Charlotte said slowly, "You mean the fact that they are two girls in a relationship?"
"Yes exactly. It's unnatural."
"Well, I want you to listen closely," She looked the salesgirl right in the eye, "You are being a homophobic little bitch and I sincerely hope that you can get your head out of your ass before it gets stuck up there forever."
"Is there a problem over here?" An older woman came over to us. She looked about 30.
"Yes there is," Charlotte explained, "Your clerk was refusing to serve my friend and her girlfriend because of the fact that they are two girls in a relationship."
"Is that true?" The older woman asked the salesgirl.
"Well, yeah," She muttered, "But-"
"There is no excuse for that. Go to the back. I will talk to you after I am done with these young ladies. Go. Right now."
The salesgirl slunk to the back of the store and the woman turned to me and Skye. "Girls, I am so sorry for that," She apologized, "I can assure you that she will no longer be employed by my business. I am sorry, so so sorry. Now what were you looking for today?"
"Um, that silver heart charm over there."
"Of course," She picked up the small charm, put it in a bag, and put it on the counter, "Here you go." Skye started to pull out a few bills from her pocket.
"No dear, that certainly isn't necessary. It's on the house. Again, I deeply apologize for my employee. That definitely wasn't okay and I will make sure that it never happens again."
We thanked the woman for her kindness and quickly left the store. Damn. I could still feel the sting. Skye fastened the heart on my charm bracelet. It looked so pretty in the lighting.
"Hey Charlotte?" I said.
"Thank you for calling that salesclerk a homophobic bitch."
"No problem," She said cheerfully, "That's what friends are for."
Hellooooooo friends. I just love Charlotte. Don't you love Charlotte?
Also I'm thinking maybe 2-3 more chapters left in this fic :(
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